同意 不同意按钮_如何不同意您的产品经理

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As UX designers, we have a unique responsibility to build and maintain collaborative, inclusive relationships with our team, including our Product Managers. Whether it’s regarding a product’s design direction, timeline or deadline expectations, or many other things, disagreements will come up throughout your career.

作为 UX设计师,我们负有与我们的团队(包括产品经理)建立和维护协作,包容性关系的独特责任。 无论是关于产品的设计方向,时间表或截止日期的期望,还是其他许多方面,在您的整个职业生涯中都会出现分歧。

Disagreements can be negative and lead to tension, stress, chaos, shutdown, and hostility between team members. But when executed correctly, disagreements can actually lead to great things. (Source)

分歧可能是负面的,并导致团队成员之间的紧张,压力,混乱,停摆和敌对情绪。 但是,如果正确执行,分歧实际上可以带来很多好处 。 ( 来源 )

Effective disagreements can:


  • Stimulate conversation

  • Build trust and respect

  • Provide insights and new perspectives

  • Prevent train wrecks and bad decisions

  • Inspire engagement from others

  • Generate new options and solutions

  • Create synergy among the team

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Image: Man builds a stack of rocks

1.建立基础 (1. Build the Foundation)

尽早获得信任 (Earn trust early on)

By building the relationship between yourself and your Product Manager (PM) early on, you will begin to trust each other. You’ll grow into a mutual respect for each other.

通过尽早建立自己与产品经理(PM)之间的关系,您将开始彼此信任。 您将成长为相互尊重的人。

Take time early on before a disagreement arises to build this relationship. You don’t have to be best friends with them, but it never hurts to open up a little, and maybe get them to laugh so they enjoy being around you. Learn a few things about them and find something you both have in common that you can build from. Here’s more on building a great UX/PM relationship.

建立分歧之前,花点时间尽早达成共识。 您不必与他们成为最好的朋友,但是稍微敞开心never,也可以让他们开怀大笑,这样他们就可以和您在一起。 了解有关它们的一些知识,并找到可以共同构筑的共同点。 这里有更多关于建立良好的UX / PM关系的信息

Keep in mind that trust is two-sided. You can’t expect your PM to automatically trust you if you don’t give them the same deference. (Source)

请记住,信任是双向的。 如果您不给予他们相同的尊重,您不能期望您的PM自动信任您。 ( 来源 )

要求成为高层计划会议的一部分 (Ask to be a part of higher-level planning meetings)

You won’t always be able to be in every meeting, or even some of the important ones. But you and your Product Manager are problem solvers. The best way to find the best solution to a problem it to be in on the process early on when the problem is identified and when higher-level decisions are being made. This will help you both be on the same page, so disagreements are less likely to come up.

您将永远无法参加每次会议,甚至某些重要会议。 但是您和您的产品经理是问题解决者。 找到问题的最佳解决方案的最佳方法是尽早在发现问题和制定更高级别的决策时就将其投入流程中。 这将帮助你们两个人处于同一页面上,因此不太可能出现分歧。

设定适当的期望 (Set proper expectations)

Setting expectations early on should come from both you and your PM. If they are not clear about what they expect from you, ask them. You should also take time to communicate what your expectations are of them.

尽早设定期望应该来自您和您的PM。 如果他们不清楚他们对您的期望,请询问他们。 您还应该花时间传达您对他们的期望。

It will be valuable to take the time to set proper expectations regarding your process, too. Not every PM will be well-versed in the UX process, and each designer has their own process. Here’s more on the differences and overlap of each role.

花时间为您的过程设定适当的期望也很有价值。 并非每个PM都会精通UX流程,并且每个设计人员都有自己的流程。 这是每个角色的区别和重叠的更多信息

If your PM is asking for deliverables in an unrealistic time frame or assuming their design direction is best, be sure to set the expectation with them you need to do a “Research and Discovery” phase, even if they already did one. If you weren’t part of it, you won’t have a complete understanding of the problem and will have much difficulty in finding the best solution.

