
As I inch through my research, my committee gave me this prompt:


The massive changes in technology and media consumption habits over the past 30 years have been theorized to result in negative outcomes for human attention spans and task completion activities. What is the current state of our research understanding into these changes? What are the current neurological and psychological explanations for these changes? How do they intersect with existing personality or cognitive traits? What are the age ranges and cognitive aspects most likely to be affected on a permanent and ongoing basis? How might social and economic structures be impacted by permanent changes in the adult population or how may it shift to accommodate these differences?

从理论上讲,过去30年中技术和媒体消费习惯的巨大变化导致了人类注意力跨度和任务完成活动的负面结果。 我们对这些变化的研究现状如何? 对于这些变化,目前的神经和心理解释是什么? 它们如何与现有人格或认知特征相交? 永久和持续性最可能影响的年龄范围和认知方面是什么? 成年人口的永久变化将如何影响社会和经济结构,或者如何转变以适应这些差异?

可怕的挖泥船 (The Dreadful Dredge)

Much has happened to how people attend since the advent of the commercial internet. In just three short decades, the internet redefined how people search for information, experience media, and nurture their relationships. It’s easy to understand how the internet has forced a change in how we work, learn, and play, but it’s hard to imagine the degree to which the internet affected people’s attentional capacity, memory process, social interactions, and self-esteem.

自商业互联网问世以来,人们的参与方式发生了很多变化。 在短短的三十年中,互联网重新定义了人们如何搜索信息,体验媒体并建立人际关系。 人们很容易理解互联网是如何迫使我们改变工作,学习和娱乐方式的,但是很难想象互联网在多大程度上影响了人们的注意力,记忆力,社交互动和自尊。

注意 (Attention)

The daily tsunami of notifications, emails, and prompts, the perpetual switching from one app or screen to another, and the never-ending stream of web searches and social media scrolls require more attention than the brain’s limited capacity allows. The limitless barrage of media people consume is forcing us to attend to multiple inputs at the same time to a degree never seen before in human history. And since there is only so much the brain can process at once, at best, it’s only barely attending to stimuli (Brasel, 2011; Firth et al., 2019).

每天的通知,电子邮件和提示海啸,从一个应用程序或屏幕永久切换到另一应用程序或屏幕,以及无休止的网络搜索和社交媒体滚动流需要更多的注意力,而大脑的能力有限。 人们所消耗的媒体无穷无尽,迫使我们同时参与多种输入,这是人类历史上前所未有的。 而且由于大脑一次最多只能处理的东西最多,因此它几乎只参与刺激(Brasel,2011; Firth等,2019)。

Researchers thought that the internet and its multitasking nature accustom people to do more things in less time, reasoning that people good at multitasking in online environments should also be good at multitasking offline activities. But that’s just not the case. They found that heavy internet users, likely due to their propensity for distractions from inconsequential environmental sensory input, are less successful with offline multitaskers than light internet users (Ophir et al., 2009).

研究人员认为,互联网及其多任务处理的性质使人们习惯于在更短的时间内做更多的事情,并认为擅长在线环境中的多任务处理的人们也应该擅长于多任务的离线活动。 但是事实并非如此。 他们发现,沉重的互联网用户(很可能是由于他们倾向于从无关紧要的环境感官输入中分散注意力)对于离线多任务处理者而言,其成功率不如轻度互联网用户(Ophir等,2009)。

People’s attention is now so fractured across so many things that it is difficult to think critically. Rushkoff (2014) argues that since the internet is so pervasive, people are becoming excellent at searching the web to instantaneously answer just about any fact-based (semantic) question. There is also mounting evidence that smartphones are used to substitute actual thinking (Barr et al., 2015). Since the information is always one quick click or swipe away, people are not internalizing knowledge as they used to. People are simply consuming just enough data to answer the present question, and this prevents us from being able to retain, reference, and connect knowledge with ease, rendering people — especially young people- — less likely to have critical thinking skills.

