

Reader, I have a confession. I’m really into bad 1980's cartoons. You know, the ones that are little more than animated toy commercials? I’ve learnt so many life lessons from those hours in front of a flickering analog TV.

读者,我有一个表白。 我真的很喜欢1980年代的卡通片。 您知道吗,那些只不过是动画玩具广告片? 在闪烁的模拟电视面前,我从那些时间中学到了很多人生课。

Come to think of it, that does explain a lot…

想到它, 确实可以解释很多……

Anyway, the biggest takeaway though from all those cartoons is that open source is the way to go.


For me, open source got me traveling the world, landed a partnership with NASA, and got me a job on the cutting edge of AI. Not to mention meeting a whole bunch of crazy and amazing people. So, you know, no big deal.

对我来说,开源让我环游世界, 与NASA建立了伙伴关系 ,并让我在AI最前沿工作 。 更不用说结识一群疯狂和令人惊异的人。 因此,没什么大不了的。

But wait (I hear you cry), I don’t remember The Animated Adventures of Richard Stallman, and I must have missed the Muppet Babies very special episode about the subtleties of the GPL v3.0.

但是,等等(我听到你在哭),我不记得 理查德·斯托曼 的动画冒险》 ,而且我一定错过了关于MPL婴儿非常特别的一集,内容涉及GPL v3.0的精妙之处。

I’ll admit: It’s only when I look back that it all meshes together. Think I’m full of it? Just listen to your favorite Saturday morning cartoons themselves:

我会承认:只有当我回头看,它们都啮合在一起。 觉得我吃饱了吗? 只需听自己喜欢的星期六早上的卡通片:

自由是众生的权利 (Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings)

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Humans (and Autobots) thrive on freedom. Having the freedom to try new foods, see new places, or find new ways to use my coffee maker has made me who I am. I also love the freedom to experiment on my computer in new and interesting ways.

人类(和汽车人)在自由上蓬勃发展。 拥有尝试新食物,参观新地方或寻找使用咖啡机的新方法的自由使我成为了我。 我也喜欢以新颖有趣的方式在计算机上进行实验的自由。

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Of course, I would never do this. Again.
当然,我永远不会这样做。 再次。

Any technology that stops you screwing up also stops you experimenting to the fullest. I want the freedom to rm -rf /, even if I never use it.

任何阻止您搞砸的技术都会使您无法充分地进行试验。 我希望自由使用rm -rf / ,即使我从不使用它。

After using open-source systems for so long, going back to Windows or macOS is jarring. I just don’t have the liberty to customize it the way I want. In the words of a great philosopher:

使用开放源代码系统这么长时间后,回到Windows或macOS实在令人讨厌。 我只是没有自由按照自己的方式自定义它。 用一位伟大的哲学家的话来说:

“Freedom (to futz around with your desktop settings) is the right of all sentient beings”


I’m sure Optimus Prime said something like that anyway.


I want the freedom to completely reconfigure my workspace, with whatever look and feel works best for me. That might mean working in a bare-bones green on black terminal, spinning around a cubic desktop with compiz, or using something that looks like it crawled out of the age of 80s cartoons itself. And I can mix and match bits of them as I see fit.

我希望自由地完全重新配置我的工作空间,无论哪种外观对我来说都是最合适的。 这可能意味着要在黑色终端上使用准系统绿色,使用compiz在立方桌面周围旋转,或者使用看起来像80年代卡通本身已经爬出的东西。 我可以根据需要混合并匹配其中的一些位。

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Get motion sickness right on your desktop with Compiz!

Like every classic cartoon baddie, Windows wants to limit my freedom to do what I want. Freedom to change the position of my taskbar or swap out my wallpaper is barely freedom at all. For true customization I’d have to rip out the desktop shell and replace it with a third party alternative. Pretty, but not great for stability.

像每个经典卡通坏蛋一样,Windows希望限制我做自己想做的事情的自由。 更改任务栏位置或换出墙纸的自由根本就不是自由。 为了实现真正的定制,我必须拆下桌面外壳,并用第三方替代外壳。 漂亮,但稳定性不好。

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Litestep Windows shell. I used this on top of Windows 95 back in the day Litestep Windows Shell。 我曾经在Windows 95上使用过此功能

The Mac is similar. I can choose between a light and dark theme, and I’m limited to the standard WIMP (Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pointer) interface. No tiling with i3m or PaperWM for me.