如果您的PM要求在不现实的时间范围内交付产品或假设其设计方向最佳,请确保对他们设定期望值,即使他们已经做到了,也需要进行“研究与发现”阶段。 如果您不参与其中,那么您将不会完全理解该问题,并且将很难找到最佳解决方案。

Make sure you’re actually getting to the root of the problem, not wasting time solving the wrong problem in the first place. Here is another interesting article on working together from a PM’s perspective.

确保您实际上是问题的根源,而不是首先浪费时间解决错误的问题。 这是另一篇关于从PM角度进行协作的有趣文章

“A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.“ — Charles Kettering

“明确说明的问题是未解决的问题。” — 查尔斯·凯特林

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Image: Goats butting heads

2.周到地不同意 (2. Disagree Thoughtfully)

了解分歧的目的 (Understand the purpose of the disagreement)

In order for a disagreement to result in a successful outcome, you need to understand that both you and your PM are working toward the same goals: to provide the best solution for the users and the business.


There’s more pressure on you to do what’s right for the users; There is more pressure on your PM to do what’s right for the business. Understanding the purpose of the disagreement before jumping into it will help you both reach a consensus. Here’s another great resource on mistakes designer’s frequently make with PMs and how to avoid them.

您有更大的压力去做适合用户的事情。 您的项目经理有更大的压力去做适合自己业务的事情。 在深入了解分歧的目的之前,这将有助于你们双方达成共识。 这是关于设计师经常犯PM的错误以及如何避免它们的另一个重要资源

正面识别问题 (Identify issues head-on)

Don’t tiptoe around issues when they arise. If you see something is or might become an issue, address it directly with your PM. This doesn’t mean get angry or be unnecessarily direct. But avoid being passive or hoping something will work out to your expectations. You can’t expect action on what you don’t communicate. (Source)

当问题出现时,不要急于解决。 如果您发现有问题或可能成为问题,请直接与PM一起解决。 这并不意味着生气或不必要地直接。 但是,请避免变得被动或希望某些东西能够满足您的期望。 您不能指望您对未交流的内容采取行动。 ( 来源 )

使用事实和数据,而不是意见 (Use facts and data, not opinions)

If you disagree with something, make a logical point based on facts and data, not emotions or opinions. It’s okay to use your previous experience as an example of why you think it’s a bad idea, but you should still back up your arguments with facts. Avoid saying things like “I have way more experience than you in this so you should just believe me.” This comes across as condescending and can lead to defensiveness against you.

如果您不同意某件事,请根据事实和数据而不是情感或观点提出合乎逻辑的观点。 可以以您以前的经验为例说明为什么您认为这是个坏主意,但是您仍然应该用事实来支持您的论点。 避免说“我比你在这方面拥有更多的经验,所以你应该只相信我”。 这种情况居高临下,可能导致对您的防御。

Here is another great article on handling disagreements with your PM.


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Image: Girl in boxing gloves punching man

3.互相不同意 (3. Disagree Respectfully)

不要让他们感到不重要或不被重视 (Don’t make them feel unimportant or not valued)

When you disagree with an idea or direction your PM has, it’s important to avoid speaking in a way that invalidates their thought process or makes them feel unimportant. They are humans just like you and deserve to be treated with civility and respect. You cannot expect them to respect you if you don’t offer the same experience. Try phrases like, “You make a valid point.” or “I understand you’re coming from.”

当您不同意PM的想法或方向时,一定要避免以使他们的思维过程无效或使他们感到不重要的方式说话。 他们就像您一样是人类,应受到文明和尊重的对待。 如果您不提供相同的体验,则不能期望他们会尊重您。 尝试使用诸如“您提出正确的观点”之类的短语“我知道您来自哪里。”

保持镇定,不要防御 (Keep calm and don’t get defensive)

This might be one of the hardest things to do when you really believe the direction your PM wants to go is wrong, or when their expectations of you are unrealistic. It’s important to maintain professionalism in your verbal AND non-verbal communication with them. This includes your language, posture, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc.

