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word 在页脚中添加阈

结局不好 (A bad ending)

There is nothing worse than binge-watching a tv series, only to find a lack-luster ending. What was the point? You commit all of this time and energy to identifying with the characters, discovering plot twists, and all to be let down with a cliché ending.

没有什么比狂暴地观看电视连续剧更糟糕的了,只是找到了缺乏光彩的结局。 有什么意义? 您将所有的时间和精力都花在识别角色,发现情节曲折以及一切都带有陈词滥调的结尾上。

In my opinion, the same can be said with web design. I have designed and developed websites for some time; when searching for inspiration, or researching competitor websites, the first thing I will check is the footer.

我认为,网页设计也可以这样说。 我已经设计和开发了一段时间的网站; 在寻找灵感或研究竞争对手的网站时,我首先要检查的是页脚。

A large majority of websites that we build use WordPress as a content management system. I have heard people say on several occasions, “I don’t want the site to look like a WordPress site”. This statement has often confused me. How can a tool used to simply manage content have a “look”. Then it dawned on me. The “WordPress” look actually has nothing to do with the CMS itself, but rather the free templates available to the masses. If there is one thing that stands out as “templated” it most certainly is the footer of the website.

我们建立的大多数网站都使用WordPress作为内容管理系统。 我听说有人在几次场合说:“我不希望该网站看起来像WordPress网站”。 这种说法经常使我感到困惑。 用于简单管理内容的工具如何具有“外观”。 然后它突然降临在我身上。 “ WordPress”外观实际上与CMS本身无关,而是与大众可用的免费模板无关。 如果有一件事被“模板化”突出,那肯定是网站的页脚。

构架 (Frameworks)

For most people who don’t work in the web world, frameworks may be a foreign term. Frameworks are tools designed to help with the development of a website, or web application. Essentially they are libraries of code that have presets for building common elements. This includes, buttons, headers, footer, etc. Once of the most popular frameworks available is “bootstrap” which was developed by Twitter.

对于大多数不在网络世界工作的人来说,框架可能是一个外来术语。 框架是旨在帮助开发网站或Web应用程序的工具。 本质上,它们是具有用于构建公共元素的预设的代码库。 其中包括按钮,页眉,页脚等。最受欢迎的框架之一就是Twitter开发的“ bootstrap”。

Frameworks are great for developers with minimal to no design experience. They offer clean, modern designs that developers can easily put together to bring their highly technical projects to life. The problem with frameworks, is that every out-of-the box website that uses them will look the same (see below). This is that “WordPress” look that people will often refer to. The truth is, the CMS has nothing to do with it.

框架非常适合需要很少甚至没有设计经验的开发人员。 它们提供了干净,现代的设计,开发人员可以轻松地将它们组合在一起,以实现其高科技项目。 框架的问题在于,每个使用框架的开箱即用的网站看起来都是一样的(见下文)。 这就是人们经常提到的“ WordPress”外观。 事实是,CMS与它无关。

Example of a bootstrap footer
Example of a bootstrap footer

This is why footers are so important to me. You could have a website with great photography, original iconography and your logo in the header. But, unless the footer pulls your brand into it and has some kind of originality, your site will look like a generic templated “WordPress site”.

这就是为什么页脚对我如此重要的原因。 您可能会拥有一个网站,上面有精美的摄影作品,原始肖像和标题中的徽标。 但是,除非页脚将您的品牌加入其中并具有某种独创性,否则您的网站将看起来像是通用的模板化“ WordPress网站”。

网页设计中的5个有效页脚 (5 Effective footers in web design)

So… What are some example of effective footers? Well, it was actually quite difficult to put together a list. I found that most large scale companies — most of which you would assume would have the research and resources to put together a thoughtful footer, fell short. With that, I have put together a list of my top 5 favourites below:

那么……有效页脚的一些例子是什么? 好吧,实际上很难列出一份清单。 我发现,大多数大型公司(您会认为其中大多数都将拥有足够的研究和资源来组建周到的页脚)都没有达到。 有了这个,我整理了以下我最喜欢的5个清单:

素描应用 (Sketch App)

The sketch footer uses brand colours to identify and highlight parent pages. This in conjunction with the large bold CTA above turns a simple clean layout into a fully branded statement.

草图页脚使用品牌颜色标识并突出显示父页面。 结合上面的大号粗体CTA,可以将简单整洁的布局变成一个完整的品牌声明。

名望 (Famebit)

One of my favourite techniques used in footer design is using a brand element to tie the whole website together. The Famebit website uses their halftone pattern as a graphical element showing that thought went into the footer. Also, their technique of layering the CTA buttons over the page and footer area adds the sense of depth, and ultimately makes the design more impactful.

页脚设计中我最喜欢的技术之一是使用品牌元素将整个网站联系在一起。 Famebit网站使用其半色调图案作为图形元素,以显示该想法已进入页脚。 同样,他们在页面和页脚区域上叠加CTA按钮的技术增加了深度感,并最终使设计更具影响力。

条纹 (Stripe)

Stripe is one of my favourite brands. Their bright colours, unique iconography and beautiful CSS transitions really make their brand feel like a living organism. The footer on the Stripe website again uses that layered effect for depth, and uses hierarchy to guide the user through their final send off at the bottom of their website.

条纹是我最喜欢的品牌之一。 他们鲜艳的色彩,独特的图像和漂亮CSS过渡确实使他们的品牌像活生生的生物。 Stripe网站上的页脚再次使用该分层效果作为深度,并使用层次结构来指导用户完成其网站底部的最终发送。

超级团队豪华 (Super Team Deluxe)

I stumbled upon Super Team Deluxe on Dribbble one day. I love how animated their brand is, and how they carry over this fun and exciting emotion into their footer. The warped line and illustrations let the user know that this is an original design, while unique link hover states are an added bonus.

一天,我偶然在Dribbble上发现了Super Team Deluxe。 我喜欢他们品牌的生气勃勃,以及他们如何将这种有趣而激动人心的情感延续到他们的页脚中。 弯曲的线条和插图使用户知道这是原始设计,而独特的链接悬停状态是额外的收获。

人才图集 (Talent Atlas)

The use of photography and layered iconography in the Talent Atlas footer once again pulls the brand right into the design. The use of layering ensures that the design doesn’t look to be an out-of-the-box template, but rather an impactful design that had thought and care brought into it.

Talent Atlas页脚中使用摄影和分层的图像处理再次将品牌引入设计之中。 分层的使用可确保该设计看起来不是开箱即用的模板,而是一种经过深思熟虑的有影响力的设计。

Good Lookin Kids Inc. (Good Lookin Kids Inc.)

Time for a shameless plug. The GLK website footer uses the logo as a watermark fixed to the right side. We wanted to keep the footer simple but still branded. By using the logo as a design element we feel like we have achieved this.

该换个无耻的插头了。 GLK网站页脚使用徽标作为固定在右侧的水印。 我们希望保持页脚简单,但仍保持品牌形象。 通过将徽标用作设计元素,我们感觉已经实现了这一目标。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/proof-is-in-the-footer-3a377c42af33

word 在页脚中添加阈

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