android p新功能_android 11 android的11大新功能

android p新功能

In this article we will discuss about what android provides in new OS updates. And How they are helpful for us.

在本文中,我们将讨论android在新的操作系统更新中提供了什么。 以及它们如何为我们提供帮助。

If you have google pixel device(after the version of pixel 2).then you definitely get this now. and for other its depend upon your device company.

如果您有Google Pixel设备(在Pixel 2版本之后),那么您现在肯定会得到它。 其他取决于您的设备公司。

So let’s start to discuss that,


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电源菜单的新功能是更新。 (Power menu new features are updates.)

I have an android 10 and also before this version. After clicking the power button, we get only 3–4 options like Restart, Power off, Emergency call.But in android 11,We also get some new features likeSmart home control options(like if we control our home accessories like lights, Ac, etc.) (this feature depends upon how much smart is your device and home accessories) ☺They also show Instant payment options. (card show that we added as favorites in google play)Also, there is an option for our short terms requirement like, we will add in there tickets or boarding passes.)

我有一个android 10以及此版本之前的版本。 点击电源按钮后,我们仅获得3–4个选项,例如重新启动,关闭电源,紧急呼叫。但是在android 11中,我们还获得了一些新功能,例如智能家居控制选项(例如,如果我们控制家居配件,例如电灯,交流电,等)(此功能取决于您的设备和家居配件的智能程度)☺它们还显示即时付款选项。 (显示在Google Play中添加为收藏夹的卡片显示)此外,对于我们的短期要求,我们还有一个选项,例如,我们将在其中添加门票或登机牌。)

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通知栏中显示的媒体播放器(已修改) (Media player that shows in the notification bar(it’s modified))

Like if play a song in our device, then this control show in a notification bar.But now in android 11,There are some options added as if these songs play in our Bluetooth handset but if we need to change this in a speaker mode. then there is an option in quick tile. after that, we change/manage this like a boss.

就像在我们的设备中播放歌曲一样,该控件也会显示在通知栏中。但是现在在android 11中,添加了一些选项,就像这些歌曲在我们的蓝牙手机中播放一样,但是如果我们需要在扬声器模式下进行更改。 然后在快速平铺中有一个选项。 之后,我们像老板一样改变/管理。

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聊天泡泡 (Chat bubble)

As we all know, if we use Facebook messenger. and someone sends you the message, then this show on our screen, it looks like floating in our screen. there is an option of a chat bubble.But it’s not available for all of our social apps.Now in android 11,Approximately many apps support this.So at a time if we get messages from many apps.Then this shows on our screen as a group of a bubble. and we easily manage this.

众所周知,如果我们使用Facebook Messenger。 然后有人向您发送消息,然后该消息显示在我们的屏幕上,就像在我们的屏幕中漂浮一样。 有一个聊天气泡选项。但是它不适用于我们所有的社交应用程序。现在在android 11中,大约有很多应用程序都支持此功能。因此,如果我们一次从许多应用程序中收到消息,那么它将在屏幕上显示为一群泡沫。 而且我们可以轻松地进行管理。

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通知管理 (Notification management)

We all agree with this point that, notification is disturbing so much.Now in android 11,They are managed with a group.Like if I get notification from WhatsApp, Facebook, and telegram.So Android knows all of these are conversation type.So they make a group of conversations.And then it is convenient for me to read all of I easily prioritized action(easily set to there mode like I want to set some of them in silent).Because android 10 or before this version. all notification is shown in a listing with a random order, so tough to manage this

我们都同意这一点,即通知令人不安。现在在android 11中,它们是由一个群组管理的,就像我从WhatsApp,Facebook和电报中收到通知一样,所以Android知道所有这些都是会话类型。他们进行了一组对话。然后,对于我来说,阅读所有这些内容非常方便。因此,我可以轻松地对操作进行优先级排序(轻松设置为那里的模式,例如我想将其中的一些设置为静音)。因为android 10或此版本之前。 所有通知均以随机顺序显示在列表中,因此难以管理

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屏幕录像机(Screen recorder)

As I see Many users, that they need recordings screen for a different purpose.To fulfill this purpose. we download an extra app that they record our screen.Now in android 11,

如我所见,许多用户需要将录音屏幕用于其他目的。 我们下载了一个额外的应用来记录屏幕。现在,在Android 11中,

android fulfill this requirement,


And added a feature of screen we don’t need to download an extra app only for recording purposes.


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隐私权 (Privacy Permission)

This is my favorite point,We all know privacy is so important for us.Now in an android 11,There are two points of Permission I like.First is that if I want some of any application only for short periods. then I will take them Permission only for that short period.After that they Permission is automatically revoked.And the second point is if somehow any application that I was not using in a long period(example 2 months).And now I don’t need this, so there is an option available for revoke Permissions by this app.And in the future if I will start using this, this app again asks me for permission.

