

If you are here I suppose you have no background in coding/computer science and are starting from the complete basic. But before you start writing code to develop cool stuff or try to “HACK NASA!”..there are some fundamentals that will help you bridge the gap between having absolutely no idea and being a beginner in coding.

如果您在这里,我想您没有编码/计算机科学的背景,并且是从完整的基础开始的。 但是,在开始编写代码以开发很棒的东西或尝试“ HACK NASA!”之前,有一些基础知识可以帮助您消除完全不了解和成为编码初学者之间的鸿沟。


The only thing that a machine can understand sometimes referred to as machine code or object code, is Binary which is a series of bits of 0s or 1s. So at the end of the day, in whatever language you write your code, the code is going to be converted to a machine-readable binary form by a compiler/interpreter.

机器有时只能理解的唯一东西就是机器代码或目标代码,它是Binary,它是一系列0或1s。 因此,归根结底,无论您使用哪种语言编写代码,都将由编译器/解释器将代码转换为机器可读的二进制形式。


To ask a machine to do something we need to give a command. But as you saw, a machine can only understand binary and as long as you are a normal human like me you can’t speak or write binary. So to solve this problem we created programming languages. Basically, a programming language is a set of commands, having some specific rules, that a programmer can use to interact with a computer. Mind that it is just a bridge between human language and machine language and needs to be converted to binary to be finally be understood by a machine.

要要求机器执行某项操作,我们需要发出命令。 但是正如您所看到的,一台机器只能理解二进制,并且只要您是像我这样的普通人,您就不会说或不会写二进制。 因此,为了解决这个问题,我们创建了编程语言。 基本上,编程语言是一组命令,具有一些特定的规则,程序员可以使用这些命令与计算机进行交互。 请注意,它只是人类语言和机器语言之间的桥梁,需要将其转换为二进制文件才能最终被机器理解。


After we write our desired instructions for the machine in any programming language that needs to be translated to machine-readable form. That is done by compiler/interpreter.Compiler: It translates all the instructions written at once before the program runs.Interpreter: Translates the program one statement at a time.

在我们以任何需要翻译为机器可读形式的编程语言为机器编写所需指令之后。 这是由编译器/解释器完成的。编译器:它会翻译程序运行之前一次编写的所有指令。解释器:一次将程序翻译成一条语句。

3.什么是IDE? (3. WHAT IS AN IDE?)

Now you know what a programming language is and what happens after you write your code. But where are you going to write your code?IDE stands for an integrated development environment. It is software that consists of a text editor(where you can write the code), compilers, debuggers, etc. Alternatively, you can do it all on your own, use a standalone text-editor ex: notepad, sublime, and compile it to generate a binary file and finally run it, obviously after you get familiar to it.Using an IDE can save a lot of time not just because it does all that for you but it also has tons of other cool features like auto-complete etc that can make your life a lot easier.

现在您知道了什么是编程语言以及编写代码后会发生什么。 但是,您打算在哪里编写代码?IDE代表集成开发环境。 它是由文本编辑器(您可以在其中编写代码),编译器,调试器等组成的软件。或者,您可以自己完成所有操作,并使用独立的文本编辑器,例如记事本,升华和编译生成一个二进制文件并最终运行它,显然是在您熟悉它之后。使用IDE不仅可以节省很多时间,不仅因为它可以为您完成所有工作,而且还具有大量其他很酷的功能,例如自动完成等。这样可以使您的生活更加轻松。

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Let’s look at the different areas one can work in:a. Web Devb. Android app devc. ios app devd. Machine learning & AIe. Data sciencef. Game develpmentg. Network and securitymany more…

让我们看看一个人可以工作的不同领域:a。 网络开发人员。 Android应用开发器。 ios app devd。 机器学习和AIe。 数据科学 游戏开发。 网络和安全性更多…

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5.选择一种语言。 (5. CHOOSING A LANGUAGE.)

you know the basics, you might also have a preferred area you want to work in. But.. and this one is a big one before you jump into any of the above-mentioned fields you need to develop the problem-solving skills using any one of the programming languages. After you become comfortable with the language then you go on to learn data structures and algorithms and alongside that, you can start learning about the field you are interested in. Becoming comfortable in using a language is important.So which language you start with? c/c++, Java, Python are the most preferred ones to start. Among the three Python is the easiest. But I would recommend starting with C/C++ or Java for one simple reason. The fact that Python is easy to learn may hurt you when you try to learn another language.To read more why you should go for C/C++ first I recommend reading this article by educative

