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As I get older (and, with as much humility as I can muster- wiser) I have come to observe consistent and valuable approaches to design thinking. Some of these are, admittedly, wishful thinking at times –or only possible in ideal situations–but I do endeavor to work through these lenses either intentionally or unintentionally. I’ve been ruminating over these for a few years, trying to find ways to dive deep into them in a typical research fashion and post a full fledged article for each concept, but realized recently I can just present them together as a starting point.

随着年龄的增长(以及尽可能多的谦卑),我开始观察到一致且有价值的设计思维方法。 不可否认,其中一些有时是一厢情愿的,或者只有在理想情况下才可能,但我确实努力有意或无意地通过这些视角进行研究。 几年来,我一直在思考这些问题,试图找到一种以典型的研究方式深入研究它们的方法,并针对每个概念发布完整的文章,但是最近我意识到,我可以将它们一起作为一个起点。

Starting is the key, right?


OK, here goes. Let me know what you think:

好,去 让我知道你的想法:

1.流浪。 (1. Wander.)

The key ingredients for meaningful growth happens during accidental discovery. It is how knowledge becomes a filter to experiences to create new awarenesses. Humility is key: wallow in the glow of sometimes not knowing.

有意义的增长的关键因素发生在偶然发现期间。 这就是知识如何成为体验创建新意识的过滤器。 谦卑是关键:有时甚至不知所措。

This is one of those ways of talking about the value of ‘peripheral vision’, ‘un-focusing’ and ‘open-mindedness’. It’s an alternative approach to problem solving that reaps better ideas than the often limiting approach of ‘focus’ and ‘end-gaining’.(And theres research behind it.)

这是谈论“周边视觉”,“不专心”和“开放思想”的价值的方式之一。 这是解决问题的另一种方法,比“聚焦”和“最终获得”通常受限制的方法能获得更好的想法。 (并且背后有研究。)

The trick here, of course is to find ways to plan and allow proper time for it. Admittedly, this approach is sometimes a luxury that we all can’t afford, but I am steadfast in pushing for its necessity. Theres some crossover here with what Manoush Zomorodi is talking about in relation to boredom. Her renewed context to the ‘Default Mode Network’ is valuable for designers.

当然,这里的窍门是找到规划和留出适当时间的方法。 诚然,这种方法有时是我们所有人无法承受的奢侈品,但我坚定地推动其必要性。 这里与Manoush Zomorodi谈论的与无聊有关的问题有所不同 。 她对“ 默认模式网络 ”的重新了解对设计人员来说非常有价值。

Another important thing in relation to the value of wandering is having a slight ‘peripheral focus’ on a goal. This allows us to still arrive from point A to point B. Without that goal we might never arrive.

与徘徊的价值有关的另一件重要事情是对目标略有“外围关注”。 这使我们仍然可以从A点到达B点。没有这个目标,我们可能永远也不会到达。

2.直觉第一。 (2. Intuition First.)

We are filters to the world. The ‘direction of our gaze’ expresses who we are from a deep and integral place. Data is a useful start, Knowledge can be fleeting, but intuition is always right.

我们是世界的过滤器。 “凝视的方向”表达了我们来自一个深不可测的地方。 数据是一个有用的开始,知识可以瞬息万变,但是直觉总是正确的。

In a fascinating lecture Jony Ives did in 2018, he touched upon something extremely rich and perhaps not talked enough about in design philosophy. What you care about reflects who you are. And who you are, I think is based in our intuition. It could be similar to what Malcolm Gladwell refers to as ‘Thin Slicing’ but for the creative process. I can’t help but think that even though we depend on our intuition, we too often disregard or doubt what we value most.

2018年乔尼·艾夫斯(Jony Ives)进行的一次精彩演讲 ,他谈到了一些非常丰富的东西,也许在设计哲学上还没有被充分谈论。 您关心的是您的身份。 我认为您是谁,是基于我们的直觉。 它可能类似于马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)所说的“ 薄切片 ”,但用于创作过程。 我忍不住想,即使我们依靠直觉,我们也常常无视或怀疑我们最看重的是什么。

3.创造美丽。 (3. Create Beauty.)

