
If you are here, you are seriously thinking about upgrading your laptop. You may know a thing or two about the main components of your laptop and getting ready to splash cash on brand-new components. But once you start searching, you are quickly bombarded with different brands and formats for just one component. Which one should you choose? Follow this guide and you can have an easier time navigating the maze.

如果您在这里,则需要认真考虑升级笔记本电脑 。 您可能对笔记本电脑的主要组件了解一两件事,并准备将现金浪费在全新的组件上。 但是,一旦开始搜索,您很快就会被一个组件的不同品牌和格式轰炸。 您应该选择哪一个? 遵循本指南,您可以更轻松地浏览迷宫。

1. SSD (1. SSD)

SSDs are the go-to upgrade in any laptop to make it faster. They make storing and retrieving your data faster and overall makes the experience a lot more smoother. So, you are ready to swap out that old HDD and buy a new SSD. There are several types of SSD, so let us go through them.

SSD是任何笔记本电脑中都必须升级的产品 ,以使其更快。 它们使存储和检索数据的速度更快,总体上使体验更加流畅。 因此,您已准备好换出旧的HDD并购买新的SSD。 有几种类型的SSD,因此让我们仔细研究一下。

2.5英寸固态硬盘 (2.5-inch SSD)

This is the most common format found in laptops. The height of the SSD can be either 7mm or 5mm. The HDD is usually fixed in a bracket via screws. 2.5-inch HDD are usually are 7mm tall, so you may need to check the manual of the laptop to see if 5mm works. To check the dimensions of the SSD, read through the specification section of the component you are searching.

这是笔记本电脑中最常见的格式。 SSD的高度可以是7mm或5mm 。 HDD通常通过螺钉固定在支架中 。 2.5英寸硬盘通常高7毫米,因此您可能需要查看笔记本电脑的手册以查看5毫米是否可以工作。 要检查SSD的尺寸,请通读所搜索组件的规格部分。

After buying one it is a simple case of opening up your laptop and connecting the SATA cable in the laptop to the SSD. Before that though, you may want to make the SSD a clone of the old HDD so that you do not lose any data, or having to install a fresh Windows OS.

购买一个后,这是打开笔记本电脑并将笔记本电脑中的SATA电缆连接到SSD的简单情况。 在此之前,您可能希望将SSD克隆为旧HDD,以免丢失任何数据,也不必安装新的Windows操作系统。


This form factor is a smaller version of 2.5-inch SSD, hence the name mSATA (mini-SATA). They have identical speed to 2.5-inch SATA. The mSATA uses a mSATA interface to connect, so check your manual to see if your motherboard has one. Do make sure you buy mSATA and not M.2 SATA, which is another form factor of SSD.

该外形尺寸是2.5英寸SSD较小版本 ,因此名称为mSATA(mini-SATA)。 它们具有与2.5英寸SATA相同的速度。 mSATA使用mSATA接口进行连接,因此请查看手册以查看主板上是否有一个。 确保购买mSATA而不是M.2 SATA ,这是SSD的另一种形式。

M.2 SATA固态硬盘 (M.2 SATA SSD)

At first glance, the M.2 SATA SSD and mSATA may look identical. There is a reason to that. The M.2 SATA SSD was developed as a replacement to the mSATA SSD. mSATA SSD had size and speed limitations which led to its early demise.

乍一看,M.2 SATA SSD和mSATA看起来可能完全相同。 这是有原因的。 开发了M.2 SATA SSD以替代mSATA SSD。 mSATA SSD具有大小和速度限制,导致其早日淘汰。

The M.2 SATA comes in different sizes, so check the laptop manual to see the maximum size that can be installed. As the name suggests M.2 SATA is connected via the M.2 SATA interface, which means it is identical in speed to the aforementioned form factors. Now at around 600MB/s, this is no slouch. But if you need a faster SSD, then continue reading.

