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翻译 尚硅谷 硅谷新闻_硅谷如何将真正的创新变成一种夸大的幻想
尚硅谷 硅谷新闻By Katharine Schwab 凯瑟琳·施瓦布(Katharine Schwab) For as long as it has existed, people have been trying to replicate the magic of Silicon Valley, to capture some of its ineffable ability to prod...
2020-10-14 10:59:56 550
翻译 不曾想过 未来的_未来想要什么
不曾想过 未来的A look at how digital technologies designed for young people are often addictive, unhealthy or unsafe — and what we should be doing about it.看看为年轻人设计的数字技术通常会令人上瘾,不健康或不安全-以及我们应该如何做。by Stephani...
2020-10-11 23:29:11 353
翻译 网络资本主义_资本主义真的可以重新想象吗
网络资本主义A proposal by the Omidyar Network, the philanthropic investment organization created by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, “Our call to reimagine capitalism in America” (pdf) outlines a five-pillar co...
2020-10-11 23:18:34 399
翻译 虚拟学习正在帮助土著语言抵抗灭绝
At 8 a.m. on a recent Tuesday, I log into a remote Anishinaabemowin class from my home on Duwamish, Salish, and Stillaguamish territory in Seattle, Washington. At the same time, Isadore Toulouse start...
2020-10-11 22:56:47 802
翻译 fitbit手表中文说明书_fitbit感觉智能手表动手
fitbit手表中文说明书I’ve worn a Fitbit nearly every day for the past decade — from the company’s original paperclip-like tracker launched in 2009 to its recent Versa smartwatch. That’s why I was excited this...
2020-10-11 22:36:28 8660
翻译 凯西·牛顿(Casey Newton)即将离任
重点(Top highlight)Casey Newton, The Verge’s longtime Silicon Valley editor and the creator of The Interface newsletter, is leaving the publication to start a newsletter on Substack called Platformer.卡西...
2020-10-11 22:25:38 725
翻译 工作意识有哪些内容_有意识地消费内容
工作意识有哪些内容8:30pm. Hail from the brief spring storm is slowly melting from the window. Just off the nightly phone call my partner and I use to debrief and stay connected I am aware I am feeling mildly a...
2020-10-11 22:14:47 427
翻译 airpods自动连接不上_首先在airpods pro上收听空间音频
airpods自动连接不上Spatial audio brings head tracking and a surround-sound effect to the AirPods Pro with iOS 14. We take it for a test drive to find out what it’s all about.空间音频为iOS 14的AirPods Pro带来了头部跟踪和环...
2020-10-11 22:04:39 3460
翻译 需要良好的空气质量数据,希望您生活在一个富裕的社区
In Black communities and other communities of color, pollution is a daily struggle, not just during wildfire season—and getting accurate air quality data often depends on your ZIP code.在黑人社区和其他有色人种社区,...
2020-10-11 21:53:56 143
翻译 漫天的我飘落在枫叶上雪花上_揭开雪花的神秘面纱,史上最大的软件IPO
漫天的我飘落在枫叶上雪花上重点(Top highlight)股票行情(The Ticker)Welcome to The Ticker, a series that examines everything you need to know about companies going public.欢迎来到The Ticker ,该系列调查了您需要了解的有关公司上市的所有信息。One week ...
2020-10-11 21:43:24 384
翻译 第三方支付机构监管历史_大型科技需要新的强大政府监管机构来加强真正的透明度...
第三方支付机构监管历史By Ashley Boyd阿什利·博伊德(Ashley Boyd)Here’s an unsettling exercise: Imagine if the food manufacturing industry could abandon all transparency. In this world, the Food and Drug Administration ...
2020-10-11 21:33:25 263
翻译 女性皮肤为什么细腻_为女性开启科技之门
女性皮肤为什么细腻The more I read and hear about the challenges women face in the technology industry, the more it strikes me that the issues often raised — whether lack of advancement, not being taken serious...
2020-10-11 21:24:18 436
翻译 大数据神奇的例子_神奇宝贝背后的秘密大获成功
大数据神奇的例子According to Sensor Tower Store Intelligence, Pokémon Go made $894 million in 2019, which was more than the earnings of $832 million when Pokémon GO took the world in 2016. It’s really rear fo...
2020-10-11 21:13:26 235
翻译 程序员初学者接单_初学者程序员指南该做什么
程序员初学者接单When I embarked on my programming journey, I often wasn’t sure about the right way of doing things. I learned pretty quickly that there’s more than one right way of doing things. But some ways...
2020-09-17 22:19:14 1304
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