

The more I read and hear about the challenges women face in the technology industry, the more it strikes me that the issues often raised — whether lack of advancement, not being taken seriously, or toxic cultures — all speak to a fundamental question.


Are women in tech treated like they belong there?


The question is an important one, because the industry has been struggling to correct a large gender imbalance for decades and failing. Women either avoid tech altogether or are difficult to retain, and participation has stagnated at around 25% for years, far lower in leadership positions and for women of color. Over half of the population is a relative novelty in the biggest and most influential economic sector on the planet.

这个问题是一个重要的问题,因为数十年来,该行业一直在努力纠正巨大的性别失衡并以失败告终。 妇女要么完全避免使用高科技,要么很难保留技术,而且多年来的参与率一直停滞在25%左右,领导职位和有色女性的参与率低得多。 在地球上最大和最有影响力的经济部门中,超过一半的人口是相对新颖的。

There are plenty of clues as to why this is the case. I’m a director of a technology ecosystem group that recently received an anonymous email about me. Part of it said:

有很多关于为什么会这样的线索。 我是一个技术生态系统小组的主管,该小组最近收到了一封关于我的匿名电子邮件。 其中一部分说:

“Alexis Pappas is not a blockchain expert, she’s a fraud. She doesn’t even have a tech degree.”

“ Alexis Pappas不是区块链专家,她是个骗局。 她甚至没有技术学位。”

We all laughed at it — in our emerging niche of technology, hardly anyone has a relevant degree— but those words did have an effect. They made me reflect on the idea of belongingness, and what it means for women in our industry.

我们都为之大笑-在我们新兴的技术领域,几乎没有人拥有相关学位-但这些话确实有作用。 他们让我思考归属感的概念,以及对我们行业中女性的意义。

What does it take to belong in the tech industry?


Do I belong here?


I had a big early interest in technology and futurism, but my career path was definitely non-conformist. I started an e-commerce business selling designer clothing and handbags out of high school, then I followed my love of writing into travel journalism.

我对技术和未来主义怀有很大的兴趣,但是我的职业道路绝对是不循规蹈矩的。 高中毕业后,我开始从事电子商务业务,销售名牌服装和手袋,然后我热衷于写旅游新闻。

Next, I helped found a commercial real estate company, while spending years investing in energy and mining equities, especially lithium. That led to exploring clean energy innovation, and about 8 years ago, I started working with early-stage technology companies on commercialization and investment-readiness strategies.

接下来,我帮助建立了一家商业房地产公司,同时花了数年时间投资于能源和矿业股票,尤其是锂。 这导致了对清洁能源创新的探索,大约8年前,我开始与早期的技术公司合作,进行商业化和投资就绪战略。

Through a few synchronicities, I wound up in the fascinating world of digital technologies like blockchain and took a deep dive into some amazing projects and organizations — one of which received that anonymous email.


While I don’t know why I was singled out, the underlying attitude of: “You’re not really in tech unless xyz” seems pretty pervasive across the industry.


You’re not really in tech unless you program and code.


You’re not really in tech unless you fit the demographic stereotype.


You’re not really in tech unless you have a university degree in tech.


You’re not really in tech unless you identify with the right subcultures.


Or any variety of nouns and verbs — but the problem is that people aren’t formulas. The most powerful force for change in the world shouldn’t have the attitudes of a high school clique. Exclusion has large detrimental effects on workplace advancement and physical and mental health, and it lies at the heart of tech’s issues with gender parity.

或任何种类的名词和动词-但问题在于人们不是公式。 世界上最强大的变革力量不应该具有高中集团的态度。 排斥对工作场所的进步以及身心健康有很大的不利影响,这是性别均等技术问题的核心。

Socially, this is what’s known as “gatekeeping”: the monitoring of worthiness to belong to a group by self-appointed judges. Some aspects of tech do require highly specialized knowledge, education and experience, but women who meet those criteria still face barriers to acceptance and progress.

从社会上讲,这就是所谓的“守门员”:由自任命的法官来监督对一个团队的归属感。 科技的某些方面确实需要高度专业化的知识,教育和经验,但是符合这些标准的女性仍然面临接受和进步的障碍。

And often, they leave, to try yet another company or a different field entirely. No one wants to stay where they don’t feel they belong. And women aren’t more sensitive to exclusion — they simply experience more of it in this industry.

