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翻译 android imageview scaletype充分说明了AdjustViewbound

学习Android开发(Learning Android Development)I thought I know what Android ImageView ScaleType behavior is until I see the below. Sometimes the CenterInside is the same as FitCenter. Sometimes the Center...

2020-10-15 05:15:05 340

翻译 jetpack数据库_jetpack数据存储改进的数据存储系统

jetpack数据库什么是数据存储?(What’s DataStore?)Over the years, Android developers have become used to storing small chunks of sensitive user data via shared preferences. This approach has the following drawbac...

2020-10-15 05:04:31 202

翻译 android 25_现在在Android 25中

android 25Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development.欢迎使用Android Now,这是您持续不断的关于Android开发领域中的新事物和着名指南。 NiA25视频和播客形式(NiA25 in Video and...

2020-10-15 04:55:03 807

翻译 java 与kotlin_与Kotlin和Ktor的ssl

java 与kotlinSo, you develop some of your services with Kotlin and Ktor.因此,您可以通过Kotlin和Ktor开发一些服务。Normally, your Ktor services will sit safely behind a reverse proxy, that will handle all the basic se...

2020-10-15 04:44:29 269

翻译 kotlin入门_个人要求更改材料入门包kotlin ver part 2

kotlin入门Continuing the 1st part:继续第一部分: 7.公开方法作为API合同(7. Public Methods as API Contracts)背景:(Background:)Direct concrete object interaction with its encapsulated public methods is considered a bad...

2020-10-15 04:34:09 258

翻译 android ui设计_android ui设计的基础知识知道您的尺寸

android ui设计If you are just getting started with UI Design, you may have these questions in mind:如果您刚刚开始使用UI Design,可能会想到以下问题:What should be the size of my screen when I am designing for iOS, Android...

2020-10-11 08:54:42 478

翻译 android p新功能_android 11 android的11大新功能

android p新功能In this article we will discuss about what android provides in new OS updates. And How they are helpful for us.在本文中,我们将讨论android在新的操作系统更新中提供了什么。 以及它们如何为我们提供帮助。If you have google pixel dev...

2020-10-11 08:45:31 620

翻译 android exoplayer在您的应用中播放视频,例如youtube

视频应用程序的重要性(The Importance of Video Apps)There’s a constant need for video-playing apps for entertainment, educational, and many other purposes. You can see it clearly if we look at Youtube usage over...

2020-10-11 08:34:56 716

翻译 颤振稳定性叶瓣图_为什么颤振不是下一件大事

颤振稳定性叶瓣图重点(Top highlight)I’ve noticed quite a few articles recently promoting Flutter as the “next big thing.” Several have even explained in detail how Flutter is going to replace React Native as the...

2020-10-11 08:24:01 361

翻译 创建自己的json stringify简化实现

You may already be familiar with the function JSON.stringify, which can be useful when comparing objects, implementing RESTFUL APIs or simply deep cloning a javascript object (although, it’s not recom...

2020-09-13 20:29:19 241

翻译 使用tailwindcss ui练习React钩子带回家测试

I recently read about the hiring process for TailwindCSS. Part of the process included a take-home test for candidates to complete over the space of two weeks. 我最近阅读了有关TailwindCSS的招聘过程的信息。 该过程的一部分包括对考...

2020-09-13 20:19:41 405

翻译 express中间件_Express js中的文件上传和中间件

express中间件Express.js is a Javascript framework used for developing the server side for web applications and APIs. A middleware in the literal sense means anything that is in the middle of two layers o...

2020-09-13 20:08:47 117

翻译 基于react_基于角色的授权基于React的基于角色的访问控制v 2

基于reactYay, I have come up with another super cool story I would call it RBAC-V2 because it is my second story on the same topic, there was some reason behind version-2 that are listed below. 是的,我想出了另...

