
This August I decided to unplug as much as possible from the ‘grid’ of information and technology that dominates my life to an uncomfortable extent.


It came about as a side-effect of a cobbled-together summer vacation with my wife and kids. Covid-19 had put a dampener on our intended plans for summer (as it had for most of the year). With overseas travel an impossibility but paid time off work in abundant supply, my wife and I decided that for most of the month of August we would go on a road-trip around the UK with our teenage kids in tow.

这是我和妻子和孩子们在一起拼凑的暑假的副作用。 Covid-19已在我们夏季计划中使用了阻尼器(与一年中的大部分时间一样)。 由于不可能进行海外旅行,但由于供应充足而请假,我和妻子决定在八月的大部分时间里,带着十几岁的孩子拖着英国去英国旅行。

We planned to spend time visiting friends and family who we hadn’t seen since before lockdown. We’d conclude the trip with a week in Cornwall; about as far south as you can get in mainland UK, in search of a bit of reliable sunny weather.

我们计划花时间去拜访封锁之前从未见过的朋友和家人。 我们的旅行在康沃尔结束了一个星期。 寻找英国可靠的晴朗天气,您可以在英国大陆的最南端找到。

To minimise upheaval for our hosts and to limit the (unlikely) risk of becoming super-spreaders amongst our nearest and dearest, we decided that we’d camp at their houses as much as possible. It seemed like a good opportunity to redress the balance in phone usage amongst our kids and for me and my wife too.

为了最大程度地减少我们的房东的动荡,并限制在我们最亲近的亲人中成为超级传播者的(不太可能)的风险,我们决定尽可能在他们的房屋中露营。 看来这是一个很好的机会,可以使我们的孩子以及我和我的妻子也能在电话使用方面取得平衡。

Lockdown had been the catalyst for our kids defaulting to their phones for amusement and I felt like my usage was out of control too.


The lack of facilities to charge devices while camping combined with the loss of ubiquitous WiFi seemed to be the ideal conditions for encouraging us all to put down our phones and find other things to do instead.


I also felt like I owed it to my family to be fully present with them and to devote all my attention and energy to where I was in the moment. I wanted to experience full relaxation and to unwind from my day-job and my writing side-projects and so undertook that I’d do nothing work-related during the month.

我也觉得我应该全家人陪伴他们,并全心全意投入当下的生活。 我想放松身心,放松自己的日常工作和写作辅助项目,所以我保证在这个月中我不会做任何与工作相关的事情。

My kids have been quick to revert to their previous usage patterns, but they return to school today (how long will it be until the next lockdown comes, I wonder) and so their use is naturally curtailed. First impressions seem to be that for them, the unplugging was an inconvenience to be suffered rather than a life-changing experience.

我的孩子很快恢复了以前的使用方式,但是他们今天返回学校(我想知道下次锁定之前需要多长时间),因此自然减少了他们的使用。 最初的印象似乎是,对于他们来说,拔掉插头是一种不便,而不是改变生活的体验。

In my case though there have been significant benefits that I want to retain for the long term.


制备 (Preparation)

It’s important to prepare for anything if you want it to succeed — that was certainly the case for this experiment.


I decided to tell key people that I’d be going off-grid up front. I warned clients that I’d be unavailable with plenty of notice. I set the expectation with co-workers covering my day job that I wasn’t contactable unless my employer threatened redundancies.

我决定告诉关键人物,我将提前脱离电网。 我警告客户,我将无法获得大量通知。 我对同事的期望值很高,除非我的雇主威胁要裁员,否则我无法与我联系。

It felt extreme or even risky at the time but nobody seemed the least-bit concerned — the first lesson was perhaps that I’m not as indispensable as I’d thought!


I set some basic rules for myself, most significantly to not check my email at all during the month. I didn’t set an out of office autoresponder (something which I’ve since considered would probably have been a smart thing to do). I deleted all but essential apps from my phone and I closed all browser windows. I scheduled weekly messages to my email list, social media posts to my pages and podcast episodes to be published in the month ahead.

我为自己设定了一些基本规则,最重要的是,这个月完全不检查电子邮件。 我没有设置外出自动应答器(此后我考虑过的事情可能很聪明)。 我从手机中删除了所有必不可少的应用程序,然后关闭了所有浏览器窗口。 我将每周的邮件安排到我的电子邮件列表中,将社交媒体帖子安排到我的页面中,并安排播客片段在下个月发布。

My intention was that I wouldn’t carry my phone with me, but would check it sporadically for emergency calls or text messages at each end of the day.


With preparations made I felt ready to proceed. Here’s what I learned.

