

Lately, I have seen an emerging trend online from articles, tweets, and videos where people suggest that you do not need a software degree to become a programmer or land a job. Why should you spend 3-6 years studying and end up with sky-high student loans instead of teaching yourself through online courses and finding a job within months?

最近,我从文章,推文和视频中看到了一种新兴的在线趋势,人们认为您不需要软件学位即可成为程序员或找到工作。 为什么您要花3-6年的时间学习并最终获得高额的学生贷款,而不是通过在线课程自学并在几个月内找到工作?

Let me take you through my journey towards a developer career. I applied for a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and a master’s degree in Systems Engineering. I finished my journey in 2018 with six years of educational experience and three years of experience in the industry while taking my master’s. It was a great choice that I do not regret. A software degree made me realize the importance of education and the opportunities it provides when applying for a job.

让我带领您完成开发者职业生涯的旅程。 我申请了计算机工程学士学位和系统工程硕士学位。 我在2018年的学习中获得了六年的教育经验和三年的行业经验,同时攻读了硕士学位。 我不后悔这是一个很棒的选择。 软件学位使我意识到求职时教育的重要性及其所提供的机会。

Studying requires discipline, patience, and hard work — regardless of if this is through self-study or a university degree.


Note: I am using the termsoftware degree” as a common word for degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and IT Engineering.


这是我们将在本文中讨论的内容: (Here is what we will discuss in this article:)

  • “You do not need a software degree.” — Wait, what?

    “您不需要软件学位。” —等等,什么?
  • A degree is not a waste of time.

  • The self-taught journey is not that easy either.

  • A degree is a symbol of commitment.

  • A degree teaches you more than you think.

  • A degree provides a life of stability.

  • A degree does not make you a better programmer.


“您不需要软件学位” —等待,什么? (“You Do Not Need a Software Degree” — Wait, What?)

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RealChange Network. RealChange Network摄

One thing that fascinates me is the number of people saying that education is not important. What is funny is that most of these people already have a degree and have found a way to get rich. For instance, Elon Musk said the following in an interview back in 2014:

让我着迷的一件事是,许多人说教育并不重要。 有趣的是,这些人中的大多数已经拥有学位并找到了致富的方法。 例如,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk) 在2014年的一次采访中说

“There is no need even to have a college degree. At all. Or even high school.”

“甚至不需要拥有大学学位。 完全没有 甚至是高中。”

Anyone who is a fan of Musk and the things he has accomplished would quickly jump to the conclusion that he is right. However, he has three degrees: physics, economics, and engineering. For someone with such a strong educational background to tell you that you do not need a degree does not sound very reliable. This statement is also hypocritical since the majority of people who have applied at SpaceX or Tesla are told that they need a degree to apply for a job.

任何喜欢Musk及其成就的人都会很快得出结论,认为他是对的。 但是,他拥有三个学位 :物理学,经济学和工程学。 对于具有如此强大教育背景的人来说,您不需要学位,听起来并不可靠。 这种说法也是虚伪的,因为大多数在SpaceX或Tesla申请的人都被告知他们需要学位才能申请工作。

Musk is not the only one. Other successful people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have become examples of dropouts who have followed their dreams. However, it is important to keep in mind that Gates and Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard — not community college. Not everyone has a clear vision of where they want to be in life or the ability to make a living just by following the self-learning path.

麝香不是唯一的一种。 比尔·盖茨和马克·扎克伯格等其他成功人士也成为了追逐梦想的辍学者。 但是,请务必牢记,盖茨和扎克伯格退出哈佛大学而不是社区大学。 并非每个人都清楚自己想生活在哪里,或者仅仅通过自我学习的道路就能谋生。

Social media platforms such as Twitter have also become a place where people are claiming that a software degree is not necessary to become successful as a developer. Here are a few anonymous tweets:

Twitter之类的社交媒体平台也已经成为人们声称不需要软件学位即可成功成为开发人员的地方。 以下是一些匿名推文:

“College is a whole scam. You should be able to take the bar or the CPA exam and get the creds if you pass regardless of how you studied. You don’t need CS fundamentals for every engineering job, so you don’t need a CS degree to be an engineer. Your bootcamp is sufficient.”

