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用户体验设计 (UX Design)

I get it. We all dream about that one company where we want to work, that one place we want to call ‘my office’, and that one team we wish to be a part of! We all have goals, aspirations and dreams — and they do come true.

我知道了。 我们都梦想着我们要工作的那家公司,我们要称其为“ 我的办公室 ”的那个地方以及我们希望成为其中一员的一个团队! 我们都有目标,抱负和梦想,而且确实实现了。

I recently moved to The Netherlands from India, but before I relocated, I was given the mammoth task of reviewing various design-profiles and choosing a candidate, who would be my replacement after I am gone!


Ouch. That hurt. I was really in love with my company, my team and the products we were building. But it was time to leave. I couldn’t work remotely or stay there forever. So, back in September 2019, I started receiving mails from the HR department, who had shortlisted around 50 candidates for review. One after the other, I started reading their resumes and cutting down the number of profiles to half, so that it was easier for me to decide which candidates are eligible to at least be called for an interview.

哎哟。 好痛 我真的很爱我的公司,我的团队以及我们正在开发的产品。 但是是时候离开了。 我无法远程工作或永远呆在那里。 因此,早在2019年9月,我就开始收到人事部门的邮件,后者已入围约50名候选人以进行审查。 我一个接一个地开始阅读他们的简历,并将简历的数量减少到一半,以便我更轻松地确定哪些候选人至少有资格接受面试。

There are many things that I learnt while reviewing their profiles, and most importantly — while rejecting them. Here, I will list down the reasons — why I rejected candidates, what you should do, and what you should ‘never’ do if you’re applying for a UX Design job.

在审查他们的个人资料时,我学到了很多东西,最重要的是-在拒绝他们的同时。 在这里,我将列出原因-我拒绝候选人的原因,您应该做的事情以及如果您要申请UX Design职位则应该“不做”的事情。

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Image Credits: Unsplash

1.包括您的投资组合。 总是。 期。 (1. Include your portfolio. Always. Period.)

If you’re applying for a job where you have to showcase your visual design or critical thinking skills — please send across your portfolio. Send something that helps an interviewer see your work.

如果您要申请的工作必须展示您的视觉设计或批判性思维技能,请发送您的全部作品集。 发送有助于面试官了解您工作的信息。

A portfolio doesn’t mean five-hundred projects. Just three to five good, selected projects will work too. Make sure that they are your best projects till date. And by portfolio, I also don’t mean Dribbble shots or visuals.

投资组合并不意味着有五个项目。 只有三到五个好的精选项目也会起作用。 确保它们是迄今为止您最好的项目。 而且,按投资组合,我也不是指滴灌镜头或视觉效果。

Send across a case study. I want to know how you think. What was the solution you came up with, for a problem, and why? I need to understand your thinking pattern, and I can’t do that just with UI shots. I agree, UI shots make your projects look pretty, but critical thinking is more important when you want to be a UX Designer.

发送案例研究。 我想知道你的想法。 您想到的解决方案是什么,为什么? 我需要了解您的思维方式,而不能仅凭UI镜头就能做到。 我同意,UI射击使您的项目看起来很漂亮,但是当您想成为UX设计器时,批判性思考就显得尤为重要。

I rejected all those candidates who did not provide a portfolio link, a behance link or a PDF file attached with their resume. And let me tell you, almost 50% candidates were rejected just like that.

我拒绝了所有没有提供个人履历链接,behance链接或PDF附件的候选人。 而且,我告诉您,差不多有50%的候选人被拒绝了。

I was left with hardly 25 profiles to review — my work got easier…


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Even this Giraffe can see through your lies! (Image Credits: Unsplash)
甚至这头长颈鹿都能看穿你的谎言! (图片来源:Unsplash)

2.具体。 说实话 请! (2. Be specific. Be truthful. Please!)

After rejecting all those candidates who failed to send a portfolio, I started reading the resumes, and not just looking for a portfolio link. And there were many candidates who had cited ‘team work’ as their individual contribution.

在拒绝了所有未能发送作品集的候选人之后,我开始阅读简历,而不仅仅是在寻找作品集链接。 许多候选人都以“ 团队合作 ”作为个人贡献。

I designed and developed Facebook. (no, you did not. Mark Zuckerberg with four others did, and that too, only the very first version. Now Facebook has a team of designers and developers. Don’t send me App Store link of an app that is not 100% your own hard-work).