现在人们的注意力分散在很多事情上,以至于很难批判性地思考。 Rushkoff(2014)认为,由于互联网是如此普及,因此人们在搜索网络以即时回答几乎所有基于事实(语义)的问题方面变得越来越出色。 还有越来越多的证据表明,智能手机已被用来代替实际思维(Barr等,2015)。 由于信息始终是一键单击或滑动即可,因此人们没有像过去那样将知识内在化。 人们只是消耗了足够的数据来回答当前的问题,这使我们无法轻松地保留,参考和连接知识,从而使人们(尤其是年轻人)不太可能具有批判性思维能力。

批判性思考 (Critical Thinking)

Converging theories suggest that relying on the internet to store actual facts and the brain to store where to find the facts has cognitive benefits. By not having to remember facts, the brain is freed up to process other information (Wegner & Ward, 2013). Interestingly, freeing up cognitive resources is not the only benefit of tasking the internet to store facts. People who search the internet to answer questions consider themselves smarter, even though they generally don’t retain the information (Wegner & Ward, 2013).

越来越多的理论表明,依靠互联网存储实际事实以及依靠大脑存储事实发现位置具有认知优势。 通过不必记住事实,大脑可以解放出来处理其他信息(Wegner&Ward,2013)。 有趣的是,释放认知资源并不是分配互联网任务来存储事实的唯一好处。 搜索互联网回答问题的人认为自己更聪明,即使他们通常不保留信息(Wegner&Ward,2013)。

The comical irony that people who can’t think critically see themselves as smarter aside, the consequences of a generation relying on the internet for semantic memory is terrifying. It’s only been two decades since the arrival of Google and there are still many unknowns about the long-term impact all of this will have on the physiology of the brain, cognition, self-image, and psychology.

讽刺的讽刺是,无法批判性地思考的人将自己放在一边,而这一代人依靠互联网进行语义记忆的后果却令人恐惧。 自Google到来仅二十年,对这一切对大脑的生理,认知,自我形象和心理学的长期影响仍然存在许多未知数。

睡觉 (Sleep)

Even so, we do know a few things. For example, we know that we are not sleeping as well as we used to. And sleep is important for our performance, health, and safety. Researchers recently found that the short-wavelength light emitted by screens adversely affects how long it takes for us to fall asleep, the ability to sleep, pineal melatonin secretion, and morning alertness (Chang et al., 2015). Another study corroborates the finding that mobile phone usage affects normal sleep patterns, among other things (Gupta et al., 2015). Mounting evidence linking artificial lighting-induced chronic suppression of melatonin secretion with increased risk breast, colorectal and prostate cancer prompted the World Health Organization to classify it as a possible carcinogen (The Breast Cancer Conundrum, 2013).

即使这样,我们确实知道一些事情。 例如,我们知道我们没有像以前那样睡觉。 睡眠对于我们的表现,健康和安全至关重要。 研究人员最近发现,屏幕发出的短波光会对我们入睡所需的时间,睡眠能力,松果体褪黑激素分泌和早晨警觉性产生不利影响(Chang等人,2015)。 另一项研究证实了使用手机会影响正常睡眠模式的发现(Gupta等,2015)。 越来越多的证据将人工照明诱导的褪黑激素分泌的慢性抑制与乳腺癌,结肠直肠癌和前列腺癌的风险增加联系起来,促使世界卫生组织将其归类为可能的致癌物(《乳腺癌难题》,2013年)。

抑郁和焦虑 (Depression and Anxiety)

We also know that a concerning link has been established between internet use and serious psychological and physiological concerns. People using multiple devices at the same time jump from screen to screen and from task to task 4 times per minute and 120 times over 27.5 minutes. As such, our ability to attend is plummeting (Brasel, 2011) and is having seismic effects on our mood, anxiety, fears, fatigue, and addiction (Salanova et al., (2013).

