


If you are a critical thinker still uninitiated into AIML (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) technologies, you are justified in questioning the hype around these technologies and for wondering whether AIML is a fad or something more substantive. If this is a dilemma that bothers you, this article could help.

如果您仍然是尚未开始使用AIML(人工智能,机器学习)技术的批判性思想家,那么您有理由质疑这些技术的炒作,并且想知道AIML是一种时尚还是更实质性的东西。 如果这是困扰您的难题,那么本文可能会有所帮助。

The quick answer to the above dilemma is that AIML is no fad. AIML is indeed in the class of a few technologies that are both general-purpose and highly transformative. No industry, no part of a company value chain, and no consumer will be left untouched by AIML. To think of the kind of impact that it is likely to have, think of the massive changes caused by other technologies that are in the same class as AIML, such as Electricity and the Internet. The changes due to this technology maybe even more profound and far-reaching.

解决上述难题的快速答案是AIML并非时尚。 AIML确实属于通用和高度变革的几种技术。 AIML不会给任何行业,公司价值链的任何部分和任何消费者带来影响。 要考虑可能产生的影响,请考虑由与AIML相同级别的其他技术(例如电力和互联网)引起的巨大变化。 这项技术带来的变化可能更加深刻和深远。

In this article, I take a stab at answering the following questions:


· What makes AIML such transformative technology?


· How does it work?

· 它是如何工作的?

· What are its limitations in its current form, and what does it mean for its transformative potential?


是什么使AIML成为变革性技术? (What makes AIML such transformative technology?)

At its core, this technology enables machines to learn to perceive and to predict. It means that this technology could help machines to learn to perceive, say shapes, predict whether the form coming towards it is that of a cat or a leopard, and based on this prediction, decide whether to go ahead and stroke the cat or to do a runner.

这项技术的核心是使机器能够学习感知和预测。 这意味着这项技术可以帮助机器学习感知,说出形状,预测将要到达的形状是猫还是豹子的形状,并根据此预测来决定是继续抚摸猫还是做猫。一个跑步者。

Let us consider what I just said. Until recently, these cognitive tasks of learning, perceiving, and predicting were quintessentially human capabilities — capabilities that distinguished us from the machines. Well, that is no longer the case. The machines can now do these, not quite as well as humans can, but in their limited way, they can.

让我们考虑一下我刚才说的话。 直到最近,这些学习,感知和预测的认知任务还是典型的人类能力,即使我们与机器区别开来的能力。 好吧,情况已不再如此。 这些机器现在可以完成这些任务,虽然不像人类那样好,但是可以通过有限的方式来完成。

So, what are the implications of this? If machines can learn to do these cognitive tasks, then the learning and doing of these tasks can be automated. With physical tasks and the computational & logical tasks already automated (see Fig. 1), cognitive tasks were the last frontier in automation. Now there is nothing that humans can do that cannot potentially be automated; this has enormous implications for societies, economies, firms, and individuals, and this is what makes AIML highly transformative.

那么,这意味着什么呢? 如果机器可以学习执行这些认知任务,则可以自动学习和执行这些任务。 由于物理任务以及计算和逻辑任务已经实现自动化(参见图1),因此认知任务是自动化的最后领域。 现在,人类无法做的任何事情都不可能实现自动化。 这对社会,经济,企业和个人具有巨大的影响,这就是AIML高度变革的原因。

While the earlier paragraph sounds stark, and in some respects, the situation is indeed stark, there are some important caveats. At present, the ability of machines to learn and to perform these cognitive tasks is somewhat limited. In order to understand what these limitations are, let us first see how machines learn.

虽然前面的段落听起来有些呆板,但在某些方面,情况的确如此,但也有一些重要的警告。 当前,机器学习和执行这些认知任务的能力受到一定程度的限制。 为了了解这些限制是什么,让我们首先看看机器如何学习。

学习如何发生? (How does learning happen?)

This section is a short primer on how machines learn to perform these cognitive tasks. But before we go to the machines, it will be helpful to understand how humans learn.

本节是机器如何学习执行这些认知任务的简短入门。 但是在我们使用机器之前,了解人类的学习方式将很有帮助。

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An influential theory of human learning posits that we learn in a perception-action cycle (see Fig. 2) — a process that keeps going on as a feedback loop throughout our lives.


· We perceive based on information coming to us via our senses, we predict based on this information, we decide based on our prediction and take action, and as a result of the action, there is an outcome.


· Back to where we started in the loop, we perceive this outcome, and this perception of the outcome serves as feedback. This feedback enhances our schemas, which in turn improves our perception and our predictions.

·回到循环的起点,我们可以感知到这个结果,并且对结果的这种感知可以作为反馈。 这种反馈增强了我们的架构,从而改善了我们的感知和预测。

· The learning is this phenomenon of enhancing our schemas. Schema is best described as a “latticework of mental models”, conscious and sub-conscious, that encodes our past learning and experience, and that works also as a processor and enabler for our future learning. Depending on the feedback, the schemas could be enhanced in one or more of these three ways — the existing schema could be reinforced, or it could be extended, or a completely new schema could be built.

