
When the DOOM franchise was rebooted back in 2016, it completely exceeded expectations from both fans and critics alike, bringing back the non-stop action that had made the original game so popular in the first place. It was simple but effective. Ditching the slow horror and in-depth story of its predecessor, DOOM 2016 gave players a very short introduction before letting them go through over 10 hours of relentless violence and action with barely any plot in sight.

w ^ 母鸡DOOM专营权在2016年重新启动回来,这完全超出了来自球迷和评论家都期望,怀想那些使原来的游戏非常流行的首位马不停蹄的行动。 这很简单但是有效。 开沟其前身缓慢恐怖和深入的故事,DOOM 2016给了玩家一个非常简短的介绍让他们经过超过10小时的残酷的暴力和行动在视线几乎没有任何情节之前。

DOOM Eternal, released back in March this year is the latest entry in this rebooted series and it doesn’t need much of an introduction. Its sales are now ranging in the millions and with its first story focused DLC releasing in October, I thought it would be good to catch up on what makes Eternal such a perfect sequel, at least in terms of its combat.

DOOM Eternal于今年三月发布,是该重新启动系列中的最新作品,不需要太多介绍。 现在它的销量已经达到数百万美元,并且在10月发布了首个以故事为重点的DLC,我认为至少在战斗方面赶上Eternal如此完美续集的原因将是一件好事。

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Source: ID Software.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” ID Software clearly didn’t follow this rule as Eternal essentially “fixes” almost every single aspect of DOOM 2016. Instead of just being a brainless shoot em up, Eternal has an enormous focus not just on its story (now with actual cutscenes) but also on how it’s combat works.

“如果没有破裂,请不要修复它。” ID Software显然没有遵循此规则,因为Eternal本质上“修复”了DOOM 2016的几乎每个方面。 Eternal不仅是无脑的射击,而且不仅关注其故事(现在带有实际过场动画),而且还关注其战斗方式。

Eternal is relentless and extremely overwhelming. The arenas are much larger, the enemies are much stronger and the music is somehow even more aggressive than DOOM 2016. Instead of being able to blast through most arenas with nothing but a shotgun, Eternal forces you to play in a very specific way. Every enemy has an exploitative weakness, with each and every gun in the player’s arsenal now having a purpose.

永恒是无情的,极其压倒一切。 与DOOM 2016相比,竞技场要大得多,敌人要强大得多,而且音乐在某种程度上更具侵略性。 永恒之力只能用一种非常特定的方式来迫使您玩,而不是只能用shot弹枪冲破大多数竞技场。 每个敌人都有一个剥削性的弱点,现在玩家武器库中的每把枪都有目标。

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Source: ID Software.

A grenade launched from a shotgun can instantly stun a Cacodemon whilst a perfect shot from a Ballista can destroy an Arachnotron’s turret. Every gun has a purpose depending on the enemy and after a while, it can feel extremely overwhelming. There’s barely any time in Eternal to take a break and breathe and it works extremely well. The combat is almost like a dance and with enough rehearsal and practice, you’ll be the perfect demon slayer in no time, perfectly dodging and diving through each arena that slowly builds up in intensity and enemy count.

用a弹枪发射的手榴弹可立即使卡德奎蒙昏迷,而Ball炮的完美射击可摧毁Arachnotron的炮塔。 每把枪都有一个目的,视敌人而定,过了一会儿,它会感到极为压倒。 永恒中几乎没有时间休息和呼吸,它的运作非常好。 战斗几乎就像是一场舞蹈,经过足够的排练和练习,您将立即成为完美的恶魔杀手,在各个区域逐渐躲开并潜入强度和敌人数量的完美躲避和潜水。

Many have referred to Eternal’s combat as a puzzle and I couldn’t think of a better way to summarise how it works. Most games will just have you point and shoot towards the enemy, encouraging you to hide behind walls and stay away from the danger. Eternal forces you to do the complete opposite, throwing you into extremely intense environments where one false move can lead to instant death. If you try to run and hide, your time in Eternal will be extremely painful and joyless. It works best if you just jump into the action head-on, you are called the Doomslayer for a reason.

许多人将永恒之战称为难题,我想不出一种更好的方式总结永恒之战的方式。 大多数游戏只会让您指向敌人并向敌人射击,鼓励您躲在墙后躲避危险。 永恒迫使你做完全相反的事情,使你陷入极端激烈的环境中,一个错误的举动可能导致即时死亡。 如果您试图逃跑和躲藏,那么您在永恒中的时光将非常痛苦和无聊。 如果您只是直接进行操作,效果最好,因为某种原因,您被称为“毁灭战士”。

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Source: ID Software.

Eternal slowly introduces you to new weaponry and enemies, teaching you how to use every piece in its complicated puzzle. It’s like chess, every move you make will be countered and you always have to anticipate whatever the enemy has planned for you.

