

“Start a Blog to cement the things you learn. When you teach what you’ve learned in the form of a blog you can see the gaps in your knowledge and fill them in” — My Manager (2019)

“创建一个博客以巩固您所学到的东西。 当您以博客的形式讲授所学知识时,您会发现自己的知识空白并予以填补。” — My Manager(2019)

I first began blogging 8 months ago when I was tipped by my manager at work to do so as a means of cementing new things that I learned. He said “When you teach what you’ve learned in the form of a blog you can see the gaps in your knowledge and fill them in”. Fast-forward 8 months and I now have top writer status in Medium’s Artificial Intelligence category, whilst being amongst the top 5–8% of earners on the platform — It’s fair to say that cementing my knowledge this way has had some really cool by-products which have also opened many doors to me.

我最初在8个月前开始写博客,当时我的经理在工作中提示我这样做是为了巩固我学到的新知识。 他说:“ 当您以博客的形式教授所学到的知识时,您可以看到并补充知识中的空白 ”。 快进了8个月,我现在在“中等”人工智能类别中排名第一,同时又是该平台收入中排名前5至8%的人之一-可以这么说,以这种方式巩固我的知识确实让我感到很酷-产品也为我打开了许多大门。

I am going to tell you as my manager told me…


Start a Blog to cement your knowledge. When you teach what you’ve learned in the form of a blog you can see the gaps in your knowledge and fill them in!

创建博客以巩固您的知识。 当您以博客的形式教授所学到的知识时,您可以看到知识上的空白并加以填补!

I believe I can end this post here, but in case you are still not convinced, I am going to give some reasons as to why I believe it’s extremely important for you to start a Data Science blog even if you are an aspiring Data Scientist that started his/her first course yesterday.


Note: This is just one aspect of the greatest Data Science project you’ll carry out. View the link below for more on the most important Data Science project you’ll ever have to do.

注意 :这只是您将要执行的最大的数据科学项目的一方面。 请查看下面的链接,以获取有关您将要做的最重要的数据科学项目的更多信息。

建立您的在线足迹/个人品牌 (Build Your Online Footprint / Personal Brand)

I want you to press Ctrl + T on your keypad and type your name in on Google (or whatever your preferred search engine is). What comes up? Nothing? Ok, type in your favourite artist name. What comes up? Their background, their album, their tours and other channels to connect with them on, etc.

我希望您在键盘上按Ctrl + T ,然后在Google上输入您的名字(或您喜欢的搜索引擎)。 发生什么事了? 没有? 好的,输入您喜欢的歌手姓名。 发生什么事了? 他们的背景,专辑,旅行和其他与他们建立联系的渠道,等等。

If you want to be a rockstar Data Scientist, people should at least know where to find your work — Kurtis Pykes

如果您想成为摇滚明星的数据科学家,人们至少应该知道在哪里可以找到您的工作-Kurtis Pykes

Yes, you may find it cringey to type your own name in on Google (or your preferred search engine) and I don’t blame you, I do to. However, for most companies you apply for, it’s likely that they will do exactly that. Alternatively, If you search your name and a load of Data Science articles occur, you’ve basically handed them a second resume and they can make impressions of you based on your work. The employer has a chance to pick your brain before they ever sit down to speak to you about the job which can give you a strong competitive edge over other candidates.

是的,您可能会发现在Google(或您首选的搜索引擎)上键入自己的名字很困难,我不怪你,我这样做。 但是,对于您申请的大多数公司来说,他们很可能会做到这一点。 另外,如果您搜索自己的名字,并且出现了大量的数据科学文章,则基本上是将它们交给了第二份简历,并且他们可以根据您的工作给您留下深刻的印象。 雇主有机会在他们坐下来与您谈论这份工作之前动脑筋,这可以使您比其他应聘者具有强大的竞争优势。

Furthermore, you can begin to establish yourself as an expert on the topic you write about and everything you put out can be considered to be intellectual property. Cool feat!

此外,您可以开始在所撰写的主题上确立自己的专家地位,所发表的一切都可以被视为知识产权。 很棒的壮举!

Note: It’s important to think carefully about the things you decide to put out because you will be associated with what you write about.

注意 :仔细考虑您决定发布的内容非常重要,因为您将与自己撰写的内容相关联。

软技能开发 (Soft Skill Development)

Let’s take 4 soft skills that are highly regarded as ones that boost career growth and tie them into how a Data Science blog helps — there are more than 4 soft skills but the point is to hone in on the fact that having a data science blog is something you should do.


Emotional Intelligence


Emotional Intelligence is referred to as the ability to recognise the emotions of others and manage your own. Improving as a Data Science writer inherently constitutes learning the links between people’s emotions and how they behave hence allowing you to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience, which gives you a platform to influence them towards a common goal. For instance, you may be able to put yourself in the shoes of a beginner learning a very difficult technical topic and be able to break it down in a very simple way for the target audience to understand.