We have to leave the world a more beautiful place than we found it. Beauty happens when we allow things to happen with the right amount of peripheral focus. Nuance and detail are at the core of beauty in design.

我们必须离开世界一个比我们发现的地方更美丽的地方。 当我们允许事情在适当的外围焦点下发生时,美就发生了。 细微之处和细节是设计美感的核心。

That said, the Æsthete in me struggles with the subjectivity of what beautiful is. I would like to think that there is ‘Inevitability’ in beauty– meaning that there must be some things that are beautiful to everyone and not locked in a time or trend– but I haven’t found that to be so. What matters most then is the impetus to make beautiful things.

就是说,我内心的“美”与美丽的主观性作斗争。 我想认为美中存在着“必然性”,这意味着某些事物对每个人来说都是美丽的,并且不受时间或潮流的束缚。但是我没有发现确实如此。 那么最重要的是制造美丽事物的动力

Another aspect of beauty is wonder. If beauty becomes timeless yet constantly new, wonder is a powerful force in creating beauty. I love the feeling of innocence that wonder creates.

美丽的另一个方面是奇迹。 如果美丽变得永恒而又不断更新,那么奇迹就是创造美丽的强大力量。 我喜欢奇迹创造的纯真感觉。

4.提升。 (4. Elevate.)

HCD should be considered a base level requirement, not a design approach. While we endeavor to solve human problems, ultimately we should focus on elevating the outcome. Something more and greater than just good and nice.

HCD应该被视为基本要求,而不是设计方法。 在努力解决人为问题的同时,最终我们应该集中精力提高结果。 不仅仅是好和好。

Theres a lot to unpack here, but the key point I want to make is that as designers we can’t be satisfied with ‘good enough’ or ‘adequate’. Human Centered Design is a useful starting point, but for me it’s a given, and when used too much as a focus, homogeny happens. And homogeny has limited value to say the least.

这里有很多要解压的问题,但是我想指出的重点是,作为设计师,我们对“足够好”或“足够”并不满意。 以人为中心的设计是一个有用的起点,但对我而言这是既定的,并且当过多地用作焦点时,就会发生同质化。 至少可以说,同质性的价值有限。

5.创建抵抗。 (5. Create Resistance.)

‘Engagement’ is meaningful and kinesthetic. Integrating barriers and forms of resistance creates mental and physical heuristics. Our experience is collected and stored in deeper places of the brain than information we read, see, or hear.

“订婚”是有意义和动感的。 整合障碍和抵抗形式会产生精神和身体启发。 与我们阅读,看到或听到的信息相比,我们的经验被收集并存储在大脑的更深处。

This is a topic I have been working on for a few years now and it really deserves a whole article by itself, but the basic thing here is to always be aware that humans are bodies, not just brains. To understand the intricate complexities of how we perceive and how those perceptions live in the body can not be overlooked.

这是我几年来一直在研究的主题,它本身确实值得一整篇文章,但是这里的基本要点是要始终意识到人类是身体,而不仅仅是大脑。 要理解我们如何感知以及这些感知如何生活在身体中的复杂性,不容忽视。

I am a strong believer in the power of ‘learning by doing’ and have been working to define just what ‘muscle memory ‘ is and how it works. Following Wilhelm Reich’s work in relation to Armoring, as well as the educational methods integrated by Rudolf Steiner, all have supported the value of experience that I have learned countless times throughout my life.

我坚信“边做边学”的力量,并且一直在努力定义“肌肉记忆”是什么以及它如何工作。 继威廉·赖希 ( Wilhelm Reich )在装甲方面的工作以及鲁道夫·施泰纳 ( Rudolf Steiner)整合的教育方法之后,所有这些都支持了我一生中无数次学习的经验的价值。

These also inform how we should be designing and creating– all too often in our high-tech world we focus on things we could see (and sometimes hear) but I want to stress the importance of full kinetic experience. I am reminded here of the importance of fuller experience design considerations mentioned by Charles Spence in relation to food and dining.

