尚硅谷 硅谷新闻_2020年8月从硅谷出来的最奇怪的狗屎

尚硅谷 硅谷新闻

This Weirdest Shit column has always focused on technology culture, with the “Silicon Valley” moniker broadly embracing the global startup world and loads of localized honorable mentions to Patagonia vest bros and their ilk. Sheltering in place has elevated that premise to an uncanny valley level — with remote techies and entrepreneurs illustrating how concretely the digital has subsumed the physical (at least for now). Silicon Valley proper may never be the same, but that might be a good thing — breaking the barriers of “inner circle” networks and widening opportunities to reach more diverse communities.

Ť他的最古怪的妈列始终专注于技术的文化,与“硅谷”的绰号广泛地拥抱全球启动世界和本地化的佳作巴塔哥尼亚负载背心兄弟之流。 适当的庇护将这一前提提升到了一个令人难以置信的低谷水平—偏远的技术人员和企业家们说明了数字技术(至少现在)是如何具体地包含了物理物质。 硅谷固然可能永远都不一样,但这可能是一件好事–打破“内在圈子”网络的壁垒,扩大接触更多多元化社区的机会。

That said, this month, our monthly game — Two Truths and a Lie, Silicon Valley Startup Edition — has a puppy-love feel. We ask you: Out of the following three pet startups, which one is fake?

那 说,这个月,我们的月度游戏《 两个真相与谎言,硅谷初创版》具有小狗般的感觉。 我们问您:在以下三个宠物创业公司中,哪个是假的?

  • One that makes energy bars for dogs

  • One that tracks how much water your pets consume

  • One that makes soothing music for dogs


(Scroll to the bottom for the answers.)


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狗在跟他们的人说话 (Dogs are talking back to their people)

An ad with a dog standing in front of a device with buttons. Text: “Let’s teach them to talk…. Order now.”
Photo: FluentPet

Shelters are out of dogs. Pet shops are desperately ordering more. Another lockdown life lesson: When people can’t go out, they want pets to come in. And with few people to talk to, pet owners have decided it’s about time their pups started talking back. There are myriad ways to attempt this, but the hottest dog-talking techniques come from FluentPet, a new offering from San Diego startup CleverPet. FluentPet is a push-button word-association trainer. Each button can be programmed with different sounds, and the idea is that owners (or dogs) press said button and act out the corresponding word or object — for example, buttons might say “outside” or “hungry” or “[owner’s name].”

庇护所里没有狗。 宠物店正拼命订购更多。 另一个禁闭式生活课程:当人们无法外出时,他们希望宠物进入。而很少有人与他们交谈,宠物主人决定是时候让它们的幼犬开始回头了。 尝试此操作的方法有多种,但是最热门的狗说话技术来自FluentPet ,这是圣地亚哥初创公司CleverPet的新产品。 FluentPet是一个按键式单词联想训练器。 每个按钮都可以用不同的声音进行编程,其想法是所有者(或狗)按下所述按钮并执行相应的单词或对象-例如,按钮可能说“外面”或“饥饿”或“ [所有者的名字]” 。”

It has sold thousands of products since its June launch, reports the Wall Street Journal, and it’s out of stock until late September.

自6月推出它已经售出了数千种产品,报告的华尔街日报 和它的股票,直到九月下旬。

肯德基的实验室鸡块 (KFC’s lab-grown chicken nuggets)

Colonel Sanders smiling and holding up a drumstick, his shirt collar unbuttoned and tie loose.
Photo: KFC

Kentucky Fried Chicken has been quite the innovator these last few years (remember its “I Love You, Colonel Sanders” dating sim?). Now they’re going a step further and looking to exclude the chicken part from their finger-licking motto. To be fair, the “finger-licking” part was nixed recently because it wasn’t the “right message” to have in a pandemic. And that switch made good headlines, of course. Anyway, KFC has partnered with Russian startup 3D Bioprinting Solutions to see if they can print lab-grown-chicken nuggets, reports Yahoo! News.

过去几年来,肯德基一直是相当创新的公司(还记得它的“我爱你,桑德斯上校” 约会模拟吗?)。 现在,他们走的更进一步,希望将鸡的部分排除在他们舔手指的座右铭中。 公平地说,“手指舔”部分最近被取消了,因为它不是大流行中的“正确信息”。 当然,该开关成为了头条新闻。 雅虎报道,无论如何,肯德基已经与俄罗斯初创公司3D Bioprinting Solutions合作,看看他们是否可以打印实验室种植的鸡块。 新闻

“Crafted meat products are the next step in the development of our ‘restaurant of the future’ concept,” said Raisa Polyakova, the general manager of KFC Russia, in a press statement. The process works by culturing chicken cells alongside plant materials, which are then combined into a paste and printed with a 3D printer. The KFC proprietary breading and spices are added next. “We are working to make it available to thousands of people in Russia,” she said. Early taste tests report that it’s an “accurate” nugget. Mk.