我设计和开发了Facebook。 (不,您没有。马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和其他四个人都这样做了。现在,Facebook拥有一个由设计师和开发人员组成的团队。不要向我发送非100%应用程序的App Store链接您自己的努力)。

I know this is a lie. I know that the big product company that you’re a part of, has 10 designers working in a team, and you did not do this alone. I don’t want to know what was the goal of your team for the quarter, I want to know what was your contribution to it. I want to know the part you played while working in a team, and I want to know how you faced the challenges in your work-environment.

我知道这是谎言。 我知道您所属的大型产品公司有10位设计师组成一个团队,而您并不是一个人做。 我不想知道您的团队本季度的目标是什么,我不想知道您对此做出的贡献。 我想知道你在团队工作中所扮演的角色,我想知道你在工作环境中如何面对挑战。

Many times, there are big-company names that you are associated with, that makes your resume powerful, gives you an edge over other candidates. But the description that you write under the company name, can make, or end the game for you. Make sure that the description does not include the company’s performance portfolio for FY 2019–20. It should be ‘your’ achievement and ‘your’ contribution alone.

很多时候,都有与您相关的大公司名称,这使您的简历功能强大,使您比其他候选人更有优势。 但是您以公司名称撰写的说明可以为您制作或结束游戏。 确保描述不包括公司2019-20财年的绩效组合。 它应该仅仅是“ 您的 ”成就和“ 您的 ”贡献。

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Image Credits: Unsplash

3.你的个性比什么都重要。 从字面上看还有什么。 (3. Your personality is more important than anything else. Literally anything else.)

With that said, personality and behaviour are two very important criteria of a candidate. They showcase who you are as a person, and whether or not you can fit into a team.

话虽如此,人格和行为是候选人的两个非常重要的标准。 他们展示了您作为一个人的身份,以及您是否可以加入团队。

So, I was interviewing this candidate who was senior to me. I have two years of experience, while he had close to five. When I sent across a small design assignment, he questioned my credibility, and said that — you’re younger than me, you’re less experienced, I can’t take an assignment from you, because I don’t think you have the experience to evaluate me or my design decisions.

因此,我正在面试这位比我年长的候选人。 我有两年的经验,而他有近五年的经验。 当我发送一个小型设计任务时,他质疑我的信誉,并说- 您比我年轻,您经验不足,我无法接受您的任务,因为我认为您没有评估我或我的设计决策的经验。

Although he came from a premier design institute, but that, right there was a red-flag. My product manager sitting right next to me, asked me to politely disconnect the call and reject him. FYI — she has ten years of industry experience, but she never considered me ‘less’ or ‘inferior’ to anyone. She always welcomed, respected and asked my opinion on every product decision we were taking.

尽管他来自一家一流的设计学院,但是那确实是一个危险信号。 我旁边的产品经理坐在我旁边,要我礼貌地断开电话并拒绝他。 仅供参考-她有十年的行业经验,但是她从来没有认为我比任何人都“少”或“次于”。 她一直对我们做出的每个产品决定都表示欢迎和尊重,并询问我的意见。

But this candidate would be a problem if he comes into the team. There are many developers, testers and designers working in the team who are juniors, freshers and interns! He would fail to respect the decision or opinion of anyone who’s junior to him, which is a wrong attitude to begin with.

但是,如果这位候选人加入团队,将是一个问题。 团队中有许多开发人员,测试人员和设计师,他们都是大三,新生和实习生! 他将不尊重任何对他大三的人的决定或意见,这是错误的态度。

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Plagiarism Alert! (Image Credits: Unsplash)
抄袭警报! (图片来源:Unsplash)

4.不要复制。 我重复。 不要抄袭。 (4. Don’t copy. I repeat. Do not copy.)

There are candidates who think that if they will copy-paste one project from any designer, the interviewer will not find out. Change the title of project on Behance, and copy-paste the images from project of a good designer. Your profile will start shining. Well, no it will not!

有些候选人认为,如果他们从任何设计师那里复制粘贴一个项目,面试官都不会发现。 更改Behance上项目的标题,然后复制并粘贴优秀设计师的项目中的图像。 您的个人资料将开始发光。 好吧,不,它不会!