“大学是整个骗局。 无论您如何学习,只要您通过考试,您都应该可以通过律师资格考试或CPA考试并获得认证。 您不需要每个工程工作都需要CS基础知识,因此您不需要CS学位即可成为工程师。 您的训练营就足够了。”

“The truth is, CS degrees are worthless in this day and age for a majority of engineering/development roles. The gatekeepers will dispute this, because they are in denial. It’s not 1980 any more. We have tutorials and blogs now.”

“事实是,对于大多数工程/开发职位,CS学位在当今时代是毫无价值的。 看门人会对此表示质疑,因为他们拒绝了。 现在不再是1980年了。 我们现在有教程和博客。”

“You don’t need a CS degree. You don’t need an expensive PC. You don’t need 4–10 years in University. You need only desire to code. That’s all you need to become a developer.”

“您不需要CS学位。 您不需要昂贵的PC。 您不需要在大学学习4-10年。 您只需要编码。 这就是成为开发人员所需要的。”

学历不浪费时间 (A Degree Is Not a Waste of Time)

In general, if you want to become good at something, you need to spend a few years learning it. You have most likely heard that to become good at something, you need to invest 10,000 hours. If you think about it, it takes the same time to acquire a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering.

总的来说,如果您想变得擅长某件事,则需要花费几年的时间来学习它。 您最可能听说过要擅长于某些事情,您需要投资10,000小时。 如果您考虑一下,则需要花费相同的时间来获得计算机工程学士学位。

Most people look for shortcuts these days — a way to quickly learn something with minimal effort and time. There are programming bootcamps that claim to teach you programming within three months or courses that guarantee that you will go from zero to hero in x programming languages.

如今,大多数人都在寻找捷径-一种快速而又省力的方法。 有些编程训练营声称可以在三个月内教给您编程知识,或者可以确保您从零开始学习x编程语言的英雄。

Most of this is just marketing so that they can earn money. Paying $60,000 to learn programming in three months sounds easier said than done. Learning programming takes years. A software degree will not necessarily teach you everything you need to know, but it provides security when applying for a job.

其中大部分只是营销,这样他们就可以赚钱。 花3万美元在三个月内学习编程知识,说起来容易做起来难。 学习编程需要花费数年时间。 软件学位不一定会教您您需要了解的所有知识,但可以为您申请工作提供安全性。

自学之旅也不是那么容易 (The Self-Taught Journey Is Not That Easy Either)

You can become a programmer and find a job without having a software degree. This does not only apply to programming but also other fields thanks to the unlimited resources available online. Nowadays, if you want to become a programmer, just watch some courses online, build a simple app, and then apply for a job. Not that difficult, right? It sounds like anyone can do it.

您无需软件学位即可成为程序员并找到工作。 这不仅适用于编程,还适用于其他领域,这归功于在线提供的无限资源。 如今,如果您想成为一名程序员,只需在线观看一些课程,构建一个简单的应用程序,然后再申请一份工作即可。 没那么难吧? 听起来任何人都可以做到。

One thing I have learned in life is that there are no shortcuts. A few courses and tutorials here and there will not replace a university degree.

我一生中学到的一件事是没有捷径可走。 这里和那里的一些课程和教程不会取代大学学位。

However, being a self-taught developer does not mean taking the easy path. Quite the opposite, actually. It requires immense discipline and courage. Not only that, one must be able to know what to learn to be able to apply it to something useful (e.g. building an app). As opposed to a university degree where everything is already planned, you become your own professor with your own plan.

但是,成为自学成才的开发人员并不意味着走简单的道路。 相反,实际上。 这需要巨大的纪律和勇气。 不仅如此,人们还必须知道要学习什么才能将其应用于有用的东西(例如,构建应用程序)。 与已经计划了一切的大学学位相反,您将按照自己的计划成为自己的教授。

学位是承诺的象征 (A Degree Is a Symbol of Commitment)

A degree builds on the trust of commitment. It shows that you are a person who has gone through many challenges, working hard to get good grades, meeting important assignment deadlines, handling things under pressure, and is able to collaborate with others. Working in industries requires the same effort and skills, and for that reason, they are looking for someone who can handle similar challenges on a daily basis.

