

Like any design problem, I start by gaining a better understanding of the needs of those I’m designing for. In my case, my end-users are design leads and hiring managers at tech companies. So, I researched about what these users tend to look for in product design portfolios, and collated a list of questions they would typically use to screen them out. Then, I wireframed, prototyped and tested my portfolio by directly reaching out to my target audience via LinkedIn or ADPList.

像任何设计问题一样,我首先要更好地了解要设计的人员的需求。 就我而言,我的最终用户是技术公司的设计主管和招聘经理。 因此,我研究了这些用户倾向于在产品设计产品组合中寻找什么,并整理了他们通常用来筛选出来的一系列问题。 然后,我通过LinkedIn或ADPList直接接触目标受众,从而对投资组合进行线框设计,原型设计和测试。

At a high-level, design leads and hiring managers want to know:


  • Who did you work for?

  • What did you do for them?

  • Was it successful?

  • What did they have to say about it?


So, I knew that my homepage certainly needed to surface this information. Then, assuming my end users are intrigued enough to actually skim through one of my projects, they are probably looking to find out:

因此,我知道我的主页肯定需要显示此信息。 然后,假设我的最终用户很感兴趣,可以实际浏览我的一个项目,那么他们可能希望找出:

  • Why did the work needed to be done in the first place?

  • How did you determine what needed to be done to fix it?

  • How did you ensure your solution was the right one?

  • How did you measure the success of the project?

  • What was your contribution to the team’s collaborative efforts?

  • What challenges did you face and what have you learned from these?


With these questions in mind, I broke down the structure of my portfolio to its individual elements where each one would serve a key purpose.


主页剖析 (Anatomy of the homepage)

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Intro and Hero Image — A short and sweet paragraph that describes what my job role is, what kind of work I primarily do, and how that work in turn helps the business succeed. I also think having a profile image doesn’t do any harm and if anything, it gives a more human touch.

简介和英雄形象 —一段简短而甜美的段落,描述了我的工作角色,主要从事的工作以及该工作又如何帮助企业成功。 我还认为拥有个人资料图片不会造成任何伤害,如果有的话,它会给人以更多的感觉。

Project cards — to feature my work & to progressively disclose key pieces of information for each project. This includes a title that clearly describes the business challenge, the company name, what kind of work it involved and what was the outcome. This information helps hiring managers determine whether the project is relevant to their organisation/team and hence worth reading more about.

项目卡 -展示我的作品并逐步披露每个项目的关键信息。 其中包括一个标题,清楚地描述了业务挑战,公司名称,涉及的工作类型以及结果。 这些信息有助于招聘经理确定该项目是否与其组织/团队相关,因此值得阅读更多信息。

Visual shots — As a product designer my work touches across both UX and UI and so I wanted hiring managers to be able to quickly and easily access my final design deliverables including high fidelity visual designs, design patterns and interactive prototypes. Another reason I included these, is because it would enable me to present the variety of my work that would normally sit in different sites or presentation formats, in one place. Think of the projects you showcase as Dribble shots for example.

视觉镜头 -作为产品设计师,我的工作涉及UX和UI,因此我希望招聘经理能够快速轻松地访问最终设计交付物,包括高保真视觉设计,设计模式和交互式原型。 我包含这些内容的另一个原因是,它使我能够在一个地方展示通常位于不同站点或演示格式的各种作品。 例如,将您展示的项目视为“运球”镜头。

Client logos and testimonials — Using company logos and testimonials from people you’ve worked with, can help reassure hiring managers that you can actually do what you say and that you’re good at it too, thereby building your credibility.

客户徽标和证明书 -使用与您合作过的人的公司徽标和证明书,可以帮助雇用经理放心,您可以实际做您所说的话,并且自己也很擅长,从而树立信誉。

Featured blog posts — this is entirely optional and whether you like writing. Personally, I think sharing our perspectives and professional and personal experiences with the world, can, to an extent, show one’s ability to practice self-awareness, reflection and curiosity — qualities which are highly relevant as designers.

