亚马逊 aws 指南 实战_减少您的AWS成本完整指南

亚马逊 aws 指南 实战

Do you think your cloud costs are too high? I think most businesses can find savings if they look in the right places. In this article I will provide a complete guide to reducing your AWS costs covering five different, but equally important perspectives:

您是否认为您的云成本过高? 我认为,如果选择正确的位置,大多数企业都可以节省开支。 在本文中,我将提供完整的指南来降低您的AWS成本,涵盖了五个不同但同样重要的观点:

  1. Architecture


  2. Operations


  3. Pricing Models


  4. Cost Management


  5. Service Optimisation


This article will be somewhat long, but rather than giving you “10 tips to reduce your AWS costs”, I’ll instead provide you with a comprehensive, end-to-end guide covering every perspective that should be addressed to truly optimise your AWS cloud costs.


观点1:建筑 (Perspective 1: Architecture)

In this perspective, we’ll look at how to architect for improved cost efficiency.


选择正确的架构 (Select the right architecture)

There’s a lot of architectural styles to choose from. Carefully select the most appropriate style and don’t let emotion influence your choice. You may love the idea of microservices on Kubernetes, but there may be another architecture that’s more suitable.

有很多建筑风格可供选择。 仔细选择最合适的样式,不要让情感影响您的选择。 您可能喜欢Kubernetes上微服务的想法,但可能还有另一种更合适的架构。

选择合适的服务 (Select the right services)

As with architecture styles, there are many AWS services to choose from, and selecting the wrong one can really increase your costs. Maybe you can use Lambda instead of an EC2 instance or swap an RDS database for a DynamoDB table. Carefully compare and choose the right service for the job.

与架构样式一样,有许多AWS服务可供选择,选择错误的服务确实会增加您的成本。 也许您可以使用Lambda代替EC2实例,或者将RDS数据库交换为DynamoDB表。 仔细比较并选择适合工作的服务。

根据需求扩展应用程序 (Scale applications based on demand)

Use Auto Scaling to scale your application based on demand. Consider how you can optimise your scaling types and policies. Auto Scaling is one of the most powerful capabilities for cost control on AWS so use it whenever possible.

使用Auto Scaling可以根据需求扩展应用程序。 考虑如何优化扩展类型和策略。 Auto Scaling是AWS上成本控制最强大的功能之一,因此请尽可能使用它。

使用结构合理的框架 (Use the well-architected framework)

The AWS Well-Architected Framework (WAF) provides best practice guidance on how to properly architect AWS cloud solutions. It’s comprised of five pillars, one of which is Cost Optimisation. The guidance provided in the framework is easy to understand and very sensible. Try to implement as much of the framework as possible and consider getting a Well-Architected Review (WAR) from an AWS partner to identify any gaps.

AWS架构完善的框架(WAF)提供有关如何正确构建AWS云解决方案的最佳实践指南。 它由五个Struts组成,其中之一是成本优化。 框架中提供的指导很容易理解,也非常明智。 尝试实施尽可能多的框架,并考虑从AWS合作伙伴那里获得结构完善的审查(WAR),以找出任何差距。

避免过度的安全性或弹性 (Avoid excessive security or resilience)

I know what you’re going to say, security and resilience are important. Absolutely, but it’s important to take a balanced view of security and resilience requirements against the cost of a solution. Do you really need 5 layers of firewall appliances in front of that meme-generating web app?

我知道您要说的话,安全性和弹性非常重要。 绝对可以,但是重要的是要在解决方案成本与安全性和弹性要求之间取得平衡。 在产生模因的Web应用程序之前,您真的需要5层防火墙设备吗?

将成本效益作为架构原则 (Make cost-efficiency an architecture principle)

Is cost treated with the same priority as performance, resilience, or security? You should address cost efficiency in every architecture. At a minimum, consider including a cost forecast, elements that will influence cost and a description of how cost will be monitored and managed for every solution.

成本与性能,弹性或安全性是否具有相同的优先级? 您应该在每种架构中解决成本效益问题。 至少应考虑包括成本预测,将影响成本的要素以及对每种解决方案将如何监控和管理成本的描述。

实施有效的标签策略 (Implement an effective tag strategy)

To be blunt, you have zero chance of effectively managing your cloud costs without a good resource tagging strategy. Resource tags enable you to accurately analyse and allocate costs across business, units, environments, apps, components, etc. Spend the time to define an effective tagging strategy that makes sense then implement and enforce it.

直言不讳,如果没有良好的资源标记策略,则几乎没有机会有效管理云成本。 资源标签使您能够准确地分析和分配业务,部门,环境,应用程序,组件等方面的成本。花时间定义有效的标签策略,然后有意义地实施和实施它。

观点2:运营 (Perspective 2: Operations)

In this perspective, we’ll explore some important cost-related operational processes.


成本优化角色和职责 (Cost optimisation roles and responsibilities)

Like any other operational process, cost optimisation needs ownership and clearly defined roles an





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