

When I embarked on my programming journey, I often wasn’t sure about the right way of doing things. I learned pretty quickly that there’s more than one right way of doing things. But some ways are just not great, and those are the ones I want to shine some light on.

当我开始编程之旅时,我常常不确定做事的正确方法。 我很快就知道,做事不只一种正确的方法。 但是有些方法不是很好,而那些方法是我想阐明的。

You may have already discovered that your approach to the process matters and are wondering how you can optimize your own learning journey. By avoiding doing the following mistakes, you can do exactly that.

您可能已经发现,该过程的方法很重要,并且想知道如何优化自己的学习过程。 通过避免犯以下错误,您可以做到这一点。

1.不要专注于学习尽可能多的语言/技术 (1. Don’t Focus on Learning as Many Languages/Technologies as Possible)

Take a project-oriented approach.


One common misconception among beginners is that they believe it’s impressive to know a bunch of languages and technologies.


Well, that’s true, but it’s more important to show you can apply them.


It’s a good idea to have projects showing different language/technology skills. It certainly shows adaptability, which is a great skill given the ever-changing nature of programming technologies. But if you’re focused on simply assimilating the syntax and how-to of all the languages that are out there, you’re doing it wrong. Every time you learn a new language or technology, make a point to build something with it.

拥有显示不同语言/技术技能的项目是一个好主意。 它肯定显示出适应性,鉴于编程技术的不断变化的性质,这是一项伟大的技能。 但是,如果您只专注于简化所有语言的语法和操作方法,那您做错了。 每次您学习一种新的语言或技术时,都着眼于用它来构建东西。

Don’t just move on to the next one.


Programming is a lot like math in the sense that you need to practice and then practice some more. When you learn a new tool/technology, make sure you’re applying it and building up your portfolio as you go. You will undoubtedly improve as a programmer in the process, and afterward, you can use the end-result to market yourself. It’s really a win-win.

从某种意义上说,编程就像数学,您需要练习然后再练习一些。 当您学习一种新的工具/技术时,请确保您正在应用它并在逐步发展自己的产品组合。 毫无疑问,您将在此过程中成为一名程序员,然后再使用最终结果来推销自己。 这确实是双赢。

2.不要在不确定新技术是否适合您的需求的情况下跳入新技术 (2. Don’t Jump Into New Technologies Without Being Certain They Fit Your Needs)

Take the time to do your research.


There might be a better framework or language out there for what you’re trying to do. I like to read the documentation, look up projects built with said technologies, and then make my pick.

您可能正在尝试使用更好的框架或语言。 我喜欢阅读文档,查找使用上述技术构建的项目,然后选择。

For example, some libraries/frameworks might have functions that do exactly what you want, while another might require you to write complicated code. Even if certain technologies are less popular, they might allow you to save a lot of time and likely create something more scalable.

例如,某些库/框架可能具有完全满足您需要的功能,而另一些库/框架可能需要您编写复杂的代码。 即使某些技术不那么受欢迎,它们也可能使您节省大量时间,并可能创建更具可扩展性的内容。

Basically, do a bit of research before deciding on a tool.


I’ve seen programmers rush to try to arrive at a solution, but it’s good practice to sometimes take a step backward and look at the big picture. If your project is somewhat large, prototyping smaller bits with the technologies you have in mind is a great way to see if they fit your needs and if you are on the right track by assessing how your work is coming together.

我已经看到程序员急于寻求解决方案,但是这是一个很好的实践,有时会退后一步,放眼大局。 如果您的项目规模较大,则可以使用所考虑的技术对较小的部分进行原型制作,这是一种评估它们是否满足您的需求以及通过评估工作进展情况是否处于正确轨道的好方法。

3.不要藏匿工作 (3. Don’t Stash Away Your Work)

Make sure you’re showcasing your work.


And not just your best work. See if you can improve the work you’re less proud of and may have worked on a while ago. I’ve been able to boost multiple older projects from mediocre to impressive, and at times, I had completely forgotten that they even existed. Therefore, to build up your portfolio, start by looking through your past projects to see if you can refurbish any before starting from scratch, as this can save you a lot of time.