特色博客文章 -这完全是可选的,是否您喜欢写作。 就个人而言,我认为与世界分享我们的观点以及专业和个人经验,可以在一定程度上显示一个人练习自我意识,反思和好奇心的能力,这些素质与设计师息息相关。

案例研究页面的剖析 (Anatomy of the case study page)

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In my opinion, a good case study should tell a concise and visual story of why, how and what you did, aimed at addressing your target audience’s concerns in the most effective and efficient way possible. The way I chose to do so was by breaking it up into the following 5 sections:

我认为,一个好的案例研究应该讲一个简洁直观的故事,说明为什么,如何以及做了什么,目的是以最有效和最有效的方式解决目标受众的关注。 我选择这样做的方法是将其分为以下5个部分:

Project context — This section includes a description of the business goals, the challenge, the role you played, as well as key facts such as project length, team structure and tools used. This section conveys why did that given problem needed to be solved (i.e. why it was hurting users and in turn the business).

项目上下文 -此部分描述了业务目标,挑战,您扮演的角色以及关键事实,例如项目长度,团队结构和使用的工具。 本节说明了为什么需要解决该给定问题(即,为什么它会伤害用户并进而伤害企业)。

Design process — Presenting your work using the double diamond or some other framework doesn’t matter so much as you clearly show how the why drives the what. In other words, design leads and hiring managers want to see how you think strategically and that you connect business goals and user needs to solutions, whilst operating within constraints. It’s about taking them along the journey of how the product evolved or changed direction in response to user research and testing during the iterative project lifecycle.

设计过程 -使用双菱形文字或其他框架来展示您的工作并不重要,因为您清楚地说明了原因是什么。 换句话说,设计负责人和招聘经理希望了解您如何在战略上进行思考,以及将业务目标和用户需求与解决方案联系起来,同时在限制条件下运营。 这是关于在迭代项目生命周期中,引导他们沿着产品如何演变或改变方向的过程来响应用户的研究和测试。

Results — Show evidence that what you did worked in some measurable way. This part is crucial, because it shows the value you add to a business. It’s the kind of value that when it goes out to users in the form of increased or more efficient use of the product, more shares, more downloads, and comes back to an organisation as money made or saved (aka the ROI).

结果 -证明您所做的工作以某种可衡量的方式起作用。 这部分至关重要,因为它显示了您为企业增加的价值。 这是一种价值,当它以增加或更有效地使用产品的形式提供给用户,更多的份额,更多的下载,并以赚钱或省钱(又称为ROI)的形式回到组织中时。

Learnings — Be honest and transparent about worked well and could be re-applied in other projects, and what obstacles and bumps you faced along the way and how you overcame them.

学习 -诚实,透明地说明工作正常,可以在其他项目中重新应用,以及在此过程中遇到的障碍和颠簸以及如何克服这些障碍。

Final Designs — This section is optional and depends on how you want to position yourself in the market. By having a section that showcases final artefacts, better communicates your visual design skills and that you are capable of doing that type of work.

最终设计 -此部分是可选的,取决于您要如何在市场中定位自己。 通过设有一个展示最终文物的部分,可以更好地传达您的视觉设计技能,并能够胜任此类工作。


Great, so now I have the homepage and case study structure mapped out. What’s left is the ‘About’ and ‘Contact’ pages. The ‘About’ page, is where you should be unapologetically yourself and share your story, your motivations and thoughts openly. Give hiring managers an opportunity to see the real you, not just the designer. And this will only benefit you as it will attract the right companies and clients where there is a strong cultural fit. And a contact page or section makes it easy for people to contact you.