您知道一些基础知识,您可能也会想在其中工作。但是,这是一个很大的领域,在您跳入上述任何领域之前,您都需要使用任何一种方法来开发解决问题的技能一种编程语言。 熟悉该语言后,您将继续学习数据结构和算法,并在此基础上开始学习您感兴趣的领域。习惯使用某种语言很重要。那么,您从哪种语言开始呢? 最喜欢使用c / c ++,Java,Python。 在这三个Python中,最简单的就是Python。 但是出于一个简单的原因,我建议从C / C ++或Java开始。 事实上,Python是易学可能会伤害你,当你尝试学习另一种language.To读更多为什么你应该去C / C ++首先,我建议你阅读文章教育性

6.谷歌。 (6. GOOGLING.)

I know you all are very familiar with this term but I want to emphasize this one because Google is the best friend of a programmer. It doesn’t matter you have just started coding or you have been doing it for years, you are going to encounter errors that you don’t understand. Being able to convert the error to searchable terms is an important skill and as a programmer, you cannot live without it. So whenever you see an error you don’t understand or you wanna do something and have no idea how to do it, do not run to a teacher or a senior google it first and I would say in the starting days take it as a challenge to find the answer on google because u r probably not going to face anything no one has seen before so you will find it for sure. In this way, you will develop the attitude of not giving up, being more patient, and be better at googling stuff.

我知道大家都非常熟悉这个词,但是我想强调一下这个词,因为Google是程序员的最好朋友。 不管您刚刚开始编码还是已经使用多年,都将遇到不了解的错误。 能够将错误转换为可搜索的术语是一项重要技能,而作为一名程序员,您不能没有它。 因此,每当您看到错误时,您都不理解或想要做某事并且不知道如何去做,请不要先去找老师或高级Google,我会说在开始的日子里将其视为挑战在google上找到答案,因为您可能不会面对任何人都从未见过的东西,因此您可以肯定地找到它。 这样,您将养成不放弃,更耐心并善于使用Google搜寻内容的态度。

7.正在调试。 (7. WHAT IS DEBUGGING.)

It is the process of identifying and removing errors from computer hardware or software. It is nothing fancy, may it be software or hardware (I’m an electronics guy so I know :)) , things might not work as u want them to be. Sometimes your code will run without any error but it is not doing what you intended it to do, that’s commonly referred to as bug in software development, and the process of removing is debugging. It can be done by just going through the code and trying to figure out what’s going on(referred to as dry run) or using specialized tools called a debugger.

这是从计算机硬件或软件中识别和消除错误的过程。 没什么花哨的,可能是软件还是硬件(我是电子专家,我知道:)),事情可能无法按您希望的那样工作。 有时,您的代码将运行而没有任何错误,但是它并未按照您的预期目的运行,这通常被称为软件开发中的错误,删除过程是调试。 这可以通过仅检查代码并尝试弄清发生了什么(称为空运行)或使用称为调试器的专用工具来完成。


Stack Overflow is a website where programmers can get free help with their code. If you get stuck and want to ask a question, search for it first. If you can’t find your question, create an account, and post the question yourself!There are a ton of educational sites where you can find programming tutorials. Some of my favorites are Codecademy, Udemy, Udacity, Team Treehouse, and Khan Academy.

Stack Overflow是一个网站,程序员可以在该网站上获得免费的代码帮助。 如果您陷入困境并想提出问题,请先搜索。 如果找不到您的问题,请创建一个帐户,然后自己发布问题!有大量的教育网站,您可以在其中找到编程教程。 我最喜欢的一些语言是Codecademy,Udemy,Udacity,Team Treehouse和Khan Academy。

你走之前。 (BEFORE YOU GO.)

All the topics I mentioned can have their own blogs to explain in detail which I would surely write in the future. For now, just knowing what they are will be fine.

我提到的所有主题都可以有自己的博客来详细解释,我将来肯定会写这些博客。 现在,只知道它们是什么就可以了。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/the-binary-realm/things-one-must-know-before-starting-to-learn-programming-the-first-step-c1d9152e44bd






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