Mac是类似的。 我可以在浅色和深色主题之间进行选择,并且仅限于标准WIMP (Windows,图标,鼠标,指针)界面。 我不需要使用i3mPaperWM进行拼贴

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The beautiful PaperWM

My current setup is a Manjaro box with a stripped-down GNOME desktop and PaperWM that I mostly use for running a terminal emulator and Firefox. It’s mostly keyboard-driven, uses arcane key bindings (thank you Vim!), and is almost perfectly tailored for my needs. Going back to one of the standard operating systems feels like typing with boxing gloves on.

我当前的设置是一个Manjaro盒,其中包含精简的GNOME桌面和PaperWM,我主要用于运行终端仿真器和Firefox。 它主要由键盘驱动,使用奥术键绑定(谢谢Vim !),并且几乎完全适合我的需求。 回到标准操作系统之一,就像戴着拳击手套一样打字。

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My (very minimalist) desktop

无需信用卡即可乘坐这趟火车 (Don’t Need No Credit Card to Ride This Train)

This one’s a bit of a niche one, but they made a cartoon of Back to the Future. Because of course they did.

这有点小众,但他们制作了《回到未来》的动画片。 因为他们当然做到了。

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Like Rick and Morty, but wholesomer

In the words of the immortal Huey Lewis:


Don’t need money, don’t take fameDon’t need no credit card to ride this trainIt’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimesBut it might just save your lifeThat’s the power of open source


Close enough. Either way, back when I was a student surviving on ramen and meat pies (yup, I”m a Kiwi), I sure didn’t have any spare dosh to throw at the latest Windows upgrade or buying a Mac. I was stuck with what I had, or what I could download.

足够近。 无论哪种方式,当我还是学生的时候都靠拉面和肉馅饼生存(是的,我叫Ki Kiwi ),我确定没有多余的东西可用于最新的Windows升级或购买Mac。 我对自己拥有的东西或可以下载的东西感到困惑。

Then I saw a computer magazine with CD-ROMs stuck to the front, usually offering the latest demos, shareware, and full versions of out-of-date software. But in this case, it had something called Knoppix Linux. For about 8 bucks, I could not only get a new OS, but one that came with an office suite, programming IDE, graphics editor, and more. And I could share it with my friends for free!

然后,我看到一本带有CD-ROM的计算机杂志,该杂志通常提供最新的演示, 共享软件和完整版本的过时软件。 但是在这种情况下,它有一个叫做Knoppix Linux的东西。 花大约8美元,我不仅可以获得一个新的操作系统,而且还提供了一个办公套件,编程IDE,图形编辑器等。 而且我可以免费与我的朋友分享!

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The first Linux desktop I used. I dig those titlebars and I still miss them
我使用的第一个Linux桌面。 我挖了那些标题栏,但我仍然想念它们

For a broke-ass student like myself, this was the only way I could’ve got my grubby little mitts on all of these shiny goodies. Pirating really wasn’t a thing on a dial-up modem, and this was before torrenting. Let’s not even start on Limewire and warez BBSes…

对于像我这样的笨蛋学生来说​​,这是我可以在所有这些闪亮的东西上装上肮脏的小手套的唯一方法。 在拨号调制解调器上,盗版确实不是一件容易的事,而这是在洪流之前。 让我们甚至不开始使用Limewire和warez BBS。

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all the difference 重要

我就是我 (I Am what I Am)

Nope, not Descartes, but one of the other great philosophers: Popeye.


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Okay, so Popeye wasn’t technically an 80’s cartoon, but that’s when I watched it. And it took me until recently to realize that spinach giving you superpowers? Total fiction. Reader, I feel as betrayed as you do.

好的,从技术上讲,大力水手不是80年代的动画片,但是那是我观看的时候。 直到最近我才意识到菠菜能赋予您超能力? 全小说 。 读者,我和您一样被背叛。

Anyway, forgetting spinach for a second, like Popeye, open source is what it is. It does (more or less) what it claims to do. Don’t believe what it says on the tin? Take a look at the source code on GitHub or work with a company like FossID to search vulnerabilities for you.