肯德基俄罗斯分公司总经理Raisa Polyakova在一份新闻声明中说:“肉制品是我们发展'未来餐厅'概念的下一步。” 该过程通过将鸡细胞与植物材料一起培养来工作,然后将其合并成糊状并用3D打印机打印。 接下来添加肯德基专有的面包屑和香料。 她说:“我们正在努力将其提供给俄罗斯成千上万的人。” 早期的味觉测试报告说它是“准确的”矿块。 Mk。

实验室种植的德州烧烤 (Lab-grown Texas BBQ)

The BioBQ logo.
Credit: BioBQ

The lab-grown meat space is booming, but there’s been some resistance from the cattle industry. Sure, Tyson Foods invested in lab-grown-meat startup Memphis Meats, but that’s pocket change for it. But now, the startup BioBQ is challenging this space again, reports the Business Journals, in the heartland of the meat market: Texas. Their proposition: cell-based Texas barbecue. They’re working on beef brisket and beef jerky.

实验室种植的肉类市场正在蓬勃发展,但是养牛业却遇到了一些阻力。 当然,泰森食品公司(Tyson Foods)投资了实验室生产的肉类创业公司孟菲斯肉类 ( Memphis Meats) ,但这是零花钱。 但现在,启动BioBQ再次挑战这个空间里, 报告的商业杂志 ,在肉类市场的中心地带:得克萨斯州。 他们的主张:基于细胞的德克萨斯烧烤。 他们正在研究牛s和牛肉干。

BioBQ co-founder Janet Zoldan brings a unique perspective to the ventures; she’s a professor of cellular and biomolecular engineering at the University of Texas at Austin with a background in repairing human hearts with cell sheet technology. Zoldan found that her experience regenerating human cardiac tissue translated perfectly to the alt-meat market.

BioBQ联合创始人珍妮特·佐丹(Janet Zoldan)为合资企业带来了独特的视角。 她是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校细胞与生物分子工程学教授,她的背景是利用细胞片技术修复人的心脏。 Zoldan发现,她在再生人类心脏组织方面的经验完美地转化为替代肉类市场。

Here comes the obligatory BBQ-related dad joke:


A grill master wanted to load up the grill with more BBQ, but he was running low on hot coals...


So, he decided not to brisket.


放大燃烧的人 (Zoom into Burning Man)

Screenshot of a “Virtual Black Rock City Week” ad, showing someone riding a bike toward a large wooden humanoid figure.
Photo: Burn2.org

There are many disappointed Burners this year, saddened that their enormous party/city/rave/transcendental journey/leave-no-trace desert extravaganza is nixed due to the pandemic. I mean, obviously they’re saddened by the shitshow the world is right now, and this just makes it even suckier.

今年有许多令人失望的伯恩斯人,他们为他们的巨大聚会/城市/狂欢/超然旅程/无迹可寻的沙漠盛宴被大流行病困扰而感到沮丧。 我的意思是,很显然,他们为世界现在的情况而感到难过,这简直使人更加痛苦。

Historically, Burning Man has always been about being present — and while there’s a lot of technology on the Playa, in terms of fire-breathing wagons and light-reactive sculptures — cell service and Google have been (mostly) intentionally absent. But #NewNormal.

从历史上看,《燃烧的人》一直以来都是存在的–尽管Playa上有很多技术,但在消防车和光React雕塑方面,(有意地)缺少了Cell Service和Google。 但是#NewNormal。

Now all Burners and the Burner lurkers (myself included) who couldn’t commit to camping out can enjoy a raft of online experiences with a virtual Black Rock City. There are livestreams, interactive art pieces, a Second Life experience, VR-headset options, and more. There are eight universes to pick from in the Burning Man Multiverse, including The Infinite Playa, which replicates the layout of the city, and offerings can be made at the Ethereal Empyrean temple.

现在,所有不愿露营的Burners和Burner潜行者(包括我自己)都可以在虚拟的黑石城(Black Rock City)中享受大量的在线体验。 有直播,互动艺术作品,“第二人生”体验,VR耳机选项等等。 在《燃烧的人》多元宇宙中,有八个宇宙可供选择,其中包括《无限普拉亚》 ,它复制了城市的布局,并且可以在Ethereal Empyrean神庙进行祭祀

“All you need is a computer or smartphone and a curious mind,” according to event organizers. Virtual Burning Man runs from Monday, August 31 until Sunday, September 6.

