

Having trouble dozing off? Your Amazon Echo or Alexa-enabled device can play sounds, music, stories, and guided meditations to send you off to dreamland, and turn them off as you snooze with an Alexa Sleep Timer.

打do时有麻烦吗? 您的Amazon Echo或启用了Alexa的设备可以播放声音,音乐,故事和指导性冥想,将您带入梦境,并在您使用Alexa Sleep Timer sn睡时将其关闭。

By Lance Whitney

通过 兰斯惠特尼

If you’re having trouble sleeping, meditation apps are plentiful—but if you have an Alexa-enabled device, you can turn it into a sleep aid. Place your Alexa device near the bed and turn to skills that will play soothing sounds, offer guided sleep meditations, play restful music, or tell you a bedtime story.

如果您无法入睡,则可以使用很多冥想应用程序 ,但是如果您具有支持Alexa的设备,则可以将其转变为睡眠辅助设备。 将您的Alexa设备放在床边,然后转向可播放舒缓声音,提供有指导的睡眠冥想,播放宁静音乐或告诉您睡前故事的技能。

Open the Alexa app on your mobile device. Tap the hamburger icon in the upper left and select Skills & Games from the sidebar. Tap the search icon in the upper right and search for “sleep” in the app. Now let’s look at some specific skills to assist you in your quest for a good night’s sleep.

在您的移动设备上打开Alexa应用。 点击左上方的汉堡图标,然后从侧边栏中选择技能和游戏 。 点击右上角的搜索图标,然后在应用程序中搜索“睡眠”。 现在,让我们看一些特定的技能,以帮助您寻求良好的睡眠。

睡眠罐的睡眠声音 (Sleep Sounds by Sleep Jar)

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This particular Sleep Sounds skill offers a host of different sounds and noises designed to lull you to sleep. Choose from a vast array, including rain, a train, crickets, wind, a shower, wind chimes, a whale, a waterfall, a lake, and seagulls. (A full list is on Amazon.com and the Sleep Sounds website; get it sent to your Alexa app by saying “Alexa, ask Sleep Sounds for a list.”)

这种特殊的“ 睡眠声音”技能可提供多种不同的声音和噪音,旨在使您入睡。 从各种各样的商品中选择,包括雨水,火车、,、风,淋浴,风铃,鲸鱼,瀑布,湖泊和海鸥。 (完整列表位于Amazon.com和Sleep Sounds网站上 ;说出“ Alexa,向Sleep Sounds索取列表即可将其发送到Alexa应用程序。”)

Hear a specific sound, by saying “Alexa, ask Sleep Sounds for [name of sound],” such as “Alexa, ask Sleep Sounds for ocean waves” or “Alexa, ask Sleep Sounds for fireplace,” and Alexa plays your chosen sound. The skill does try to sell you a premium subscription, but if you can get past the marketing pitch, you’ll find a lot of soothing sounds here.

听到特定的声音,例如说“ Alexa,向[声音名称]询问睡眠声音”,例如“ Alexa,向海浪询问睡眠声音”或“ Alexa,向壁炉询问睡眠声音”,然后Alexa播放您选择的声音。 该技术确实会尝试向您出售高级订阅,但是,如果您可以超越市场营销的标准,那么您会在这里找到许多舒缓的声音。

轻松的声音 (Relaxing Sounds)

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Similar to Sleep Sounds, Relaxing Sounds can play an array of sounds, such as ocean waves, a babbling brook, a rainforest, frogs, pink noise, windy trees, rain on a tent, dripping water, a blizzard, an owl, cicadas, and loons.

与“睡眠声音”类似,“ 放松声音”可以播放各种声音,例如海浪,的溪流,雨林,青蛙,粉红色的噪音,大风大树,帐篷上的雨,滴水,暴风雪,猫头鹰,蝉,和懒人。

To learn all the sounds, check the skill’s Alexa page or say “Alexa, ask Relaxing Sounds for a list.” To hear a specific sound, say: “Alexa, ask Relaxing Sounds for [name of sound],” such as “Alexa, ask Relaxing sounds for windy leaves” or “Alexa, ask Relaxing sounds for a boat ride.” You can also say “Alexa, ask Relaxing Sounds for a random sound,” to let the skill pick the sound.

要了解所有声音,请查看技能的Alexa页面或说“ Alexa,向Relaxing Sounds索取列表”。 要听到特定的声音,请说:“ Alexa,向[声音名称]询问放松声音”,例如“ Alexa,向风叶询问放松声音”或“ Alexa,乘船询问放松声音”。 您也可以说“ Alexa,向“放松声音”询问随机声音”,以使技能选择声音。

甜蜜的梦:声音和沉思的睡眠 (Sweet Dreams: Sounds & Meditations for Sleep)

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Sweep Dreams is a skill that can play either sounds or short meditations. For a sound, say “Alexa, ask Sweet Dreams to play [name of sound].” You can hear rain, surf, a stream, a forest, a canyon, a desert, or a brook.

扫梦是一种可以播放声音或短暂冥想的技能。 要发出声音,请说“ Alexa,让Sweet Dreams播放[声音名称]。” 您会听到雨,冲浪,溪流,森林,峡谷,沙漠或溪流的声音。

For a short meditation, say “Alexa, ask Sweet Dreams to play [name of meditation].” Here, you can opt for meditations such as “Falling Asleep,” “Soften and Relax,” “Breathing in Waves,” and “Review the Day.” Each mediation runs for a certain number of minutes and provides guided steps for deep breathing and other actions designed to calm your mind and body.

