data studio_面向营销人员的Data Studio —报表指南

data studio

In this guide, we describe both the theoretical and practical sides of reporting with Google Data Studio. You can use this guide as a comprehensive cheat sheet in your everyday marketing.

在本指南中,我们描述了使用Google Data Studio进行报告的理论和实践方面。 您可以在日常营销中将本指南用作全面的备忘单。

Data Studio用于市场营销报告的优点和局限性 (Benefits and Limitations of Data Studio for Marketing Reporting)

You’re probably familiar with Google Analytics and how to build reports there. Maybe you’ve even come up against the limit of 12 widgets in Google Analytics Dashboards. This and other limitations are why marketers start to use more advanced tools such as Data Studio that has lots of reporting templates. Moreover, Data Studio is a reliable tool for marketers and analysts to visualize tasks and regularly generate reports.

您可能熟悉Google Analytics(分析)以及如何在其中生成报告。 也许您甚至遇到了Google Analytics(分析)仪表板中12个小部件限制 。 这和其他限制是为什么营销人员开始使用更高级的工具(例如具有大量报告模板的Data Studio)的原因。 此外,Data Studio是营销人员和分析人员可视化任务并定期生成报告的可靠工具。

Let’s proceed to the benefits of Data Studio and see how it helps marketers visualize their reports:

让我们继续了解Data Studio的好处,看看它如何帮助营销人员形象化其报告:

  • Data Studio is free and stands a foot taller than other free visualization tools

    Data Studio是免费的,并且比其他免费的可视化工具高一英尺
  • Unlimited number of graph and chart widgets in one dashboard with simple drag-and-drop building

  • Plenty of widget types for personalization

  • Possibilities for branding your dashboards

  • 240+ connectors allow access to 500+ datasets


  • Familiar instant sharing options as in other Google products

  • Interactive features and dynamic widget updating

  • Plenty of ready-to-use dashboards, free templates, and how-to tutorials

  • Simple sharing options

  • Embedding on social media so your dashboards always look nice


With these features, marketers can build, present, and share their dashboards based on multiple sources however they imagine. But those who have tried Data Studio at least once know that these pros come with their cons.

利用这些功能,营销人员可以根据自己的想象,基于多种来源来构建,展示和共享其仪表板。 但是那些曾经尝试过Data Studio至少一次的人知道这些优点伴随着他们的缺点。

Limitations of Data Studio include:

Data Studio的局限性包括:

  • No option for downloading PDFs. If your boss likes reports built-in spreadsheets, she or he won’t appreciate Data Studio.

    没有下载PDF的选项。 如果您的老板喜欢报表内置电子表格,那么她或他将不会喜欢Data Studio。
  • No automated report building. If there’s a change in the base file, you have to go to View and refresh the whole report.

    没有自动生成报告。 如果基本文件有更改,则必须转到“查看”并刷新整个报告。
  • Even though the number of connectors is huge, data blending is allowed only for four sources, and they need at least one set of shared dimensions as a join key. Each time blending happens, the whole dashboard takes longer to load and becomes buggier.

    尽管连接器数量巨大,但仅允许四个源进行数据混合 ,并且它们至少需要一组共享维作为连接键。 每次进行混合时,整个仪表板的加载时间都会更长,并且变得更加笨拙。

  • Even 240 connectors might not be enough. To add and blend data before visualization, you need additional time and resources.

    甚至240个连接器可能还不够。 要在可视化之前添加和混合数据,您需要额外的时间和资源。
  • Branding possibilities are quite modest for modern appetites and presentation needs.


When you’re dealing with the simple task of reporting from one or two advertising services, Data Studio might be an efficient tool. But is a simple linear report a frequent flyer in any marketing department?

当您处理一项或两项广告服务中的报告这一简单任务时,Data Studio可能是一种有效的工具。 但是,简单的线性报告是否在任何营销部门都是常客?

Typically, you need to track different metrics all in one place in real-time with a blend of dozens of datasets from advertising accounts, your website or Google Analytics, keyword analyzers, CRM systems, call tracking systems, email campaigns, etc. But Data Studio can’t help you out with this, as it’s only a visualization tool.