活动组织者表示:“您所需要的只是一台计算机或智能手机以及一个好奇的头脑。” 虚拟燃烧人从8月31日星期一一直持续到9月6日星期日。

“ 5G保护”诈骗艺术家 (The “5G protection” scam artists)

A businessman smoking a cigar, standing in a kiddie pool in front of an old house.
Photo: Gratisography

In April, the conspiracy theory that 5G caused Covid-19 caused chaos in America, with people burning down 5G towers in protest. That’s obviously hogwash — but it ties into the bigger fear that some people have of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), with many reporting that these invisible fields have caused them pain. The National Academy of Sciences has investigated this and called bullshit. Nevertheless, there is a whole world of anti-EMF technology, reports Mel magazine, which includes everything from $5,499 EMF-shielding sauna tents (purchased by Twitter funder Jack Dorsey!) to $108 shielding boxers.

4月,5G导致Covid-19的阴谋论在美国引起混乱,人们烧毁5G塔以示抗议。 显然,这很费力,但它却使人们更加担心某些人具有电磁频率(EMF),许多人报告说这些看不见的磁场使他们感到痛苦。 美国国家科学院对此进行了调查,并称之为胡说八道。 然而, 据《 梅尔 》杂志报道 ,反电动势技术存在着一个完整的世界,包括从5499美元的屏蔽EMF的桑拿帐篷(由推特资助人Jack Dorsey购买!)到108美元的屏蔽拳击手

Another big brand is Da Vinci Medical, which sells a $6,495 portable EMF protection disc to shelter users from their Wi-Fi. They also sell ventilators, a combo which troubles me greatly as the merge of snake oil and (hopefully) medical devices feels icky.

另一个大品牌是达芬奇医疗公司(Da Vinci Medical) ,该公司出售售价为6,495美元的便携式EMF保护光盘,以保护用户免受Wi-Fi的伤害。 他们还出售呼吸机 ,这种组合令我不安,因为蛇油和(希望如此)医疗设备的融合令人讨厌。

It’s no surprise that the pseudoscience bandwagon has heated up in the pandemic, with startups selling out of EMF shielding gear as the panicked populace invests. Here’s hoping the global supply chain problems we’re having work in our favor for once.

伪科学浪潮在大流行中升温也就不足为奇了,随着惊慌的民众进行投资,初创公司售罄了EMF防护装置。 希望我们正在努力解决全球供应链问题。

Answers to Two Truths and a Lie: Psych! This week, for the first time ever, every single startup was a truth.

回答两个真理和谎言: 心理! 本周,有史以来第一次,每家初创公司都是一个事实。

  • TurboPup makes all-natural, grain-free energy bars for dogs.

    TurboPup 为狗制造全天然,无谷物的能量棒。

  • The Pawbo Spring is a smart water fountain that tracks how much fluid your pets drink.

    Pawbo春天 是一个聪明的喷泉是轨道多少液体你的宠物喝。

  • iCalmPet makes soothing music for dogs based on psychoacoustic research.

    iCalmPet 根据心理声学研究为狗制作了舒缓的音乐。

翻译自: https://thebolditalic.com/the-weirdest-shit-to-come-out-of-silicon-valley-in-august-2020-ecdb99e0dc10

尚硅谷 硅谷新闻

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如今大数据已经成了各大互联网公司工作的重点方向,而推荐系统可以说就是大数据最好的落地应用之一,已经为企业带来了可观的用户流量和销售额。特别是对于电商,好的推荐系统可以大大提升电商企业的销售业绩。国内外的知名电商,如亚马逊、淘宝、京东等公司,都在推荐系统领域投入了大量研发力量,也在大量招收相关的专业人才。打造的电商推荐系统项目,就是以经过修改的中文亚马逊电商数据集作为依托,并以某电商网站真实的业务架构作为基础来实现的,其中包含了离线推荐与实时推荐体系,综合利用了协同过滤算法以及基于内容的推荐方法来提供混合推荐。具体实现的模块主要有:基于统计的离线推荐、基于隐语义模型的离线推荐、基于自定义模型的实时推荐,以及基于内容的、和基于Item-CF的离线相似推荐。整个项目具有很强的实操性和综合性,对已有的大数据和机器学习相关知识是一个系统性的梳理和整合,通过学习,同学们可以深入了解推荐系统在电商企业中的实际应用,可以为有志于增加大数据项目经验的开发人员、特别是对电商业务领域感兴趣的求职人员,提供更好的学习平台。适合人群:1.有一定的 Java、Scala 基础,希望了解大数据应用方向的编程人员2.有 Java、Scala 开发经验,了解大数据相关知识,希望增加项目经验的开发人员3.有电商领域开发经验,希望拓展电商业务场景、丰富经验的开发人员4.有较好的数学基础,希望学br习机器学习和推荐系统相关算法的求职人员


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