


This article aims to provide a basic introduction to Datalog with RDFox. It will explain what Datalog is, why RDFox uses Datalog, how to write Datalog rules, how rules can enhance SPARQL query performance, and touch upon RDFox’s Datalog extensions.

本文旨在提供对带有RDFox的Datalog的基本介绍。 它将解释什么是数据日志,为什么RDFox使用数据日志,如何编写数据日志规则,规则如何增强SPARQL查询性能,并介绍RDFox的数据日志扩展。

什么是数据记录? (What is Datalog?)

Datalog is a rule language for knowledge representation. Rule languages have been in use since the 1980s in the fields of data management and artificial intelligence.

数据记录是一种用于知识表示的规则语言。 自1980年代以来,在数据管理和人工智能领域一直使用规则语言。

A Datalog rule is a logical implication, where both the “if” part of the implication (the rule body) and the “then” part of the implication (the rule head) consist of a conjunction of conditions. In the context of RDF, a Datalog rule conveys the idea that, from certain combinations of triples in the input RDF graph, we can logically deduce that some other triples must also be part of the graph.

数据记录规则是一种逻辑含义,其中含义的“ if”部分(规则主体)和含义的“ then”部分(规则头)都由条件的组合组成。 在RDF的上下文中,Datalog规则传达了这样的思想,即从输入RDF图中的三元组的某些组合中,我们可以从逻辑上推断出某些其他三元组也必须是图的一部分。

Datalog has various applications including knowledge representation, ontological reasoning, data integration, networking, information extraction, cloud computing, program analysis and security.


为什么RDFox使用Datalog? (Why does RDFox use Datalog?)

RDFox is a high-performance knowledge graph and semantic reasoning engine. Reasoning is the ability to calculate the logical consequences of applying a set of rules to a set of facts. RDFox uses the Datalog rule language to express rules. Rules offer an expressive way to process and manipulate a knowledge graph. Rules bring the intelligence layer closer to the data and can also simplify query formulation and data management.

RDFox是高性能的知识图和语义推理引擎。 推理是计算对一组事实应用一组规则的逻辑结果的能力。 RDFox使用Datalog规则语言来表达规则。 规则提供了一种表达方式来处理和操纵知识图。 规则使情报层更接近数据,并且还可以简化查询表述和数据管理。

As Datalog is a declarative logic-based language, renowned for its simplicity and use within knowledge representation, it complements RDFox, as a declarative solution. Declarative tools are useful across a broad range of use cases, for example, applying business logic, machine learning models, business rules, in-house devops or compliance tools or streaming attribution.

由于Datalog是一种基于声明性逻辑的语言,以其简单性和在知识表示中的使用而闻名,因此它作为声明性解决方案补充了RDFox。 声明性工具在广泛的用例中很有用,例如,应用业务逻辑,机器学习模型,业务规则,内部开发或合规性工具或流属性。

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ReFox XI+ for VFP9 and all older versions ComPro (CZ) Jan Brebera info@refox.net jan.brebera@email.cz Seven steps to install ReFox XI+ 1. download ReFox XI+ files • ReFox_INST - download and save the .zip archive to your local disk - do not unpack it directly from the browser 2. create new folder for ReFox (e.g. "C:\ReFox XI+") and unpack the archive. Attention: Some zip-extractors (incl. the WinXP internal one) do not set the time of created file correctly and running ReFox.exe fails with error message: xxxxxxxx – Program violation In this case please use another extractor e.g. WinZip, pkunzip or Total Commander internal unzip 3. run ReFox.setup.exe to install ReFox 4. fill out your details in the form fill out the field 'Serial Number' do not change the fields 'Activation Key', modify the fields 'User name' and 'Company' if necessary after clicking 'OK' ReFox prepares data for generating the full activation key: created data sample: see ReFox.~~~ and ReFox~~~.zip files in your ReFox folder 5. send the data for generating activation key please create and send the e-mail message now (this version can send the data automatically) copy the text of ReFox.~~~ to the e-mail message body and the file ReFox~~~.zip send as an attachement 6. wait for sending the activation key back this can take several hours depending on daytime 7. copy the new activation key to ReFox folder and run ReFox.exe again Copyright © 1992-2007 by Jan Brebera, ComPro (CZ) ReFox is a property of its author - Jan Brebera Jan Brebera is holder of all rights regarding ReFox




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