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Last year, Uber went public and raised $8.1 billion from the I.P.O. The company is now the highest valued tech IPO since Facebook and Alibaba, but is it built to last?


U ber has been so successful because it doesn’t sell car rides, it sells time and convenience. Just open the app — almost anywhere — and you’ll be able to find a ride. And for the most part, they’ve found a way to keep prices low.

优步之所以如此成功,是因为它不出售乘车服务,而是节省时间和便利。 只需在几乎任何地方打开该应用程序,您就可以找到合适的旅程。 在大多数情况下,他们已经找到了一种降低价格的方法。

Uber’s way of calculating the ride cost is really quite simple, they start with the regular base fare, add the per-minute rate multiplied by the time spent in car, plus distance times the per-mile rate. All of this is — of course — dependent on the city.

Uber的乘车成本计算方法非常简单,它们从常规的基本票价开始,将每分钟费率乘以乘车时间,再加上距离乘以每英里费率。 当然,所有这些都取决于城市。

Oh, and then add the booking fee and possible airport, toll, cancelation, cleaning, and lost item fee. And if there’s not enough drivers, the price gets multiplied by a surge price which can be 2x, 3x, or even 7x. Uber also uses machine learning to predict how much you’re willing to pay based on where you’re coming from and where you’re going.

哦,然后添加预订费以及可能的机场,通行费,取消,清洁和遗失物品费。 如果没有足够的驱动程序,价格就会乘以2倍,3倍甚至7倍的激增价格。 Uber还使用机器学习来根据您来自哪里和去往何方来预测您愿意支付多少。

Despite all these shenanigans, Uber is almost always cheaper, faster, and easier. Uber took the outdated taxi industry, sprinkled in some technology and completely reinvented the wheel, but the future doesn’t look so bright.

尽管存在所有这些恶作剧,但Uber几乎总是更便宜,更快和更容易。 Uber淘汰了过时的出租车行业,投入了一些技术并彻底改造了轮子,但是未来的前景并不光明。

历史的教训 (A Lesson From History)

In the 1930’s The Great Depression happened. Every fourth American was out of a job and this drove many to start driving taxis. Meanwhile, far fewer people could actually afford to take a taxi. When supply goes up and demand goes down, prices fall dramatically.

在1930年代,发生了大萧条。 每四分之一的美国人失业,这促使许多人开始驾驶出租车。 同时,实际上付不起出租车的人要少得多。 当供应增加而需求下降时,价格将急剧下降。

Drivers got angry and rioted in the streets, causing the city of New York to write the Haas Act, which established the medallion system for New York taxi cabs. The city allotted 17,000 medallions to be given out, which were for all purposes, permits to drive a taxi.

司机在街上生气和骚乱,导致纽约市制定了《哈斯法案》,该法案为纽约出租车建立了奖章制度。 该市分配了17,000个纪念章,这些纪念章出于各种目的被允许驾驶出租车。

This worked fine, but some 80 years later, with a million more people in NYC, the number of medallions dropped to 13,000. The number of medallions issued is now more political than practical.

这个 工作了 很好,但是大约80年后,在纽约市有100万人,奖章的数量下降到13,000个。 现在颁发的奖章数量更多的是政治上而不是实际上。

One medallion, was once worth over $1 million, but then Uber happened and its drivers flooded the market by not requiring medallions, completely ruining a medallion’s value. Sound familiar?

一枚奖章曾经价值超过100万美元,但随后Uber发生了,其司机不要求奖章就充斥了市场,这完全损毁了奖章的价值。 听起来有点熟?

High competition, meant low prices and angry calls for regulation. And now that many households are in an economic depression, many are looking to drive for Uber and other companies like it.

激烈的竞争,意味着低廉的价格以及对监管的愤怒呼吁。 如今,许多家庭正陷入经济萧条中,许多家庭都在寻求为Uber和其他类似的公司服务。

优步的实际成本 (The Real Cost of Uber)

If you ask an Uber driving how much they make an hour, they may point you in the direction of a couple articles floating around that say the average Uber driving makes around $20 an hour.


What most studies don’t include is the cost of the car, its depreciation over time, maintenance, gas, and the cost of insurance. Include these factors and the earnings don’t look stellar.

大多数研究不包括汽车的成本,其随时间的折旧,维护,汽油和保险成本。 包括这些因素,收益看起来就不会那么好。

A recent study out of MIT, found that the true wages are closer to $8.55 an hour before taxes. They also found that 8% of drivers actually lose money.

麻省理工学院 最近的 一项研究 发现,实际工资接近税前每小时8.55美元。 他们还发现,有8%的司机实际亏钱。

Uber considers its driver not as employees but as independent contractors. Employees may be entitled to minimum wage, gas reimbursement, over-time, breaks, collective bargaining, paid leave, and health insurance. It’s been estimated that this would cost Uber more than $4 billion a year.