这些也说明了我们应该如何设计和创建-在高科技世界中,我们经常将精力集中在我们可以看到(有时听到)的事物上,但是我想强调充分动力体验的重要性。 在这里我想起了查尔斯·斯彭斯 ( Charles Spence)提到的有关餐饮的全面体验设计考虑的重要性。

6.总是重塑。 (6. Always Reinvent.)

Formulas do not work. By the time something becomes a formula, its outdated and inappropriate. Every problem has a unique solution. Always start fresh.

公式不起作用。 到某个东西变成公式时,它已经过时且不合适。 每个问题都有独特的解决方案。 总是重新开始。

This is somewhat related to #1 and #4 in that going down the path of least resistance does not lead to innovation or progress. And progress is the thing of life, so if you are not trying to make things better, you are in the process of dying. Reinvention requires humility as well as a willingness to look for new ways of doing things.

这在某种程度上与#1和#4有关,因为走在阻力最小的道路上不会导致创新或进步。 进步是生活中的事情,因此,如果您不尝试使事情变得更好,那么您就快要死了。 重塑既要谦虚,又要寻找新的做事方式。

Use your past experiences, understanding and knowledge as practice for what you will do next. I could go on here about ‘being willing to be wrong’ and ‘try, try again’ but I think you get the point.

将您过去的经验,理解和知识用作下一步的实践。 我可以在这里继续讲“愿意做错了”和“尝试再试一次”,但是我想你明白了。

7.情境为王。 (7. Context is king.)

Keeping clear on what problem needs to be solved while keeping focused on who and what it is for. Once we digress, we too often end up with something useless.

明确需要解决的问题,同时专注于解决问题的对象和目的。 一旦离题,我们常常会得到一些无用的东西。

Yes, yes we all know the adage about ‘seeing the forest for the tree’s but also keep in mind that sometimes you set out to design a forest, only to find that the context has changed and what you really need to be building is a beach. Essentially, context (or your perception of the context) often changes, and thus requires you to reconsider what you are designing. This is often difficult if you are more than halfway through a project to only have to start over. Better start over than make the wrong thing.

是的,是的,我们都知道“为树木看森林”的格言,但也要记住,有时您开始设计森林,只是发现环境已经改变,而您真正需要建造的是沙滩。 本质上,上下文(或您对上下文的感知)通常会发生变化,因此需要您重新考虑所设计的内容。 如果您只需要从头开始一个项目,就很难完成这个工作。 重新开始比做错事更好。

8.首先画出来。 (8. Draw it First.)

Using your hands to ideate uses your whole self. Drawing and writing is more than just a medium, it is an environment.

用您的双手去构想会消耗您的整个自我。 绘图和书写不只是一种媒介,它还是一种环境。

Part of what having to actually write it down, or draw it out is about human-scaled-time. Our brains and hands work at a certain instinctual speed that supports our abilities to contemplate while doing, and this relates to #5 a lot. Drawing it first also gives us an immediate physical context which is, I think, crucial for good design solutions. We have to really stay in our bodies as we create things for other bodies. It’s like relative heuristics.

实际写下或绘制出来的部分内容是关于人类比例时间的 。 我们的大脑和手以一定的本能速度运转,这支持了我们在做事时进行思考的能力,而这与#5密切相关。 首先绘制它还为我们提供了直接的物理环境,我认为这对良好的设计解决方案至关重要。 当我们为其他身体创造事物时,我们必须真正地留在我们的身体中。 这就像相对启发法。

That said, building rote-repetition muscle memory of other tools, such as our computers and keyboards have similar effects on our learning, there is just the risk of it taking too much brain power to ignore the distractions. A piece of paper and a pen in front of you helps you focus in a way that is difficult to recreate on a computer screen with everything else that is happening on screen.