We all have reverse image-search, and it takes a minute to generate results. I caught three such candidates red-handed who had explicitly copied and pasted projects from other Behance designers.

我们都有反向图像搜索,需要一分钟才能生成结果。 我发现了三名赤手空拳的候选人,他们明确地复制并粘贴了其他Behance设计师的项目。

I made sure that not only did I point this out right in the middle of an ongoing interview, but I also took efforts to reach out to the people whose work was being copied. Here is a screenshot of one of the conversations that happened between me and one such designer who was a victim of plagiarism —

我确保不仅在正在进行的采访中指出这一点,而且还努力与正在复制其作品的人们接触。 这是我与一位抄袭受害者的设计师之间发生的对话之一的屏幕截图-

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A screenshot I took from my Behance messages. Hid the name and photograph of the designer for privacy purposes.
我从Behance消息中截取的屏幕截图。 为了隐私目的,隐藏设计师的姓名和照片。

5.保持乐观的态度。 表明。 (5. Have a positive outlook. It shows.)

When we talk about being optimist, or being positive, it has a great impact on your overall personality and your character. There are some people that you immediately get a negative vibe from. Interact with them for five minutes and you will know that this isn’t the person I can deliver a project with.

当我们谈论乐观或积极时,对您的整体性格和性格有很大影响。 有些人会立即使您产生负面情绪。 与他们互动五分钟,您会知道这不是我可以交付项目的人。

Honestly, I am not someone who is that quick to judge or know if a person has a positive or a negative vibe, but my product manager is! I believe ten years into the industry are enough, to make you gauge people’s personalities. I was always the ‘face’ while interviewing candidates, while she used to be on my side, sitting as a silent spectator, analysing, studying and understanding a candidate’s personality and outlook.

老实说,我不是一个能很快判断或知道一个人是积极还是消极的人,但我的产品经理是! 我相信进入该行业十年已经足够,可以让您评估人们的个性。 在面试候选人时,我始终是“面Kong”,而她以前一直站在我这一边,作为沉默的旁观者坐下来,分析,研究和理解候选人的个性和观点。

So, another tip — you might think that you are being interviewed by one person, but in reality there can be an entire team watching you from the side.


She used to tell me at the end of the interview — whether this person will fit into the team or not, and why! Her judgements were really strong, because at the end of the interview process, despite interviewing much more experienced and trained candidates, we ended up hiring a freshman, straight out of college, but with a brilliant portfolio and profile! He completed the assignment really well and was an amazing person to talk to. And now, almost five months into the organisation, he has gelled really well, his work has come-up to the standards everyone expected. The decision was spot-on.

在面试结束时,她常常告诉我-这个人是否适合团队,为什么! 她的判断力非常强,因为在面试过程结束时,尽管面试了经验丰富和训练有素的候选人,但我们最终还是聘用了刚从大学毕业的新生,但他拥有出色的业务和形象! 他真的很好地完成了任务,并且是个很棒的人。 现在,进入组织将近五个月,他的表现非常出色,他的工作达到了所有人期望的标准。 这个决定是偶然的。

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Be like this happy Avocado, and good things will happen! (Image Credits: Unsplash)
像幸福的鳄梨一样,美好的事情将会发生! (图片来源:Unsplash)

6.真诚地完成“自己”的任务。 (6. Complete the tasks ‘yourself’, and with sincerity.)

This brings us to the final point — completing a design assignment or a task. When you complete an assignment yourself, it shows. When you take someone else’s help in it — that shows too.

这将我们带到了终点-完成设计任务或任务。 自己完成任务后,它会显示出来。 当您得到别人的帮助时,这也显示出来。

You might think you can get the entire assignment done by a good friend you know, and you think the interviewer will not get to know? Well of course, there are people who do pass such tests, but many times when you are caught, it’s not only an embarrassing situation but you end up losing your trust, along with that job-opportunity almost immediately.

您可能会认为您可以由认识的好朋友完成全部任务,并且您认为面试官不会认识? 当然,有些人确实通过了这样的测试,但是当您被抓到很多次时,这不仅令人尴尬,而且最终您会失去信任,并且几乎立即失去了工作机会。

When someone else does a job for you, there is a lot of nitty-gritty stuff that you won’t know about. If you are questioned about it, high chance — you will be stuck! The interviewer will get to know in an instance that this isn’t your work.