我们还知道,在互联网使用与严重的心理和生理问题之间已经建立了一个令人关注的联系。 同时使用多个设备的人们每分钟从一个屏幕跳到另一个屏幕,从一个任务跳到另一个任务,而在27.5分钟的时间内跳120次。 因此,我们的参加能力直线下降(巴西,2011年),并对我们的情绪,焦虑,恐惧,疲劳和成瘾产生地震影响(萨拉诺娃等人,(2013))。


Higher degrees of depression and anxiety are observed from people who seek technology and media consumption for escapism. People who have addictive-like behaviors about how they use the internet and cellphones are substantially more predisposed to suffer from depression and anxiety (Panova & Lleras, 2016).

在寻求技术和媒体消费以逃避现实的人们中发现了更高程度的抑郁和焦虑。 对于如何使用互联网和手机具有成瘾性行为的人更容易患上抑郁症和焦虑症(Panova&Lleras,2016)。

People who ritualistically or obsessively check their phones are participating in an operant conditioning loop of action and variable reward. Sometimes when they check they find a message, notification, like, follow, etc., triggering the release of dopamine and feeling a reward. Since they don’t always have a message waiting for them when they check, the reward is variable in nature. This loop stages a sticky reward schedule.

习惯性地或过分地检查手机的人正在参与操作和可变奖励的操作性条件循环。 有时,当他们检查时发现一条消息,通知,喜欢,关注等,从而触发多巴胺的释放并得到回报。 由于他们在检查时并不总是有消息在等待他们,因此奖励本质上是可变的。 此循环分阶段执行粘性奖励计划。

People are not only experiencing more anxiety and depression from smartphone overuse, but the behavior is also addictive and it’s changing the way the brain interprets sensory information that’s not really there. People perceived “phantom vibrations” from a device that is not really vibrating. Researchers found that 89% of the 290 undergraduates in a study reported feeling phantom vibrations once every two weeks (Drouin et al., 2012). The researchers brushed off their findings as more of a nuisance than a psychological problem. Whenever the brain predictively misinterprets the world should be of concern to everyone, however.

人们不仅会因智能手机的过度使用而遭受更多的焦虑和沮丧,而且这种行为还会使人上瘾,并且正在改变大脑解释并不真正存在的感觉信息的方式。 人们从真正没有振动的设备上感觉到“幻像振动”。 研究人员发现,在一项研究的290名大学生中,有89%的人每两周报告一次幻觉振动(Drouin等,2012)。 研究人员掠夺了他们的发现,更多的是麻烦而不是心理问题。 但是,每当大脑预测性地误解世界时,每个人都应该关注。

哦,不,不是孩子们… (Oh, no, not the kids…)

Although more research needs to be conducted to better understand the full impact media multitasking and the internet has on children, a prime population segment using these technologies, one thing is clear: children and adolescents, at this stage of their cognitive development, are still forming concentration skills and other higher cognitive abilities.


This is problematic because as a recent longitudinal study indicates (Takeuchi et al., 2018), kids with high-frequency internet use experienced smaller increases of regional gray and white matter in the hippocampus, amygdala, bilateral temporal pole, bilateral cerebellum, bilateral basal ganglia structures, bilateral inferior temporal lobe, thalamus, bilateral orbitofrontal gyrus, prefrontal cortex, insula, and left lingual gyrus. These brain structures are responsible for language processing, attention, executive functions, and reward. The study found that frequent internet use by adolescents leads to lower verbal intelligence and stunted creation of gray matter.

这是有问题的,因为正如最近的一项纵向研究表明的那样(Takeuchi等人,2018),使用高频互联网的孩子在海马,杏仁核,双侧颞极,双侧小脑,双侧基底的海灰和白质的增加较小神经节结构,双侧颞下叶,丘脑,双侧眶额回,前额叶皮层,岛状和左舌回。 这些大脑结构负责语言处理,注意力,执行功能和奖励。 该研究发现,青少年经常使用互联网会导致言语智力下降和灰质发育迟缓。

How young people use computers at home is also concerning. As it turns out, they are primarily using home computers for entertainment, not homework — especially in low-income homes where the achievement gap actually widens with universal access to home computers and high-speed Internet access (Vigdor et al., 2014).