·学习是增强我们的架构的现象。 模式被最好地描述为“有意识的和潜意识的”心理模型的格子工作”,它编码了我们过去的学习和经验,并且还充当了我们未来学习的处理器和推动者。 根据反馈,可以以以下三种方式中的一种或多种方式来增强模式-可以增强现有模式,也可以对其进行扩展,或者可以构建全新的模式。

Hopefully, the explanation above will make it a bit easier to understand how the machines learn. Given below (see Fig. 3) is a diagrammatic representation of how Supervised Learning, a type of machine learning, happens.

希望上面的解释将使您更容易理解机器的学习方式。 下面给出的(见图3)是监督学习(一种机器学习)如何发生的示意图。

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Learning: The first step is learning. A model is trained based on labeled data, which we sometimes refer to as the training data. In the training data, each input (the feature set) in the data is paired with the correct output (the label). The idea is that the machines will figure out the right pattern for input to output mapping based on the training data. And then, it will use this learned pattern to label (hopefully correctly) the unlabeled input data.

学习:第一步是学习。 模型是根据标记数据(有时称为训练数据)进行训练的。 在训练数据中,数据中的每个输入(功能集)都与正确的输出(标签)配对。 想法是,机器将根据训练数据找出正确的输入到输出映射模式。 然后,它将使用该学习到的模式来标记(希望正确地)未标记的输入数据。

Doing: Once the model is trained, it uses the input fields (the feature set) of the unlabeled input data to predict the label (output), and then the system will use this predicted label to take action based on which there is an outcome. This outcome can then be fed back into training to enhance the model.

这样做:训练完模型后,它将使用未标记的输入数据的输入字段(功能集)来预测标签(输出),然后系统将使用此预测的标签来采取行动,基于此结果。 然后可以将此结果反馈到训练中以增强模型。

Schema and Model: The schema in humans is equivalent to a Model in Supervised Learning, each getting updated continually based on a “learning” feedback loop. But apart from this equivalence, there are significant differences between the two. The schema is essentially a hypothesized entity based on what we observe about human learning, and even if it really exists, there is little understanding of what exactly its contents are and how they are held in our brain and consciousness.

模式和模型:人类的模式等效于监督学习中的模型,每个模型都基于“学习”反馈循环不断更新。 但是除了这种等效性之外,两者之间还存在显着差异。 基于我们对人类学习的观察,该图式本质上是一个假设的实体,即使它确实存在,也很少了解其内容到底是什么以及它们在我们的大脑和意识中的保存方式。

机器学习的局限性 (Limitations of machine learning)

While the way the machines learn broadly follows the principles of the way humans learn, so far, machine learning is not quite a match for human learning. There are three ways in which machine learning is known to be inferior to human learning. The machine learning:

尽管机器学习的方式大致遵循人类学习的原理,但到目前为止,机器学习还不能完全适合人类学习。 已知机器学习的三种方式要逊于人类学习。 机器学习:

· still requires a lot more data than human learning


· can be fragile if the future is too different from the past


· does not transfer well across different contexts


In contrast to machine intelligence, which is Narrow (context or domain-specific), human intelligence is General, i.e., it operates seamlessly across a variety of contexts. These findings further underline the fact that human learning and intelligence is a complex phenomenon about which our understanding is still somewhat limited, so our ability to replicate it in machines is only partially successful.

与狭义(特定于上下文或特定领域)的机器智能相反,人类智能是通用的,即,它可以在各种上下文中无缝运行。 这些发现进一步强调了这样一个事实,即人类的学习和智力是一个复杂的现象,对此我们的理解仍然有些局限,因此我们在机器中复制它的能力仅获得部分成功。

即使有其局限性,这项技术也具有很高的变革性 (This technology is highly transformative even with its limitations)

So, today’s AI is Narrow, i.e., context or domain-specific. While Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is still far away, machines can be built to carry out cognitive tasks in a specific domain with a high degree of competence. Therefore, tasks requiring domain or context-specific cognitive skills that are currently performed by human beings can be automated. This Narrow AI has been successfully applied to Fraud Detection, Medical Diagnosis, Preventive Maintenance, Highway Driving, and many more uses cases across industry domains.

因此,今天的AI是狭窄的,即上下文或特定于领域的AI。 尽管人工智能(AGI)距离还很遥远,但是可以构建机器来以很高的能力在特定领域中执行认知任务。 因此,可以自动执行当前由人类执行的需要领域或特定于上下文的认知技能的任务。 该Narrow AI已成功应用于欺诈检测,医疗诊断,预防性维护,高速公路驾驶以及跨行业领域的更多用例。

As the technology evolves and its predictive accuracy improves further, it will be applied to more and more use cases even more effectively. The Artificial Narrow Intelligence (as opposed to General Intelligence) can still be highly transformative.

随着技术的发展以及其预测准确性的进一步提高,它将更加有效地应用于越来越多的用例。 人工狭义情报(与通用情报相对)仍然可以高度变革。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@vikramsgulati/for-the-uninitiated-what-makes-aiml-so-transformative-e130749198aa






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