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翻译 证明您履历表经验的防弹五步法

How many times have you gotten the question “Tell me more about your work experience at …” or “Describe an experience when you had to overcome a technical challenge”? Is your answer solid and bullet-p...

2020-09-15 05:14:51 657

翻译 一类动词二类动词三类动词_基于http动词的完全无效授权技术

一类动词二类动词三类动词Authorization is a basic feature of modern web applications. It’s a mechanism of specifying access rights or privileges to resources according to user roles. In case of CMS like applicatio...

2020-09-15 05:04:40 461

翻译 软件需求规格说明书通用模版_通用需求挑战和机遇

软件需求规格说明书通用模版When developing applications there will be requirements that are needed on more than one application. Examples of such common requirements are non-functional, cookie consent and design pa...

2020-09-15 04:55:37 660

翻译 robo 3t连接_使用robo 3t studio 3t连接到地图集

robo 3t连接Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is a graphical application to connect to MongoDB. The newest version now includes support for TLS/SSL and SNI which is required to connect to Atlas M0 free tier c...

2020-09-15 04:44:41 838

翻译 小程序 国际化_在国际化您的应用程序时忘记的一件事

小程序 国际化The hidden bugs waiting to be found by your international users 您的国际用户正在等待发现的隐藏错误 While internationalizing our applications, we focus on the things we can see: text, tool-tips, error messages,...

2020-09-15 04:35:11 119

翻译 关系型数据库的核心单元是_核中的数据关系

关系型数据库的核心单元是Nucleoid is an open source (Apache 2.0), a runtime environment that provides logical integrity in declarative programming, and at the same time, it stores declarative statements so that it...

2020-09-13 08:15:20 2765

翻译 熊猫直播 使用什么sdk_没什么可花的-但是16项基本操作才能让您开始使用熊猫

熊猫直播 使用什么sdkPython has become the go-to programming language for many data scientists and machine learning researchers. One essential data processing tool for them to make this choice is the pandas li...

2020-09-13 08:05:56 331

翻译 一年没做出量化策略_量化信念:如何做出更好的决定

一年没做出量化策略By Stuart George, Executive Director of Design Technology at Method Method设计技术执行总监Stuart George When Andrew Mason, founder of Groupon, wanted to improve his email conversion metrics, he turn...

2020-09-13 07:54:59 149

翻译 餐厅数据分析报告_如何使用数据科学选择理想的餐厅设计场所

餐厅数据分析报告 空间数据科学 (Spatial Data Science)Designing any product requires a lot of analysis and research. It is also true for designing any building. Before we begin to design any building, we collect inf...

2020-09-13 07:26:18 273

翻译 爱因斯坦提出的逻辑性问题_提出正确问题的重要性

爱因斯坦提出的逻辑性问题We live in a world that values answers. We were taught in school to learn how to answer questions in exams, we were conditioned to go to work knowing that we need to have the answers and o...

2020-09-13 07:07:38 1603

翻译 推理编程_答案集编程的知识表示和推理

推理编程Read about the difference between declarative and imperative programming and learn from code examples (Answer Set Programming, Python and C). 了解声明式和命令式编程之间的区别,并从代码示例(答案集编程,Python和C)中学习。 介绍 (Intr...

2020-09-13 06:57:50 780

翻译 python db2查询_如何将DB2查询转换为python脚本

python db2查询Many companies are running common data analytics tasks using python scripts. They are asking employees to convert scripts that may currently exist in SAS or other toolsets to python. One s...

2020-09-13 06:46:56 213

翻译 DeepOps for Business:建立AI优先公司

Enterprises and large companies like Facebook have had AI-first capability for years, but it’s only recently that small businesses could make the transition. Yuval Greenfield of missinglink.ai has dev...

2020-09-13 06:36:00 193

翻译 数据科学家数据分析师_使您的分析师和数据科学家在数据处理方面保持一致

数据科学家数据分析师According to a recent survey conducted by Dimensional Research, only 50 percent of data analysts’ time is actually spent analyzing data. What’s the other half spent on? Data cleanup — that t...

