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翻译 在android中创建一个newsapp

致谢 (Acknowledgement)The data is collected from NewsApi.org 数据是从NewsApi.org收集的 Github Repository Url Github储存库网址 If you want the code, here is the link. If you want to read the description, continu...

2020-09-14 06:38:01 812

翻译 x射线mas_X射线视觉

x射线masFor larger organizations microservice architectures have become de facto standard. Admittedly, such architectures usually come with a set of trade offs. One of these trade offs is a level of com...

2020-09-14 06:27:32 304

翻译 建立单链表 单链表的插入_让我们说单链表

建立单链表 单链表的插入I imagine I speak for most developers when I say learning data structures is a little D-R-Y dry. Numerous suggestions online from seasoned developers or Udemy instructors would tell you to...

2020-09-14 06:16:46 264

翻译 使用动态Jenkins从站和kubernetes进行实时滚动更新的Web服务器

项目介绍 (Project Description)1. Create a container image that has Linux and other basic configuration required to run Slave for Jenkins. ( example here we require kubectl to be configured ) 1.创建具有运行Sla...

2020-09-14 06:05:49 202

翻译 docker php 扩展_可扩展性和微服务通往Docker之路

docker php 扩展Hi there, 嗨,您好, The goal of this article is to make you understand scalability and microservices and how it leads the road to Docker, but let’s make it clear that scalability and microse...

2020-09-14 05:55:04 325

翻译 python建立数据库索引_在python中建立索引并选择数据

python建立数据库索引 介绍 (Introduction)The Python and NumPy indexing operators [] and attribute operator ‘.’ (dot) provide quick and easy access to pandas data structures across a wide range of use cases. Th...

2020-09-14 05:44:23 2109

翻译 编程过程的第一和第二步_在开始学习编程的第一步之前,必须知道的事情

编程过程的第一和第二步If you are here I suppose you have no background in coding/computer science and are starting from the complete basic. But before you start writing code to develop cool stuff or try to “HACK...

2020-09-14 05:33:39 853

翻译 系统迁移注意事项_云迁移和转换网络注意事项

系统迁移注意事项Clea Zolotow, FBCS, Distinguished Engineer and Master Inventor, Worldwide Client Technology Engagement, GTS Infrastructure Services, IBM Clea Zolotow ,FBCS,杰出的工程师和发明家,全球客户技术合作,GTS基础架构服务,IBM R...

2020-09-14 05:24:00 600

翻译 企业服务器架构_企业无服务器架构

企业服务器架构This section in the series on Enterprise Serverless specifically covers some of the high level architecture and design aspects when it comes to large serverless applications. You can read the i...

2020-09-14 05:13:08 262

翻译 chrome dev 取色_chrome dev工具协议

chrome dev 取色A communication protocol is a system of rules that allow two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information via any kind of variation of a physical quantity. The prot...

2020-09-14 05:03:33 135

翻译 libgdx 3d_使用Java和libgdx进行3D游戏编程,使用Blender建立模型

libgdx 3dOr… the journey through the x, y, and z axes through the lens of a computer screen. 或 …通过x,y和z轴穿过计算机屏幕镜头的旅程。 TL; DR (TL;DR)Using Blender to get your Model UV unwrapped with an image textur...

2020-09-14 04:53:02 914

翻译 bulma_bulma和symfonys webpack再来一次

bulmaI recently had to integrate Bulma into Webpack encore for a new initiative at work. I was unable to find any resources specifically dedicated to the integration of these two technologies so I tho...

2020-09-14 04:42:31 220

翻译 车祸gif_车祸是白天还是晚上的分类

车祸gif(Traffic Fatalities in USA (2015)) (美国的交通事故死亡人数(2015)) This project is our third project in the data science Bootcamp where we receive training under the leadership of Zekeriya Besiroglu. We dev...

2020-09-14 04:33:21 160

翻译 python中的算法和数据结构冒泡排序和优化

介绍 (Introduction)Sorting is one of the most basic algorithm types and it appears quite often in interview. Among them, bubble sort is probably the most fundamental one. The naive bubble sort is usua...