通常,您需要使用来自广告帐户,您的网站或Google Analytics(分析),关键字分析器,CRM系统,呼叫跟踪系统,电子邮件活动等的数十个数据集来实时地一次跟踪不同的指标。 Studio不能帮您解决这个问题,因为它只是一个可视化工具。

For blending and collecting data, you can use OWOX BI. Here’s a brief list of its benefits:

为了混合和收集数据,可以使用OWOX BI。 以下是其好处的简要列表:

  • Works with all your sources and for all purposes

  • Can easily deal with UTM tags in your advertising campaign statistics

  • Automatically checks data quality and reports all errors

  • Collects everything in a single dataset in Google BigQuery and natively connects that dataset with Data Studio so you can enjoy full-fledged reporting

    将所有数据收集到Google BigQuery中的单个数据集中,并将该数据集与Data Studio本地连接,以便您享受完整的报告

It’s important to solve your data issues before you actually get into Data Studio. Doing so will save you time and help you figure out what you can present in your dashboard.

在您真正进入Data Studio之前,解决数据问题非常重要。 这样做可以节省您的时间,并帮助您弄清楚仪表板中可以显示的内容。

Let’s find out how to start working with Data Studio after all your data is ready.

让我们了解所有数据准备就绪后如何开始使用Data Studio。

Data Studio如何工作 (How Data Studio Works)

准备数据集 (Prepare the dataset)

  1. Log in to Data Studio and navigate to the home screen.

    登录到Data Studio并导航到屏幕。

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2. Click “+” to create and add a data source:

2.单击“ +”创建并添加数据源:

  • Choose your source and connector.

  • Log in to your source account.


3. Edit the dataset fields and metrics and add fields to your report.


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从小部件创建仪表板 (Create a dashboard from widgets)

4. Create a report and connect it with your dataset.


5. Create basic charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.


6. Add dimensions and metrics to track each of your visuals.


7. Add calculated fields for metrics and KPI formulas.


8. Think about filters for each chart or graph and add them if needed.


9. Add time periods and dataset selection to make your reports interactive.


定制 (Customize)

10. Format your captions and titles.


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11. Add brand features to your graphs and charts.


12. Publish and share your dashboard.


Basically, that’s all. You may also add comparison metrics and running totals right inside Data Studio or use dimensions from Google Analytics to make your reporting more advanced. As the possibilities of Data Studio are quite numerous, you can get lost in the dozens of features and options. To move in the right direction, remember the aim of your dashboard and what essential knowledge you want to generate from each graph or diagram.

基本上,仅此而已。 您也可以直接在Data Studio中添加比较指标和运行总计,也可以使用 Google Analytics(分析)中的维度来使报表更高级。 由于Data Studio的功能非常多,您会迷失在许多功能和选项中。 要朝正确的方向前进,请记住仪表板的目标以及要从每个图形或图表中生成的基本知识。

新建一个Data Studio仪表板还是使用现有的仪表板? (Build a new Data Studio dashboard or use an existing one?)

That’s the question you have to decide for yourself, as there are always two methods:


  • You can spend time creating your own dashboard based on what you need with handpicked features.

  • You can use a ready dashboard and spend some time fitting it to your needs and aligning it with your dataset.


There’s no hope at all that a ready Data Studio dashboard will fit you perfectly. But still, reviewing prebuilt dashboards is a great way to find out what a perfect dashboard might look like. And it’s a source of inspiration, as we know for sure that data is beautiful.

完全没有希望现成的Data Studio仪表板完全适合您。 但是,查看预置的仪表板仍然是找出理想仪表板外观的好方法。 正如我们可以肯定的那样,数据是美丽的,这是灵感的来源。

Let’s get inspired by a few examples of dashboards for all sorts of marketing needs. We’ll also mention what you have to do to build such a dashboard yourself.

