

There is this belief today that every business should be on social media. There’s even a saying “If your business doesn’t have a Facebook page, does it really exist?” In short, yes, it exists. Social media doesn’t define presence.

今天有一种信念,每个企业都应该在社交媒体上。 甚至有句俗语:“如果您的公司没有Facebook页面,它真的存在吗?” 简而言之,是的,它存在。 社交媒体并没有定义存在感。

The reason why every business wants to be on social media is that their competitors are there, and this peer pressure is what makes social media a must-be place.


Is this the right approach, though?


No, it’s not. Social media is a very powerful platform that can help you grow, but it can equally damage your brand if done in the wrong way.

不,这不对。 社交媒体是一个非常强大的平台,可以帮助您发展壮大,但是如果做错方法,它同样可能损害您的品牌。

For most small businesses and solopreneurs, social media can be a waste of time.


Financial and human resources are important assets and should be used wisely. Believing that you have to post something on Facebook just because your big competitor has posted something is wrong and ineffective. Instead, use this time to assess other marketing options and evaluate where your marketing efforts would have a bigger return. Strive to achieve more in that field instead.

财政和人力资源是重要资产,应明智地使用。 认为仅仅因为您的大竞争对手已经发布了某些内容就必须在Facebook上发布某些内容是错误且无效的。 相反,请利用这段时间来评估其他营销选择,并评估您的营销工作将在何处获得更大的回报。 力争在该领域取得更多成就。

Don’t take this the wrong way. Social media is important, as it can boost your brand awareness and help grow. But I notice many small businesses wasting time (and frequently money) on it.

不要以这种错误的方式。 社交媒体很重要,因为它可以提高您的品牌知名度并帮助其成长。 但是我注意到许多小型企业都在浪费时间(经常是金钱)。

社交媒体的“错误”用法是什么? (What Is the “Wrong” Usage of Social Media?)

I've seen businesses dedicate way too much time on social media with way too little reward. There are business owners who insist on having multiple social media channels and too much time in handling them. Often, they don't see the desired results, and then wonder why they aren't getting the return on their investment.

我已经看到企业在社交媒体上花费太多时间而获得的奖励却很少。 有些企业主坚持拥有多个社交媒体渠道,而处理它们的时间却过多。 通常,他们看不到理想的结果,然后想知道为什么他们没有获得投资回报。

The reasons can be as follows:


您没有明确的计划:无关且不一致的用法 (You have no clear plan: irrelevant and inconsistent usage)

If you aren’t going to plan your social media strategy from A to Z, it’s better not to jump into it at all. Personally, I advocate that the poor management of social media accounts is more harmful than beneficial.

如果您不打算从A到Z计划您的社交媒体策略,最好不要完全介入其中。 我个人认为,社交媒体帐户管理不善弊多于利。

If you come to a realization that “oh, I haven't posted for two weeks. I have to share something now,” it's a wrong approach.

如果您意识到“哦,我已经两周没发布了。 我现在必须分享一些东西,”这是错误的做法。

Social media, like everything else in business, requires thorough planning and strategy.


Your consumer who discovers your sporadic and unplanned posts will think that you're not taking your social media game seriously, and they will never click the follow button.


It's relatively easy to fix this. Dedicate some time each month or week to plan your social media strategy. Avoid sporadic posts.

解决这个问题相对容易。 每个月或每周花一些时间来计划您的社交媒体策略。 避免零星的帖子。

Random posts, in fact, will weaken your brand's message to consumers. An effective branding communication on social media will reinforce your value proposition, and it’s hard work. Posting sporadically will just water down your brand’s communication efforts.

实际上,随机发帖会削弱您的品牌对消费者的信息。 在社交媒体上进行有效的品牌传播将加强您的价值主张,这是艰苦的工作。 零星发布只会削弱您品牌的沟通努力。

您没有为社交媒体设置任何目标 (You’re not setting any goals for your social media presence)

If you’re on social media just because your competitors are there, most likely you have no clear goals set for having it. That’s why working on it is a waste of time, because, in fact, it serves no purpose.

如果您只是因为竞争对手在社交媒体上而在社交媒体上,那么很可能您并没有设定明确的目标。 这就是为什么进行此操作浪费时间的原因,因为实际上它没有任何用途。

Whatever you do, you should set certain goals for achievements. Thinking that you want to get 100k followers is not a constructive goal, but it’s a start.