M.2 SATA的尺寸不同 ,因此请查看笔记本电脑手册以了解可以安装的最大尺寸。 顾名思义,M.2 SATA通过M.2 SATA接口连接 ,这意味着它的速度与上述尺寸相同。 现在速度约为600MB / s ,这并不算慢。 但是,如果您需要更快的SSD,请继续阅读。

M.2 NVME固态硬盘 (M.2 NVME SSD)

The main difference you need to understand here is the interface. The M.2 NVME SSD uses the PCIe interface instead of SATA. PCIe was designed to be faster than SATA, and the M.2 NVME SSD does just that. It can reach speeds up to 3500 MB/s.

您需要在此处了解的主要区别是界面。 M.2 NVME SSD使用PCIe接口而不是SATA。 PCIe被设计为比SATA更快,而M.2 NVME SSD正是这样做的。 最高速度可达3500 MB / s

But with the additional speed, come higher price. M.2 NVME are expensive but they are getting cheaper every year. But then it all depends on the availability of a PCIe interface on your motherboard.

但是随着速度的增加,价格会更高。 M.2 NVME价格昂贵,但每年都在便宜。 但是,这一切都取决于主板上PCIe接口的可用性。

品牌和容量 (Brands and Capacity)

So which brand should you chose? Samsung and SanDisk are two of the major storage device companies out there, but there are also cheaper yet reliable options. If money is not a problem, then go for the above two brands. If you do not want to break the piggy bank then checkout Kingston, Crucial or Transcend. These are just a few of the options out there, so do not limit yourself by not searching for more.

那么,您应该选择哪个品牌? 三星和SanDisk是两家主要的存储设备公司,但也有便宜但可靠的选择。 如果钱不成问题,那么选择以上两个品牌。 如果您不想破坏存钱罐,请结帐Kingston,CrucialTranscend 。 这些只是其中的一些选择,因此不要通过不搜索更多内容来限制自己。

As for capacity, it really depends on your usage and budget. 1 TB SSD is becoming the norm nowadays, but it can cost above $100. Moreover, you still can use your old HDD as external storage. A 500GB SSD is a sweet spot and is affordable. Anything below that, you run the risk of reaching the full capacity faster and then requiring to buy an SSD with a higher capacity. A waste of your hard-earned money I would say.

至于容量,这实际上取决于您的使用情况和预算 。 1 TB SSD如今已成为标准,但其价格可能超过100美元。 此外,您仍然可以将旧的HDD用作外部存储500GB SSD是一个不错的选择,而且价格合理。 低于此水平的任何风险都可能导致更快地达到满容量,然后需要购买具有更高容量的SSD。 我会浪费你辛苦赚来的钱。

2. RAM (2. RAM)

Next on the list is RAM (Random Access Module). Like SSD, there a few different types of RAM available in the market right now. First thing for you to decide is the capacity of RAM you want. It could 1,2,4,8 or 16 GB. Your Windows OS will also decide how much you can have. A 32-bit OS can only handle a maximum of 4GB of RAM. A 64-bit OS can handle more. You can check which type your OS is in “System Section”.

列表中的下一个是RAM(随机访问模块)。 像SSD一样,目前市场上有几种不同类型的RAM。 您要决定的第一件事是所需的RAM容量 。 它可能是1,2、4、8或16 GB。 Windows操作系统还将决定您可以拥有的数量。 32位操作系统最多只能处理4GB的RAM64位OS可以处理更多操作。 您可以在“系统部分”中检查操作系统的类型。

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fancycrave1 from fancycrave1,来自 Pixabay) Pixabay )

The number of slots available on your motherboard will also decide the RAM limit. Most have two, but it could be that one is soldered in place, which means you cannot remove it. Check your laptop manual for this information. Now that you have decided what capacity and how many modules to buy, let us begin.

主板上可用的插槽数量也将决定RAM限制。 多数有两个,但可能是一个已焊接到位 ,这意味着您无法将其卸下。 有关此信息,请查阅您的笔记本电脑手册。 现在您已经确定要购买的容量和模块数量,让我们开始。

构成因素 (Form Factor)

RAM comes in two form factors, DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module) and SODIMM (Small Outline DIMM). One is used in PCs and servers. The other is used in laptops. I am guessing you know which one is used in which.

RAM有两种形式,即DIMM (双列直插式内存模块)和SODIMM (小尺寸DIMM)。 一种用于PC和服务器。 另一个用于笔记本电脑。 我猜您知道哪一种使用了哪一种。

When you search for your new RAM, forget about DIMM and only concentrate on SODIMM. They both look identical, so always read the description of the component.