让我们从满足各种营销需求的仪表板示例中汲取灵感。 我们还将提及您自己构建此类仪表板所要做的事情。

常规营销分析仪表板 (General marketing analytics dashboards)

This general marketing overview in the form of a Data Studio dashboard should contain information your department desperately needs every day. And it has to mirror the data on how your marketing is doing at the current moment. Depending on the type of your business, you might need a dashboard like the Google Merchandise Store dashboard:

以Data Studio仪表板的形式进行的一般营销概述应包含您部门每天迫切需要的信息。 而且它必须镜像有关您当前行销状况的数据。 根据您的业务类型,您可能需要一个仪表板,例如Google Merchandise Store仪表板:

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Or you might be interested in a more sophisticated dashboard like this OWOX BI Website Summary Template if you’re more concentrated on analyzing marketing channels:

或者,如果您更专注于分析营销渠道,则可能对像OWOX BI网站摘要模板这样的更复杂的仪表板感兴趣:

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In short, you need a lot of information here that’s directly connected with the main goals of your business and marketing. Even if you’re a big international company with thousands of offline stores and brand awareness KPIs for your online marketing activities, you should have such an analytical dashboard if you want to know how successful your efforts are.

简而言之,您需要在这里获得许多与业务和营销的主要目标直接相关的信息。 即使您是一家大型国际公司,拥有成千上万的线下商店和用于在线营销活动的品牌知名度KPI,但如果您想知道自己的努力有多成功,也应该拥有这样一个分析仪表板。

What do you need to build this dashboard?


  • Basic level: Even with Google Analytics data alone, you can build a general marketing analytics dashboard.

    基本级别:即使仅使用Google Analytics(分析)数据,您也可以构建常规的营销分析仪表板。
  • Advanced level: Prepare a dataset with CRM and advertising cost data to capture the whole picture with the help of OWOX BI.

    高级:使用CRM和广告成本数据准备数据集,以借助OWOX BI捕获整个图片。

What kinds of widgets might you need to include in this dashboard?


You can find the whole list of widgets here and apply any you need. The best trick is to set up a date range comparison or micro bar charts that will add some dynamic views.

您可以在此处找到所有小部件列表,并应用所需的任何内容。 最好的技巧是设置日期范围比较微型条形图 ,以添加一些动态视图。

Here’s a small Google Data Studio template called KPI Snapshot by Amazee Metrics as a dessert for those marketers who can’t live without KPIs in their reports:

这是一个由Amazee Metrics制作的名为KPI Snapshot的小型Google Data Studio模板作为那些无法在其报告中没有KPI的营销人员的甜点:

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网站效果仪表盘 (Website performance dashboards)

How many errors are there on your website right now? How many broken pages are there and how do they affect the bounce rate? Does redirecting work right now?

您的网站上现在有多少个错误? 那里有多少个断页,它们如何影响跳出率? 重定向现在可以正常工作吗?

A performance dashboard is concentrated on the technical side of your website and shows you if there are any troubles with your site’s performance. A typical performance dashboard in Google Data Studio contains information about:

性能仪表板集中在您网站的技术方面,并向您显示网站性能是否存在问题。 Google Data Studio中的典型性能仪表板包含有关以下信息:

  • the total number of sessions

  • the bounce rate

  • the top 10 landing pages

  • the page load speed for mobile/desktop

  • JavaScript errors

  • 404 errors.


This information is stored in Google Analytics so you can easily pull it from there. The following are a few examples of Google Data Studio website performance templates to help you choose the right widgets for your own dashboard.

此信息存储在Google Analytics(分析)中,因此您可以轻松地从那里提取信息。 以下是Google Data Studio网站效果模板的一些示例,可帮助您为自己的仪表板选择正确的小部件。

Builtvisible, JavaScript Error Tracker


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Aro Digital Template


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eCommerce Speed Dashboard by Canonicalized


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This kind of dashboard is crucial after migrating your website, adding new tracking codes to it, or deploying new technologies. To get the situation under control and roll back changes if needed, you’d better use a performance report that will immediately show you the truth about your current marketing situation.

在迁移网站,为其添加新的跟踪代码或部署新技术之后,这种仪表板至关重要。 为了使情况得到控制并在需要时回滚更改,最好使用性能报告,该报告将立即向您显示当前市场情况的真相。

付费搜索仪表板 (Paid search dashboards)

The paid search dashboards in Google Data Studio are perhaps the most popular category of dashboards. PPC specialists who care about the results of their paid campaigns and managers who are allocating budgets visit these dashboards daily, weekly, and monthly.