无论如何,忘掉菠菜一秒钟,就像Popeye一样,开源才是真正的开源。 它确实(或多或少)声称要做什么。 不相信锡罐上的内容吗? 查看GitHub上的源代码,或与FossID等公司合作为您搜索漏洞。

Closed source can be very different. Just recently we’ve seen Tiktok scraping clipboard data without consent and Microsoft sending telemetry in breach of privacy rules. If such prominent products were open-source, these issues would be sniffed out quickly, or less likely to arise in the first place since they’d be doing everything in the open and more likely to be caught by the good guys.

封闭源可以有很大的不同。 就在最近,我们看到Tiktok未经同意就刮擦剪贴板数据微软违反隐私规定发送遥测 。 如果这些杰出的产品是开源的,那么这些问题将很快被发现,或者一开始就不太可能出现,因为它们会在公开场合做所有事情,并且更有可能被好人抓住。

我有力量 (I Have The Power)

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I have both of these outfits in my wardrobe. They ain’t for cosplay
我的衣柜里都有这两件衣服。 他们不是角色扮演

Open source software can continuously improve, and it’s driven by the needs of the users themselves. Sure, you could say that Windows 10 is an improvement on Vista, but there are big downsides like ads clogging up your Start menu and that whole telemetry thing.

开源软件可以不断改进,并且受用户自身需求的驱动。 当然,您可以说Windows 10是对Vista的改进,但是也有很大的缺点,例如广告阻塞了“开始”菜单以及整个遥测。

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wouldn’t want to go to FarmVille 2? 不想去的FarmVille 2?

Don’t like the direction your desktop environment is taking? If enough users feel the same way, get together, fork it, and take it in a new direction. The MATE Desktop crew did just this with the Gnome codebase — they didn’t like the vision for Gnome 3.0, so they took the 2.0 code and built their own version out of that. Imagine trying to do the same thing with Windows or macOS (yeah, Gnome and MATE are desktop environments rather than full-blown operating systems, but that’s the beauty of it. Because it’s an open ecosystem, things are more modular. One system can have multiple desktop environments built in many different ways.)

不喜欢桌面环境的发展方向吗? 如果足够多的用户有相同的感觉,请聚在一起,分叉,然后朝新的方向发展。 MATE Desktop团队使用Gnome代码库做到了这一点-他们不喜欢Gnome 3.0的愿景,因此他们采用了2.0代码并以此为基础构建了自己的版本。 想象一下尝试在Windows或macOS上做同样的事情(是的,Gnome和MATE是桌面环境,而不是成熟的操作系统,但这就是它的美。因为它是一个开放的生态系统,所以事情变得更加模块化。一个系统可以拥有以多种不同方式构建的多个桌面环境。)

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MATE Desktop

让我们的力量结​​合起来 (Let Our Powers Combine)

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In the words of Margaret Mead:

玛格丽特·米德 ( Margaret Mead)的话来说:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

“永远不要怀疑一小撮有思想,有奉献精神的公民可以改变世界。 确实,这是有史以来唯一的东西。”

See? You came for the cartoons and stayed for inspirational quotes from a noted cultural anthropologist. You’re welcome!

看到? 您是来漫画的,却是一位著名文化人类学家的励志名言。 别客气!

Margaret meant this in a more activist context, but the same holds true for open-source. Many of the world’s biggest software projects are open-source, and contributed to by millions of developers. Billions of people around the world use them every day, often without ever knowing:

玛格丽特(Margaret)的意思是在更为激进的背景下进行,但对于开源也是如此。 世界上许多最大的软件项目都是开源的,并由数百万开发人员提供。 世界各地数十亿人每天都在使用它们,而他们却一无所知:

  • Apache and Nginx: The server software that run most of the web

    ApacheNginx :大多数网络上运行的服务器软件

  • GNU/Linux and BSD: The operating systems that run Apache and Nginx

    GNU / LinuxBSD :运行Apache和Nginx的操作系统

  • Android: Yeah, you probably already know this one

    Android :是的,您可能已经知道这个

  • Your browser: Chances are you’re reading this in Chrome or Firefox — two huge browsers that are both open source


And according to Intel, even your train or nuclear submarine may be running open source software — all because a bunch of coders who shared a dream came together:


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doesn’t have their own personal nuclear sub? 没有自己的个人核潜艇?