2020-09-14 04:22:31 119

翻译 python鸭兔的腿_如果您经常因在python中输入鸭而感到沮丧,那么您并不孤单

python鸭兔的腿You are not alone if you often get frustrated by “duck typing” in Python. By duck typing I mean if something walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then, for sure, it is a duck! The appar...

2020-09-14 04:12:29 99

翻译 xnu内核对象_像植物一样打破xnu内核

xnu内核对象PPL’s goal is to prevent an attacker from modifying a process’s executable code or page tables, even after obtaining kernel read/write/execute privileges. It does this by leveraging APRR to cre...

2020-09-14 04:02:04 749

翻译 github查看代码插件_发布vs代码插件的github动作流程

github查看代码插件Hi folks , after having a long time period I came to you with this article. Hope you guys may enjoy this. Are you willing to automate, customize and execute your software development workf...

2020-09-14 03:52:35 363

翻译 什么是Rails ActiveRecord

Active Record is the M in MVC — the model — which is the layer of the system responsible for representing business data and logic.[Source: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_basics.html] Act...

2020-09-14 03:42:23 210

翻译 串口同步模式和异步模式_通过unitask的异步装饰器模式高级技术扩展unitywebrequest...

串口同步模式和异步模式It’s been a few months since we released UniTask v2, and we’re now at version 2.0.31, GitHub’s Star is achieved over 1100. We believe it is stable and will be used in production. 从我们发布UniTa...

2020-09-14 03:33:11 1066

翻译 项目用git命令配置git_日常工作流程中使用的常见git命令和配置

项目用git命令配置gitThis article was originally published at https://zean.be/articles/git-commands 本文最初发表于https://zean.be/articles/git-commands I’m a command line lover and use Git from the terminal all the ...

2020-09-14 03:23:42 611

翻译 掩盖了pytorch中的简单介绍和实现

深度学习 (Deep Learning)The general understanding of neural networks is that computations are required in order to adjust the weights of a neural network so that it could perform a certain task on a giv...

2020-09-12 00:12:59 203

翻译 退火算法 贪婪算法_算法第1部分:贪婪算法

退火算法 贪婪算法If someone asked me to describe what a software engineer does in a single word, my answer would be optimization. The fact is most of the time we don’t look for the best solution and we don’t ...

2020-09-12 00:02:55 233

翻译 如何一次在MS SQL Server中备份所有数据库

In this article, I will show you how to backup all the Databases at once that you have in the MS SQL Server using a SQL Store Procedure. 在本文中,我将向您展示如何使用SQL存储过程一次备份MS SQL Server中的所有数据库。 Lots of people...

2020-09-11 23:52:14 480

翻译 Java第1部分中的kubernetes自定义资源定义实现

In this post, we will dive into Custom Resource Definition as a way to extends K8S. 在本文中,我们将深入研究“自定义资源定义”,以扩展K8S。 We will first describe the use case of CRD, some hygiene of writing CRD and finally y...

2020-09-11 23:41:54 805

翻译 在5分钟内用python设置短信API

Digitally connected world use automated messages in heavy way. Bills, rent, One Time Passwords there are unlimited scopes of an Automated text. 数字连接的世界大量使用自动消息。 账单,租金,一次性密码无限范围的自动文本。 Suppose you own ...

2020-09-11 23:32:37 120

翻译 cad能自学成才吗_我在6个月内成为一名自学成才的开发人员,所以你能

cad能自学成才吗Let me begin by introducing myself. If you’re here for the tips alone, you can skip this part. 让我开始自我介绍。 如果您仅在这里使用提示,则可以跳过此部分。 I have been working as a Software Developer for the past one an...

2020-09-11 23:22:06 156

翻译 fastapi中文_fastapi入门

fastapi中文Rest APIs are beautiful pieces of software that enable applications to communicate with a database or with other software very effectively. Rest API是漂亮的软件,可以使应用程序非常有效地与数据库或其他软件进行通信。 The kind...