Google Data Studio中的付费搜索仪表板可能是最受欢迎的仪表板类别。 关心付费活动结果的PPC专家和分配预算的经理每天,每周和每月访问这些仪表板。

An efficient paid search dashboard has a couple of benefits compared to classic reporting in separate services:


  1. One tab is better than ten, You have one report for all your campaigns with possibilities to segment and filter them.

  2. Building one general report is faster than building five separate reports. If you’re launching ads only in Google Ads, then maybe this doesn’t affect you so much. But when you add Facebook Ads, then add Bing or any other service, sorting through your avalanche of reports will take more time than decision-making. That time-consuming routine kills the

    建立一份总报告比建立五份独立报告要快。 如果您仅在Google Ads中启动广告,那么也许这对您影响不大。 但是,当您添加Facebook Ads,然后添加Bing或任何其他服务时,对大量报告进行排序将比决策花费更多时间。 耗时的例程杀死了

    motivation to be productive and creative, as reporting becomes a stumbling block.


  3. You can only answer your main question, “Where should we increase our budgets,by analyzing all your PPC channels together.


You’ll have to add all sources of PPC advertising and Google Analytics data to the data set to get enough for a PPC dashboard. Think about this as a preparation that will happen once, after which you can use the results until you get bored.

您必须将所有PPC广告来源和Google Analytics(分析)数据添加到数据集中,以获取足够用于PPC仪表板的信息。 考虑一下这是一次准备工作,然后您可以使用结果直到感到无聊为止。

What special PPC features can you visualize in Data Studio?

您可以在Data Studio中看到哪些特殊的PPC功能?

  • KPI scorecards

  • Conversion-based tables with campaign names and keywords

  • Top advertising placements

  • Ratings for local actions, click type comparison

  • Auction insights plot chart, etc.


Your imagination is the limit. As well as your data skills. You may even create your own Google Data Studio YouTube template that will show you how efficient your paid advertising is via YouTube. Or just add YouTube as a page report in your all-in-one advertising dashboard alongside Facebook Ads, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media analytics.

您的想象力是极限。 以及您的数据技能。 您甚至可以创建自己的Google Data Studio YouTube模板,向您展示通过YouTube付费广告的效率。 或只是将YouTube作为页面报告添加到您的多合一广告仪表板中,并与Facebook Ads,Twitter,Instagram和其他社交媒体分析一起。

Check out these great examples of pay-per-click advertising dashboards by talented marketers and analyzers:


Data Driven Template, Consolidated PPC Advertising


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PPC Dashboard by Data4Insights


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Adwords, [Lead Generation] Data Studio Dashboard by One PPC

Adwords,[一个潜在客户生成] Data Studio仪表板,由一个PPC提供

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Aren’t they great? We hope your PPC dashboards will be even better.

他们不是很棒吗? 我们希望您的PPC仪表板会更好。

代理商专用的Studio (Data Studio for agencies)

This type of report can basically be the same as general overview reports but should contain a separate page for each client. It’s really useful when you can track all your clients on the same page of the dashboard.

这种类型的报告基本上可以与常规概述报告相同,但每个客户应包含一个单独的页面。 当您可以在仪表板的同一页上跟踪所有客户时,它非常有用。

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Example of the Agency Pulse Report by Blueprint

电子商务报告 (E-commerce reporting)

A simple but useful e-commerce report in Data Studio is the best place for all top management of online retailers to live. These dashboards are concentrated on sales, so your Enhanced e-commerce setup should be perfect to show you reliable insights.

Data Studio中简单但有用的电子商务报告是所有在线零售商高层管理人员居住的最佳场所。 这些仪表板集中在销售上,因此您的增强型电子商务设置应该非常适合向您显示可靠的见解。

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Detailed e-commerce dashboard based on Google Analytics data
基于Google Analytics(分析)数据的详细的电子商务信息中心

An efficient e-commerce Data Studio dashboard should contain:

高效的电子商务Data Studio仪表板应包含:

  • an overview of channels/generated revenue or other available e-commerce metrics

  • a bar chart with channel groupings and one of your general KPIs (generated revenue, for example)

  • a time series with e-commerce metric lines, add to cart, purchases, quantity, etc.

  • a map of purchases

  • a treemap for categories of goods depending on sales volumes

  • a scatter chart for those e-commerce metrics that didn’t fit in the previous graphs.