健康长寿·繁荣昌盛 (Live Long and Prosper)

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Again, not exactly an 80s cartoon, but I saw Star Trek: The Animated Series in the 80s and its message of peace and understanding inspires me to this day (well, if I’m being honest, Star Trek’s message as a whole, not just TAS)

再一次,不完全是一部80年代的卡通片,但我看到了《 星际迷航: 80年代的动画系列 》及其和平与理解的信息启发了我这一天(嗯,如果我说实话,《星际迷航》的信息整体而言,并不是只是TAS)

The thing about a lot of closed-source software is that it doesn’t live long, and this can lead to a downfall in your prosperity. Hell, I use a text editor that was invented in 1976 and is still under active development one way or another.

关于许多开源软件的问题是,它的寿命长,这可能会导致您的繁荣衰败。 地狱,我使用的文字编辑器是1976年发明的 ,目前处于一种或多种方式的积极发展中。

Just think about the most popular word processing software in the world? What happens if the owner goes out of business?

试想一下世界上最受欢迎的文字处理软件吗? 如果业主倒闭怎么办?

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I’m not talking about Microsoft Word or Google Docs. I’m talking about WordStar, the dominant word processor of the 1980s.

我不是在谈论Microsoft Word或Google文档。 我说的是WordStar ,它是1980年代的主要文字处理程序。

Thousands of users, including George R. R. Martin (of Game of Thrones fame) were left in the cold when it was abandoned. Winter truly had come. They’d invested time and effort into learning this system, and now what?

数以千计的用户,包括乔治·RR·马丁 (《权力的游戏》中的成名人物),在被遗弃时被冷落。 冬天真的来了。 他们投入了时间和精力来学习该系统,现在又要做什么呢?

Over time, operating systems retire old functions, and old software “rots” (just look at anything not updated for y2k, or for the latest macOS).


Now the only way to run the once almighty WordStar is to install GNU/Linux and DOS emulator on top of that. Quite the fall from grace. If you don’t, all of those .ws files you spent hours, days, and years on, are if not completely inaccessible, a total PITA to work with. It’s ironic that now the only way to work with closed software like WordStar is via an open source system.

现在,运行曾经全能的WordStar的唯一方法是在此之上安装GNU / Linux和DOS仿真器 。 从恩典中堕落。 否则,您花费了数小时,数天甚至数年的所有.ws文件(如果不是完全无法访问的话)便成为了可以使用的总计PITA 。 具有讽刺意味的是,现在使用像WordStar这样的封闭软件的唯一方法是通过开源系统。

Now, how would that look in the modern day? Microsoft is way bigger than just Word, so let’s look at a smaller company that makes productivity tools: What would happen if Adobe went under?

现在,现代情况如何? 微软比Word还要强大,所以让我们看一家生产生产力工具的小公司:如果Adobe倒闭会怎样?

  • You’d be stuck with your existing versions of Adobe software while the rest of the world marches on. After a while, operating systems will deprecate enough legacy code that old apps won’t run any more. I haven’t tried running Photoshop 1.0 on Windows 10, but I can’t imagine it would be pretty.

    在世界其他地区步步为营的同时,您将陷于Adobe软件的现有版本。 一段时间后,操作系统将弃用足够的旧代码,以使旧应用程序不再运行。 我没有尝试在Windows 10上运行Photoshop 1.0,但是我无法想象它会很漂亮。
  • Even sooner than that, Adobe’s license activation servers would go down. Since Adobe Creative Suite is Software as a Service (SaaS), it relies on these servers to verify you’re a paying customer. No server means no verification means you’ll either have features restricted or you’ll be locked out completely.

    甚至比这更早,Adobe的许可证激活服务器将崩溃。 由于Adobe Creative Suite是软件即服务(SaaS),因此它依靠这些服务器来验证您是付费客户。 没有服务器就意味着没有验证就意味着您要么功能受到限制,要么就被完全锁定。
  • What happens then to all your PSD and AI files? You might be able to do something with them in Inkscape or GIMP (hey, I didn’t choose the name), but there’s not 100% compatibility.

    那么,所有的PSD和AI文件会怎样? 您可能可以在InkscapeGIMP中对它们执行某些操作 (嘿,我没有选择名称),但是兼容性不是100%。

  • If you want to keep moving forwards, you’ll need to learn a new piece of software and wave goodbye to quite lot of work. Goodbye muscle memory and interface familiarity!

    如果您想继续前进,就需要学习新的软件,并告别繁重的工作。 再见肌肉记忆力和界面熟悉度!
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Server? I barely knew ‘er!
服务器? 我几乎不知道

What happens if an open-source project goes under? If enough people care about it they can fork the code and keep it going themselves, just like MATE did. If not, you can always spin up a virtual machine running the old software and use it from there.

