

重点 (Top highlight)

Before pilots initiate take off they have a routine checklist they go through to make sure the aircraft is in good shape. Engines, landing gear, fuel. Sometimes this leads to part replacements and generally extra time on the ground. But that’s also why flying is safe—checklists save lives and so they’re routinely used on commercial flights.

乙 EFORE飞行员开始起飞,他们有他们所经历的程序清单,以确保飞机处于良好的状态。 发动机,起落架,燃料。 有时这会导致零件更换,并且通常会增加地面上的时间。 但这也是为什么飞行安全的原因,清单可以挽救生命,因此通常用于商业飞行。

Designing a portfolio is a deeply personal activity. Because we usually find ourselves poring over the writing and sweating the details we sometimes inadvertently miss things.

设计作品集是一项深切的个人活动。 因为我们通常会发现自己遍历整个写作过程并花了很多精力在细节上,所以有时会无意间错过一些东西。

This list is here to help.


Think of it as heuristics for your portfolio—rules of thumb based on what hiring managers expect. Also remember that heuristics only go so far—usability test your portfolio before submitting it (more on that below).

可以将其视为您的投资组合的启发法-基于招聘经理期望的经验法则。 还请记住,启发式方法仅适用于此—在提交投资组合之前,请对其可用性进行可用性测试(更多内容请参见下文)。

一般注意事项 (General things to keep in mind)

Remember, your number one goal with the portfolio is to get the first interview. How might you drum up interest and get the hiring manager excited by the prospect of working with you?

请记住,您的投资组合的首要目标是获得第一次面试。 您会如何激发兴趣,并使招聘经理对与您合作的前景感到兴奋?

General things to keep in mind throughout:


  • Storytelling. Have you crafted a compelling narrative to describe your work, your career and why you’re a good fit for this role?

    评书。 您是否设计了引人入胜的叙述方式来描述您的工作,职业以及为什么您非常适合担任此职务?

  • Easy to scan. Is your portfolio easy to understand at a quick glance?

    易于扫描。 您的投资组合是否容易一目了然?

  • Brand. What type of design do you specialize in? What are your strengths? What’s unique about you? Can you communicate your value clearly?

    牌。 您擅长哪种类型的设计? 你的优势是什么? 你的独特之处是什么? 您能否清楚地传达您的价值?

Watch out for these:


  • Typos. Read your portfolio out loud, purposefully slowing yourself down will help you hear the content (as opposed to just seeing it) and spot any mistakes you may have otherwise missed.

    错别字 。 大声朗读您的作品集,有目的地放慢自己的速度,这将有助于您听到内容(而不是仅仅看到内容),并发现可能错过的任何错误。

  • Typographical sins. Check for things like quotation marks, dashes, etc.

    印刷罪过。 检查是否有引号,破折号等。

  • Acronyms. Remove, rephrase or define. You don’t want to alienate your audience with industry or company jargon.

    首字母缩写词 。 删除,重新定义或定义。 您不想让行业或公司行话疏远您的受众。

  • Links. Check for broken URLs.

    链接。 检查损坏的URL。

  • Your portfolio URL. Make sure it goes to the right place.

    您的投资组合网址 。 确保将其放在正确的位置。

Some of these are easy to miss and can be hard to spot. Outside of reading out loud—consider printing your work and posting it on the wall. Stepping back and looking at it from a distance will help you evaluate hierarchy. What things call to your attention? Are these the right things?

其中一些很容易遗漏,很难发现。 除了大声朗读之外,您还可以考虑打印您的作品并将其张贴在墙上。 向后退一步并从远处看可以帮助您评估层次结构。 什么事情引起您的注意? 这些是对的吗?

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Patrick Fore Patrick Fore摄影

关于你 (About you)

Your story begins with you first, work second. What type of designer are you? What are you passionate about? Your case studies reinforce your identity. For example if you said you’re good at prototyping — highlight those skills in action by showing the work.

您的故事首先从您开始,然后是工作。 您是什么类型的设计师? 您热衷于什么? 您的案例研究可以增强您的身份。 例如,如果您说自己擅长原型制作,请通过展示作品来突出这些操作技巧。

  • Your Name.


