

By now, everyone over the age of 21 and literate has to know the dangers of social media. The new Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma, sheds a light on the algorithms used to keep us enslaved to our social media networks despite the known risks.

到现在为止,所有21岁以上且有文化的人都必须了解社交媒体的危害。 新的Netflix纪录片《社会困境》揭示了尽管存在已知风险,但仍使我们被奴役到社交媒体网络的算法。

Those risks, according to the National Center for Health Research, include an increased risk of anxiety, depression, and social isolation. The average internet user spends 2.33 hours per day on one of the top six most popular social media platforms.

根据国家健康研究中心的说法,这些风险包括焦虑,抑郁和社会孤立的风险增加。 互联网用户平均每天在最流行的六大社交媒体平台之一上花费2.33个小时

Will we change our behaviors? It is unlikely, and social media networks are betting 52.7 billion dollars based on 2020 statistics, on our unwillingness to change. I have long realized the dangers, but there was one fatal flaw in my thinking. I am not an avid consumer, and live a relatively minimalistic lifestyle, by choice. So, my assumption was that the equation wouldn’t work on me.

我们会改变行为吗? 不太可能,社交媒体网络根据我们不愿改变的意愿,根据2020年的统计数字下注527亿美元 。 我早就意识到了危险,但是我的思想存在一个致命的缺陷。 我不是狂热的消费者,而是选择过一种相对简约的生活方式。 因此,我的假设是等式对我不起作用。

The equation that I assumed these platforms counted on in that advertisers pay them money to show me highly targeted ads, therefore creating the multi-billion dollar business of social media. You may pay zero attention to ads, and so you think you are immune to toxic advertising, right?

我认为这些平台所依赖的等式是广告商付钱给我看,从而向我展示高度针对性的广告,从而创造了数十亿美元的社交媒体业务。 您可能对广告的关注度为零,因此您认为自己不受有毒广告的影响,对吗?

Maybe. But, somewhere in the vast storage files that track every moment of our online behavior, there is a profile of all your online behavior. I have known this for some time, but it is only recently that the thought has started to bother me. First, no one is accountable for the safety of that information. Second, you are not privy to what that information might reveal about your personal life, your family, or your personality.

也许。 但是,在跟踪我们的在线行为每时每刻的庞大存储文件中,都有您所有在线行为的配置文件。 我已经知道了一段时间,但是直到最近,这种想法才开始困扰我。 首先,没有人对这些信息的安全性负责。 其次,您不了解这些信息可能揭示的有关您的个人生活,家庭或性格的信息。

Most frightening of all is when you continue down the rabbit hole and start to wonder if the ingenious and terrifying algorithms driven by artificial intelligence have changed the way you think without your knowledge or permission?


Is it possible that the decisions you make in my everyday life are in some way being influenced by the all-knowing algorithm that knows you a little better with each click or keystroke? Alarmingly, if the possibility exists that our behavior is being modified by an AI algorithm, what about the thought patterns of our children?

您在日常生活中所做的决定是否可能会受到全知算法的影响,该算法会使您的每次点击或击键操作更好地了解您? 令人震惊的是,如果存在我们的行为被AI算法修改的可能性,那么我们孩子的思维方式又如何呢?

为什么你应该受到惊吓 (Why You Should Be Frightened)

Does that all start to sound a bit Orwellian for you? If so, go ahead and visit your Google Maps timeline and see all the places where you have been. Click on just one of the red dots, and an entire timeline will appear at the bottom of the screen, but we are only getting started. It is also crucial to remember that these are only the things that tech giants admit to tracking about each of us.

这一切对您来说听起来有点奥威尔式吗? 如果是这样,请继续并访问您的Google Maps时间轴,然后查看您去过的所有地方。 仅单击其中一个红点,整个时间轴将出现在屏幕底部,但我们只是入门。 同样重要的是要记住,这些只是科技巨头承认要跟踪我们每个人的事情。

I am sure you already know that Google keeps your entire search history indefinitely. Knowing it and seeing it are two different things, so take a look at this page to understand what a remarkable story your search history tells about your life over the last week, months, and years.

我相信您已经知道Google会无限期保留您的整个搜索记录。 知道它并看到它是两件事,因此,请看一下该页面,以了解您的搜索历史讲述了过去一周,几个月和几年中您的生活的非凡故事。

Google’s advertisement profile alone is disconcerting even to those who are entirely blasé about their privacy. I specialize in content marketing, which means I do a ton of online research about a wide array of topics, so my ad profile was a bit hit or miss.

甚至对于完全不了解其隐私权的人来说,仅Google的广告资料就令人不安。 我专门从事内容营销,这意味着我对大量主题进行了大量在线研究,因此我的广告资料受到了一定的欢迎。

There was still enough information available to make the hair on my neck stand up. When you visit your own advertisement profile, ask yourself if you would be comfortable with just one stranger knowing this much about you? Now, think about how many people probably have access to the information.

仍然有足够的信息可以使我脖子上的头发直立起来。 当您访问自己的广告资料时 ,问问自己,如果一个陌生人对您这么了解,您是否会感到满意? 现在,考虑可能有多少人可以访问该信息。

The list for Google information goes on and on. They know every YouTube video you have ever watched, and every app and extension you use. If I had access to your Google information and access to use Google, then in a matter of an hour or less, I am sure I could tell you where you live if you are in a steady relationship and roughly the ages of your children if you have any.