就是说,建立其他工具的死记硬背肌肉记忆, 例如我们的计算机和键盘,会对我们的学习产生类似的影响 ,只是存在过多的脑力而忽视干扰的风险。 前面的纸和笔可以帮助您集中精力 ,以一种难以在计算机屏幕上重新创建的方式来处理屏幕上发生的所有其他事情。

9.文化是信仰。 (9. Culture is Belief.)

People are social at the core, and at the core of social belonging is belief. Belief is what guides a single person, and collectively it creates culture. Remember you can’t change peoples minds with logic, but you can inspire belief.

人是社会的核心,而社会归属感的核心是信念。 信念是引导一个人的信念,它共同创造了文化。 请记住,您无法通过逻辑改变人们的想法,但是可以激发信念。

This approach, or awareness really, is about understanding peoples motivations for action. It is something that I want to spend more time understanding, especially as I spend more time working with Data Ethics and Data Design. What is important to stress here is to concentrate on inspiring peoples heart. And today, culture is so nuanced and virtual that is is important to keep your ear to the ground to the constant variables that are created everyday– woven within the feeds and noise.

这种方法,或实际上是意识,是关于了解人们采取行动的动机。 我想花更多的时间来理解这一点,尤其是当我花更多的时间与数据道德和数据设计一起工作时。 这里需要强调的是,要集中精力激发人们的心灵。 如今,文化是如此细致和虚拟,这对于使您的耳朵了解每天产生的不断变化的变量(编织在饲料和噪音中)至关重要。

10.相反地听。 (10. Conversely Listen.)

Conversation reaps the most inspiring ideas. Especially if you seek to talk to people with opposite views. Listen more than you talk, but when you do talk listen to what you say. My father used to say ‘The opposite is also true’, and I think he has a point.

对话收获了最鼓舞人心的想法。 尤其是当您寻求与持相反观点的人交谈时。 听多于说话,但说话时要听你说。 我父亲曾经说过“相反也是如此”,我认为他有道理。

Based on the awarenesses of what is touched up on in #9, theres no better way to really understand what people want and believe in, what they are afraid of and what they hold near than through conversation and stories. This is especially important to do with folks that seem opposite to what you believe. I love the concept of what Dylan Marron is doing with his ‘Conversations with People Who Hate Me’ podcast. We should have more of that going on, especially within design.

基于对#9中涉及的内容的认识,没有比通过对话和故事更好地真正理解人们想要和相信的东西,他们害怕的东西和附近的东西的方法。 这对于与您所相信的相反的人尤其重要。 我喜欢Dylan Marron在他的“ 与讨厌我对话 ”播客中所做的工作。 我们应该做更多的事情,尤其是在设计方面。

And, I’ve learned a ton about the importance of listening being a crucial part of communication from my wife.


10b。 步行。 (10b. Walk.)

Adding on to design approach #10, I have found that the best ideas get worked out when walking. Especially while talking. Aristotle’s whole teaching practice involved walking the Lyceum, and I think there is something extremely cathartic about the blood moving, and seeing the world while thinking and speaking aloud that garners the best ideas. Additionally, there is something more collaborative about walking side by side, brainstorming, than by sitting at a table together, there are less distracting social cues and the ability to ramble in a way that is awkward while sitting. I highly recommend make this a common practice. (A few researchers at Stanford agree.)

除了设计方法10外,我发现步行时可以得出最好的想法。 特别是在谈话时。 亚里士多德的整体教学实践涉案走在学园 ,我觉得有一些非常泻剂关于加快血液循环,和看世界,而思维和说话大声说。仓的最好的想法。 此外,并排走动,集思广益要比坐在一起坐在桌前更具协作性,从而减少了分散注意力的社交线索,以及在坐着时笨拙地漫步的能力。 我强烈建议您将此做法设为惯例。 (斯坦福大学的一些研究人员对此表示赞同。)

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/10-design-principles-53f8cef058e3

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