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翻译 13种有用的UX研究工具

The landscape of UX research tools has been growing to cover everything from recruiting participants, logistics, capturing remote or in-person sessions, usability tests, generating reports and more.UX...

2020-10-16 13:44:22 723

翻译 消费者洞察案例分析_情绪搜索洞察定时器案例研究

消费者洞察案例分析We’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic and could all use a few moments of peace. Enter 我们正处于全球大流行之中,所有人都可以使用片刻的和平。 输入Insight Timer, the #1 meditation app in the world, boasting over 17 m...

2020-10-16 13:35:13 1005

翻译 成为数字产品设计师之前应考虑的8件事

Most of your designs will never make it into the hands of your users.您的大多数设计都永远不会将它交到用户手中。Who would have thought the world of art and design could be so complicated, especially in the digital space. ...

2020-10-16 13:25:27 395

翻译 c#简要程序设计_色彩在品牌设计方面的简要指南

c#简要程序设计Colors are the one of the most influential aspects of a given design, logo, or brand. When we look at a brand, its colors evoke a psychological response, whether we realize it or not. Careful ...

2020-10-14 00:45:08 507

翻译 渲染单色_单色设计红色

渲染单色Web Design is a world that features all types of inspiration and visual layouts. Colour is one of the key elements that make up a digital piece, so I wanted to explore some visual inspiration of w...

2020-10-14 00:35:44 305

翻译 uis向3d投影全息界面的连续演化。

The user interface has been natural in its evolution and strategically heading towards the 3D-projection holographic interface (3D-PHI) era.用户界面在其发展过程中一直很自然,并且在战略上正朝着3D投影全息界面( 3D-PHI )时代迈进。Since its ...

2020-10-14 00:26:23 249

翻译 继承 java_继承

继承 javaGo doesn’t have a concept of class or have a class-based inheritance. Go is a bit different than the regular object-oriented languages. Go没有类的概念,也没有基于类的继承。 Go与常规的面向对象语言有点不同。 如果没有继承,我们如何重用代码? ...

2020-09-15 07:48:14 57

翻译 怎样参与火箭计划币_从目的到计划不是火箭科学

怎样参与火箭计划币Purpose, mission, principles, vision, strategy, plan. The world is full of fuzzy words, overused to the extent of losing their original meaning. However, regardless of how they are used today...

2020-09-06 19:57:30 467

翻译 coms 传输门棍棒图_棍棒和石头可能会伤到我的骨头,但反馈绝对不会伤害我

coms 传输门棍棒图As designers, the work we create is in many ways an extension of ourselves. Our work is the personification of our thinking, therefore it’s simply basic instinct to be defensive when that w...

2020-09-06 19:47:28 1218

翻译 每个设计师都应该了解视觉感受和格式塔原理

You probably know about perception. Every day, our brains are processing a lot of information that perception from the proximal stimulus, such as light, sounds, touch, and receive by sensory organs, l...

2020-09-06 19:37:08 837

翻译 单色显示屏 界面菜单_如何有效地设计单色用户界面ui

单色显示屏 界面菜单In color theory, there are a number of different harmonies that you can work with to create various color palettes. However, when it comes to UI, it doesn’t take a slew of colors to create b...

2020-09-06 19:27:46 569

翻译 移动应用ui设计模式pdf_电子商务应用程序中的7种UI模式

移动应用ui设计模式pdfI recently did a competitor analysis of current, top e-commerce apps. I observed Target, Nike, Apple, Samsung, Ebay, Chewy, Banggood, Drop, and Best Buy.我最近对当前的顶级电子商务应用进行了竞争对手分析。 我观察了Targ...

2020-09-06 19:18:01 1191

翻译 消除设计教室中的白人至上主义我与设计大师cheryl d miller的对话

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the ways in which my teaching practices might be reinforcing White supremacy.最近,我一直在思考我的教学实践可能如何加强白人至上的思想。In particular, I’ve been thinking about how graphic des...

2020-09-06 19:08:32 1897

翻译 wps中加入代码块样式_样式图块的概述以及为什么要在设计过程中开始实施它们...

wps中加入代码块样式Since my last article was essentially the length of a thesis full of design jargon, I figured this go around I should make it a point to deliver content that is a little more absorbable (an...

2020-09-06 18:59:15 2277

翻译 对象继承 原型继承_继承对象组成

对象继承 原型继承These days for your applications, a decoupled and encapsulated software system is ever more relevant. Reusability, maintenance, care, and sustainability play a major role in our software deve...

2020-09-06 03:35:19 294

翻译 vue 开发ui库_面向设计师的ui ux开发vue js

vue 开发ui库Because sometimes we have to add logic to our concepts, and Vue makes it a whole lot easier.因为有时我们必须在概念中添加逻辑,而Vue使其变得更加容易。FULL DISCLOSURE: THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT OR VUE COURSE. Th...

2020-09-04 20:13:55 528

翻译 自定义模型 架构_品牌架构定义和模型的艺术,可帮助您摆脱混乱

自定义模型 架构My friend lived in a poorly renovated home in Fremantle, Western Australia. Like many houses in the area, it was built in the early 20th century.我的朋友住在西澳大利亚州弗里曼特尔(Fremantle)一座装修不良的房屋中。 像该地区的许多...

2020-09-04 20:03:53 1217



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