

At the beginning of each new semester or school year, teachers are faced with the challenge of remembering names for a large number of new students. Design an experience to help an educator match faces to names, with the goal of shortening the time needed to reach complete un-aided accuracy.

每个新学期或学年开始时,老师都面临着为大量新学生记住名字的挑战。 设计一种可帮助教育工作者将面Kong与名字匹配的体验,目的是缩短达到完全无误的准确性所需的时间。

As I was looking to complete this in 2 days, I had to make some assumptions about users and define some of my own constraints for the solution. I decided to narrow the scope of this challenge to grade school teachers (K-12) because the classes are often smaller and more consistent in comparison to the often large and varying class sizes of colleges/universities. Classes in grade school also take place over the entire school year, as opposed to the 4 month semesters that are commonplace in college. Because the classes are longer in grade school, teachers have a longer time to build a relationship with a particular group of students.

当我希望在两天内完成此工作时,我必须对用户做出一些假设,并为解决方案定义一些自己的约束。 我决定将挑战的范围缩小到小学(K-12)年级,因为与通常规模较大且变化的大学/学院相比,班级通常较小,而且更加一致。 小学一年级的课程也要在整个学年内进行,而不是大学里的四个月学期。 由于小学的班级较长,因此老师有较长的时间与特定的学生群体建立联系。

I have also decided to narrow the potential solution to a mobile application, based on the assumption that giving teachers access to a solution that they can take with them everywhere will allow them to get more use out of the product. This also implies the assumption that teachers using this application will be tech-savvy enough to use a modern mobile application.

我还决定将潜在的解决方案范围缩小到移动应用程序,这是基于这样的假设,即让教师可以在任何地方随身携带的解决方案可以让他们更多地使用该产品。 这也暗示了这样的假设,即使用此应用程序的教师将具有足够的技术知识,可以使用现代的移动应用程序。

问题 (Questions)

There were plenty of questions circulating in my mind about teachers and their students that I wanted to answer. Some of these questions included:

我想回答关于教师及其学生的很多问题。 其中一些问题包括:

  • How large is the average class size for grade school teachers?

  • Do teachers even find it important to remember students’ names?

  • What methods are they currently using to remember students’ names?

  • How long does it take for teachers to memorize students’ names?

  • Are certain methods of memorizing students’ names more effective than others?

  • Can we bring effective memorization methods into a digital space?

  • How would we measure improvement?


进入研究阶段 (Moving into the research phase)

After brainstorming some questions and ideas about the problem I’m trying to solve with this product, I decided to get straight to research. Due to the time constraints of this project, I relied heavily on secondary research compiled from articles, data, and discussion forums on the internet. To help validate some of these ideas as well as to directly interact with and gain insight from our users, I decided to conduct a survey, which, thanks to the teachers of Reddit, was able to garner 90 viable responses in under a day.

在就我要使用该产品解决的问题集思广益后,我决定直接进行研究。 由于该项目的时间紧迫,我在很大程度上依赖于根据互联网上的文章,数据和讨论论坛汇编的二次研究。 为了帮助验证其中的一些想法,并与我们的用户直接互动并从中获得见识,我决定进行一项调查,这要归功于Reddit的老师,该调查能够在一天之内获得90项可行的答复。

二次研究 (Secondary Research)

I took to the web to try and answer some of my previously stated questions about teachers and how they memorize students’ names. Useful sources of information I stumbled upon during my research include the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), various Quora discussions, an article from Busy Teacher, and an article from the Carnegie Mellon University.

我上网尝试回答我之前提到的一些有关老师以及他们如何记住学生姓名的问题。 我在研究过程中偶然发现的有用信息来源包括国家教育统计中心 (NCES),各种Quora讨论, 忙碌老师的一篇文章以及卡内基梅隆大学的一篇文章。

According to data published by the NCES, I learned that:


  • the average class size for elementary school teachers is 21.6 for self-contained classes and 26.1 for departmentalized classes.

  • the average class size for middle school teachers is 16.7 for self-contained classes and 25.5 for departmentalized classes.

  • the average class size for high school teachers is 17.7 for self-contained classes and 24.2 for departmentalized classes.


This means that the solution to this problem will need to be able to help our teachers memorize approximately 30 names, give or take a few.


In response to the Quora question “How do teachers remember the names and faces of their students while teaching?”, self-reporting teachers mentioned some techniques and methods they use to remember names and faces, some of which included:


  • Seating charts

  • Name cards

  • Brute repetition

  • Looking at photos of students in the electronic roll call system


调查—问题与见解 (Survey — Questions and Insights)

My survey included a total of 10 questions (a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions). The goal for this survey was to find out directly from teachers what they think about the importance of memorizing students’ names, how they’re memorizing names, and how long it takes them to memorize them.

我的调查共包括10个问题(定量和定性问题的混合)。 这项调查的目的是直接从教师那里了解他们对记住学生姓名的重要性,他们如何记住姓名以及他们记住他们需要多长时间的看法。

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99% of respondents said it was important to remember students’ names. 99%的受访者说,记住学生的名字很重要。
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Respondents gave many varied responses on why it’s important to remember names. The general consensus was that remembering students’ names makes them feel valued.
受访者对记住名字的重要性为什么有很多不同的回答。 普遍的共识是,记住学生的名字会使他们感到被重视。
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Teachers had many different ways to remember names. Some had no method at all. The ones most frequently mentioned were seating charts, memory games, name badges/cards, brute repetition.
老师有许多不同的方式来记住名字。 有些根本没有方法。 最常提及的是座位表,记忆游戏,姓名徽章/卡片,残酷重复。

调查思想 (Thoughts on Survey)

In retrospect, this survey was missing some questions that would have made it more effective. I would like to have asked teachers if they have or are currently using any type of memory building apps or games and whether or not they found them to be effective. I would have also reformatted the wording of some of the questions because some of the questions improperly presented ideas to the respondents.