2020-09-13 06:25:21 188

翻译 贝叶斯网络建模

I am feeling sick. Fever. Cough. Stuffy nose. And it’s wintertime. Do I have the flu? Likely. Plus I have muscle pain. More likely. 我感到恶心。 发热。 咳嗽。 鼻塞。 现在是冬天。 我有流感吗? 可能吧 另外我有肌肉疼痛。 更倾向于。 Bayesian netwo...

2020-09-13 06:15:06 1911

翻译 python初学者_面向初学者的20种重要的Python技巧

python初学者Python is among the most widely used market programming languages in the world. This is because of a variety of driving factors: Python是世界上使用最广泛的市场编程语言之一。 这是由于多种驱动因素: It’s simple to understa...

2020-09-13 06:05:59 407

翻译 数据库不停机导数据方案_如何计算数据停机成本

数据库不停机导数据方案In addition to wasted time and sleepless nights, data quality issues lead to compliance risks, lost revenue to the tune of several million dollars per year, and erosion of trust — but what ...

2020-09-13 05:56:50 264

翻译 软件本地化 pdf_软件本地化与标准翻译

软件本地化 pdfSoftware has become such an essential part of our world that it’s impossible to imagine a life without it. There’s hardly a service or product around us that wasn’t created with software or t...

2020-09-13 05:46:15 382

翻译 深度学习算法原理_用于对象检测的深度学习算法的基本原理

深度学习算法原理You just got a new drone and you want it to be super smart! Maybe it should detect whether workers are properly wearing their helmets or how big the cracks on a factory rooftop are. 您刚刚拥有一架新无人...

2020-09-13 05:35:33 1319

翻译 无监督学习 k-means_无监督学习-第4部分

无监督学习 k-means 有关深层学习的FAU讲义 (FAU LECTURE NOTES ON DEEP LEARNING)These are the lecture notes for FAU’s YouTube Lecture “Deep Learning”. This is a full transcript of the lecture video & matching sli...

2020-09-13 05:25:47 104

翻译 大数据技术 学习之旅_为什么聚焦是您数据科学之旅的关键

David Robinson, a data scientist, has said the following quotes: 数据科学家David Robinson曾说过以下话: “When you’ve written the same code 3 times, write a function.” “当您编写了3次相同的代码时,请编写一个函数。” “When you’ve given...

2020-09-13 05:15:46 164

翻译 问卷 假设检验 t检验_真实问题的假设检验

问卷 假设检验 t检验A statistical Hypothesis is a belief made about a population parameter. This belief may or might not be right. In other words, hypothesis testing is a proper technique utilized by scientist...

2020-09-13 05:06:25 2541

翻译 docker部署flask_使用Docker,GCP Cloud Run和Flask部署Scikit-Learn NLP模型

docker部署flaskA brief guide to building an app to serve a natural language processing model, containerizing it and deploying it. 构建用于服务自然语言处理模型,将其容器化和部署的应用程序的简要指南。 By: Edward Krueger and Douglas Frank...

2020-09-13 04:56:45 344

翻译 如果您不将Docker用于数据科学项目,那么您将生活在1985年

重点 (Top highlight)One of the hardest problems that new programmers face is understanding the concept of an ‘environment’. An environment is what you could say, the system that you code within. In pri...

2020-09-13 04:37:24 93

翻译 为什么哈希表的长度应该是质数?

Every thorough data structures and algorithms course will cover the hash table data structure and, by extension, hash functions. In reviewing data structures recently, I came across the notion of redu...

2020-09-13 04:28:07 2280

翻译 线性插值插值_揭秘插值搜索

dnf 解密搜索器 搜索算法指南 (Searching Algorithm Guide)Prior to this article, I have written about Binary Search. Check it out if you haven’t seen it. In this article, we will be discussing Interpolation Search...

2020-09-13 04:17:27 230

翻译 从ncbi下载数据_如何从NCBI下载所有细菌组件

从ncbi下载数据One of the most important steps in genome analysis is gathering the data required for downstream research. This sometimes requires us to have the assembled reference genomes (mostly bacterial...