而不仅仅是您的最佳工作。 看看您是否可以改善您不那么引以为傲的工作,而该工作可能是前一段时间进行的。 我已经能够将多个较旧的项目从平庸变成令人印象深刻,有时,我完全忘记了它们甚至存在。 因此,要建立您的投资组合,请先浏览过去的项目,看看是否可以翻新任何项目,因为这样可以节省大量时间。

Secondly, learn to pitch your work. Passionate storytelling behind your projects — such as why you picked the specific project, why you did it the way you did, etc. — can be very compelling. A personal touch makes your projects a lot more memorable.

其次,学会推销自己的工作。 在项目背后进行充满激情的故事讲述-例如为什么选择特定项目,为什么按照您的方式进行等等-可能会非常有说服力。 个人风格使您的项目更加令人难忘。

And of course, make sure you’re putting your work up on GitHub.


4.不要忽视设计,由内而外 (4. Don’t Overlook Design, Inside and Out)

Good design = good engineering.


And that’s what you want to do. Writing clean, efficient code will not only make your code reusable and more readable, but whatever you build will just be better. Not applying good design principles while building can eventually lead to issues in performance and/or scalability. Additionally, code design and optimization are frequently tested during interviews, so it’s best to form good coding habits early on.

这就是您想要做的。 编写干净,高效的代码不仅将使您的代码可重用且更具可读性,而且无论构建任何内容都将变得更好。 在构建时未应用好的设计原则最终会导致性能和/或可伸缩性问题。 此外,代码设计和优化经常在面试中进行测试,因此最好尽早养成良好的编码习惯。

Front-end/UI/UX design is also important, as that is what often determines whether your audience will stick around or not. Projects with polished front-end design are more impressive, as your work looks more finished and thus more professional. Pick up a good book on code design and learn the basic concepts of UX design. You’ll be building better products overall.

前端/ UI / UX设计也很重要,因为这通常决定您的听众是否会留在身边。 带有抛光前端设计的项目给人留下深刻的印象,因为您的工作看起来更加完成,因此更加专业。 挑选一本关于代码设计的好书,学习UX设计的基本概念。 您将整体上构建更好的产品。

5.不要跳过文档 (5. Don’t Skip Documentation)

Adopt programming best practices.


While you’re building your portfolio, make sure to not skip over commenting on your code and proper documentation for your project. This will show that you’re familiar with industry standards and also make the flow of your code more easily understandable to your audience.

在构建投资组合时,请确保不要跳过对代码的注释以及项目的适当文档。 这将表明您熟悉行业标准,并使您的受众更容易理解代码流。

High-quality documentation also highlights your technical writing skills, which can make you stand out. In professional settings, documentation is typically an essential aspect of the work, and therefore you’ll be building skills that will help you in the long run as well. As many engineers often work with or from the same codebase, proper documentation helps everyone involved stay up to date on what’s happening in the project.

高质量的文档还突出了您的技术写作技巧,这可以使您脱颖而出。 在专业环境中,文档通常是工作的重要方面,因此,您将建立技能,从长远来看也会对您有所帮助。 由于许多工程师经常使用相同的代码库或在同一代码库中工作,因此适当的文档可以帮助每个参与人员及时了解项目中正在发生的事情。

6.不要跳过任何一个测试 (6. Don’t Skip Testing Either)

Go above and beyond.


And by that, I don’t just mean whether your project can perform the basic expected functions. For more significant projects, you should go beyond that. Test on multiple devices, operating systems, browsers, and every edge case, if possible. Make sure to cover your ground, as you never know the conditions under which someone might be assessing your work.

而且,我的意思不仅仅是说您的项目是否可以执行基本的预期功能。 对于更重要的项目,您应该超越此范围。 如果可能,请在多种设备,操作系统,浏览器和每种情况下进行测试。 确保掩盖自己的立场,因为您永远不知道有人会在什么情况下评估您的工作。

Better yet, get in the habit of unit testing and writing comprehensive test suites for your projects on GitHub. This demonstrates that you are serious about the quality of your work and you value bug-free, robust software development. You’ll also learn a lot about the value of modularity this way, which will, in turn, lead you to improve as a programmer.