经过准备工作,我感到可以继续了。 这是我学到的。

电话是工具,不是生活必需品 (A phone is a tool, not an essential of life)

I now recognise my phone as a tool that has utility for specific purposes. It’s not something that should be in my hand at all times, intrinsically woven into every task and every moment of the day.

现在,我将手机识别为具有特定用途的工具。 这不是我时刻都应该掌握的东西,它固有地融入每天的每一个任务和每一刻。

The only times I used the device were when I needed to make (rather than take) a call, for texts to other family, for music and maps, for taking photographs and for obsessing over the weather forecast (I am British after all).


If I wanted to read, I picked up a book. If I wanted to note something down, I grabbed a pad and pen rather than reaching for my phone and firing up an app.

如果我想读书,我就读了一本书。 如果我想记下一些东西,我抓住了笔和笔,而不是伸手拿手机并启动了一个应用程序。

Since returning to normality, my phone has also been used for accessing online banking and dealing with minor admin tasks that I parked while on vacation. I don’t want to return to reading or managing email on it or for any other purpose.

自恢复正常后,我的手机也已用于访问网上银行以及处理我在度假时停放的较小的管理任务。 我不想再阅读或管理电子邮件或出于其他任何目的。

It seems to me that when we’re presented with a technological solution, we humans feel compelled to use it to its full potential and on every possible occasion whether the use is justified or beneficial. It’s been proven to me that while I could do more with my phone, it feels better in terms of my life balance not to default to doing so. Using my phone and my connection to the online world for minimal and defined purposes limits the risk of being seduced into doom-scrolling through social media or mindless browsing.

在我看来,当我们获得技术解决方案时,我们感到人类被迫充分利用它的潜力,并在任何可能的情况下使用它是合理的还是有益的。 我已经证明,虽然我可以用手机做更多的事情,但从我的生活平衡来看,最好不要这样做。 使用我的电话和与网络世界的连接来达到最低限度的目的,可以减少被社交媒体或盲目的浏览所吸引的厄运的风险。

Image for post
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash
照片由 Andriyko PodilnykUnsplash拍摄

摆脱永久插入的习惯很容易 (It’s easy to shake the habit of being perpetually plugged-in)

While I went into this exercise with trepidation over whether I’d default to old behaviours or feel like something was missing from life by being unplugged, I actually found it easy to adapt. I quickly stopped feeling like I was missing out on anything at all. I didn’t feel compelled to check my phone regularly, and didn’t find myself reaching for it whenever the opportunity presented itself.

当我对是否会默认为旧行为还是因为拔掉插头而感到生活中缺少某些东西时感到不安时,我实际上发现它很容易适应。 我很快就停止了感觉,好像什么都错过了。 我没有被强迫定期检查我的电话的感觉,也没有发现只要有机会,我就可以伸手去拿它。

Habits take time to form whether to do something or not do something. What unplugging reaffirmed was that something that was truly valuable or beneficial to me might have seemed like a pain to let go of — the fact that I found it easy to let go of being ‘plugged-in’ suggests to me that the intrinsic benefit of it is limited.

习惯需要时间的形式是否做某事做某事。 插拔重申的是,对我来说真正有价值或有益的东西似乎让人难以释怀–我发现容易被“插拔”掉的事实向我暗示了它是有限的。

再次引诱兔子洞是很容易的 (It would be quite easy to get lured down the rabbit hole again)

At some point a week or two into being unplugged, I decided to check my email just once. It reminded me that amidst the spam and marketing emails there were occasional messages that warranted my attention. The lesson was that I probably needed to make a cursory check for important messages now and again for the rest of the month in the absence of a better plan.

一两个星期后,我决定只检查一次电子邮件。 它提醒我,在垃圾邮件和营销电子邮件中,偶尔有一些消息值得我注意。 当时的教训是,在没有更好计划的情况下,我可能需要在本月剩余的时间里反复检查重要的消息。

When I did this, I found it took some effort to maintain the discipline to only scan through for important messages and to resist the temptation to read others or to start clearing down my inbox to delete the junk.


Once the phone was in my hand and I was effectively plugged back in, the lure was strong to revert to old ways. I can honestly say that I didn’t, but the risk was there nonetheless.

将手机拿到手中并有效地插回电源后,就很容易还原到旧的方式。 我可以诚实地说我没有,但是风险仍然存在。

信息的缺乏不是问题(事实上,这令人耳目一新) (A lack of information isn’t a problem (in fact, it’s refreshing))

The avoidance of information within news and social feeds proved to have zero detrimental effects for me. My friends haven’t deserted me, the earth is still turning and I’m still informed enough to ensure that I’m able to live and support my family successfully without being dragged down by the numerous negative events and shock headlines that can’t be avoided.