2020-09-13 03:57:46 3237

翻译 数据探查_数据科学家,开始使用探查器

数据探查Data scientists often need to write a lot of complex, slow, CPU- and I/O-heavy code — whether you’re working with large matrices, millions of rows of data, reading in data files, or web-scraping. ...

2020-09-13 03:47:15 331

翻译 每个人都应该使用的Python 3中被忽略的3个功能

重点 (Top highlight)Python 3 has been around for a while now, and most developers — especially those picking up programming for the first time — are already using it. But while plenty of new features c...

2020-09-13 03:27:24 118

翻译 vue domo网站_DOMO与Tableau-逐轮

Let me be your BI consultant. Best yet, let me be your free consultant on the following question: 让我成为您的BI顾问。 最好的是,让我成为您的免费顾问 ,解决以下问题: DOMO vs. Tableau — What should I use? DOMO vs. Tableau-我应该使用什么? ...

2020-09-13 03:17:12 427

翻译 成像数据更好的展示_为什么更多的数据并不总是更好

成像数据更好的展示Over the past few years, there has been a growing consensus that the more data one has, the better the eventual analysis will be. 在过去的几年中,越来越多的共识是,数据越多,最终的分析就越好。 However, just as humans can ...

2020-09-13 03:07:17 166

翻译 停止使用p = 0.05

How many of you use p=0.05 as an absolute cut off? p ≥ 0.05 means not significant. No evidence. Nada. And then p < 0.05 great it’s significant. This is a crude way of using p-values, and hopefully ...

2020-09-13 02:46:33 374

翻译 快速数据库框架_快速学习新的数据科学概念的框架

快速数据库框架 重点 (Top highlight) 数据科学 (Data Science)Success in data science and software engineering depends on our ability to continuously learn new models and concepts. 数据科学和软件工程的成功取决于我们不断学习新模型和概念的能力。 B...

2020-09-13 02:36:52 152

翻译 客户流失_了解客户流失

客户流失Big Data Analytics within a real-life example of digital music service 数字音乐服务真实示例中的大数据分析 Customer churn is a key predictor of the long term success or failure of a business. It is the rate at whi...

2020-09-13 02:27:26 240

翻译 数据可视化 信息可视化_动机可视化

数据可视化 信息可视化John Snow’s map of Cholera cases near London’s Broad Street. 约翰·斯诺(John Snow)在伦敦宽街附近的霍乱病例地图。 John Snow, “the father of epidemiology,” is famous for his cholera maps. These maps represent so...

2020-09-13 02:17:03 1154

翻译 sql如何处理null值_如何正确处理SQL中的NULL值

sql如何处理null值 前言 (Preface)A friend who has recently started learning SQL asked me about NULL values and how to deal with them. If you are new to SQL, this guide should give you insights into a topic t...

2020-09-13 02:06:06 4554

翻译 向量积判断优劣弧_判断经验论文优劣的10条诫命

向量积判断优劣弧There are a host of pathologies associated with the current peer review system that has been the subject of much discussion. One of the most substantive issues is that results reported in lead...

2020-09-13 01:55:14 407

翻译 对食材的敬畏之心极致产品_这些数据科学产品组合将给您带来敬畏和启发(2020年中的版本)

对食材的敬畏之心极致产品 为什么选择投资组合? (Why portfolios?)Data science is a tough field. It combines in equal parts mathematics and statistics, computer science, and black magic. As of mid-2020, it is also a booming ...

2020-09-13 01:45:22 508

翻译 biopython中文指南_Biopython新手指南-第1部分

biopython中文指南When you hear the word Biopython what is the first thing that came to your mind? A python library to handle biological data…? You are correct! Biopython provides a set of tools to perform...

2020-09-13 01:34:41 2068

翻译 如何不部署Keras / TensorFlow模型

While the most articles about deep learning are focusing at the modeling part, there are also few about how to deploy such models to production. Some of them say “production”, but they often simply us...

2020-09-13 01:24:44 301



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