情商是指识别他人情绪并管理自己的情绪的能力。 成为一名数据科学作家,从本质上来说就是学习人们的情感与其行为方式之间的联系,从而使您能够立足于目标受众,这为您提供了一个平台,可以影响他们实现共同的目标。 例如,您也许可以让初学者学习一个非常困难的技术主题,并能够以一种非常简单的方式将其分解以使目标受众理解。

Growth Mindset


A growth mindset is the belief you have ultimate control of your ability, and can learn and improve. I think this one is self-explanatory. If you never want to run out of ideas on topics to write about, you will have to continually learn — it’s as simple as that.

成长心态是一种信念,您可以控制自己的能力,可以学习和提高。 我认为这是不言自明的。 如果您永远都不想耗尽要写的主题的想法,那么您就必须不断学习—就这么简单。

Openness To Feedback


Feedback is a major feat within the work environment. Being open and able to receive development feedback is critical to success at any job. Well, guess what? The minute you publish on your article to make your work public, you open yourself up to feedback. For example, I remember the upheaval that was caused on LinkedIn when I made a mistake about the assumptions of Linear Regression — yes, I made a mistake discussing one of the easiest Machine Learning algorithms ever. Although one may of taken this to be a public embarrassment, and many of the comments people were sharing were adding fuel to the flame, instead, I felt a much greater sense of responsibility to properly research whatever I write about and I was quick to befriend the person that called me out for helping me become better.

反馈是工作环境中的一项重大成就。 开放并能够接收开发反馈对于任何工作的成功都是至关重要的。 好吧,你猜怎么着? 在您发表文章以公开发表作品的那一刻,您就敞开心to接受反馈。 例如,当我对线性回归的假设出错时,我记得在LinkedIn上引起的剧变- 是的,在讨论有史以来最简单的机器学习算法之一时,我犯了一个错误。 尽管这可能是一种公开的尴尬,而且人们分享的许多评论正在助长火焰,但是,我感到有更大的责任感,需要认真研究我写的内容,并很快成为朋友。叫我帮助我变得更好的人。

“See people that correct your mistakes as those that want you to be the best you can be and befriend them!”


Work Ethic


If you truly want to succeed in a role in the workplace you’d need to willing put in the time, effort, and elbow grease required to achieve your goals. Starting (and maintaining) your own data science blog is not a prerequisite, in fact, you don’t have to. However, if you decide to you are not only expressing your work ethic to everyone around you, you also develop your own work ethic. Some people do this as a result of wanting to reach monetary targets with their blogs, some from social goals (i.e. having 3k followers), and others from ensuring they remain disciplined (i.e. ensuring to post 3 times a week). Whatever the reason, you develop your grit and that is a life skill to hold dear.

如果您真的想在工作场所中扮演成功的角色,则需要愿意花费时间,精力和肘部润滑脂来实现自己的目标。 启动(和维护)你自己的数据科学博客是不是一个先决条件,其实,你也不必 但是,如果您决定不只是向周围的每个人表达自己的职业道德,那么您还将发展自己的职业道德。 有些人这样做的原因是希望通过其博客达到货币目标,有些人来自社会目标(即拥有3000个关注者),而其他人则是通过确保自己受到纪律处分(即确保每周发布3次)。 不管是什么原因,您都会发展出勇气,这是一种珍贵的生活技能。

商机 (Opportunities)

With your Data Science blog, you are essentially marketing yourself, and good marketing will attract willing customers. In other words, if you do a good job of portraying the skills and qualities that you have, people will take note and approach you regarding these things. Beware that this is not exclusive to job offers, but it could be something significant that leads you meeting someone with a job offer or meeting someone that you go on to form a start up with, such as making you a guest speaker on a podcast where you discuss a blog post you’ve made or to write for a publisher — Who knows?

通过您的数据科学博客,您实质上是在营销自己,良好的营销将吸引有意愿的客户。 换句话说,如果您很好地描述了您所拥有的技能和素质,那么人们会注意到并就这些事情与您联系。 请注意,这并不是工作机会所独有的,但是它可能会导致您与某人见面并提供工作机会或与您继续创业的人见面,例如让您在播客上担任演讲嘉宾,您讨论您撰写的博客文章或为发布者撰写的博客文章-谁知道?

“Do things that increase your chances of achieving success”


结语 (Wrap Up)

There are many more reasons that I could of added as to why you should have a Data Science blog , but I am hoping that these 3 reasons were enough to persuade you to start. In general, I believe the overall purpose of having a blog should be to learn new exciting things which you then go on to teach. However, considering the upside of blogging can serve as an effective motivation tool to aid you in tackling the gritty work that is required for blogging.

关于您为什么应该拥有一个Data Science博客,我还有很多理由可以补充,但是我希望这三个理由足以说服您开始。 总的来说,我认为拥有博客的总体目的应该是学习新的令人兴奋的东西,然后继续教书。 但是,考虑博客的优势可以作为一种有效的激励工具,以帮助您解决博客所需的艰苦工作。

Thank you for reading to the end. If you liked this post, you may enjoy some of the post linked below:

感谢您阅读到最后。 如果您喜欢此帖子,则可以享受下面链接的一些帖子:

If you’d like to get in contact with me I am best accessible on LinkedIn!


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/3-reasons-why-you-should-have-a-data-science-blog-cdc1d4b0e8f4


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