Uber认为其司机不是雇员,而是独立承包商。 员工可能有权获得最低工资,汽油补偿,加班费,休息时间,集体谈判,带薪休假和健康保险。 据估计,这将使Uber每年损失40亿美元。

For this reason Uber is very careful about calling their drivers, partners and calling their company a “platform”. They simply connect riders to drivers, who decide when to work, what to wear, what to drive, and so on.

因此,Uber非常谨慎地将其司机,合作伙伴和公司称为“平台”。 他们只是将骑手与驾驶员联系起来,由驾驶员决定何时上班,穿什么衣服,开车等等。

But Uber controls the prices, and that’s the catch.


If drivers are truly independent contractors, then Uber setting their fares could be considered price fixing. So, what are they — employees or independent contractors?

如果司机是真正的独立承包商,那么优步确定票价是可以确定价格的。 那么,他们是什么-雇员还是独立承包商?

The truth is, nobody really has an answer, but this dilemma will shape the industry in the future.


东西没加起来 (Something Doesn’t Add Up)

Uber makes more money with more drivers, but drivers want the opposite. They don’t want any competition at all. If a driver had it their way, they’d be the only ride in town.

优步通过更多的司机赚更多的钱,但是司机想要相反的事情。 他们根本不想要任何竞争。 如果驾驶员按照自己的方式行进,那么他们将是镇上唯一的乘车路线。

Yes, Uber needs drivers, but the majority of their drivers leave the platform after one year. Uber has a constant cycle of new drivers and this makes them completely disposable.

是的,Uber需要驱动程序,但是他们的大多数驱动程序都在一年后离开平台。 Uber不断有新司机加入,这使他们完全可以支配。

From the outside, Uber and its drivers seem economically intertwined, but as long as Uber has a constant rotation of fresh drivers, they can keep prices competitive with other companies.


The real winners of the Haas Act weren’t the cab drivers — who can’t afford to buy a medallion — it was the owners.


At first taxi drivers gave away their first $100 of the day to “rent” a medallion, but now companies like Uber are straight up taking 25% of their driver’s earnings. And with Uber not having turned a profit since its inception, this percentage could go up.

起初,出租车司机捐出了他们一天的头100美元来“出租”一枚纪念章,但是现在,像Uber这样的公司却直接拿走了司机收入的25%。 而且由于Uber自成立以来就没有扭亏为盈,这个比例可能会上升。

For many, Uber is still a wonderful employment opportunity, but it’s not the ground-breaking revolution many people have made it out to be.


利润问题 (The Profit Problem)

On paper, Uber has the perfect business model. It has a huge network of drivers, but it doesn’t need to buy a single car or gallon of fuel. It’s all perk and no work.

在纸面上,Uber具有完美的商业模式。 它拥有庞大的驾驶员网络,但不需要购买一辆汽车或一加仑的燃料。 这都是振作,没有工作。

Yet Uber lost $4.5 billion in 2017 and last year, that almost doubled to $8.5 billion.


Image for post
Statista) Statista )

Uber’s biggest problem isn’t impending issues of legality or controversy, but basic holes in its business model.


The magic of many companies, is the network effect. Every new customer makes it easier to get another. For Uber, this effect is only regional. More drivers in NYC does nothing for Beijing. In fact, Uber recently failed in all of China.

许多公司的魔力,就是网络效应。 每个新客户都使获得新客户变得更加容易。 对于Uber来说,这种影响只是区域性的。 纽约市更多的司机对北京无能为力。 实际上,Uber最近在整个中国都失败了。

Every city is a new city that needs to conquered. Think about starting a new company in every single city on Earth.

每个城市都是需要征服的新城市。 考虑在地球上的每个城市成立新公司。

Drivers need riders before they drive and riders need drivers before they’ll ride. This helps keep prices low and profit non-existent.

驾驶员在开车之前需要驾驶员,而驾驶员在开车之前需要驾驶员。 这有助于保持价格低廉和不存在利润。

Uber摆脱无利可图 (Uber’s Escape from Unprofitability)

Don’t get me wrong, Uber is doing a stellar job of diversifying, and they might actually make a profit this year, but they still need to change their business model.


One way out of this hole could be self-driving vehicles. If you remove the driver, you remove the money-eating machine. Then again, buying or developing a fleet of self-driving cars is a money-eating machine itself.

自动驾驶汽车是解决这个问题的一种方法。 如果卸下驱动程序,则卸下食钱机。 再说一次,购买或开发一支无人驾驶汽车本身就是一种吃钱的机器。

Will Uber become one of the biggest names in self-driving or will the company end all together?


翻译自: https://medium.com/illumination/why-uber-isnt-built-to-last-c613fa38d3f5






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