

I cannot stress enough how important the right IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is for any programming project. Just like tools and toolsets, there are many different programming languages and IDEs. These IDEs can be drastically different and used for extremely specific reasons and coding languages. Some IDEs, on the other hand, can be huge and encompass a giant ecosystem of programming languages, as well as developer types and communities. There are also Text Editors, which the main difference between a Text Editor and an IDE is that you can usually not compile, debug, and run code on a Text Editor. Instead, you write code accompanied by key features that aid you along the way. Some text editors do have some IDE type features though, as you will learn with VS Code and Atom later in this article. It is important to note that all IDEs and Text Editors have their pros and cons.

我不能足够强调正确的IDE(集成开发环境)对任何编程项目的重要性。 就像工具和工具集一样,有许多不同的编程语言和IDE。 这些IDE可能大不相同,并且出于极其特定的原因和编码语言而使用。 另一方面,某些IDE可能非常庞大,包含庞大的编程语言生态系统以及开发人员类型和社区。 还有一些文本编辑器,文本编辑器和IDE之间的主要区别在于您通常无法在文本编辑器上编译,调试和运行代码。 取而代之的是,您编写代码并附带关键功能,以帮助您一路前进。 但是,某些文本编辑器确实具有一些IDE类型的功能,因为您将在本文后面的VS Code和Atom中学习。 重要的是要注意,所有的IDE和文本编辑器都有其优缺点。

I am going to go over my opinion of the best IDEs for coding with the Python Programming Language. I have experienced a good amount of Python projects, both professionally and for fun. Some of those projects have tested me and taught me valuable lessons about how important a good development environment is. Afterall, if you were to build a house you wouldn’t want to do it with an unsure foundation or use out of date and wrong tools for the job. You would want to do your research and figure out what you need in your toolset and then go to the hardware store and pick up the tools that apply. You should handle picking an IDE and Programming Language similarly.

我将回顾我对使用Python编程语言进行编码的最佳IDE的看法。 我在职业上和娱乐上都经历了很多Python项目。 其中一些项目对我进行了测试,并教给我关于良好的开发环境有多重要的宝贵经验。 毕竟,如果您要盖房子,您将不会在不确定的基础上使用它,也不想使用过时的工具来完成这项工作。 您可能需要进行研究,找出工具集中需要的东西,然后去五金店挑选适用的工具。 您应该类似地选择IDE和编程语言。

因此,对于Python编程语言,我最喜欢的IDE如下: (So, for the Python Programming Language my favorite IDE’s go as follows:)

1. PyCharm (1. PyCharm)

For me, The JetBrains PyCharm Professional IDE takes the cake in for the best IDE for Python. I personally love the out of the box concept that they have adopted in this product. It makes the Python experience for beginners a seamless and smooth one. Additionally, it is a great IDE for advanced users that don’t want to deal with all the technicalities and just want to spend more quality time with their code. Easy package management, great syntax helpers, auto-complete, built-in interpreter, ready to use virtual environments, debugging abilities, smart refactoring tools, resource management, and a REPL are just some of the amazing features that PyCharm has to offer.

对我而言,JetBrains PyCharm Professional IDE赢得了Python最佳IDE的青睐。 我个人喜欢他们在本产品中采用的即开即用的概念。 它使初学者的Python体验变得无缝流畅。 此外,对于那些不想处理所有技术问题而只想在代码上花费更多时间的高级用户来说,这是一个很棒的IDE。 轻松的软件包管理,出色的语法助手,自动完成功能,内置解释器,随时可用的虚拟环境,调试功能,智能重构工具,资源管理和REPL只是PyCharm必须提供的一些令人惊奇的功能。

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PyCharm Professional New Project Window
PyCharm Professional新项目窗口

I would recommend PyCharm because of the ease of use and it is just enjoyable to use. I find myself addicted to the sleek design and fast performance. Almost any Python project I run into; I conduct on PyCharm. Let’s breakdown some of what PyCharm has to offer. I do advise getting the professional version of this software though. The community version is a good IDE as well but, will have some redacted features that can be annoying, especially if you are looking for a fully featured Python IDE.