这是我最喜欢的一点,我们都知道隐私对我们是如此重要。现在在android 11中,我喜欢两点许可。首先是,如果我只想在短期内使用某些应用程序。 那么我只会在短时间内获得他们的许可,之后他们的许可会被自动撤销。第二点是,如果我以某种方式长时间不使用任何应用程序(例如2个月),现在我不再使用需要此功能,因此有一个可供该应用程序撤消权限的选项。将来,如果我将开始使用此应用程序,则此应用程序再次要求我提供权限。

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通知记录 (Notification history)

We all know, that we are using so many apps, and these apps send so many notifications.and they are all shows in the notification bar.So many times we will swipe and cleared some of the important notifications. Just in a random way.And then we miss this notification information.So Now in android 11,There Is an option for Notification history.That they are shows all off the history of our notification. that we get from different sources. (some of very important like school, college or office information). So all these

我们都知道,我们使用了很多应用程序,这些应用程序发送了很多通知,它们都显示在通知栏中,所以我们会多次滑动并清除一些重要的通知。 只是以随机的方式。然后我们错过了这个通知信息。所以在android 11中,现在有一个Notification history选项。它们全部显示了我们的通知历史。 我们来自不同的来源。 (一些非常重要的信息,例如学校,大学或办公室的信息)。 所以所有这些

shows in Notification histories.


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分享菜单 (Share menu)

Many times we will share some data from one app to another,Like if you share this article to some of your friends for good information ☺So in a share tab bar, many options are shown,but as for your requirements, you are using only some applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram.So you can be prioritized or add only those apps that you want in a share tab.


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语音无障碍 (Voice accessibility)

This feature already supports in our some phones.But android 11,This feature is enhanced with voice talk back and some updates.accessibility feature that lets you control the phone without using your hand. As you can imagine, this is designed for users with motor disabilities. These users can simply use their voice to complete basic functions like opening any app, scrolling on the page, or interacting with various responsive elements on the current page by saying the name or the number assigned to each of those elements to make interaction easier.

我们的某些手机已支持此功能。但android 11则通过语音对讲和一些updates.accessibility功能进行了增强,可让您无需用手来控制手机。 可以想象,这是为有运动障碍的用户设计的。 这些用户只需说出分配给这些元素中每个元素的名称或编号,即可使用其语音功能完成基本功能,例如打开任何应用程序,在页面上滚动或与当前页面上的各种响应元素进行交互,从而使交互变得更加容易。

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应用建议 (Application suggestions)

In Android 11, there’s now a row of app suggestions on the bottom of your home screen where your main app dock would normally show up.

在Android 11中,主屏幕底部通常会显示通常位于主屏幕底部的一排应用程序建议。

Now google smartly suggests you what application you want to use at now.depend upon a time.


If you don’t need have options for enable or disable this option.


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免打扰控制 (DND controls)

These improvements include a more granular Do Not Disturb mode. We touched on this earlier, but you can now set select conversations from specific messaging apps to come through even if you have the mode turned on. This also applies to all the apps you have installed — you can pick and choose what apps can break through when DND is turned on.

这些改进包括更精细的“请勿打扰”模式。 我们之前已经谈到了这一点,但是即使您已开启该模式,也可以将来自特定消息应用程序的选择对话设置为通过。 这也适用于您已安装的所有应用程序-您可以选择打开DND时可以突破的应用程序。

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新飞机模式 (New airplane mode)

Like you are on a flight, and then you it is necessary to enable airplane mode. At the same time your Bluetooth handset connected with your device.So after enabling airplane mode your all wireless connection is disconnected. And you face problem to this type of connection in this modeNow in an android 11,You can customize this setting(like this disabled only for your call)not removed other wireless connections.So you enjoy your music with and issue.

就像您正在飞行一样,然后必须启用飞行模式。 同时您的蓝牙手机已与设备连接。因此,启用飞行模式后,所有无线连接都将断开。 在这种模式下,您将面临这种连接的问题现在在android 11中,您可以自定义此设置(例如仅针对您的通话禁用此设置)而不会删除其他无线连接。

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手势控制 (Gesture control)

Recently I use the Ios device, we all know they haven’t a back button, but after using this os I like the back process gestures of that.Like we need to go back, just simply swipe right to the corner. you will go back.So Now android 11,You have many customized options of gesture also.

最近,我使用了Ios设备,我们都知道它们没有后退按钮,但是在使用此os之后,我喜欢该按钮的后退过程手势,就像我们需要返回一样,只需向右滑动即可。 您将返回。因此,现在的Android 11也具有许多自定义的手势选项。

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很多表情符号 (A lot of emojis)

We all use it in our chat.Like a smile, angry face, and more.So now in android 11,They added a lot of more emojis.Like a ninja, disguised face, smiling face with the tear, pinched fingers, lungs, anatomical heart, polar bear, etc.and you will enjoy thisI think you all like this to use in a chat.

我们都在聊天中使用了它,比如微笑,生气的脸等等。因此,在android 11中,他们添加了更多的表情符号。解剖心脏,北极熊等,您会喜欢的。我想大家都喜欢在聊天中使用它。

if you got something wrong? Mention it in the comments. I would love to improve.I am Shirsh Shukla. A creative developer and a Technology lover. You can find me on Linkedin or maybe follow me on Twitter.

如果你做错了什么? 在评论中提及它。 我想进步。我是Shirsh Shukla。 有创意的开发人员和技术爱好者。 您可以在Linkedin上找到我,或者在Twitter上关注我。

Have a nice day!🙂



android p新功能





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