他们经常离开,去尝试另一家公司或完全不同的领域。 没有人愿意留在他们不属于自己的地方。 女人对排斥并不敏感-他们只是在这个行业中经历更多。

But we can’t allow gatekeepers to stand in our way.


In our New Normal, economic trends urgently require for women to pivot to into growth markets. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and a dramatic rise in business automation, areas of traditional female employment and entrepreneurship — food and retail, office and legal administration, marketing, and customer service — are being decimated while technology’s relevance increases in scope and scale.

在我们的《新常态》中,经济趋势迫切要求女性进入增长市场。 在COVID-19大流行和商业自动化急剧增长之间,传统的女性就业和创业领域(食品和零售,办公室和法律管理,市场营销和客户服务)正在被淘汰,而技术的重要性在范围和规模上不断提高。

How many decades will the status of women roll back if these common career options are lost, and we don’t participate in the next wave of opportunities?


My convoluted resume probably wouldn’t make it through your average HR screening, but I can trace the skills and abilities I use now back to all of my previous incarnations, from writing and analysis to business development and trend prediction.


Millions of women across different sectors have similarly transferable skills and they bring incredible value to the table in technology. This is an industry that will benefit greatly from more talent and creativity in sales, marketing, product development and relationship building. People skills — the human part of the equation.

不同部门的数百万妇女具有类似的可转让技能,她们为技术带来不可思议的价值。 这个行业将从销售,市场营销,产品开发和关系建立方面的更多人才和创造力中受益匪浅。 人际交往能力-等式中的人为部分。

Solutions to massive societal and economic issues are never simple, but I truly believe this one starts with a shift in mindset. Technology absolutely needs more women with specialized degrees and computer science backgrounds, but it will also thrive with the addition of the transferable skills and new perspectives that come from a diversity of experiences.

解决大规模社会和经济问题从来都不是一件容易的事,但我真正相信,这始于观念转变。 技术绝对需要更多具有专业学位和计算机科学背景的女性,但随着多种经验的积累,可转让技能和新观点的发展,技术也将蓬勃发展。

The economic evidence is strong — studies consistently show that inclusive companies are more profitable, productive and creative, with talent that stays for the long haul and a greater understanding of their customers.


Inclusion creates a fertile ground for holistic thinking — the ability to look beyond a particular process or end result to understand the overarching system and meaningful impacts. In our connected world, one where devices, people and systems are increasingly interlinked in a vast digital fabric, employees and leaders with the capacity to step back and see the bigger picture are essential for business success.

包容性为整体思维创造了沃土-超越特定过程或最终结果去了解总体系统和有意义影响的能力。 在我们这个互联的世界中,设备,人员和系统之间越来越紧密地连接在广阔的数字结构中,拥有能力后退并看到更大局面的员工和领导者对于企业成功至关重要。

It’s no wonder that Tesla, Apple and Google now hire and seek out employees without 4-year degrees or who come from non-tech industries, and female representation in leadership roles has become a non-negotiable condition for some financiers. Each year, it’s more recognized that homogenous echo chambers, guarded by gatekeepers with checklists, are the enemy of innovation.

难怪特斯拉,苹果和谷歌现在雇用和寻找没有四年制学位或来自非技术行业的雇员,而担任领导职务的女性代表对于某些金融家来说已经成为不可谈判的条件。 每年,人们越来越认识到,由守卫者和检查清单保护的同质回声室是创新的敌人。

Despite the many challenges, I feel optimistic about the potential for women. Technology has become so much more than just another industry. It’s beyond boundaries, so deeply integrated that it can no longer be distinguished from whatever else it touches.

尽管面临许多挑战,但我对女性的潜力感到乐观。 技术已不仅仅局限于另一个行业。 它超越了边界,如此深入地集成,以致于无法再与其他任何事物区分开。

In 2020, at an accelerating rate, this means almost every aspect of business and life. Technology is recreating our world, and we can all play a valuable role in shaping this future.

到2020年,这意味着业务和生活的方方面面都将以迅猛的速度增长。 科技正在重塑我们的世界,我们所有人都可以在塑造未来的过程中发挥重要作用。

It’s not a clique, it’s a global community — and everyone belongs here.


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翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/opening-the-gates-to-women-in-technology-440111e79be2


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