无论您做什么,都应该设定成就目标。 认为您希望获得10万名关注者并不是一个建设性的目标,而是一个开始。

How about starting to measure the engagement rate, the number of people who land on your website because of social media, the virality of your posts, impressions, or total reach? If you start doing this, the work that you do on social media will start having a meaning.

如何开始衡量互动率,由于社交媒体而登陆您网站的人数,帖子的病毒式传播,展示次数或总覆盖率? 如果您开始这样做,那么您在社交媒体上所做的工作将开始具有意义。

You should also try to improve with time. The analysis of the metrics will help you choose better tactics and strategize better for future social media activities.

您还应该尝试随着时间的推移而改进。 指标分析将帮助您选择更好的策略并为以后的社交媒体活动制定更好的策略。

Social media is work. It’s much more than “ah, just post”. If you set clear goals and work towards achieving them, social media will become a powerful tool for your marketing efforts and you’ll stop wasting time on it.

社交媒体就是工作。 不仅仅是“啊,随便贴”。 如果您设定明确的目标并努力实现这些目标,则社交媒体将成为您进行营销活动的有力工具,并且您将不再浪费时间。

您的讯息中没有清晰的声音 (You have no clear voice in your message)

Your social media accounts are there to strengthen your position as an expert within a certain field. This means that your followers want to be updated and know the industry-related news, be it new product launches, industry news, or business updates.

您的社交媒体帐户可以增强您在某个领域的专家地位。 这意味着您的关注者想要更新并了解与行业相关的新闻,无论是新产品发布,行业新闻还是业务更新。

You have to own your voice for it. If your posts are flat and dull, they won't attract followers. To me, flat and dull posts are the ones that keep repeating the same message, hard-sell products, or push consumers to like and follow the brand. This type of messaging has long stopped working.

您必须拥有自己的声音。 如果您的帖子平淡乏味,它们将不会吸引关注者。 对我来说,平淡无奇的帖子是那些不断重复同一信息,硬销产品或促使消费者喜欢并关注该品牌的帖子。 这种消息传递早已停止工作。

Social media users today are very savvy and desire to get the latest information with your unique twist on it. They want to know what value you're bringing to the industry and why they should rely on and choose your services.

当今的社交媒体用户非常机灵,渴望获得您独特的最新信息。 他们想知道您为行业带来了什么价值,以及为什么他们应该依靠并选择您的服务。

That's why companies that manage to position themselves as an industry thought leader will always have a constant growth of new followers. Their sales will also grow, as people will trust their expertise in whatever they do.

这就是为什么设法将自己定位为行业思想领导者的公司将始终拥有不断增长的新追随者的原因。 随着人们相信自己的专业知识,他们的销售也将增长。

您是您帖子中的模仿者 (You are a copycat in your posts)

Consumers aren't stupid. Most likely if they are following you, they are following your competitors as well.

消费者并不愚蠢。 如果他们关注您,那么他们也很可能也在关注您的竞争对手。

Copycat posts happened to me multiple times in my career. When I started working with social media of a big payment company and the engagement rate, the number of followers, etc. started to grow drastically, the biggest competitor started copying our posts.

在我的职业生涯中,山寨帖子多次出现在我身上。 当我开始与一家大型支付公司的社交媒体合作,参与率,关注者数量等开始急剧增长时,最大的竞争对手开始复制我们的帖子。

I was flattered but super annoyed at the same time. In the end, it was my work that was used by someone else, which wasn't cool at all.

我很受宠若惊,但同时又很生气。 最后,是我的作品被其他人使用,这一点都不酷。

So, if you see that your competitor or any other business is doing something well, don't copy them. Instead, try to look for something unique that would work for you. Social media is about experimenting and if it worked for them, it doesn’t mean that it will work for you.

因此,如果您发现竞争对手或其他任何企业做得不错,请不要复制它们。 相反,请尝试寻找适合您的独特功能。 社交媒体是关于实验的,如果它对他们有用,并不意味着它将对您有用。

In my case, another company was copying our Facebook captions. Word by word. Changing the brand name only.

