coms 传输门棍棒图_棍棒和石头可能会伤到我的骨头,但反馈绝对不会伤害我

coms 传输门棍棒图

As designers, the work we create is in many ways an extension of ourselves. Our work is the personification of our thinking, therefore it’s simply basic instinct to be defensive when that work is criticised.

作为设计师,我们创作的作品在许多方面都是自我的延伸。 我们的工作是思想的人格化,因此批评该工作只是防御的本能。

有时每个人都会受伤。 (Everybody hurts, sometimes.)

Learning to take constructive criticism is a skill.


The art of managing feedback can be complicated. Often times you have to juggle technical and legal constraints as well as multiple stakeholders. A right of passage for all designers is learning how to gracefully take criticism and use it as a tool to push for better outcomes for our users.

管理反馈的技巧可能很复杂。 通常,您必须兼顾技术和法律约束以及多个利益相关者。 所有设计师的通过权是学习如何优雅地接受批评,并将其用作为用户争取更好结果的工具。

Before we start talking techniques, lets first examine some common occurrences which can make receiving feedback frustrating.


康沃尔国王 (King of the Kontext)

The contextual understanding we develop as designers around our problem space is, therefore — second to none. Good design revolves around your ability to discover the optimal solution hidden within the fog of the unknown, so it’s natural that we do everything in our power to gain as much visibility as possible. Whilst this is good practice, it can be easy to forget that your peers and stakeholders don’t share the same frame of mind. This leads to feedback that usually looks like:

因此,我们作为设计师围绕问题空间发展的上下文理解是首屈一指的。 良好的设计围绕着您发现隐藏在未知雾中的最佳解决方案的能力而展开,因此,我们自然会竭尽所能以获取尽可能多的可见性。 尽管这是一个很好的做法,但很容易忘记您的同龄人和利益相关者的想法不一致。 这导致通常如下所示的反馈:

  • Can’t we just (insert your original simple idea)?


  • What if we added (insert seemingly simple but actually complicated under the hood solution)?


  • Do we have to (insert a non-negotiable compliance-based requirement you’ve tried to sidestep since day one)?


Pick up that blade, because we about to slay a kontext king.


This type of feedback is oftentimes unavoidable, but there are a few techniques that can help mitigate some of this feedback.


Lead others through the fog, so they can see what you see.


You’ve navigated through the fog. Eureka! You’ve discovered the best solution… But those who are standing on the other side can’t see the hidden path you’ve taken.

您已经浏览了迷雾。 尤里卡! 您已经找到了最佳的解决方案……但是站在另一边的人看不到您所走的隐秘道路。

Take your stakeholders and peers through your train of thought. Being open and transparent around what worked and didn’t work is a great way to start building up the narrative of your work. Everything you create has a story. A book’s final chapter is meaningless in isolation — and design can be viewed in a similar light.

引导您的利益相关者和同行思考。 对有效和无效的事物保持开放和透明是一种很好的方式来建立您的作品叙事。 您创建的所有内容都有一个故事。 本书的最后一章孤立地没有意义-可以从相似的角度看待设计。

By being transparent, you are letting people into the origin story of the outcomes that you present upon them. Splitting your crown is a great way to negate initial concerns that exist within the fog of context, it also acts as an alignment tool, allowing your team to communally rally together around a single understanding.

通过透明化,您可以使人们了解您呈现给他们的结果的起源。 分裂王冠是消除环境迷雾中最初存在的担忧的一种好方法,它还可以作为一种调整工具,使您的团队可以围绕一个共识进行集体集会。

您的解决方案是解决不了问题的,一个可能的解决方案 (Your solution isn’t the solution, but a possible solution)

When work is presented, the sad uncomfortable truth for many designers is that it stops becoming their own. The first time you present work is the first time your work stands without your support. If you don’t give your work enough supports, it’ll fall over, tumble, and probably hit its head.

当提出作品时,许多设计师所难过的令人不安的事实是它不再成为自己的作品。 首次展示作品是您的作品第一次在没有您支持的情况下站立。 如果您没有给您的工作足够的支持,它就会跌落,跌落,甚至跌倒。

When you present your work, it stops becoming just an extension of your thought and becomes a tangible reflection of your problem space. Children don’t instantly learn to walk, and neither does your work. The way you frame your work is the final moment you have before your work stands on its own.

当您展示您的作品时,它不再只是您思想的延伸,而是对您问题空间的切实反映。 孩子们不会立即学会走路,您的工作也不会。 构架工作的方式是工作独立完成的最后时刻。

为您的用户而不是您自己争取最佳结果。 (Fight for the best outcome for your users, not yourself.)

By removing yourself from the equation, you can start to iterate for the best possible solution for your users. We become designers because we want to create things with impact. We want to unblock the drains of opportunity and disfunction and aspire to deliver meaningful change.

通过从方程式中删除自己,您可以开始为用户迭代以寻求最佳解决方案。 我们之所以成为设计师,是因为我们想创造具有影响力的事物。 我们希望畅通无阻的机会和障碍,并渴望实现有意义的变革。

By putting the user at the heart at the centre of feedback, you’re able to effectively onboard your stakeholders as advocates, who can help you iterate towards the best possible solution.


Instead of:


  • I think that…

  • My idea was…

  • In my opinion…




  • This solves user’s needs by…

  • The user is then able to…

  • How will a user…?


It’s much harder to speak against data and user needs, than the opinion of others. By advocating for the user — not only the thinking that brings you towards a solution — but also in how you frame the solution, you’re able to collectively iterate towards a better solution than if you were on your own.

与其他人的意见相比,要反对数据和用户需求要困难得多。 通过倡导用户-不仅使您想到解决方案的思想-而且在制定解决方案的方式上,您都可以集体迭代以寻求比单独解决方案更好的解决方案。

This brings me to my final section…


树枝和石头可能会弄伤我的骨头,但是大火会烧毁我的房子。 (Sticks and stones may break my bones — but fire can burn down my house.)

A man is reading a news paper, little does he know it’s on fire!

Fight the battles only if they need to be fought on behalf of the user.


All of us have been emotionally invested in our projects before. This is perhaps one of the hardest, first lessons we learn as designers. If this is something you’re struggling with, it’s important that your focus is always on that of the user, and not your own pride.

以前,我们所有人都在情感上投入了我们的项目。 这也许是我们作为设计师学习的最难的第一课。 如果这是您在苦苦挣扎的事情,那么始终将重点放在用户身上,而不是您自己的骄傲就很重要。

Here’s another


If you’re not willing to throw your self on your sword, don’t.


If you’re not willing to stand in front of the proverbial bullet, don’t


If you’re not willing to put your job on the line, don’t.


It’s not good for you, it’s not good for your team, and definitely not good for your user.


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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师:一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。


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