python 构件二维数组_通过这四个构件块来升级您的javascript数组

python 构件二维数组

Arrays in JavaScript are something special, as they leverage the prototype feature of JS and provide a handy way to run functions directly from a reference to an array instance.


I believe that using these four functions as much as possible within your code will not only make you more efficient, but also make you more popular on your team and generally more amazing at what you do.


All four of these prototype functions accept a “callback” function, which is a pure function that accepts arguments and must return something expected back to the caller, whether it be a boolean liketrue or false, or a type like String, Object, Array, or Number.

所有这四个原型函数都接受一个“回调”函数,这是一个纯函数,它接受参数并且必须将期望的值返回给调用者,无论它是booleantruefalse )还是类型(如StringObjectArrayNumber

Let’s take a look at each of these useful Array functions and learn to make our code more concise!


地图— (Map —

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Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash
Louis Hansel的照片 @shotsoflouisUnsplash上

map is a building block of most programming languages, and is definitely a wonderful Array function to start with.


This line of code for instance, will loop through ANIMALS and create an array of Strings, with their name and animal type:


You might already be familiar with map if you are using front-end frameworks like React or Vue where you quite often need to loop through an array of data to produce HTML:

如果您使用的是React或Vue等前端框架,那么您可能已经很熟悉map ,在这些框架中,您经常需要遍历数据数组以生成HTML:

{ =>
{} ({animal.type})

// produces:
<li>Spot (dog)</li>
<li>Fluffy (cat)</li>
<li>Peppy (bird)</li>
<li>Lizzy (lizard)</li>

The map function is all-around useful to convert array of something X into array of something Y.


Reduce — Array.prototype.reduce() (Reduce — Array.prototype.reduce())

The reduce function is used like map but takes it even further.


Instead of convert array of something X into array of something Y, reduce is designed to convert array of something X into something Y, meaning you are not limited to just making a new array.


You can turn an array into Objects, Numbers, or Strings. Here we sum up the total weight of all of the ANIMALS:

您可以将数组转换为ObjectsNumbersStrings 。 在这里,我们总结所有ANIMALS的总重量:

reduce is such a powerful function on arrays, that it is versatile enough to produce the same effect as a map does. Check out this reduce version of a map function:

reduce是数组上如此强大的功能,它具有足够的通用性,可以产生与map相同的效果。 看看这个map函数的reduce版本:

筛选器— Array.prototype.filter() (Filter — Array.prototype.filter())

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Photo by Caleb Dow on Unsplash
Caleb DowUnsplash拍摄的照片

filter works just as it sounds, and only retrieves items from an array that produce a truthy value from your callback function. Here we look for ANIMALS that have soft fur or feathers:

filter工作原理与听起来一样,仅从可从回调函数产生真实值的数组中检索项目。 在这里,我们寻找具有柔软皮毛或羽毛的ANIMALS

Here is another example, using a mathematical comparison. As long as the function returns a truthy/falsy value it works as expected. Here we only select ANIMALS that weigh less than 10lbs:

这是另一个使用数学比较的例子。 只要函数返回真实/虚假值,它就会按预期工作。 在这里,我们只选择重量小于10磅的ANIMALS

查找— Array.prototype.find() (Find — Array.prototype.find())

Finally, we have find, which helps you search through an array using a callback. This is extremely useful as it provides an interface to search through an array that also works with a sister function called findIndex.

最后,我们find ,它可以帮助您使用callback遍历数组。 这非常有用,因为它提供了一个搜索数组的接口,该数组也可以与名为findIndex的姊妹函数findIndex

As long as your function returns a truthy value, the first truthy value returned will exit the find search and return back that row from the array.


In this example, we find a dog named Spot:


组合数组函数 (Combining Array Functions)

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Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash
Ali YahyaUnsplash拍摄的照片

Now that you have a handle on these four building block functions, we can combine them all together:


Above, we first map over our ANIMALS and create a new object of their weight and type, also taking this opportunity to feed each one. We feed them and they might gain about 1% of their body weight after eating - this is just a guess.

上面,我们首先在ANIMALS map ,并创建一个重量类型相同的新对象,并借此机会喂食每个ANIMALS 。 我们喂养他们,他们进食后可能会增加体重的1%-这只是一个猜测。

Then we filter out only animals that have fur or feathers, notice we did this after feeding, since we don’t want to starve our lizard Lizzy 🦎:


.filter((animal) => animal.type !== 'lizard') // only soft

.filter((animal) => animal.type !== 'lizard') // only soft

Then we filter out animals over a certain weight limit, which removes the dog’s entry 🐕:


.filter((animal) => animal.weight < 10) // only light (after eating)

.filter((animal) => animal.weight < 10) // only light (after eating)

Finally, we reduce the remaining animal rows into a single value, a number representing their weight 🐈🐦:


.reduce((weightSum, animal) => weightSum + animal.weight, 0); // get total weight

.reduce((weightSum, animal) => weightSum + animal.weight, 0); // get total weight

All of this is easily and flawlessly chained together thanks to Array prototypes and JavaScript magic.



python 构件二维数组

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Python中的reshape函数可以将一个数组或矩阵变换为指定的行数和列数,也可以将一个一维数组变成多维数组。下面是一个将一个二维数组变成三维数组的示例: ```python import numpy as np # 定义一个二维数组 arr2d = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) # 使用reshape将二维数组转化为三维数组 arr3d = arr2d.reshape((3, 1, 2)) print(arr3d) ``` 输出结果: ``` array([[[1, 2]], [[3, 4]], [[5, 6]]]) ``` 在这个示例中,我们首先定义了一个二维数组arr2d,然后使用reshape函数将其转化为一个三维数组arr3d。reshape函数的参数是一个元组,第一个元素表示新数组的行数,第二个元素表示新数组的列数,第三个元素表示新数组的深度。 如果要将多个二维数组合并成一个三维数组,可以使用numpy的concatenate函数。下面是一个示例: ```python import numpy as np # 定义两个二维数组 arr1 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) arr2 = np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]) # 使用concatenate函数将两个二维数组合并成一个三维数组 arr3 = np.concatenate((arr1.reshape((1, 2, 2)), arr2.reshape((1, 2, 2))), axis=0) print(arr3) ``` 输出结果: ``` array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) ``` 在这个示例中,我们首先定义了两个二维数组arr1和arr2,然后使用reshape函数将它们转化为二维数组,再使用concatenate函数将它们合并成一个三维数组arr3。concatenate函数的第一个参数是一个元组,表示要合并的数组,第二个参数axis表示合并的方向。在这个示例中,我们使用axis=0表示沿着第一个维度合并,也就是将两个二维数组合并成一个三维数组


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