我会推荐PyCharm,因为它易于使用,使用起来很愉快。 我发现自己沉迷于时尚的设计和快速的性能。 我遇到的几乎所有Python项目; 我从事PyCharm。 让我们分解一下PyCharm必须提供的一些功能。 我确实建议您获取该软件的专业版本。 社区版本也是一个不错的IDE,但是它将具有一些令人讨厌的编辑功能,尤其是在您正在寻找功能全面的Python IDE时。

  • Intelligent Code — PyCharm has good auto-complete

  • Debugging — PyCharm’s debugger is extremely helpful for debugging, testing, and profiling.

  • Error Handling — PyCharm has on-the-fly error checking with quick-fixes.

  • Quality Control — PyCharm can do regular PEP8 Checks on your code and testing assistance, and smart refactoring.

  • Navigation — PyCharm has smart code navigation and easy an easy to use project manager.

    导航— PyCharm具有智能的代码导航功能,并且易于使用。
  • Version Control — PyCharm integrates with Git and other version control systems easily.

    版本控制— PyCharm可轻松与Git和其他版本控制系统集成。
  • Database Management — PyCharm does well with SQL and other Database integrations, as well.

  • Web Development — PyCharm has many web development tools that make it great to work with web apps. Features like Python Web Frameworks, JavaScript & HTML support, and Live Web Preview to see the changes your code has made.

    Web开发-PyCharm有许多Web开发工具,使其非常适合与Web应用程序一起使用。 诸如Python Web框架,JavaScript和HTML支持以及实时Web预览之类的功能可查看您的代码所做的更改。
  • Scientific Tools — PyCharm’s REPL is a powerful tool for scientific, mathematical, testing, and computational tasks. Anaconda Integration and Scientific Stack Support is included, as well.

    科学工具— PyCharm的REPL是用于科学,数学,测试和计算任务的强大工具。 还包括Anaconda集成和科学堆栈支持。
  • Cross Platform — With plugins and the easy to customize UI, PyCharm can be used on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.


2. Visual Studio代码 (2. Visual Studio Code)

If you are looking for a free alternative to PyCharm Professional, look no further with Visual Studio Code. The Intellisense is out of this world on Microsoft’s Visual Studio products. It considers things like variables, functions and modules when giving helpful autocompletion along the way. Visual Studio Code has many other notable features like their built-in debugger, built-in Git integration, a customizable system covering a wide range of language support and extensions, and you can deploy effortlessly with Microsoft Azure.

如果您正在寻找PyCharm Professional的免费替代品,请使用Visual Studio Code。 在Microsoft的Visual Studio产品上,Intellisense脱颖而出。 在进行自动补全时,它会考虑变量,函数和模块之类的内容。 Visual Studio Code具有许多其他值得注意的功能,例如其内置的调试器,内置的Git集成,可定制的系统,涵盖了广泛的语言支持和扩展,您可以轻松地使用Microsoft Azure进行部署。

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This is an excellent code editor and is free for personal and commercial use. It is recommended for a code editor that has some elements of a full IDE. I find myself falling back to this editor commonly for all kinds of coding projects, not just Python. VS Code is not as pre-setup as PyCharm for Python, but it is lightweight, easy to setup, full of features, and fun to use. VS Code is cross platform and can run on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

这是一个出色的代码编辑器,可免费用于个人和商业用途。 建议使用具有完整IDE某些元素的代码编辑器。 我发现对于各种编码项目,不仅是Python,通常都会退回到该编辑器。 VS Code不像Python的PyCharm那样预先设置,但是它轻巧,易于设置,功能齐全且使用有趣。 VS Code是跨平台的,可以在Windows,MacOS和Linux上运行。

3. Visual Studio (3. Visual Studio)

For larger and more in-depth projects I would recommend Microsoft Visual Studios (full IDE). While VS Code is good for almost any project, there are some larger projects that you will want to have a full flagship IDE on. Also, some systems may integrate with Visual Studios only via plugins, extensions, or other methods. For most case scenarios you are going to be good to go with VS Code, but for those certain coding tasks that require it, there is always the full IDE. Visual Studios comes in Community, Professional, and Enterprise versions. Visual Studios runs on Windows and MacOS.