如果一个开源项目失败了怎么办? 如果有足够的人关心它,他们可以像MATE一样派生代码并保持运行。 如果没有,您可以随时启动运行旧软件的虚拟机,然后从那里使用它。

知道是成功的一半 (Knowing is Half the Battle)

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This is the quote that always springs to mind when I think of what open source has done for me personally. I got started with coding back in the bad old days of MS-DOS 5.0 and QBasic. I have fond memories of editing the physics in the Gorillas game to make the bananas fly where I wanted, and trying to build a Zork-like text adventure without initially realizing the sheer amount of object interactions I’d have to deal with.

当我想到开源对我个人所做的一切时,这句话总是浮现在脑海。 我在MS-DOS 5.0和QBasic的糟糕年代开始编码。 我喜欢在Gorillas游戏中编辑物理学以使香蕉飞到我想要的地方,并尝试构建类似于Zork的文字冒险而没有最初意识到我必须处理的大量对象交互的回忆。

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My parents convinced me this was Donkey Kong

Gorillas came with Qbasic, and the code was available to view and edit. But really it (and BASIC itself) are just toys. I properly got into programming with Python, and the open community has been so educational and helpful in building what I want, whether it’s an AI that writes crappy Star Trek, a terminal-based WeChat client, a tool to translate and summarize long PowerPoints from a professor, or a website to help hospitals get protective equipment more easily.

Gorillas随Qbasic一起提供 ,并且可以查看和编辑代码。 但是实际上(和BASIC本身)只是玩具。 我正确地开始使用Python进行编程,无论是使用AI编写 want 脚的《星际迷航》 (基于终端的微信客户端),还是从中翻译和总结较长的PowerPoint的工具,开放社区都非常有教育意义,并且对构建所需的内容很有帮助。 教授帮助医院更容易获得防护装备网站

Because I was building on open code bases (or in some cases, just open APIs and SDKs), I could see the magic for myself. The more popular programming languages and frameworks have extensive documentation and YouTube tutorials created by the community that helped me get running quickly, and by sharing the code myself, others helped me test it, fix bugs, and make it even better.

因为我建立在开放的代码基础上(或者在某些情况下,仅是开放的API和SDK),所以我自己可以看到魔术。 较流行的编程语言和框架提供了由社区创建的大量文档和YouTube教程,这些文档和框架帮助我快速运行,并通过自己共享代码,其他人帮助我对其进行测试,修复错误并使其变得更好。

从怪物思想中拯救宇宙 (Save the Universe from the Monster Minds)

Finally, one more niche cartoon, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors: Thundering across the stars to save the universe from the Monster Minds.

最终, 又有一部利基卡通片《 杰伊斯与轮式勇士 :飞越星空》,以拯救《怪物心灵》中的宇宙。

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This had the most rocking 80’s theme tune

Which is really just a cute way of saying bad AI.


We’ve already seen what’s happening when not-so-good companies like TikTok and Microsoft screw users over with their closed-source software. But that pales into comparison with closed-source black-box artificial intelligences. Because of biased data used to train their models, Detroit’s police department has a 96% failure rate on facial recognition, yet this technology is still used worldwide to incarcerate innocents. Kinda makes cartoon villains look tame in comparison.

我们已经看到了当TikTok和Microsoft这样的不太出色的公司使用封闭源代码软件吸引用户时发生的事情。 但这与封闭源黑盒人工智能相比显得微不足道。 由于用于训练他们的模型的偏见数据, 底特律警察部门的面部识别失败率达96% ,但该技术仍在世界范围内用于无罪犯的监禁。 相比之下,Kinda使卡通反派看起来温顺。

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Meh. I’ve seen worse.
嗯 我看得更糟。

I’m working at an open-source AI company, Jina, that is committed to both open source and open governance. We want to build ethical AI to search the world’s information better. And we want the world to join in.

我在一家开源AI公司Jina工作 ,该公司致力于开源和开放治理。 我们希望构建道德的AI,以更好地搜索世界信息。 我们希望世界加入。

If you’re a coder who wants to get make a difference, join us today.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@alexcg1/what-i-learned-about-open-source-from-saturday-morning-cartoons-74cc455f4ea9






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