That’s huge! Aren’t your hands itching to try all these widgets? Let’s review some good Google Data Studio templates for inspiration:

太好了! 您不是很想尝试所有这些小部件吗? 让我们回顾一下一些好的Google Data Studio模板以获取灵感:

Data Runs Deep, AABC


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Sales and Shopping Behavior dashboard by My Digital Lab


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内容营销仪表板 (Content marketing dashboards)

Content marketing is a gentle flower. A Data Studio dashboard is one of the best ways to understand what works and what fails in your content marketing. If you’re an online media company that totally depends on visitors, you should keep an eye on them to keep your business afloat.

内容营销是一朵温柔的花。 Data Studio仪表板是了解内容营销中哪些有效和哪些无效的最好方法之一。 如果您是一家完全依赖访问者的在线媒体公司,则应密切注意访问者,以使您的业务持续发展。

Also, modern brands are using content marketing to cultivate brand awareness and are deeply interested in the success of their blogs.


Here are some examples of content marketing dashboards, after which you’ll find a list of widgets as a starter idea for your own Data Studio dashboard dedicated to content.

以下是内容营销仪表板的一些示例,之后您将找到小部件列表,作为自己专用于内容的Data Studio仪表板的入门思路。

Blog Content Performance by Alberto Grande

Alberto Grande的博客内容性能

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Google Analytics for Copywriters & Content Strategists by WebAnalyticsSetup

WebAnalyticsSetup提供的针对撰稿人和内容策略师的Google Analytics(分析)

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The number of widgets you need is up to you, but you should start with a simple set:


  • Measuring customer engagement: clicks on links, forms, scrolls, time spent on the page with landing pages applied as a dimension, etc.

  • Measuring brand visibility: time-series graph with site impressions


  • Table with organic engagement filtered by channel

  • Landing page/goal completion table for simple lead generation checks


Great ideas for the beginning, don’t you think?


排名跟踪信息中心 (Rank tracking dashboard)

For those who are familiar with search engine optimization (SEO), there’s no point in explaining the need for a rank tracking dashboard. For the rest of our readers, here’s a brief review of the reasons for such a dashboard:

对于那些熟悉搜索引擎优化(SEO)的人来说,没有必要解释排名跟踪仪表板的必要性。 对于我们的其他读者,下面简要回顾一下创建这种仪表板的原因:

  • Explore your keyword queries

  • Control how your rankings develop with time

  • Mark anomalies in query rankings


This report might look simple, but it’s mighty:


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完整的SEO营销报告+本地SEO +营销仪表板 (Complete SEO report for marketing + local SEO + marketing dashboard)

Offering everything from a traffic overview to search results performance and backlinks and ending with technical SEO and enhanced search engine results page (SERP) analysis, a complete SEO dashboard in Data Studio is a magic bullet for any digital business.

提供从流量概述到搜索结果性能和反向链接的所有内容,并以技术SEO和增强的搜索引擎结果页面(SERP)分析为结尾,Data Studio中完整的SEO仪表板对于任何数字业务都是神奇的子弹。

SEO template by SemRush


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Organic Traffic Template


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As you can see, SEO provides nearly unlimited options for applying and customizing widgets. After adding your website data and search console data, we recommend adding your Google My Business account for marvelous local SEO and marketing dashboards such as this one:

如您所见,SEO提供了几乎无限的选项来应用和定制窗口小部件。 添加完网站数据和Search Console数据后,我们建议您添加Google My Business帐户,以用于出色的本地SEO和市场营销仪表盘,例如:

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穿越仪表板森林 (Dashing Through the Dashboard Forest)

Data Studio is a great tool for modern marketers that despite a few limitations remains the most serious competitor to the paid versions of Tableau and Power BI. We hope we’ve at least scratched the surface when it comes to using Data Studio templates in your everyday practice. Save this article as a pocket encyclopedia on Data Studio dashboard templates and share it with your colleagues.

Data Studio是现代营销人员的绝佳工具,尽管存在一些限制,但它仍然是Tableau和Power BI付费版本的最主要竞争对手。 我们希望至少在日常操作中涉及到Data Studio模板方面的问题。 将本文另存为Data Studio仪表板模板上的袖珍百科全书,并与您的同事共享。


data studio





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