太好了,所以现在我已经制定了主页和案例研究结构。 剩下的是“关于”和“联系”页面。 在“关于”页面上,您应该无私奉献自己,并公开分享您的故事,动机和想法。 给招聘经理一个机会,让他们不仅可以看到设计师,还可以看到真实的你。 这只会使您受益,因为它将吸引具有浓厚文化底蕴的合适公司和客户。 联系人页面或部分使人们易于与您联系。

反馈 (Feedback)

Here is just some of the constructive feedback I received from Design managers and recruiters around the world:


“It looks like you’ve got a strong content model and are making a lot of progress. […] some of the things I really like here are:

“看来您已经拥有强大的内容模型,并且正在取得很大的进步。 […]我真正喜欢这里的一些东西是:

  • Each project has a problem statement (“challenge”)

  • You make your role clear

  • You’ve got a clear design process in place

  • You show results/outcomes for the work

  • You’re open about what could have gone better/what you learned


So those things are all great. A lot of people don’t show these things and, as a hiring manager, that means that I usually skip over them in favour of those who do.” - Design Manager at Intercom

所以那些事情都很棒。 许多人没有展示这些东西,作为招聘经理,这意味着我通常会跳过那些东西,而转而选择那些人。” -对讲机设计经理

“I think the prototype looks good. I might think about making the home page more visual and make that intro statement stronger to show off what makes you different from everyone else.”- UX Evangelist at InVision

“我认为原型看起来不错。 我可能会考虑使主页更加可视化,并使该介绍性声明更强大,以炫耀使您与众不同的原因。”-InVision的UX传播者

“The IA and overall content structure looks great. You’re definitely doing a great job sharing your process which folks are interested in learning about.”- UX Designer at Google

IA和整体内容结构看起来很棒。 共享您感兴趣的人们感兴趣的过程,您肯定做得很好。”-Google UX设计师

“Couple of things I’d recommend:


  • Communicate why you chose a certain research methodology over another, including the context and operating constraints

  • Make sure that you choose the artefacts that support the story you’re telling.

  • Project title should be a description of the challenge itself”


- UX Design Manager at LinkedIn


“I quite like the way you’re putting everything together. It’s quite clear and simple, this is what we are looking for in a portfolio. Our client usually wants a portfolio that is easy and quick to look. My only thing to add on that is because you’re a Product Designer do not forget about putting details of your UI side in each project/projects. We, as recruiters, need to see properly the way you worked in both UX and UI side. It needs to be like your business card, so if you show everything in a very detailed and nice way, it will be easier for us to present you to clients.”- Design recruiter at Pixel Ponds

“我非常喜欢您将所有内容组合在一起的方式。 这非常简单明了,这就是我们在投资组合中寻找的东西。 我们的客户通常希望投资组合既简单又快速。 我唯一要补充的是,因为您是产品设计师,所以请不要忘记在每个项目中都添加UI方面的细节。 作为招聘人员,我们需要正确地了解您在UX和UI方面的工作方式。 它需要像您的名片一样,因此,如果您以非常详细和美观的方式展示所有内容,我们将更容易向您展示给客户。”-Pixel Ponds的设计招聘人员

Just with any portfolio advice, it’s subjective and you’ll probably take what I’ve written with a pinch of salt. I get it. But, if you like the approach I took to design and validate the aforementioned structure for an online design portfolio, I’ve got some good news for you. I created a Figma UI Kit and a Webflow template, both of which you can access for free. I spent weeks putting these together, so that you don’t have to. So go ahead, use them, make them your own and I hope they help you in your design career. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

有了任何投资组合建议,它都是主观的,您可能会误会我所写的内容。 我知道了。 但是,如果您喜欢我为在线设计产品组合设计和验证上述结构所采用的方法,那么我对您来说是个好消息。 我创建了一个Figma UI工具包和一个Webflow模板 ,您都可以免费使用它们。 我花了数周的时间将它们放在一起,所以您不必这样做。 因此,继续使用它们,使它们成为您自己的,希望它们对您的设计事业有所帮助。 如有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系。

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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-i-approached-my-portfolio-like-a-design-problem-43e536bd1823


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