在新闻和社交消息中避免信息对我的有害影响为零。 我的朋友们没有离开我,地球还在转动,我仍然得到足够的信息,以确保我能够成功生活和支持我的家人,而不会被众多负面事件和令人震惊的头条新闻所困扰被避免。

I haven’t become disconnected from my work, my writing or my business for having unplugged for a month. Certainly, not creating content during August has had an adverse effect on my stats — the degree to which I feel freed and refreshed by the break makes that more than worthwhile.

我已经断开电源一个月了,但并没有因此而与工作,写作或业务保持联系。 当然,八月份不创建内容会对我的统计数据产生不利影响-休息时间让我感到放松和精神焕发的程度使这比值得的更多。

I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on any opportunities through unplugging, nor has it caused difficulties for others through my being less immediately available. I could always be reached for genuine emergencies throughout the month, not that any occurred. I let all calls go to voicemail and disabled notifications for texts and so-on, allowing myself to pick up messages in my own time and deal with anything that needed attention.

我觉得我不会因为插拔而错过任何机会,也不会因为我无法立即获得帮助而给其他人造成困难。 在整个月中,我总是可以联系到真正的紧急情况,而不是发生任何事情。 我让所有电话转到语音信箱,并禁用短信通知等功能,使自己可以在自己的时间内接听消息并处理所有需要注意的事项。

What was freeing was the knowledge that my agenda and priorities were my own to set and manage. I felt less like I was reactive-to and driven-by others. I felt more in control of what received my attention and of what I chose to ignore.

释放的是,我知道自己的议程和优先事项是我自己制定和管理的。 我不太像我对别人的React和驱使。 对于那些引起我注意和选择忽略的东西,我感到更有控制力。

现在,我更加清楚何时以及为什么拿起手机和插件 (I’m now much more conscious of when and why I pick up my phone and plug-in)

Going off-grid while away from home was artificial as a condition for the experiment. Since being home I recognise the occasions and situations when I default to picking up my phone — while waiting for the coffee to brew, in commercial breaks while watching TV, when I should be paying attention to a call or conversation and so-on.

离开家离开电网是实验的条件。 自从回到家后,我意识到了我默认不接电话的情况和情况–等待咖啡冲泡时,在看电视时的商业活动中,应该注意通话或对话等。

Being away from home and not working made it easier to become engrossed in other more pleasant activities. The times when I now seek a distraction from work and would previously have reached for my phone or opened a browser on my laptop are instead taken as opportunities to take a quick walk, pick up a book or to meditate.

出门在外,不工作,更容易沉迷于其他更愉快的活动。 现在,我现在想分散精力去工作,以前本该伸手去拿手机或在笔记本电脑上打开浏览器,而现在却被视为机会来散步,捡书或打坐。

It’s reaffirmed to me that harmful (or at least non-helpful) activities are all the more-so when they become our default.


我的意向向前 (My intention going forwards)

I see no reason and feel no compulsion to return to using my phone more than I need to, or to make myself more accessible to others than I have to be.


I may set an out of office on my email to inform others of my approach to email and I’m certainly unsubscribing from as many email lists as I can — a good 95% of messages that I had to clear down yesterday were basically spam or marketing.


I will continue to view my phone as a useful tool and a utility to aid in certain tasks though — I’m not going to deny the value that it offers in many of its uses. However, I’m not intending on relentlessly seeking out new apps that will broaden my phone usage beyond what’s essential.

不过,我将继续将手机视为有助于某些任务的有用工具和实用程序-我不会否认其在许多用途中所提供的价值。 但是,我不打算不懈地寻找新的应用程序,这些应用程序将使我的手机使用范围超出必不可少的范围。

I intend to keep my focus zoomed in upon the things and people that really matter to me, going forwards. That means to pay less attention to the noise and distraction of news and social media and instead focusing on doing my work, caring for and interacting with friends and family and trying to live my life in a way that makes me a contributor-to rather than a drain-upon society and the environment.

我打算继续关注对我而言真正重要的事物和人员。 这意味着要减少对新闻和社交媒体的喧闹和分散注意力,而应专注于做我的工作,照顾和与朋友和家人互动以及尝试以使我成为贡献者的方式过我的生活,而不是耗尽社会和环境。

Inevitably as a home worker with a job to do and side-projects to keep ticking along I need to be plugged-in to a degree, and reachable by those with a legitimate reason to contact me.


I recognise though the extent to which I allow this to expand though is totally mine to manage and determine.


翻译自: https://medium.com/the-ascent/what-i-learned-from-going-off-the-grid-for-a-month-35a01a71eacb





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