更好的是,养成在GitHub上为您的项目编写单元测试和编写全面的测试套件的习惯。 这表明您对工作质量很认真,并且重视无缺陷的健壮软件开发。 通过这种方式,您还将学到很多有关模块化价值的知识,这反过来又可以带您提高程序员的水平。

7.不仅专注于编码 (7. Don’t Only Focus on Coding)

Programming technologies are constantly changing, but the computer science concepts behind them aren’t.


Learning about algorithms, mathematics, and core computer science concepts isn’t useless, even though they don’t seem immediately useful and applicable. These core concepts take effect behind the scenes in your thought process and help you become a better engineer in the long run by strengthening your foundation of computer science as a subject.

学习算法,数学和核心计算机科学概念并不是没有用的,即使它们似乎并不是立即有用和适用的。 这些核心概念在您的思考过程中会在后台发生作用,并通过增强计算机科学作为一门学科的基础,帮助您从长远来看成为一名更好的工程师。

Since technologies are frequently changing, this will therefore make you more capable of picking up new languages and technologies with greater ease. In fact, knowledge of algorithms and data structure is frequently tested in interviews. Ideally, aim for a good balance of coding and theory to be a well-rounded programmer.

由于技术是经常变化的,因此,这将使您更有能力轻松掌握新的语言和技术。 实际上,算法和数据结构的知识经常在访谈中进行测试。 理想情况下,力求在编码和理论之间取得良好的平衡,以成为一名全面的程序员。

8.不要单飞 (8. Don’t Fly Solo)

Find your tribe.


Having someone who’s also on their own coding journey as a learning partner can make all the difference as a beginner. You will be able to share your individual progress and also learn from each other’s mistakes. You will also be able to collaborate on projects, which can speed up the time it would take to finish if you divide-and-conquer the work. Another major advantage is being able to practice pair programming and mock interviews, where you can help each other identify and improve on your areas of weaknesses.

如果有人也要自己作为学习伙伴参加编码之旅,那么对于初学者来说,一切都会有所不同。 您将可以分享自己的个人进步,也可以从彼此的错误中学习。 您还可以在项目上进行协作,这可以加快您分而治之的完成时间。 另一个主要优点是能够练习结对编程和模拟面试,在这里您可以互相帮助识别并改善您的弱点领域。

To be fair, this applies to every field, but due to the introverted nature of programming, it’s easy to forget how worthwhile this can be. Even if you feel like you don’t need a learning partner, keep in mind that you will be collaborating with other developers in most professional settings. Therefore, the ability to function well in a team environment is an essential skill.

公平地说,这适用于每个领域,但是由于编程的内向性,很容易忘记这样做的价值。 即使您觉得不需要学习伙伴,也请记住,您将在大多数专业环境中与其他开发人员合作。 因此,在团队环境中良好运作的能力是必不可少的技能。

While soft skills may not be the first thing you need as a programmer, they’ll certainly help with your career trajectory in the long run.


9.不要为了钱而做 (9. Don’t Do It for the Money)

Do it because you enjoy it.


This sounds harsh, but programming is not for everyone. Programming requires a fair bit of commitment but has the potential to be a very rewarding career path. I’ve seen numerous people give up in the midst of learning, and it’s because they simply weren’t committed enough in the first place. Additionally, you don’t want to end up in a career that you simply don’t enjoy, as it’ll eventually lead you to be unfulfilled.

这听起来很刺耳,但是编程并不适合所有人。 编程需要一定的投入,但有可能成为一条非常有意义的职业道路。 我已经看到很多人在学习中放弃了,这是因为他们一开始就没有足够的决心。 此外,您也不想结束自己根本不喜欢的职业,因为这最终会使您感到无法完成。

Finally, don’t assume you will hack everyone and everything. Have realistic expectations, an optimistic outlook, and be humble.

最后,不要以为您会入侵所有人。 有现实的期望,乐观的看法并且要谦虚。

And most importantly, don’t stop building and learning.


Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/what-not-to-do-the-beginner-programmers-guide-7e3d427db903


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