对于简短的冥想,请说“ Alexa,让Sweet Dreams演奏[冥想名称]。” 在这里,您可以选择冥想,例如“睡着了”,“放松和放松”,“海浪中呼吸”和“复习一天”。 每次调解都会持续一定的时间,并提供深呼吸和其他旨在使您的身心平静的动作的指导步骤。

睡我 (sleep w/ me)

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The sleep w/ me guided sleep meditation offers just one meditation, but it’s soothing with a comforting voice that takes you through deep breathing. Say “Alexa, play Sleep meditation.” The 18-minute meditation starts off by prompting you to lie down and listen to the sound of the person’s voice. After asking you to take three deep breaths, the voice gently helps you relax in your quest for sleep.

带我进行指导的睡眠冥想的睡眠仅提供一种冥想,但是它以舒缓的声音抚慰您,使您深呼吸。 说“ Alexa,玩沉思冥想”。 通过提示您躺下并聆听该人的声音,开始18分钟的冥想。 要求您深呼吸三口后,声音会轻轻帮助您放松以寻求睡眠。

引导睡眠冥想:终极深度放松 (Guided Sleep Meditation: Ultimate Deep Relaxation)

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With the Guided Sleep Meditation skill, a calming voice helps you combat insomnia by providing a soothing and reassuring meditation. Say “Alexa, open Guided Sleep Meditation” to begin, and the skill will end on its own so you don’t have to worry about turning it off or setting a timer.

借助“ 引导睡眠冥想”技能 ,平静的声音可通过提供舒缓而又令人放心的冥想帮助您抵抗失眠。 说“ Alexa,打开“引导睡眠冥想””,该技能将自行结束,因此您不必担心将其关闭或设置计时器。

瑜伽Nidra睡眠 (Yoga Nidra For Sleep)

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Yoga Nidra is designed more for relaxation than sleep. However, the Yoga Nidra for Sleep skill can help calm your mind and body to put you in a restful state before sleep. Say “Alexa, open Yoga Nidra Meditation.” A voice starts off by asking you to inhale and exhale while counting backwards. The meditation continues for 20 minutes, after which time you hopefully will feel more relaxed and restful.

Yoga Nidra瑜伽的设计宗旨是放松身心,而不是睡觉。 但是,“ 瑜伽Nidra睡眠”技能可以帮助您平静身心,使您在入睡前处于宁静的状态。 说“ Alexa,打开Nidra瑜伽冥想”。 通过要求您在倒数的同时吸气和呼气来发出声音。 冥想持续20分钟,之后您希望自己会感到更加放松和放松。

放松的声音:Spa音乐 (Relaxing Sounds: Spa Music)

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You can listen to restful music before going to sleep with the Relaxing Sounds skill. Say: “Alexa, play spa music.” Alexa immediately starts playing soothing music designed to help you relax. Simply let the music play as you try to fall asleep.

您可以使用“ 放松声音”技能在入睡前听宁静的音乐。 说:“ Alexa,播放spa音乐。” Alexa立即开始播放旨在帮助您放松的舒缓音乐。 尝试入睡时,只需播放音乐即可。

放松音乐 (Relaxation Music)

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Relaxation Music is another skill that aims to help you drift off to sleep by serving up relaxing music. Say “Alexa, play Relaxation Music.” Alexa plays restful music accompanied by soft wind chimes to clear your mind and relax your body as you fall asleep.

放松音乐是另一项旨在通过提供放松音乐来帮助您入睡的技能。 说“ Alexa,播放放松音乐。” Alexa演奏宁静的音乐,并伴以轻柔的风铃,使您在入睡时可以清醒头脑并放松身体。

睡眠故事 (Sleep Stories)

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Whether you’re an adult trying to fall asleep or you have a child struggling to drift off, sometimes a good bedtime story can help. With the Sleep Stories skill, a male or female voice tells you a story designed to help you drift off.

无论您是想入睡的成年人,还是您的孩子都在努力地漂流,有时一个好的就寝故事都会有所帮助。 借助“ 睡眠故事”技能 ,男性或女性声音会告诉您一个旨在帮助您摆脱困境的故事。

Say “Alexa, play Sleep Stories,” and the voice starts narrating a random story. If you don’t like the current story, just say “Alexa, ask Sleep Stories to play next story” and a new story starts playing.

说“ Alexa,播放睡眠故事”,声音开始讲述随机故事。 如果您不喜欢当前故事,只需说“ Alexa,让Sleep Stories播放下一个故事”即可开始播放新故事。

Alexa睡眠定时器 (Alexa Sleep Timer)

Many of these skills will continue playing until you say “Alexa, stop.” If you don’t want them running all night, activate your skill and then say “Alexa, set a sleep timer for [period of time].”

这些技能中的许多技能将继续发挥,直到您说“ Alexa,停下来”。 如果您不希望它们整夜运行,请激活您的技能,然后说“ Alexa,为[时间段]设置一个睡眠计时器。”

So, for example, you could say “Alexa, ask Sleep Sounds for ocean waves.” When the wave sound begins, say “Alexa, set a sleep timer for one hour.” Alexa will acknowledge the request, and the wave sound will shut off after 60 minutes.

因此,例如,您可以说“ Alexa,向睡眠之声询问海浪”。 当波浪声开始时,说“ Alexa,将睡眠计时器设置为一小时。” Alexa将确认请求,并且60分钟后波形声音将关闭。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/how-to-use-alexa-to-help-you-fall-asleep-3581b83e1bda


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