就我而言,另一家公司正在复制我们的Facebook标题。 逐词地。 仅更改品牌名称。

Each post has a date and time, so the consumer will be able to see who was the first to come up with the content. You're risking to be either publically humiliated, or ignored. In our case, our competitor was totally ignored by the consumers.

每个帖子都有日期和时间,因此消费者将能够看到谁是第一个提出内容的人。 您冒着被公开羞辱或被忽视的风险。 就我们而言,我们的竞争对手被消费者完全忽略了。

您的帖子没有标题 (Your posts have no captions)

Again, if you wouldn’t be interested in seeing such a post on your personal feed, don't post it.


I've seen many businesses that post a photo or news article with no caption at all. It's super irritating because as a consumer, I give my attention to your brand. At the same time, I have no time nor desire to guess what a post without caption means.

我见过很多企业发布的照片​​或新闻文章完全没有标题。 这非常令人讨厌,因为作为消费者,我一直关注您的品牌。 同时,我没有时间也不想猜测没有标题的帖子的含义。

If you share industry news, for example, a newspaper article “Consumer tax to rise in Q2 2020”, you should explain what it means to your business and your customers. Does it affect you? How will it affect your consumers?

如果您分享行业新闻,例如报纸上的文章“ 2020年第二季度消费税将上升 ”,则应解释这对您的企业和客户意味着什么。 对您有影响吗? 它将如何影响您的消费者?

The same goes for photos. Sporadic photos with no caption make consumers confused. And it also signals that you run a super poor marketing strategy for your brand.

照片也一样。 没有标题的零星照片使消费者感到困惑。 这也表明您为品牌实施了超级糟糕的营销策略。

I've worked with a company where the big boss had access to the company’s official social media accounts. Once a month or so, the big boss posted random posts of poor quality photos or industry news, because he believed that it was important for the followers to know.

我曾在一家公司工作,该公司的大老板可以访问该公司的官方社交媒体帐户。 大老板每月一次左右发布一些质量差的照片或行业新闻的随机帖子,因为他认为这对于追随者来说很重要。

Fair enough. What he didn't know that each post like this forced dozens of followers to unfollow.

很公平。 他不知道像这样的每个帖子都迫使数十个关注者取消关注。

Bosses are frequently busy and have no time to come up with engaging, well-thought-through captions. Instead, they should share the information they want to convey to the followers with the marketing team and have it properly communicated.

老板经常很忙,没有时间提出引人入胜,经过深思熟虑的字幕。 相反,他们应该与营销团队共享要传达给关注者的信息,并进行适当的沟通。

您在社交媒体上不社交 (You're not social on social media)

Social media is all about socializing. You cannot expect people to engage with you if you're not intending to engage with them.

社交媒体就是关于社交。 如果您不希望别人与您互动,那么您不能期望他们与您互动。

The secret to growth on social media is socializing. You have to dedicate time and effort to engage with accounts that are interested in you and your niche.

社交媒体上增长的秘密在于社交。 您必须投入时间和精力来处理对您和您的利基市场感兴趣的帐户。

It is frustrating for a consumer to engage with business and get no response. It happened multiple times to me and I simply never engage again.

消费者与企业打交道,而没有得到回应,这令人沮丧。 它发生在我身上多次,而我再也没有参与。

I run a food blog and when I share my opinion about restaurants on social media, few brands like, comment on or share my posts. This is not good marketing. I tend to ignore such restaurants and am very unlikely to go back.

我经营着一个美食博客,当我在社交媒体上分享对餐馆的看法时,很少有品牌喜欢,评论或分享我的帖子。 这不是很好的营销。 我倾向于无视这样的餐馆,很少回去。

Those that are very proactive in communicating on social media, who engage with their consumers, are amongst my favorite ones and I'm sure to visit them once in a while.


Therefore, if you're not engaging with your consumers, or aren't active in networking within your niche, you're losing the social media game. Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn can be great places to network and to find out the main pain points of your business or figure out what has actually worked out.

因此,如果您不与消费者互动,或者不主动在利基市场中建立联系,那么您将失去社交媒体游戏。 Facebook,Twitter或LinkedIn可能是联系和查找业务主要痛点或弄清实际效果的好地方。

您的社交媒体网络过多 (You're on too many social media networks)

I get it. It's hard to choose what social media networks to be on, especially when there are so many of them.

