

There’s always seems to be something on sale in the Nintendo Switch eShop. Unfortunately, utilizing the shop itself to search for deals that are actually new is extremely painful. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: the Nintendo Switch eShop sucks.

Ť 这里的似乎总是在任天堂交换机网上商店的东西出售。 不幸的是,利用商店本身来搜索实际上是新的交易非常痛苦。 我之前已经说过,我再说一遍:Nintendo Switch eShop很烂。

I’ve played each and every one of these games; this just isn’t another top 10 list to shill for views. In fact, I’ll keep this list to the top 5 Nintendo Switch games to keep it tidy.

我玩过这些游戏中的每一个。 这并不是另一个吸引观看次数的前十名。 实际上,我会将这份名单保持在Nintendo Switch游戏的前5名中,以使其保持整洁。

Make no mistake about it. These are all games you should buy right now if you already don’t own them.

毫无疑问。 如果您还不拥有这些游戏,请立即购买。

There’s quite a wide variety here so pick and choose based on your gaming genre interests; I understand that only certain games appeal to certain people.

这里种类繁多,因此请根据您的游戏类型兴趣进行选择。 我了解只有某些游戏才能吸引某些人。

埃琳娜神庙历险记 (The Adventures of Elena Temple)

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Look, if you love video games than there are just some titles you should buy on the premise of supporting small developers. The Adventures of Elena Temple is one such game.

看,如果您喜欢视频游戏,那么在支持小型开发商的前提下,应该购买一些游戏。 埃琳娜神庙历险记就是这样一种游戏。

Well, that and it’s an actually fun game to play. GrimTalin has made a wonderfully retro bite-sized platformer which was just recently upgraded to the definitive edition. It keeps things simple and fun. Which is more than I can say for newer games today.

好吧,这确实是一个有趣的游戏。 GrimTalin制作了一个令人怀念的怀旧小巧的平台游戏机 ,该平台机最近刚刚升级到最终版本。 它使事情变得简单而有趣。 这比我今天对于新游戏所能说的要多。

If you like retro games, you’ll love The Adventures of Elena Temple.


I’ve personally played through the game twice so far and it was just as good the second time as the first. No, you won't find an overly complex game with hardcore mechanics or sweet pixel art bosses. What you will find is a well-deserving Nintendo Switch game on sale for $1.99.

到目前为止,我个人在游戏中玩了两次,第二次和第一次一样好。 不,您不会发现具有核心技术或可爱像素艺术老板的过于复杂的游戏。 您会发现是一款当之无愧的Nintendo Switch游戏,售价$ 1.99

新世界的深度 (Shinsekai Into the Depths)

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I’ll be honest with you. Shinsekai Into the Depths is my current game of the year. Yet, it seems to have gone largely unnoticed with the majority of the western hemisphere. Fluid movement takes center stage as you pilot an aquanaut through underwater caves, ships, and at times, dry land.

我会对你诚实。 《 Shinsekai Into Depth》是我目前的年度最佳游戏。 然而,在西半球的大部分地区似乎并没有引起人们的注意。 当您驾驶救生员通过水下洞穴,船只,有时甚至是干燥的陆地时,流体运动将成为中心焦点。

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Spelunking underwater shipwrecks are scary fun

I can’t tell you with words how much fun it is just to float around the levels here. They absolutely nailed the underwater movement in this game and have somehow created a Metroidvania title that doesn’t feel like a Metroidvania.

我无法用语言告诉您,只是在这里的各个水平浮动是多么有趣。 他们在这场比赛中牢牢钉住了水下运动,并以某种方式创造了一个不像Metroidvania的Metroidvania头衔。

Shinsekai Into the Depths is without a doubt, worthy of full-priced admission.


It’s only one of two games on the whole list that isn’t on sale. This alone should tell you how good it is.

它只是整个列表中没有发售的两款游戏之一。 仅此一项就可以告诉您它有多好。

细分无限DX (Subdivision Infinity DX)

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Open. World. Space. Game.
打开。 世界。 空间。 游戏。

Subdivision Infinity DX is one of those games that lingers in your mind for months to come. It pops up whenever anyone asks me for game recommendations and it’s not one I often see on other people’s lists.