当您搜索新的RAM时, 不要理会 DIMM,而只专注于SODIMM 。 它们看起来都相同,因此请务必阅读组件说明。


There are several generations of RAM, but we will concentrate on DDR3 and DDR4, which are widely used and available. You will see absolutely no difference in how they look except in their description. So it is vital you go through it before buying.

RAM有几代,但我们将专注于被广泛使用和使用的DDR3DDR4 。 除了描述之外,您将在外观上完全没有区别。 因此,至关重要的是您在购买之前必须先进行仔细研究。

Another thing to keep in mind is your motherboard. You need to check till which generation of RAM it supports. DDR4 was available from 2014, so anything before 2014 will only have DDR3 support. Best place to check is, of course, the laptop manual.

要记住的另一件事是您的主板。 您需要检查它支持哪一代RAMDDR4 自2014年起可用,因此2014年之前的所有产品仅支持DDR3。 当然,最好的检查地方是笔记本电脑手册

速度 (Speed)

The RAM speed is another factor you should consider when choosing your next module. The speed is measured in MHz and the faster the better. But your motherboard and CPU will decide the maximum speed you can have.

RAM速度是选择下一个模块时应考虑的另一个因素。 速度以MHz为单位 越快越好 。 但是您的主板和CPU将决定您可以拥有的最大速度。

品牌品牌 (Brands)

Crucial, Patriot and Kingston are a few brands that offer good choice for good money. Once you have chosen your brand, see if you can find a DDR3L or DDR4L. The L suffix stands for low power and will reduce your power consumption and drain on your laptop battery.

Crucial,PatriotKingston是少数几个物有所值的品牌。 选择品牌之后,请查看是否可以找到DDR3LDDR4L 。 L后缀代表低功耗 ,将减少功耗并消耗笔记本电脑电池。

That’s it! Keep these things in mind when you choose your RAM. The component description should have the information such the generation, speed, capacity and form factor (SODIMM).

而已! 选择RAM时,请记住这些事情。 组件说明应具有信息,如生成,速度,容量和形状因子(SODIMM)。

3. WLAN模块 (3. WLAN Module)

If you want to have a better internet connection then you should upgrade your WLAN module. It will bring better speeds, connection strength and range. It will give you peace of mind next time you are surfing the net or in an important meeting. But like all computer components, there are a few factors to keep in mind before upgrading.

如果要建立更好的Internet连接 ,则应升级WLAN模块。 它将带来更好的速度,连接强度和范围。 下次您上网或参加重要会议时,它将使您安心。 但是,像所有计算机组件一样,在升级之前要牢记一些因素。


There are many generations of Wi-Fi, the newest one is Wi-Fi 6. These generations are also denoted using letters after the IEEE 802.11 standard. The Wi-Fi 4 is denoted as 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi 5 as 802.11 b/g/n/ac and Wi-Fi 6 as 802.11 b/g/n/ac/ax. Sometimes only the last letters will be written (e.g. 802.11ax), so pay attention to that.

Wi-Fi有许多代,最新的是Wi-Fi 6 。 在IEEE 802.11标准之后,也使用字母表示这些世代。 Wi-Fi 4表示为802.11 b / g / nWi-Fi 5表示802.11 b / g / n / acWi-Fi 6表示802.11 b / g / n / ac / ax 。 有时仅会写入最后一个字母(例如802.11ax),因此请注意这一点。

But buying the latest technology would not guarantee you faster speeds. It will also depend on your Internet router and provider. Your router will also have the same denotations as above. So, if your router is only 802.11ac, there is no need to buy an 802.11ax WLAN module. You will only get 802.11ac speeds in that case. But if you do plan to upgrade your router in a year or so, then I would suggest you buy the latest version. WLAN modules do not get damaged easily, so you future proof your laptop.