  • Date of your portfolio. (e.g. selected work from 2020)

    投资组合的日期。 (例如,从2020年开始入选的作品)

  • Your story. A short description of who you are, your strengths, and any relevant and transferable skills for the role you’re applying.

    你的故事 。 简短描述您是谁,您的长处以及与您正在申请的职位相关的任何可转移技能。

Make it easy for your potential future hiring manager to contact you,


  • Phone number. Check for typos.

    电话号码 。 检查拼写错误。

  • Location. Where would you like to be located?

    位置。 您想位于哪里?

  • E-mail. The one you regularly check.

    电子邮件 。 您定期检查的那个。

  • Professional social media (e.g. LinkedIn, Behance, Dribbble, etc.)

    专业的社交媒体 (例如,LinkedIn,Behance,Dribbble等)

项目-您的策划工作 (Projects—your curated work)

Your projects are competing in a place for your portfolio. Have many projects on hand. Include the ones that are most relevant to the company and the role you’re applying for. Use this criteria to determine which ones make the cut.

您的项目正在为您的投资组合竞争。 有许多项目在手。 包括与公司和您所申请的职位最相关的职位。 使用此条件来确定要进行切割的条件。

  • Relevant to the role. Are these projects relevant to the role that you’re applying for?

    有关角色。 这些项目与您申请的职位相关吗?

  • First impression. When scanning through your portfolio in 30 seconds, what impression do you get? Is this the right impression?

    第一印象。 在30秒内浏览投资组合时,您会得到什么印象? 这是正确的印象吗?

  • Skill level. Does the list of projects represent your current skills well?

    技能等级。 项目列表是否很好地代表了您当前的技能?

  • Complexity. How challenging was this project? Complex projects speak to your seniority and capacity to take on larger scope of work with ambiguous requirements.

    复杂。 这个项目的挑战性如何? 复杂的项目说明了您的资历和能力,需要承担模棱两可的大型工作。

  • Has this project shipped? Generally shipped projects tend to be weighed more over those that were never built (e.g. student work).

    这个项目有出货吗? 一般而言,发运的项目比未建的项目(例如,学生作业)要权衡更多。

  • Recency. If the work is over 5 years old consider replacing it with a more recent project.

    新近度。 如果工作已超过5年,请考虑用一个新的项目代替它。

  • Project blend. Do you have a good mix of projects that show your breadth of skills (e.g. interaction design, visual design, user research) and depth (e.g. complex prototypes).

    项目融合。 您是否有一个很好的项目组合来显示您的技能广度 (例如,交互设计,视觉设计,用户研究)和深度 (例如,复杂的原型)。

项目 (Project)

Next you’ll want to set up each project individually in a case study format.


语境 (Context)

Setting up a proper context for a project makes it easy for the hiring manager to understand the constraints you were up against and how you were able to navigate them.


  • Summary. Succinctly describe the project.

    摘要。 简要描述该项目。

  • Problem statement. Should be short and clear. What was the user issue? What was the business problem?

    问题陈述。 应该简短明了。 用户问题是什么? 这是什么业务问题?

  • Team. How big was the team for this? Were you the only designer? Who else did you work with to make this project happen?

    球队。 团队有多大? 您是唯一的设计师吗? 您还与谁合作完成该项目?

  • Role. What was your involvement on this project (e.g. visual design)

    角色。 您对这个项目有什么参与(例如视觉设计)

  • Platform. List the ones you’ve designed for in the context of this project, e.g. mobile app, responsive site, etc.

    平台。 列出您为此项目设计的对象,例如,移动应用程序,响应站点等。

  • Timeline. Duration of the project (e.g. 3 weeks)

    时间线。 项目期限(例如3周)

  • Constraints. Noteworthy limitations that you overcame.

    约束条件。 您克服的值得注意的限制。

处理 (Process)

Show that you have a rich toolkit of methods that you tailor to the situation at hand. Highlight insights from your process (based on research, group activities, your own observation, etc.) that led to novel design solutions.

证明您拥有适合您当前情况的丰富方法工具包。 突出您的过程中的见解(基于研究,小组活动,您自己的观察等),从而得出新颖的设计解决方案。

Couple of things to check for:


  • Is there a clear link between process and end result?