年轻人如何在家中使用计算机也很重要。 事实证明,他们主要将家用计算机用于娱乐而非工作,尤其是在低收入家庭中,随着普及家用计算机和高速互联网接入,成就差距实际上正在扩大(Vigdor等,2014)。

What’s more, heavy media multitasking at these early ages likely indirectly impacts cognitive development because while children are consuming media in this way they are not outside playing, socializing, exercising, or performing other cognitive-enriching activities (Firth et al., 2019). And even though more research is needed, the World Health Organization Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep for children under 5 years 2018 report recommends one hour or less of screen time for children 1 to 4 years of age (World Health Organization, 2019).

更重要的是,这些早期的重媒体多任务处理可能会间接影响认知能力的发展,因为当儿童以这种方式消费媒体时,他们不在外面玩,社交,锻炼或进行其他丰富认知的活动(Firth等人,2019)。 尽管还需要进行更多研究,但世界卫生组织《 2018年5岁以下儿童的体育锻炼,久坐行为和睡眠指南》报告建议为1至4岁的儿童提供一小时或更短的放映时间(世界卫生组织, 2019)。

“银色”衬里 (The “Silver” Lining)

When compared to children, the internet offers a more encouraging prognosis for the elderly going through a cognitive decline. When the brain ages, it experiences several structural and functional changes such as atrophy, lower glucose metabolism, and the formation of amyloid plaques. These changes are known to reduce processing speed, inhibitory control, and working memory (Small et al., 2009). The multitasking nature of multimedia consumption and internet use might provide positive cognitive stimulation for the elderly. Researchers “watched” (fMRI) the brain of savvy and older (55 to 76 years of age) internet users while searching the internet and saw more neural activity than while reading text akin to reading a book. This suggests that, for this demographic and with prior extended exposure, internet use can stimulate the parts of the brain that control decision making and complex reasoning (Small et al., 2009). While this study needs to be cautiously interpreted because of its small sample size and several confounding variables, the study does suggest neuro and cognitive value for at least the aging population.

与儿童相比,互联网为经历认知能力下降的老年人提供了更令人鼓舞的预后。 当大脑老化时,它会经历一些结构和功能变化,例如萎缩,葡萄糖代谢降低和淀粉样斑块的形成。 已知这些变化会降低处理速度,抑制性控制和工作记忆(Small等,2009)。 多媒体消费和互联网使用的多任务性质可能为老年人提供积极的认知刺激。 研究人员“搜寻”(fMRI)精明的和更老的(55至76岁年龄段)互联网用户的大脑,而他们在互联网上搜索时所看到的神经活动比阅读文本时要多得多(类似于阅读书本)。 这表明,对于这一人口统计特征以及事先的广泛接触,互联网的使用可以刺激控制决策和复杂推理的大脑部分(Small等,2009)。 尽管该研究由于样本量小且存在多个混淆变量而需要谨慎解释,但该研究确实表明至少对于老龄化人群具有神经和认知价值。

创造力和内在动力 (Creativity and Intrinsic Motivation)

The internet is also argued to be a good thing by people like Clay Shirky. Shirky insists in his book (2010), Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age, that the time once spent channel surfing has been supplanted by more engaging and creative activities — from YouTube DIYs and Instagram to Flickr, from Pinterest and TikTok to Minecraft, from Facebook and Wikipedia to powerful forms of online political action. Shirky argues that people’s drive to engage in these activities is driven by intrinsic motivation — the joy of doing something for its own sake. And as Daniel Pink wrote in his book (2009), Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, the most powerful and sustainable form of motivation isn’t external but internal — things we do for our own satisfaction and not others.

