

As part of Summer Game Fest, industry star Geoff Keighley talked about his hands-on experience Sony’s newest controller, the DualSense, exclusive to the PlayStation 5. Sony has put a lot of money and custom tech into the controller, adding features which it believes will change the way you play and experience the games you love in the next generation. Let’s take a look at what Geoff had to say!

作为 Summer Game Fest的一部分,业界明星Geoff Keighley谈到了他亲身体验的最新游戏机 Sony PlayStation 5独有的DualSense。Sony为该控制器投入了很多金钱和定制技术,并增加了它相信的功能。将会改变您玩游戏和体验下一代游戏的方式。 让我们看看Geoff的话!

Geoff started with a bit of a review, reminding us that the L2 & R2 triggers are adaptive, meaning that developers can program them to put forth different pressure points and levels of tension as the player squeezes them. This means they are able to recreate the feeling of pulling back a bow to fire an arrow, or pulling the trigger on a gun. I could foresee the ability to customize your gun in an FPS or 3rd person shooter where the trigger has a much shorter pull, a hair-trigger if you will, and the trigger on the controller could mimic that to give players an advantage in certain situations.

Geoff首先回顾了一下,提醒我们L2和R2触发器是自适应的,这意味着开发人员可以对它们进行编程,以在玩家挤压它们时施加不同的压力点和张力水平。 这意味着他们能够重现向后拉弓以发射箭或拉动扳机的感觉。 我可以预见到可以在FPS或第三人称射击游戏中自定义枪支的能力,其中扳机的拉力要短得多,如果可能的话,可以触发头发,控制器上的扳机可以模仿这种情况,从而在某些情况下为玩家提供优势。

Geoff noted that the controller felt a bit heavier and more substantial than the DualShock 4 as if there was much more going on inside, which of course is true. He also gave us a view of the back of the controller, confirming that it definitely does not have any buttons or active technology going on back there, as was heavily speculated earlier this year. It is also noticeably bigger than the DS4, something in the range of 15% larger and a bit thicker, just by the eyeball test.

Geoff指出,控制器的感觉比DualShock 4更为沉重和坚固,好像内部还有更多东西在发生,这是事实。 他还给我们提供了控制器背面的视图,确认它肯定没有任何按钮或有源技术,如今年早些时候所推测的那样。 仅通过眼球测试,它也比DS4大得多,大约在15%的范围内,并且稍厚一些。

These observations came forth as Geoff played Astro’s Playroom, the pre-loaded game that will come with all PS5 systems. He talked a bit about the speaker in the controller, which has been a focus for Sony in their discussions of the new system. He stated that the speaker has more range and more variety of sounds than the one present on the DS4 controller. Though he didn’t elaborate much, he said he thought the speaker was somewhat tied to the haptic feedback features of the controller. At one point Geoff held the microphone up to the speaker, and you could clearly hear the tinkling of ice in the scene that was playing out on the screen.

这些观察结果是在Geoff播放Astro的Playroom时出现的 ,该游戏已预装在所有PS5系统中。 他谈到了控制器中的扬声器,这一直是索尼在讨论新系统时的重点。 他表示,与DS4控制器上的扬声器相比,该扬声器具有更大的范围和更丰富的声音。 尽管他并没有详细说明,但他说他认为扬声器与控制器的触觉反馈功能有些联系。 某一时刻,Geoff将麦克风举到扬声器上,您可以清楚地听到屏幕上正在播放的场景中的冰块叮当声。

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Astro’s Playroom. Source: Sony.
天文游戏室。 资料来源:索尼。

One thing that really stood out was the ability to blow into the controller to make something happen on the screen. During the demo, a virtual pinwheel showed up on the screen and you had to blow into the controller to make the pinwheel spin. While it’s anyone’s guess how this will be used by developers, it’s great to know the option is there, as this sort of innovation is limited with the existing input devices (although it has appeared in various forms on other platforms in the past, most notably the Nintendo DS).

真正脱颖而出的一件事就是能够吹入控制器以使某些事情在屏幕上发生。 在演示过程中,屏幕上出现了一个虚拟的风车,您必须吹入控制器才能使风车旋转。 虽然有人猜测开发人员将如何使用它,但很高兴知道有这种选择,因为这种创新受到现有输入设备的限制(尽管过去它以各种形式出现在其他平台上,但最值得注意的是Nintendo DS)。

The event wrapped up with a talk between Geoff and Sony Senior VP of Marketing Eric Lempell, who reiterated Sony’s stance on the importance of generations and having games that require new hardware. This has been a point of contention in the last few days, as Microsoft’s Phil Spencer said he believed hardware generations were against everything gaming should be about.

此次活动结束时,Geoff与Sony市场营销高级副总裁Eric Lempell进行了一次谈话,后者重申了Sony对于世代的重要性以及拥有需要新硬件的游戏的立场。 在过去的几天里,这一直是争论的焦点,因为微软的菲尔·斯宾塞(Phil Spencer)表示,他认为硬件世代与游戏本来应该面对的一切相抵触。

The pair also talked about the differences with the new controller, and Lempel stated that they really wanted to do more than just iterate on the DS4, thus a new controller was in mind from the beginning of the console design. Lempel was also asked about different color combinations for the hardware, but he merely stated they weren’t going to talk about that right now. So for those who care, the door isn’t closed on that just yet. One has to imagine there will eventually be something other than the black/white/blue.

两人还谈到了与新控制器的区别,Lempel表示,他们真的想做的事情不仅仅是在DS4上进行迭代,因此从控制台设计的开始就一直在考虑使用新的控制器。 还向Lempel询问了硬件的不同颜色组合,但他只是说他们现在不打算讨论。 因此,对于那些在乎的人,门还没有关闭。 人们必须想象最终会出现黑/白/蓝以外的东西。

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DualSense controller. Source: Sony.
DualSense控制器。 资料来源:索尼。

So, there we have our latest trickle of information on the PlayStation 5 and its assorted accessories, but we are still left waiting for a price point and release date. There are rumors of another State of Play event in August, so we may get those bits of information at that time, but I won’t be holding my breath. Sony seems intent on drip-feeding us until the floodgates finally open ahead of the launch. Stay tuned to SUPERJUMP for all the details!

因此,我们在PlayStation 5及其配件上拥有最新的信息,但我们仍在等待价格和发布日期。 有传言称八月份会发生另一场“状态游戏”事件,因此我们那时可能会获得一些信息,但我不会屏住呼吸。 索尼似乎打算滴灌我们,直到水闸在发射前终于打开。 敬请关注 SUPERJUMP提供所有详细信息!

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/playing-with-dualsense-f695f529ae18






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