学位建立在对承诺的信任上。 它表明您是一个经历过许多挑战,努力工作以取得良好成绩,在重要的作业截止日期之前完成任务,在压力下处理事情并能够与他人合作的人。 在行业中工作需要相同的努力和技能,因此,他们正在寻找可以每天处理类似挑战的人员。

Before I started studying, I had many thoughts:


  • “Is this the right choice?”

  • “Will I find a job after this?”

  • “Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life?”


Having second thoughts or doubts about the choices you make is not uncommon — especially when you are making a choice that will influence the rest of your life.


一个学位比你想的要多 (A Degree Teaches You More Than You Think)

When I started studying, I was constantly unsure if I was making the right decision. I was considering other degrees and even the dropout option. My degree consisted of many subjects that were not explicitly about writing code but taught important skills such as understanding the architecture and behavior of a computer machine, managing customer requirements, how to work in a multidisciplinary team, and so on. These are skills that are undoubtedly important and very similar to what industries face.

当我开始学习时,我一直不确定自己是否做出了正确的决定。 我正在考虑其他学位,甚至是辍学选择。 我的学位由许多主题组成,这些主题不是明确地写代码,而是教授重要的技能,例如理解计算机的体系结构和行为,管理客户需求,如何在多学科团队中工作等等。 这些技能无疑很重要,并且与行业所面临的技能非常相似。

When studying, most of the things you learn are probably outdated or will be at some time. This has become a reason for most people to avoid getting a degree because they can learn up-to-date technologies online. However, it is important to understand that knowledge is in constant motion. What you learned a year ago may not apply today. This happens often within the world of programming. For that reason, universities cannot always teach you up-to-date content. So, what do they teach then?

在学习时,您学到的大多数东西可能已经过时或有时会过时。 这已成为大多数人避免获得学位的原因,因为他们可以在线学习最新的技术。 但是,重要的是要了解知识是不断变化的。 一年前学到的知识可能不适用于今天。 这经常发生在编程领域。 因此,大学无法始终教您最新的内容。 那他们教什么呢?

Universities focus on increasing skills like problem-solving, communication, presentation, the ability to learn new things, meeting deadlines, writing quality documentation, improving discipline, etc. These skills may not be the top priority or even considered by a self-taught programmer.


学位提供稳定的生活 (A Degree Provides a Life of Stability)

What happens when the market crashes and you need to find another job or want to find a better job? Having a software degree is like having a plan B. It makes it easier to apply for a new job in a competitive market. Additionally, you do not need to worry about salary negotiations because most countries follow a common baseline according to the degree you have. Negotiating your salary without a degree may be difficult because it requires another level of proof. Industries can trust a university, but as a self-taught person, you need to build that trust from the ground up and prove that you have the experience and skills they are looking for.

当市场崩溃并且您需要寻找其他工作或想找到更好的工作时会发生什么? 拥有软件学位就像拥有B计划。这​​使得在竞争激烈的市场中申请新工作变得更加容易。 此外,您不必担心薪资谈判,因为大多数国家/地区会根据您拥有的学位遵循共同的基准。 没有学位就薪水进行谈判可能很困难,因为这需要另一种证明。 工业界可以信任一所大学,但是作为一个自学成才的人,您需要从头开始建立这种信任,并证明您拥有他们所寻找的经验和技能。

I would argue that it is easier to have a degree and apply for a job than to not have a degree at all. There are many job opportunities I would not have enjoyed if I had applied without a degree. Having a diploma involves a kind of pride. You know you have worked hard for it, and that it is appreciated by many industries.

我认为拥有学位并申请工作比根本没有学位要容易。 如果我没有学位就申请了很多工作机会。 拥有文凭涉及一种自豪感。 您知道您为此付出了很多努力,并且得到了许多行业的赞赏。

学位并不能使您成为更好的程序员 (A Degree Does Not Make You a Better Programmer)

A software degree may show that you have done a great job and are committed, but it does not necessarily guarantee that you are a good programmer. This is a common misconception for most people who want a degree.