回想起来,这项调查遗漏了一些可以使其更有效的问题。 我想问问老师,他们是否有或正在使用任何类型的记忆构建应用程序或游戏,以及他们是否认为它们有效。 我还会重新格式化某些问题的措词,因为某些问题不正确地向受访者展示了想法。

通过工作故事定义用户需求 (Defining User Needs With Job Stories)

As I was running on a very tight time constraint, I decided against creating elaborate personas and instead opted for job stories.


My job stories follow the “As a [insert user type here], when I’m [insert situation type here], I want to [expected outcome] so that [motivation]” format.


A more general job story for this situation based on the survey and secondary research would be:


“As a teacher, when I’m interacting with a new class at the beginning of the school year, I want to learn my students’ names as quickly as possible so that I can build a relationship with my students.”


A more specific job story to use as a base for developing a product would be:


“As a teacher, when I’m trying to learn students’ names, I want a tool that allows me to practice memorizing their names and helps me learn them quickly so that I can develop a relationship with them and help foster their learning.”


构想和解决方案 (Ideation and a Proposed Solution)

After some ideation via a solo brainstorming session, I settled on a potential solution to this problem. The solution would allow teachers to learn the names in different ways using a quiz system, presenting the students’ names and photos through a variety of different question formats. I decided to call the application Nameology (the study of names, haha).

经过一次集体讨论后,我决定解决这个问题。 该解决方案将允许教师使用测验系统以不同的方式学习姓名,并通过各种不同的问题格式展示学生的姓名和照片。 我决定将应用程序命名为Nameology (名称研究,哈哈)。

The application would be linked to school databases, and using unique teacher information, would auto-generate a teacher’s list of students, separated by class. Each student would have a profile, with key information about them, such as their name, age, a unique quality about them (research suggests that a unique factor about a particular student may help teachers remember them more effectively) and any pertinent medical information about the student. The name and age would be auto-generated by the school’s database, and would not be editable, while the unique quality and medical information would be able to be modified directly in the app.

该应用程序将链接到学校数据库,并使用唯一的教师信息,将自动生成按班级划分的学生名单。 每个学生都有个人资料,其中包含有关他们的关键信息,例如他们的姓名,年龄,他们的独特素质(研究表明,关于特定学生的独特因素可以帮助教师更有效地记住他们)以及有关以下方面的任何医学信息:学生。 名称和年龄将由学校的数据库自动生成,并且不可编辑,而独特的质量和医疗信息则可以直接在应用中进行修改。

The teacher would also have a section to put a short hint in about a student, such as “Name starts with” or “My brother/sister also has this name”.


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An overhead view of all the screens that make up the prototype 🙂 构成原型的所有屏幕的俯视图🙂
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Here’s what the dashboard, list of students and student profile could look like 这是仪表盘,学生列表和学生资料的外观
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Brief the user and start the quiz! 向用户简介并开始测验!
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Another quiz question format. 另一种测验问题格式。
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Generate quiz results, inform the user on names they had trouble with so that they can practice those in particular. 生成测验结果,告知用户遇到问题的名称,以便他们可以特别练习这些名称。

You can also view and test the prototype here.


总结思想和下一步 (Closing Thoughts and Next Steps)

This challenge was scoped to 2 days, so I had to make many assumptions and design decisions without any sort of stakeholder or user validation. This solution would need to be verified in terms of feasibility before even considering moving into development. I would also like to explore other types of questions as well as integrating memorization concepts like mnemonics into the design solution.

这项挑战的范围为2天,因此我必须做出许多假设和设计决策,而无需任何利益相关者或用户的验证。 甚至在考虑开发之前,都需要在可行性方面验证该解决方案。 我还想探索其他类型的问题,并将记忆符号(如助记符)集成到设计解决方案中。

This solution also makes the strong assumption that we would somehow be able to integrate this product with a school’s database in a reasonable amount of time and with minimal friction from the schools and school districts. It is also rather unlikely that schools would easily give us access to students’ photos and information to make this application happen.

该解决方案还做出了一个强有力的假设,即我们将能够以某种方式在合理的时间内将本产品与学校的数据库集成在一起,并且不会造成学校和学区的摩擦。 学校也不大可能轻易让我们访问学生的照片和信息以实现此应用程序。

Also, because I was not able to do any user interviews or testing in the time allotted, I was not able to discover whether or not this product would be a useful solution to teachers.


Ultimately, this design case study left me with many questions I would like to find answers to and ideas I would like to explore. If you would like to talk to me about this case study, or anything else related to product design, feel free to contact me via email or on social media!

最终,这个设计案例研究给我留下了许多我想找到答案和想法的问题。 如果您想与我讨论此案例研究或任何其他与产品设计有关的问题,请随时通过电子邮件或社交媒体与我联系!





翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-might-we-help-teachers-learn-students-names-a56039570fd9






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