我知道了。 很难选择要使用的社交媒体网络,尤其是当社交媒体网络太多时。

If you're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, also write for Quora and run your corporate blog — that's definitely too much! Unless you have a marketing team of at least 10 people.

如果您在Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,LinkedIn,YouTube,Pinterest,Snapchat,TikTok上,还为Quora撰写文章并运行公司博客-绝对太多了! 除非您有至少10人的营销团队。

Quantity in marketing does not mean that you'll be more successful. On the contrary, it can harm your band.

营销中的数量并不意味着您会更成功。 相反,它会损害您的乐队。

Firstly, what you should actually do (if you have all these accounts), go to your website's Google Analytics and check what social media platforms drive traffic to your website.

首先,您应该实际执行的操作(如果您拥有所有这些帐户),请转到网站的Google Analytics(分析),并检查哪些社交媒体平台为您的网站带来了流量。

These platforms should be your priority. Deactivate the rest until you have a bigger team to manage them all.

这些平台应该是您的首要任务。 停用其余部分,直到您有一个更大的团队来管理它们为止。

I'd suggest sticking to up to three social media accounts. Most likely, it will be Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter or Instagram (depending on what your business is).

我建议最多使用三个社交媒体帐户。 最有可能的是Facebook,LinkedIn和Twitter或Instagram(取决于您的业务)。

You should treat each social media account with care. They all require attention and time. How much time can you spare? Can you spare one hour per day on your social media management?

您应该谨慎对待每个社交媒体帐户。 他们都需要关注和时间。 您可以节省多少时间? 您每天可以在社交媒体管理上节省一小时吗?

If you can, then it’s only 20 minutes for one account (if you end up having three). And in all honestly, 20 minutes per account is not enough, because you should adapt your message to each of them. You should come up with the artwork that will go along your posts. You should also spend time engaging with the users on these accounts.

如果可以的话,一个帐户只有20分钟的时间(如果您最终拥有三个帐户)。 老实说,每个帐户20分钟是不够的,因为您应该根据每个消息调整您的信息。 您应该拿出随您的帖子一起使用的艺术品。 您还应该花时间与这些帐户上的用户互动。

That’s a lot of work.


Don't forget that you will also need time to analyze the performance of your accounts. This may also require an additional 1 hour per week.

不要忘记,您还需要时间来分析帐户的效果。 每周可能还需要额外1个小时。

So, if you have no time to be on social media, don’t be there. Stay and focus on activities that you allocate your time to.

因此,如果您没有时间去社交媒体,请不要在那里。 保持专注于您分配时间的活动。

底线 (Bottom Line)

The wrong usage of social media can be harmful to your brand. You don’t want to be perceived as an irresponsible and unprofessional business.

错误使用社交媒体可能会损害您的品牌。 您不想被视为不负责任和不专业的业务。

That’s why if you’re doing the things mentioned above, most likely social media will be a waste of your time and you’re unlikely to get the desired results. Maybe it’s actually better to shift your efforts and time somewhere else.

这就是为什么如果您要进行上述操作,那么社交媒体很可能会浪费您的时间,并且您不太可能获得预期的结果。 也许将您的精力和时间转移到其他地方实际上更好。

Remember that not all social media accounts are necessary to have. Thus, if you run multiple accounts and aren’t getting the desired result, maybe it’s better to cut down and invest more time in the one that would benefit your business.

请记住,并非所有社交媒体帐户都是必需的。 因此,如果您开设多个帐户,但未获得理想的结果,那么最好减少并投入更多时间在对您的业务有利的帐户上。

Also, don’t be afraid to be different and ask yourself if social media is needed at this stage of your business. If the answer is no, don’t be tricked into it just because your competitor is there. Maybe it’s really better to invest time somewhere else and jump into social media when you’re ready and have clear goals for it.

另外,不要害怕与众不同,并问自己在业务的这个阶段是否需要社交媒体。 如果答案是否定的,请不要仅仅因为您的竞争对手就被骗了。 也许最好在其他地方投入时间,并在准备好并有明确目标的情况下跳入社交媒体。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-marketing/when-is-social-media-a-waste-of-time-for-your-business-e6d53129a7c4






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