对于更大,更深入的项目,我建议使用Microsoft Visual Studios(完整的IDE)。 尽管VS Code适用于几乎所有项目,但有些大型项目仍需要使用完整的旗舰IDE。 另外,某些系统可能仅通过插件,扩展或其他方法与Visual Studio集成。 在大多数情况下,您最好使用VS Code,但对于某些需要它的编码任务,总会有完整的IDE。 Visual Studio提供了Community,Professional和Enterprise版本。 Visual Studio在Windows和MacOS上运行。

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4.原子 (4. Atom)

The other Text Editor I am using consistently, at first just to learn the Text Editor and mess around, but now I am constantly coming back to it. If you are the type of person that likes every aspect of a Text Editor to be customizable then you will like this Text Editor. Known for hackability, this Atom was created with the intention of being highly flexible by GitHub. While most of Atom is extremely satisfying to work with it also offers a couple of features that I use repeatedly.

我一直使用的另一个文本编辑器,起初只是为了学习文本编辑器而又一团糟,但是现在我不断地回到它上面。 如果您是喜欢文本编辑器各个方面可自定义的人,那么您将喜欢此文本编辑器。 该Atom以可黑客攻击性闻名,其创建目的是让GitHub具有高度的灵活性。 尽管大多数Atom都非常令人满意,但它也提供了一些我反复使用的功能。

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The Teletype feature is amazing for collaboration. While I’ve seen other styles of this type of collaborative feature, I have never seen it implemented so well in a Text Editor. If you are working on a team project, then you will want to check this out. It allows you to code live with collaborators in real-time.

电传打字功能对于协作而言是惊人的。 虽然我已经看到了其他类型的协作功能样式,但从未见过在文本编辑器中实现得如此出色。 如果您正在进行团队项目,那么您将需要检查一下。 它使您可以实时与协作者实时编码。

Also, because Atom was created by GitHub, the integration with GitHub and Git is amazingly easy and clean. You can work with GitHub and Git within Atom, which is nice.

另外,由于Atom是由GitHub创建的,因此与GitHub和Git的集成非常简单和干净。 您可以在Atom中使用GitHub和Git,这很好。

The Atom Text Editor also has other features worth mentioning too.


  • Cross-Platform Editing (Windows, MacOS, and Linux).

  • Built-in Package Manager and File System Browser.

  • Autocompletion and Find Replace.

  • Multiple Panes and Theme Options.

  • Open Source.


5.笔记本研究环境 (5. Notebook Research Environments)

I also want to refer a couple of research environments for working with Python for scientific purposes. Research notebooks can be great for EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis), learning insights about your code and data, displaying findings, collaborating, and just learning python.

我还想参考几个研究环境,以便出于科学目的使用Python。 研究笔记本非常适合EDA(探索性数据分析),了解有关您的代码和数据的见解,显示结果,进行协作以及仅学习python。

Jupiter Notebooks:


Collaboratory Notebooks:


结论: (Conclusion:)

When I go to embark upon a new coding adventure, I like to make sure I am as prepared as possible. Part of that is knowing what tools and toolsets you are working with. It is just as important to research a good IDE to fit your projects needs as it is to research the programming language you want to use for your project. I use all these IDEs and Text Editors listed regularly and jump between them depending on the task I am facing. Advise in this guide is based solely on my opinions. If you have a different opinion or want to expand upon mine, I encourage it in the response section below. I hope this helped anyone who is beginning Python and looking to work with a good IDE to start your Python projects. Thank you for reading this article and if you liked it follow me and remember to clap!

当我着手进行新的编码冒险时,我想确保自己已做好充分的准备。 其中一部分是知道您正在使用哪些工具和工具集。 研究适合您的项目需求的良好IDE与研究要用于项目的编程语言一样重要。 我会定期使用所有这些IDE和文本编辑器,并根据我面临的任务在它们之间跳转。 本指南中的建议仅基于我的意见。 如果您有不同的意见或想扩大我的看法,我鼓励在下面的答复部分中提出。 希望这对开始使用Python并希望与良好的IDE一起启动Python项目的所有人有所帮助。 感谢您阅读本文,如果您喜欢它,请关注我并记住鼓掌!



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