但是购买最新技术并不能保证您更快。 它还将取决于您的Internet路由器提供商 。 您的路由器也将具有与上述相同的符号。 因此,如果您的路由器只有802.11ac ,则无需购买802.11ax WLAN模块。 在这种情况下,您只会获得802.11ac速度。 但是,如果您确实打算在一年左右的时间内升级路由器,那么我建议您购买最新版本。 WLAN模块不容易损坏,因此您将来可以对笔记本电脑进行验证。

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USA-Reiseblogger from USA-Reiseblogger,来自 Pixabay) Images )

接口 (Interface)

The WLAN module uses either mini-PCIe slot or M.2 slot. Laptops before 2014 will probably not have a M.2 slot so you will be stuck with finding one with former interface type (mini-PCIe).

WLAN模块使用mini-PCIe插槽或M.2插槽。 2014年之前的笔记本电脑可能没有M.2插槽,因此您将不得不寻找具有以前接口类型(mini-PCIe)的笔记本电脑。

天线数 (Number of Antennas)

The interface is not the only thing to keep in mind. Your laptop will have antennas attached to it. Or an antenna. The laptop manual will provide you with that information.

接口并不是唯一要记住的东西。 您的笔记本电脑将连接天线 。 或天线。 笔记本电脑手册将为您提供该信息。

If you have only one antenna, then choose a card which is single channel. It will be commonly denoted by “1x1”. If you have two antennas, then you can have a dual channel WLAN module, that are denoted by “2x2”. Now you can install a “2x2” module in a laptop with a single antenna; you just would not get the full power of the WLAN module.

如果只有一根天线,请选择单通道的卡。 通常用“ 1x1”表示。 如果您有两个天线,则可以有一个双通道WLAN模块 ,用“ 2x2”表示。 现在,您可以在具有单个天线的笔记本电脑中安装“ 2x2”模块。 您将无法获得WLAN模块的全部功能。

Wi-Fi白名单 (Wi-Fi Whitelist)

This is a controversial topic. Some companies like HP and Lenovo had created a Wi-Fi module whitelist, meaning you could only install the spare parts that they listed in their website. The whitelist is embedded in the laptop BIOS and there was no legal or safe way to remove it.

这是一个有争议的话题。 像HP和Lenovo这样的公司已经创建了Wi-Fi模块白名单 ,这意味着您只能安装他们在其网站上列出的备件 。 白名单已嵌入笔记本电脑的BIOS中 ,没有合法或安全的方法将其删除。

The only safe way you can remove is via BIOS update. HP had released a BIOS update which removed the whitelist which allowed users to install WLAN module of their choice. So, head to your laptop website and see if there is a BIOS update available.

可以删除的唯一安全方法通过BIOS更新 。 惠普(HP)已发布BIOS更新,删除了允许用户安装自己选择的WLAN模块的白名单。 因此, 请访问您的笔记本电脑网站 ,看看是否有可用的BIOS更新。

品牌品牌 (Brands)

There many brands like Intel, Qualcomm and Killer that sell WLAN modules. But Intel WLAN modules are widely available and also have the reliable updates. They are cheap and you get one in around $20 to $30 range.

英特尔高通Killer等许多品牌都在销售WLAN模块。 但是英特尔WLAN模块广泛可用,并且具有可靠的更新。 它们很便宜,价格在20到30美元之间。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

So now that you know what all to look for you should get ready to surf the web or visit your local store for your new hardware. This will take time though, so do not rush into buying the first piece you see. I would suggest you research each part, by reading their description, checking reviews and also searching if other laptop users of your same brand have successfully installed the part. Online forums are a great way to get this sort of information. They helped me out during my upgrades especially regarding the Wi-Fi whitelist. But also visit the official website of the part for the correct information.

因此,既然您知道要寻找的所有东西,就应该准备上网冲浪或访问本地商店以购买新硬件。 不过,这将需要一些时间,因此请不要急于购买您看到的第一件作品。 我建议您通过阅读每个零件的描述,检查评论以及搜索同一品牌的其他笔记本电脑用户是否已成功安装零件来研究每个零件。 在线论坛是获取此类信息的好方法。 他们在升级期间帮助了我,尤其是在Wi-Fi白名单方面。 但也请访问该部分的官方网站以获取正确的信息。

Now! Get that manual out and start reading!

现在! 拿出手册并开始阅读!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/a-guide-on-choosing-the-right-components-to-upgrade-your-laptop-e0384838eb38

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