诸如Clay Shirky这样的人也认为互联网是一件好事。 Shirky在他的书(2010年)《 认知过剩:互联时代的创造力和慷慨》中坚持认为,过去花费在频道冲浪上的时间已经被更具参与性和创造性的活动所取代,从YouTube DIY和Instagram到Flickr,从Pinterest和TikTok到Minecraft,从Facebook和Wikipedia到强大的在线政治行动形式。 Shirky认为,人们从事这些活动的动力是由内在动力驱动的-为自己着想而做某事的乐趣。 正如丹尼尔·平克(Daniel Pink)在其著作(《 2009年:驱动力:关于激励我们的惊人真理》 )中所写的那样,最有效和可持续的激励方式不是外部的,而是内部的—我们为自己的满意而不是他人为之而努力。

无边无际 (Boundless)

Indeed, the internet is not just gloom and doom. It offers people access to knowledge, experiences, networks, and other people that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to due to any number of physical, economic, geographic, cultural, and political constraints. For example, the internet has shown to be a terrific and useful learning tool for busy and geographically dispersed health professionals (Cook et al., 2008). Social movements such as Black Lives Matter, Occupy, and the Arab Spring were sparked and nurtured by social media. The internet has facilitated countless innovations and created the digital economy which is responsible for 4.5 to 15.5% of the world’s GDP (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2019). Families are able to remain tight across massive distances due to internet-based communication such as social media, email, chat, etc. These are just a few of the countless benefits the internet has brought to humanity. With so much good and so much bad, it’s hard to know how to feel about the internet and what to do about its future.

的确,互联网不仅仅是阴郁的世界。 它为人们提供了知识,经验,网络以及其他由于各种物理,经济,地理,文化和政治限制而无法获得的其他人的访问权限。 例如,对于忙碌且地理位置分散的卫生专业人员,互联网已显示是一种了不起的实用学习工具(Cook等,2008)。 诸如社交媒体《黑人生活》,《占领》和《阿拉伯之春》等社会运动是由社会媒体引发和培育的。 互联网推动了无数创新,并创造了占全球GDP 4.5%至15.5%的数字经济(联合国贸易和发展会议,2019年)。 由于社交媒体,电子邮件,聊天等基于Internet的通信,家庭能够在很长的距离内保持紧密联系。这些只是Internet给人类带来的无数好处中的几个。 有了这么多好坏,很难知道如何看待互联网以及如何应对互联网的未来。

There is no question that the internet and how we use it is having a serious impact on just about every aspect of our lives. From our mental health to our cognition. From our physical health to how we socialize. From our self-esteem to how we attend. Some of it is good, but not all of it. In either case, we are not well equipped to navigate the new reality we are creating (“Technology and Human Vulnerability,” 2003). This reality includes obsessive and ritualistic phone checking (Oulasvirta, 2011), phantom vibrations (Drouin et al., 2012), sleeplessness (Sutter, 2010; Gupta et al., 2016), and fear (Rozgonjuk et al., 2020).

毫无疑问,互联网及其使用方式正在对我们生活的方方面面产生严重影响。 从我们的心理健康到我们的认知。 从身体健康到社交方式。 从我们的自尊心到我们的参与方式。 其中一些是好的,但不是全部。 在这两种情况下,我们都无法很好地适应正在创建的新现实(“技术与人类脆弱性”,2003年)。 这种现实包括强迫性和礼仪性电话检查(Oulasvirta,2011),幻像振动(Drouin等人,2012),失眠(Sutter,2010; Gupta等人,2016)和恐惧(Rozgonjuk等人,2020)。

那么,这一切有什么用呢? (So, what’s there to do about it all?)

There are many more concerns brought on by technology and the internet than what’s covered here such as disability, accessibility, pornography, cyber currency, privacy, cyberbullying, digital divide, etc. Still, the answer to what there is to do about the effect the internet and its related technologies are having on people is surprisingly simple: moderation and mindfulness. Researchers have found that major parts of the brain are surprisingly active during downtime. These studies suggest that rest is critical for the brain to synthesize information, connect dots, and develop a sense of self (Christoff et al., 2009).