软件学位可能表明您做得很好并且很投入,但不一定能保证您是一名优秀的程序员。 对于大多数想要学位的人来说,这是一个普遍的误解。

You can read a hundred books on how to fly an airplane, but it is when you actually fly that you learn how to apply the knowledge. The same concept applies to programming. When you learn something, you build fundamental knowledge. But when you apply it, it is only then that you really learn it. This is what separates a good and a bad programmer. The art of taking theory to practice. So, if you want to become a good programmer, the only way is to build apps, program a lot, and encounter challenges.

您可以阅读一百本有关如何驾驶飞机的书,但实际上是在您实际飞行时,您才学习如何应用这些知识。 相同的概念适用于编程。 当您学习到一些东西时,便会建立基础知识。 但是,当您应用它时,才真正了解它。 这就是区分好的和坏的程序员的原因。 将理论付诸实践的艺术。 因此,如果您想成为一名优秀的程序员,唯一的方法就是构建应用,进行大量编程并遇到挑战。

A software degree is a gateway for landing job interviews. Once you get the job, the rest is up to you. Most of the companies you will encounter understand that you are not an expert but want to see if you are capable of learning the things their employees do.

软件学位是入职面试的门户。 一旦找到工作,剩下的就由您决定。 您将遇到的大多数公司都了解您不是专家,但想了解您是否有能力学习其员工的工作。

As mentioned, learning is in constant motion, and the factor that determines your programming skills is mostly based on experience and your ability to solve problems. Having a degree is a starting point that has more power than not having one.

如前所述,学习是不断发展的,而决定您的编程技能的因素主要取决于经验和解决问题的能力。 拥有学位是比没有拥有更多权力的起点。

摘要 (Summary)

In general, if you really want something, you will always find a way to achieve it. If you have the discipline and mindset to become a good programmer, you do not need an education, but the path is different and may be more challenging and demanding.

通常,如果您确实想要某事,那么您总会找到实现它的方法。 如果您有成为一名优秀程序员的纪律和心态,则无需受教育,但是道路却有所不同,可能更具挑战性和要求。

I personally believe that having a software degree is still an important factor and requirement for many tech companies, and it will always be. A degree shows that you are committed, able to work with other people, can handle deadlines, pressure, and so on. Additionally, it shows that you can learn other things that are not only about coding, such as how to manage a project, work on a team, design a system, understand the architecture of a computer machine, etc. These are valuable skills that will set you apart from the competition.

我个人认为,拥有软件学位仍然是许多科技公司的重要因素和要求,而且将永远如此。 学位表明您有决心,能够与其他人一起工作,能够处理截止日期,压力等。 此外,它表明您不仅可以学习有关编码的其他知识,例如如何管理项目,团队合作,设计系统,了解计算机的体系结构等。这些宝贵的技能将有助于让您在竞争中脱颖而出。

In short, do not take what people say for granted — like education is not important. If you are in the process of getting an education, then do not give up. If you are thinking about studying, then go for it. Postponing your whole future just because you read a random comment made by a random person on Twitter is probably not a good idea.

简而言之,不要把人们所说的视为理所当然,就像教育并不重要。 如果您正在接受教育,请不要放弃。 如果您正在考虑学习,那就去吧。 仅因为您在Twitter上阅读了随机人的随机评论而推迟整个未来,可能不是一个好主意。

Last but not least, a degree is important and we must protect that concept. Otherwise, it will be pointless and everyone can work wherever they want. Would you want a pilot flying an airplane without any degree or certification?

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,学位很重要,我们必须保护这一观念。 否则,它将毫无意义,每个人都可以在任何地方工作。 您想让飞行员驾驶没有任何学位或证书的飞机吗?

Programming is not difficult to learn, but building high-quality, reliable, and maintainable software does not come from watching a few videos on YouTube.


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如果您喜欢这篇文章并且想要更多类似的文章,请与可能需要它的朋友分享,这是很好的业力。 您可以在我发布技术文章的Medium上找到我,也可以在Twitter上关注我。



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