Subdivvision Infinity DX是您在未来几个月中会一直困扰您的游戏之一。 每当有人问我游戏建议时,它就会弹出,而不是我经常在其他人的名单上看到的一个。

This game looks absolutely gorgeous on the Nintendo Switch.

此游戏在Nintendo Switch上看起来绝对漂亮。

Not only does it look really great but it’s also there for you to fully explore. With its 360 degrees of movement and series of exploration focused missions this game will have you hunting through hulking asteroids and in massive space stations. Yes, you get to fly inside some of these massive space stations they have assembled.

它不仅看起来真的很棒,而且还可以让您充分探索。 凭借其360度运动和一系列探索任务,该游戏将带您穿越巨大的小行星和大型太空站。 是的,您可以在它们组装的某些大型空间站内飞行。

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Flying inside is a good change of pace from the wide expanse of space.

You’ll likely get around 20 hours of playtime with this one and with it being on sale for $6.50 it’s hard to pass this one up.

您可能会获得约20小时的游戏时间,而且该游戏的售价为6.50美元 ,很难通过。

地平线转移81 (Horizon Shift 81)

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Horizon Shift 81 is a shoot ’em up gamer’s dream with a twist.
Horizo​​n Shift 81是射击玩家梦dream以求的梦想。

Flump Studios created something special with Horizon Shift 81. They took the all-too-common shmup formula and instead of making it balls hard or just filling it with cool looking powerups they added a horizon.

Flump Studios使用Horizo​​n Shift 81创造了一些特别的东西。 他们采用了非常普遍的shmup公式,而不是使它变硬或只是给它添加了酷炫的外观,而是增加了视野。

You don’t always play this shooter from the bottom of the screen, at times the horizon will float upwards. You’ll have to battle back waves of enemies by switching from right side up to upside down on the horizon. This adds an element that I hadn’t previously seen before playing and it works wonderfully.

您并非总是从屏幕底部播放此射击游戏,有时地平线会向上浮动。 您必须通过在地平线上从右侧向上切换到顶部向下来反击敌人的浪潮。 这增加了我以前玩之前从未见过的元素,并且效果很好。

You really have to see or play this one to understand the uniqueness. $2.99 is less than the majority of the Starbucks menu, just do it.

您确实必须查看或玩此游戏才能理解其独特性。 $ 2.99比大多数星巴克菜单还便宜,只需这样做。

松树 (Pine)

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Pine is the closest you can come to Breath of the Wild without playing it.

Oh, Pine. How I hate to love you. Pine and I have a bit of a tragic history together. I played Pine prior to release and it was not always a good experience. The gameplay, combat, puzzles, and storyline were stellar. The bugs? Not so much.

哦, 派恩 我多么讨厌爱你。 派恩和我在一起有一段悲惨的历史。 我在发行前曾玩过Pine ,但并非总是如此。 游戏玩法,战斗,谜题和故事情节都很出色。 虫子? 没那么多。

Twirlbound has fixed a lot of these issues after having to take over fixing a shoddy Nintendo Switch porting process. Let me tell you this.

Twirlbound在不得不解决一个劣质的Nintendo Switch移植过程之后,已经解决了许多这些问题。 让我告诉你这个。

Pine’s gameplay and puzzles are some of the best.


There is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t pick this one up right now and start playing it today. If you were a fan of Breath of the Wild but not it’s weapon decay mechanic then Pine is the game for you.

绝对没有理由不该立即选择并立即开始播放。 如果您是“狂野息”的粉丝,但不是武器衰落机制的迷,那么Pine是您的最佳选择。

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I hope you’ve found some games you’ve never had recommended to you before. I’ve been reviewing Nintendo Switch games for about 2 years which has been a bit of a genre-opening experience. I’ve played games I never thought I would enjoy so hopefully writing these small articles helps get the word out that there are more good games than those featured on the front page of the Nintendo Switch eShop.

希望您找到了一些以前从未推荐过的游戏。 我一直在审查Nintendo Switch游戏已有2年之久,这是一种开放类型的经验。 我玩过我从未想过会喜欢的游戏,因此希望写这些小文章有助于使人们知道,比Nintendo Switch eShop的首页上有更多优秀的游戏。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/buy-these-switch-games-today-a808bc97a692






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