永恒慢慢地向您介绍新的武器和敌人,并教您如何在复杂的难题中使用每一件。 就像国际象棋一样,您的一举一动都会受到打击,而且您始终必须预见敌人为您计划的一切。

It’s not just the guns that you’ll have to switch between however, Eternal also gives you some tools to use as well. A chainsaw is useful for getting you out of complex situations but it’s sometimes difficult to decide whether to let the chainsaw charge up enough to take down much tougher enemies in one hit or to just quickly use it to get a boost of ammo and health. Eternal also gives you a flamethrower and any enemy attacked after being surrounded by flames will drop armor, so obviously it should be reserved for enemies with more health.

然而,不仅仅是您必须在这两种枪之间进行切换,Eternal还为您提供了一些可以使用的工具。 电锯可帮助您摆脱复杂的情况,但有时很难决定是让电锯充一次电以击倒一头更坚强的敌人,还是Swift使用它来增强弹药和健康。 永恒还会给你一个喷火器,被火焰包围后受到攻击的任何敌人都会掉落盔甲,因此显然应该将它留给更健康的敌人。

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Source: ID Software.

Again this is where the combat feels more like a puzzle than anything else, as you’ll be making these decisions almost instantly with no time to think. Imagine chess but instead of having time to sit and ponder your next move, there’s a gun pointed to your head and if you don’t move in just a few seconds you’ll be shot dead.

同样,在这里战斗比其他任何事情都更像是一个难题,因为您几乎没有时间思考就可以立即做出这些决定。 想象一下象棋,但是没有时间坐下来思考下一个动作,而是有一把枪对准您的头部,如果您在短短几秒钟内不移动,就会被枪杀。

This is what makes Eternal such a divisive game between fans. Some appreciated DOOM 2016’s simplicity and feel alienated by Eternal’s decision to go in the complete opposite direction. I admire ID Software for doing this as it makes for a much more interesting and different experience. It’s so different, in fact, that it’s completely ruined DOOM 2016 for me. After replaying it, the game felt sluggish and dull and it made me miss Eternal’s focus on relentless action and intensity.

这就是Eternal在粉丝之间如此分裂的游戏。 一些人赞赏DOOM 2016的简单性,并因永恒的决定朝完全相反的方向感到疏远。 我很欣赏ID Software所做的事情,因为它带来了更加有趣和不同的体验。 实际上,它是如此不同,以至于我彻底毁了DOOM 2016 。 重播之后,游戏变得迟钝无聊,这让我想念Eternal专注于无情的动作和强度。

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Source: ID Software.

The developers could have easily of just copied and pasted DOOM 2016, just with different enemies and arenas and it would have worked fine. Eternal, however, completely overhauls everything that made DOOM 2016 work and in my opinion, improves every single aspect. This is what we should look for in a sequel. It’s tiring to see a successful game get a sequel only to see it essentially be the same game just now slightly “bigger.”

开发人员可以轻松地复制并粘贴DOOM 2016 ,并且使用不同的敌人和竞技场,并且效果很好。 但是, 永恒将彻底改变使DOOM 2016正常运转的一切,并且我认为,它会改善每个方面。 这就是我们应该在续集中寻找的东西。 看到一个成功的游戏获得续集,只是看到它本质上是同一款游戏而稍稍“更大”,这真是令人讨厌。

Ubisoft is the biggest culprit in this trend, with franchises such as Far Cry and Assassin’s Creed following the same formula in every single entry. Sure it works and they’re always fun to play but sometimes it feels like we’re just retreading the same paths that we’ve taken for years.

育碧是这一趋势中的最大罪魁祸首,诸如《 孤岛惊魂》和《 刺客信条》等特许经营权在每个条目中都遵循相同的公式。 当然可以,而且玩起来总是很有趣,但是有时候感觉就像我们只是在重读多年来所走过的路一样。

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Source: ID Software

Eternal represents everything good in a sequel with the developers pushing themselves out of their comfort zone not only to make the game “bigger and better,” but to examine the previous entry and expand on what made it so good in the first place instead of just remaking it. ID Software is in a very interesting position right now, from Eternal’s upcoming story DLC releasing in October and an inevitable sequel being announced in a few years down the line, it’s an extremely exciting time to be a DOOM fan.

《永恒》在续集中代表了一切美好,开发商将自己推向了自己的舒适区,不仅是为了使游戏“更大更好”,而且是要检查以前的作品,并扩展最初使它如此出色的原因,而不仅仅是重新制作。 ID Software目前处于非常有趣的位置,从Eternal即将在10月发布的故事DLC以及即将在几年后宣布的不可避免的续集开始,成为DOOM粉丝是一个非常激动人心的时刻。

DOOM Eternal’s first single-player expansion, The Ancient Gods: Part One, is set to release on October 20, so you haven’t got to wait long until you can rip and tear once again.

DOOM Eternal的第一个单人游戏扩展程序《远古之神:第一部分》定于10月20日发行,因此您不必等很久就可以再次撕裂。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/doom-eternal-a-perfect-dance-of-violence-fd27d8ff070





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