当其他人为您工作时,会有很多您不知道的琐碎东西。 如果您对此有疑问,那么很有可能-您将被卡住! 面试官会在一个实例中知道这不是你的工作。

Skype面试中的许多候选人都遇到了这种情况。 (This has happened to many candidates on Skype-interview.)

When I asked them why they put this feature here, why not somewhere else — they had no answers. But if you have done the assignment yourself, you will be conscious and aware of every decision that you took — which will save you from such embarrassing situations.

当我问他们为什么他们在这里放置此功能时,为什么不在其他地方—他们没有答案。 但是,如果您自己完成任务,您将有意识并意识到您所做的每个决定-这将使您免于陷入这种尴尬的境地。

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Image Credits: Unsplash

Lastly — when you are given an assignment, complete it! There were candidates who never turned up, or completed the assignment. That instantly shows lack of dedication. While there were candidates who at least submitted a half done assignment, and said that it was too much to be done over a weekend.

最后-完成任务后,完成任务! 有些候选人从未参加或完成任务。 那立刻表明缺乏奉献精神。 虽然有些候选人至少提交了一半的任务,并说要在一个周末完成太多工作。

Every designer works at his/her own pace. Some are fast, some are slow. If you think a design task requires more time — inform the interviewer about the same. Most probably, you will get more time. But if you are already given ten-days to design one screen, of course they will reject you! So, you also need to be reasonable with your demands.

每个设计师都按照自己的节奏工作。 有些快,有些慢。 如果您认为设计任务需要更多时间,请告知面试官同样的事情。 您很有可能会获得更多时间。 但是,如果您已经有十天的时间设计一个屏幕,那么他们当然会拒绝您! 因此,您还需要对自己的要求保持理性。

If you are given an assignment, make sure you complete it, and make sure you are not taking anyone’s help in it.


Even if some things are wrong in your assignment, what can happen? You will be pointed out in the interview? They will tell you that this is wrong? You will admit that you made a mistake?

即使您的作业有些错误,会发生什么? 您会在面试中被指出吗? 他们会告诉您这是错误的吗? 您会承认自己犯了一个错误?

Ah! That’s fine. Everyone makes mistakes. People who land a UX Design job, also make mistakes. That doesn’t mean, that to secure a job you need to know everything, and you need to be 100% right!

啊! 没关系。 每个人都会犯错。 从事UX设计工作的人也会犯错误。 这并不意味着要找到一份工作,您需要了解一切,并且必须100%正确!

You just need to be yourself.


7.奖励积分-相信自己。 (7. Bonus Point — Believe in yourself.)

If you really, really believe in something — it happens. No, I am not quoting The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, or The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, but I am telling you my life-experience. This is something that I have felt and lived, first-hand! You need to be optimistic and positive in your approach. Throw out that negativity, and stop believing that you can’t do something. You can. I am telling you, you can! Believe it. Work for it. Don’t sit there and whine.

如果您真的非常相信某件事,那就会发生。 不,我没有引用Paulo Coelho的The AlchemistRhonda Byrne的The Secret ,但我是在告诉您我的生活经历。 这是我亲身经历和生活的东西! 您需要在方法上保持乐观和积极。 抛弃这种消极情绪,不要再相信自己不能做某事。 您可以。 我告诉你,你可以! 相信它。 为它工作。 不要坐在那里抱怨。

That’s what my mum said every time I bitched about anything in life. She always told me ‘Mehek, be positive, think positive, wish good for everyone. Karma always returns with ten-fold rewards, or punishments. You decide what you want.’ So, be good and be positive. Good things will definitely happen!

每当我对生活中的任何事情bit之以鼻时,这就是妈妈所说的。 她总是对我说:“ Mehek,要保持积极,积极的态度,并祝愿大家好。 业力总是以十倍的奖励或惩罚来回报。 您决定想要什么。 因此,要善良并积极向上。 好事一定会发生!

You can check out some tips that I shared to improve your portfolio, so that the magnitude of errors is reduced—


That’s all for now, folks. Thank you for reading this far.

伙计们,到此为止。 感谢您阅读本文。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/what-i-learnt-from-rejecting-design-candidates-and-what-you-shouldnt-do-as-an-applicant-5235b6734e6a


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