Google信息列表不胜枚举。 他们知道您观看过的每个YouTube视频,以及您使用的每个应用和扩展程序。 如果我可以访问您的Google信息并可以使用Google,那么在一个小时或更短的时间内,如果您保持稳定的关系,我可以肯定地说出您的住所,如果您可以大致了解孩子的年龄,我肯定会告诉您有什么。

If you want a download of all the information Google has on you, then you can visit this link and Google will magnanimously allow you to download all the information it currently admits to storing about your online habits.

如果您要下载Google拥有的所有信息,则可以访问此链接 ,Google会慷慨地允许您下载其当前允许存储的有关您的在线习惯的所有信息。

If you had access to this information and ill intentions, you would also know where my kids go to school, as the school showed up daily when I clicked the Google Maps timeline for my own account.

如果您可以访问此信息和恶意,您也将知道我的孩子在哪里上学,因为当我单击自己帐户的Google Maps时间线时,学校每天都会出现。

Someone with access to this information would know where you spend your time, and what times you are most likely to be alone. Google and many social media sites ramp up the advertising we see when we are alone because it drives the highest number of conversions.

有权访问此信息的人会知道您在哪里花费时间,以及最有可能一个人呆在什么时候。 Google和许多社交媒体网站增加了我们独自一人时看到的广告,因为它带来了最高的转化次数。

Facebook keeps a record of every private message you have ever sent or received, and most disturbing of all, they store every log into Facebook. While that doesn’t sound so disturbing on its surface, think about it for a moment. They knew where you logged in from, what times you logged in, and what device you were using, every time you access your account.

Facebook会记录您曾经发送或接收的每条私人消息,最令人不安的是,它们会将每条日志存储到Facebook中。 尽管听起来并不那么令人困扰,但请片刻考虑一下。 每当您访问帐户时,他们就会知道您从何处登录,什么时间登录以及所使用的设备。

Like Google, this information is kept indefinitely even if you delete your account. This New York Times piece does a good job of breaking down the volume of information Facebook keeps, even from a non-prolific user.

与Google一样,即使您删除帐户,此信息也会无限期保留。 《纽约时报》的这篇文章很好地打破了Facebook保留的信息量,即使来自非多产用户也是如此。

For Facebook, you can also throw in access to your camera and microphone at any time. Have you ever wondered about the times you have discussed the need or desire for a new product over breakfast with your spouse, only to have advertisements for it turn up in your feed later?

对于Facebook,您还可以随时访问相机和麦克风。 您是否曾经想过与您的配偶讨论早餐时对新产品的需求或愿望,而后来却在您的饲料中出现新产品的广告吗?

Whom do you trust enough to allow the means to listen to you at any time, anywhere, and to access your webcam at will? Would you feel comfortable with your spouse or best friend having permission to violate your privacy to that extent?

您对谁足够信任,可以允许您随时随地收听并随意访问您的网络摄像头? 对于允许您侵犯您隐私的配偶或最好的朋友,您是否感到满意?

Even more alarming, think about the digital footprint of your children. It starts when they are born, and continues to grow exponentially as the develop an online identity of their own. Do you want anyone to have access to that much information about your children?

更令人震惊的是,考虑一下孩子的数字足迹。 它从他们出生时开始,并随着建立自己的在线身份而呈指数增长。 您是否希望任何人都能获得有关您孩子的大量信息?

The things we have discussed only scratches the surface of the information we freely allow big data to collect about us. The information has an unlimited number of nefarious uses and no oversight.

我们已经讨论过的事情只是我们自由允许大数据收集有关我们的信息的表面。 该信息具有无限数量的邪恶用途,并且不受监督。

Some other countries are making inroads to limiting the data collected by Google and other big data companies, but in the United States, there are no laws about data collection. The Federal Trade Commission Act allows the FTC broad powers to bring action against entities that engage in deceptive practices, or do not comply with their own stated privacy policy. There are also no laws that mandate responsibility for the security and protection of that data.

其他一些国家/地区正在限制Google和其他大数据公司收集的数据,但是在美国,没有关于数据收集的法律。 《联邦贸易委员会法》允许FTC的广泛权力对从事欺骗性行为或不遵守自己的既定隐私政策的实体提起诉讼。 也没有法律规定对数据的安全性和保护负责。

Imagine what someone with ill-intent could do simply by breaking your password and logging onto your Google account. Google has taken steps to make sure it is easy to log in and remain logged in to your Google account. In doing so, it ensures that anyone with access to your devices, or who knows enough about have your email and password, can access all the information we have discussed.

想象一下,如果您有恶意,只要破坏密码并登录到您的Google帐户,该怎么办。 Google已采取措施以确保易于登录并保持登录到您的Google帐户。 这样,它可以确保有权访问您设备的任何人,或者对您的电子邮件和密码了解足够的人,都可以访问我们讨论的所有信息。

For the most part, we would expect an epic uprising if the government attempted to mandate that we put microphones and cameras that we had to carry around with us, allowing them to use at any time.


We freely give up to electronic capturing devices information that we would never give to a prospective date, or even friends and family members. Picture a significant other demanding the same rights to track your every move? Talk about a red siren alert — yet, in the craziness of our times, we do it to ourselves.

我们自由地放弃电子捕获设备的信息,而这些信息我们永远不会透露给人们,甚至是亲朋好友。 想像一下其他重要人物是否要求同样的权利来跟踪您的一举一动吗? 谈论红色警笛警报-但是,在我们这个时代的疯狂中,我们做到了自己。

After all, it is convenient.


翻译自: https://medium.com/publishous/if-you-are-not-afraid-of-big-data-you-should-be-f4c873e44788






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