2020-09-13 19:59:02 76

翻译 linux 可视化调试_数据可视化调试器

linux 可视化调试 VS代码扩展 (VS CODE EXTENSION) 可视化数据结构修改以及调试视图,可以非常精确地了解每个操作的实际情况。 (Visualize data structure modifications along with debugging view provides a very precise picture of what’s exactly happens ...

2020-09-13 19:49:07 150

翻译 lte pss是什么_pss排序是一个monoid

lte pss是什么 什么是Monoid (What is a Monoid)if you have this 3 things T, concat and empty together, you have a monoid: 如果您拥有这3个事物T,并同时排空 ,那么您就有一个monoid: T — Set of values for example set of strings, or s...

2020-09-13 19:38:47 295

翻译 关于javascript面向对象的一切

Some say JavaScript is an object-oriented language just like Java, C++, C#, etc; Some say JavaScript is an object-based language just like Visual Basic (VB). Some say it is prototype-based…… 有人说JavaSc...

2020-09-13 19:29:19 131

翻译 带有Node.js后端打字稿版本的dockerizing vue应用

Docker is an enterprise-ready container platform that enables organizations to seamlessly build, share, and run any application, anywhere. Almost every company is containerizing its applications for f...

2020-09-13 19:18:52 61

翻译 javascript模块_在javascript部分中创建模块化游戏

javascript模块This is a continuation of my past blog series on coding an animated character, however I’ll now be going in a different direction with less emphasis on the animation and more on building a...

2020-09-13 19:07:59 94

翻译 使用urlsearchparams处理javascript中的url查询参数

This story was originally published on phiilu.com. 这个故事最初在phiilu.com上发布 。 Overview on how to use URLSearchParams 有关如何使用URLSearchParams的概述 Often in Single Page Applications, you will have to interact ...

2020-09-13 18:58:33 826

翻译 微信输入打字框变得很小_使打字稿和猫鼬在一起玩得很好

微信输入打字框变得很小Have you ever struggled to get the TypeScript description of your data to match the Mongoose description of your data? Have you been surprised when your code editor starts giving you typing...

2020-09-11 19:07:14 152

翻译 最小二乘法 解决的问题_如何解决最小操作问题

最小二乘法 解决的问题Hello, everyone! 大家好! It’s been quite some time since I last posted, but I am back with another JavaScript algorithm tutorial. This time we’ll be solving the Minimum Operations problem, wh...

2020-09-11 18:57:14 214

翻译 可观察的角度存储或如何通过封装在组件之间传递信息

*This article assumes a basic familiarity with rxjs observables.* *本文假设您对rxjs observables基本熟悉。 Last week I saw a post on dev.to by Nicolas Larrode titled ‘Communicate between Angular components.’ In ...

2020-09-11 18:46:33 84

翻译 什么是重新选择它如何通过redux提高性能

If you haven’t read about redux you should at least read about it. I assume that you have done your research and know what redux is. 如果您还没有阅读有关redux的文章,那么至少应该阅读一下。 我假设您已完成研究并知道什么是redux。 To learn what...

2020-09-11 18:36:43 76

翻译 npm 发布到github_如何设置github操作以将monorepo发布到npm

npm 发布到githubIn my last post, I showed you how to create, test, and build a monorepo repository. In this article, I will show you how to automate the publishing of your monorepo to NPM using GitHub Ac...

2020-09-11 18:27:23 324

翻译 react中解决异步_在React中管理异步代码

react中解决异步 介绍 (Introduction)Traditionally, dealing with asynchronous code in React has required some boilerplate: 传统上,在React中处理异步代码需要一些样板: Make a wrapper component to show a pending or rejected stat...

2020-09-09 01:27:44 994

翻译 使用Google API

Even though I’ve been in my coding Bootcamp for only 12 weeks, it feels like it’s been years. The amount of materials that I needed to learn and all the time and effort I’ve put in finally feels like ...

2020-09-09 01:18:06 422



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