当您真正相信PM想要走的方向是错误的时,或者当他们对您的期望不切实际时,这可能是最难的事情之一。 在与他们进行口头和非语言交流时,保持专业水平非常重要。 这包括您的语言,姿势,语气,面部表情等。

Even (and especially) in written communication (like email) it’s important to remain professional. Don’t send anything you wouldn’t want others to see or that might come back to bite you.

即使是(尤其是)书面交流(例如电子邮件),保持专业水平也很重要。 不要发送您不希望别人看到的东西,否则可能会再次咬你。

不要给您的工作关系造成压力 (Don’t create strain on your working relationship)

You need to have respect for the person you are disagreeing with in order to achieve a solution that is mutually beneficial. Avoid creating future strain on the relationship by choosing your battles and acting with dignity during disagreements. You will have much greater success at getting them on your side if you can present your argument with diplomacy and in a clear and concise manner.

您需要尊重不同意的人,以实现互惠互利的解决方案。 通过选择自己的战斗并在意见分歧时有尊严地行事,避免对未来的关系造成压力。 如果您能以外交和清晰明了的方式提出自己的观点,那么在使他们支持方面将会取得更大的成功。

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Image: Man looks at his work thoughtfully

4.一起找到解决方案 (4. Find a Solution Together)

不要自动假设你是对的 (Don’t automatically assume you’re right)

Just because you think something is wrong or a bad idea doesn’t mean you’re right. In order to have a successful disagreement, you need to acknowledge the fact that there might be better options than the one you’re proposing. You should never ever take the “My way or the highway” approach.

仅仅因为您认为出了什么问题或坏主意并不意味着您是对的。 为了成功达成共识,您需要承认以下事实:可能有比您建议的方案更好的方案。 您永远不应该采用“我的方式或高速公路”的方式。

发现和讨论解决方案 (Discover and discuss solutions)

It’s important to find solutions together when disagreements arise. This doesn’t mean you will always agree, but there will almost always be a solution that works for both of you even if some compromise is necessary. You will get greater buy-in from them when you treat them as a partner, not a taskmaster. (Source)

出现分歧时, 一起找到解决方案很重要。 这并不意味着您会永远同意,但是即使有必要做出一些妥协,也几乎总会有一种解决方案对双方都适用。 当您将他们视为合作伙伴而不是任务主管时,您将获得更多的支持。 ( 来源 )

寻找适合所有人的解决方案 (Find a solution that works for everyone)

This might be one of the most difficult parts of our jobs as UX designers. We have to find solutions that are right for our users, but we also have to consider the impact on the business and all stakeholders. For example, if the disagreement is over your amazing design because it’s going to be expensive and take a long time to develop, you need to look at other solutions that will work as well.

作为UX设计师,这可能是我们工作中最困难的部分之一。 我们必须找到适合我们用户的解决方案,但我们还必须考虑对业务和所有利益相关者的影响。 例如,如果由于您的惊人设计而导致意见分歧,因为它的成本高昂并且需要花费较长的开发时间,则您需要研究其他可行的解决方案。

你的想法? (Your Thoughts?)

What else do you recommend when having a disagreement with a PM? What disagreements have you had and how did you solve them? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

与PM意见不一致时,您还建议什么? 您有什么分歧,如何解决? 希望收到您的评论!



Teamgantt.com: How to resolve project disagreementsPmcolumn.com: How to disagree respectfullyProjectmanager.comMedium: How product designers tackle friction with product managersMedium: How to work with PMsCleverPM.com: Working with designersJustinmind.com: The differences between UX and product managementBalsamiq: PM and designer relationships Mariyayao.com: Common mistakes designers make with PMs

Teamgantt.com:如何解决项目分歧 Pmcolumn.com:如何互相尊重 Projectmanager.com 媒介:产品设计师如何与产品经理解决摩擦 媒介:如何与PM 一起工作CleverPM.com:与设计师合作 Justinmind.com:差异UX与产品管理之间的 关系Balsamiq:项目 经理 与设计者的关系 Mariyayao.com:设计人员在项目经理中常见的错误

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-disagree-with-your-product-manager-68b70254dbbf

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