  • Did you include photos of work-in process artifacts and specify how they helped you clarify your thinking?

  • Does this artifact support your story? If you remove it, is the story made better or worse?

    这个文物支持您的故事吗? 如果删除它,故事会变得更好或更糟吗?
  • Is there a right balance of process and deliverables?

  • Is this project’s process similar the last one? If so, consider swapping out this project for another or highlighting different aspects of your process.

    这个项目的过程与上一个类似吗? 如果是这样,请考虑将该项目换成其他项目,或者着重强调过程的不同方面。

The difference between an amateur and a professional is the size of their wastebasket


产出 (Outputs)

What were your deliverables for this project?


  • Mockups. Did you scrub confidential data? Check for typos in your mocks.

    样机。 您是否清理过机密数据? 在模拟中检查拼写错误。

  • Prototypes. If you’re linking to prototypes make sure the links are still working (I sometimes find web links that lead to “over quota” error pages).

    原型。 如果您要链接到原型,请确保链接仍然有效(我有时会找到导致“超出配额”错误页面的Web链接)。

  • Media. How does your work look like on a retina display?

    媒体。 您的作品在视网膜显示器上的外观如何?

  • Cutting room floor ideas. What concepts didn’t make it? Nobody knocks it out of the park the first time. As the saying goes, the difference between an amateur and a professional is the size of their wastebasket.

    切割室地板的想法。 哪些概念没有实现? 没人第一次把它扔出公园。 俗话说,业余爱好者和专业人士之间的区别是废纸bas的大小。

结果 (Outcomes)

How did your solution ultimately solve the problem? How did it make a positive impact? Were there any interesting and surprising positive outcomes?

您的解决方案最终是如何解决问题的? 它如何产生积极影响? 有没有有趣而令人惊讶的积极成果?

  • Quantitative evidence. Did the metrics move? Why or why not? What was the next step? Did you measure the right thing?

    定量证据。 指标移动了吗? 为什么或者为什么不? 下一步是什么? 您衡量正确的事情了吗?

  • Qualitative evidence. Are there any interesting quotes or testimonials that you can provide? These could be written quotes, video or audio recordings. Be sure to have permission and consent to share.

    定性证据。 您可以提供任何有趣的报价或推荐吗? 这些可以是书面报价,视频或录音。 确保共享权限。

Not all projects succeed and some see spectacular failure or environmental effects may take a project out (e.g. company going under). Consider including “lessons learned” but it’s also ok to save space and include these in your on-site portfolio instead.

并非所有项目都能成功,而且有些项目会看到引人注目的失败或环境影响,这可能会使项目退出(例如,公司倒闭)。 考虑包括“经验教训”,但是也可以节省空间并将其包含在您的现场产品组合中。

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What do hiring managers look for in a design portfolio? 招聘经理在设计组合中会寻找什么?

招聘经理 (Playing hiring manager)

Lastly and most importantly—test your portfolio. You only get one shot when it comes to submitting it, so make it your best one.

最后也是最重要的是-测试您的投资组合。 提交时,您只会得到一张照片,因此使其成为最佳照片。

Is there a dream job you have in mind? Print out the job description, hand it to your friend and let them play the role of the hiring manager. As they go through your work ask them to speak out loud. Seeing their gut reaction to your portfolio in-person is powerful as they’re voicing what they see.

您是否有梦dream以求的工作? 打印工作说明,将其交给您的朋友,然后让他们扮演招聘经理的角色。 当他们通过您的工作时,请他们大声说出来。 当他们表达自己的看法时,亲眼看到他们对您的投资组合的直觉React非常有力。

If you have industry contacts, reach out to senior designers or managers and get their feedback. Managers especially look at portfolios regularly, so they would be a great resource.

如果您有行业联系,请与高级设计师或经理联系并获取他们的反馈。 经理尤其会定期查看投资组合,因此它们将是一个很好的资源。

你要检查什么? (What do you check for?)

That’s it! Hope you find this checklist useful. Are there any other things you check for when you’re building your portfolio?

而已! 希望您发现此清单有用。 建立投资组合时,您还要检查其他事项吗?







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