2020-09-11 23:12:10 573

翻译 eratosthenes_用python中的eratosthenes筛子查找素数

eratosthenesPrime numbers have been understood at least since the Ancient Greeks, and possibly since the Ancient Egyptians. In modern times their study has intensified greatly due to their usefulness,...

2020-09-11 23:02:43 534

翻译 go语言变量 转常量_go中的变量和常量

go语言变量 转常量In the last few articles, we have been talking about Go data types on an abstract level. Today we will see them in action.As mentioned before, Go is a statically typed language which means t...

2020-09-11 22:52:01 407

翻译 使用python和opencv构建集合求解器

Have you ever played SET? SET is a game in which players race to identify patterns of three cards — or SETs — within twelve unique cards in play at a given time. Each SET card has four properties: sha...

2020-09-11 22:41:46 334

翻译 linq 调试_linq调试问题

linq 调试Imagine you have this code: 假设您有以下代码: During debug, you decide you want to view some filtered data in the dict. 在调试期间,您决定要在dict查看一些已过滤的数据。 You’ve included System.Linq and can see the Where() ...

2020-09-11 22:31:57 367

翻译 redux 引入antd_使用redux引入swiftui应用程序的全局状态管理

redux 引入antdState management is an essential part of any SwiftUI application. SwiftUI provides several built-in ways for managing state, which includes @State, @EnvironmentObject, @Binding and @StateO...

2020-09-09 03:18:30 140

翻译 企业级无服务器工具

This is the first section of the series on Enterprise Serverless; specifically covering tooling. You can read the ideas behind the series by clicking on the ‘Series Introduction’ link below. 这是有关Enter...

2020-09-06 00:16:07 189

翻译 numpy的初学者

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics and various functions of NumPy. A basic understanding of Python or any of the programming languages is recommended. 在本教程中,您将学习NumPy的基础知识和各种功能。 建议对Python或任何编...

2020-09-06 00:07:04 193

翻译 在python中使用selenium和javascript抓取Excel在线只读文件

This exercise was prompted by a question on a forum https://community.dataquest.io/t/how-to-download-an-excel-online-file/494093 regarding how to download a read-only file from excel online that requi...

2020-09-05 23:56:59 585

翻译 python数据统计编程_使用python pass声纳编程足球统计数据

python数据统计编程 总览 (Overview)Using open source data from Wyscout, I extracted data and format into csv. To get more details, please see my article below: 使用来自Wyscout的开源数据,我将数据提取并格式化为csv。 要获取更多详细信息,请参阅以下...

2020-09-05 23:47:02 298

翻译 python 并行处理_python并行处理的5个步骤指南

python 并行处理The idea of ​​creating a practical guide for Python parallel processing with examples is actually not that old for me. We know that this is not really one of the main contents for Python. H...

2020-09-05 23:37:19 1142

翻译 aws 试用 限制_企业无服务器AWS限制限制

aws 试用 限制This section in the series on Enterprise Serverless specifically covers some of the limits and limitations that you are bound to hit when working on large scale serverless projects, and how t...

2020-09-05 23:27:13 412

翻译 kotlin中的异常处理_Kotlin中基于值的类和错误处理

kotlin中的异常处理Not to be confused with value types of project Valhalla. 不要与Valhalla项目的价值类型混淆。 Value-based classes, as defined in the Java docs, are classes which conform to a set of rules: Java文档中定义的基于值...

2020-09-05 23:18:05 204

翻译 万一你醒来时花儿正在手中_醒来让你的床清理代码

万一你醒来时花儿正在手中This post is all about clean code: Why is it important? How do I write clean code? 这篇文章都是关于干净的代码的:为什么它很重要? 我该如何编写干净的代码? Messy code is like cookies. Or, drugs, if that’s your speed. You sa...

2020-09-05 23:07:13 289



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