技术和互联网带来的担忧比这里涵盖的更多,例如残疾,可访问性,色情,网络货币,隐私,网络欺凌,数字鸿沟等。不过,对于影响互联网及其相关技术对人们的影响非常简单:适度和正念。 研究人员发现,大脑的主要部分在停机期间异常活跃。 这些研究表明,休息对于大脑合成信息,连接点和发展自我感至关重要(Christoff等,2009)。

Downtime is also good for children. “Downtime is to the brain what sleep is to the body,” said Dr. Rich of Harvard Medical School. “But kids are in a constant mode of stimulation” (Richtel, 2010). The World Health Organization Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep for children under 5 years 2018 report recommends one hour or less of screen time for children 1 to 4 years of age (World Health Organization, 2019) and research suggests that when children actually do use internet-based technology at home, it should be under watchful supervision (Vigdor et al., 2014). Parents should also work to prevent technology from supplanting other important and appropriate developmental activities such as tech-free self-play, reading, and sports.

停机时间对孩子也有好处。 哈佛医学院里奇·里奇博士说:“停机对大脑来说就像睡眠对身体一样。” “但是孩子们处于持续的刺激模式”(Richtel,2010)。 世界卫生组织《 2018年5岁以下儿童的体育锻炼,久坐行为和睡眠指南》报告建议1至4岁儿童的屏幕检查时间应不超过一小时(世界卫生组织,2019年),研究表明实际上确实在家中使用基于互联网的技术,因此应在监督下进行监督(Vigdor等,2014)。 父母还应努力防止技术取代其他重要且适当的发展活动,例如无技术的自我游戏,阅读和运动。

Even small adjustments to how we use the technology could help offset the resulting physical and mental health concerns. Focusing on one screen and one task at a time can also focus our attention and ability to process and learn.

即使对我们使用该技术的方式进行很小的调整也可以帮助消除由此引起的身心健康问题。 一次专注于一个屏幕和一项任务也可以集中我们的注意力以及处理和学习的能力。

It’s as hard to understand how the internet uprooted just about every aspect of our lives as it is to know what comes next. One thing is for sure, the internet and its related technologies are still fairly nascent in the grand scheme of things, and the true impact of what it has done to us and what it will continue to do is yet to be fully understood.

很难理解互联网如何将我们生活的方方面面连根拔起,就像知道接下来会发生什么一样。 可以肯定的是,互联网及其相关技术还只是新生事物,它对我们所做的以及将继续所做的事情的真正影响尚待充分了解。



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在阴雨天气下,感到身体疲倦和情绪低落是很常见的。这种情况下,确实容易分散注意力和难以集中精力进行学习。同时,由于天气阴沉,室内光线也相对较暗,更容易让人感到昏昏欲睡,进一步影响了学习效果。 为了应对这种情况,你可以尝试以下策略: 1. 创造舒适的学习环境:确保学习环境干净、整洁,并保持适宜的温度。打开窗帘或使用柔和的灯光来增加室内亮度,让学习环境更加明亮和舒适。 2. 制定明确的计划:在阴雨天气下,制定一个明确的学习计划可以帮助你保持目标导向和时间管理。将学习任务分解为小的可管理的部分,并为每个部分设定明确的时间段。 3. 使用时间管理技巧:尝试使用番茄钟法(Pomodoro Technique),将学习时间划分为短期间隔,例如25分钟学习和5分钟休息。这种方法有助于提高集中注意力的能力,并避免疲劳和厌倦。 4. 寻找学习伙伴或小组:与其他人一起学习可以增加学习的乐趣和动力。与同学或朋友组成学习小组,在阴雨天气下互相讨论和分享学习经验,可以相互激励,增强学习效果。 5. 进行适度的身体活动:为了提高血液循环和注意力,尝试进行一些简单的伸展、散步或其他有氧运动。这将有助于恢复精力和提高专注力,尤其在阴沉的天气中。 6. 管理情绪和压力:在阴雨天气下,情绪低落是很常见的。尝试使用放松技巧,如深呼吸、冥想或与朋友交流,以缓解紧张和焦虑情绪。保持积极的心态和良好的心理状态对提高学习效果至关重要。 这些策略可以帮助你在阴雨天气下保持专注和提高学习效果。记住,每个人对不同气象条件的适应方式可能有所不同,所以要根据自己的需求和感受来选择适合自己的方法。试验不同的策略,并找到最适合你的方式来提高学习效果。


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