

There’s a lot you can do to improve your skills as a designer, but most of the time, it comes with a high cost and a big time commitment.


These 4 steps that I’m about to share with you are easy ways you can insert yourself into the UX community, meet new people, and gain new skills.


Best of all, most of these steps won’t cost you anything and you can do them all at your own pace if you want to. I followed these steps during my last year of grad school, and the following year when I was on my job hunting journey. As a result, I gained more confidence as a designer and grew my UX network.

最重要的是,这些步骤中的大多数都不会花费您任何费用,并且您可以按照自己的步调完成所有步骤。 在我毕业的最后一年和第二年的求职之旅中,我遵循了这些步骤。 结果,我作为一名设计师获得了更大的信心,并且发展了我的UX网络。

1.转到网络活动和聚会 (1. Go to Networking Events and Meetups)

There are a ton of free UX events every month. I usually visit the Meetup and Eventbrite websites and browse for any UX related networking events.

每个月都有大量免费的UX事件。 我通常会访问MeetupEventbrite网站并浏览与UX相关的任何联网事件。

At these events, you can learn more generally about UX. Some events even offer a deep dive into more specific areas, like voice design or machine learning.

在这些活动中,您可以更全面地了解UX。 有些活动甚至可以深入探讨更具体的领域,例如语音设计或机器学习。

You’ll hear from design leaders and get tips and advice by asking them questions directly. A memorable meetup I went to was in Seattle by the group, Ladies that UX. The theme was applying to jobs. The speaker was a design manager who was responsible for hiring designers for one of the top companies in Seattle. People in the audience asked questions about applying to jobs for about 20 minutes and the advice we received was invaluable.

您将听到设计负责人的声音,并通过直接向他们提问来获得提示和建议。 我去参加的一次难忘的聚会是由Ladies that UX乐队在西雅图举行的。 该主题适用于工作。 演讲者是一位设计经理,负责为西雅图顶级公司之一聘请设计师。 听众中的人们提出了有关申请约20分钟的工作的问题,我们收到的建议非常宝贵。

Networking events are designed for you to talk to people you wouldn’t ordinarily meet in your day to day life. When we could attend these events in person, I always enjoyed mingling with other fellow UX people. When I was still starting out, I met so many others who were also new to the field. We would connect with each other on LinkedIn and help each other out on our job searches.

社交活动旨在让您与日常生活中通常不会见到的人交谈。 当我们可以亲自参加这些活动时,我总是很喜欢与其他UX同事相处融洽。 当我还是刚起步的时候,我遇到了很多其他新手。 我们将在LinkedIn上彼此联系,并在求职方面互相帮助。

With all events being online now, you have access to so many more meetups. You can even try out events in other cities or countries, as long as you don’t mind adapting to different time zones. Some events also send out recordings so you can still watch the presentation even if you were unable to attend live.

现在所有活动都在线上,您可以访问更多聚会。 您甚至可以尝试在其他城市或国家/地区进行活动,只要您不介意适应不同的时区即可。 一些事件还会发送录音,因此即使您无法参加现场直播,您仍然可以观看演示文稿。

Here are some of my favorite UX meetups that I’ve been to in person, and are currently doing online meetups.


我最喜欢的用户体验聚会 (My Favorite UX Meetups)

2.进行信息采访 (2. Set Up Informational Interviews)

An informational interview is a meeting where you connect with someone to learn more about them, their role, and the company they work for. Pre-pandemic, these usually occurred over a cup of coffee. Now, they can happen over a 30-minute zoom or over a phone call.

信息面试是一次会议,您可以与某人联系以了解有关他们,他们的角色以及他们所工作的公司的更多信息。 大流行前,这些通常发生在一杯咖啡上。 现在,它们可以在30分钟的缩放过程中或通过电话发生。

Informational interviews are more relaxed than regular job interviews, since it’s more casual. It’s a chance to get to know the person who might have a job that you want. You can ask them about what it’s like working at a certain company and what their work day looks like.

信息性面试比常规的工作面试更为轻松,因为它比较随意。 这是一个认识您可能想要的工作的人的机会。 您可以询问他们在某家公司工作的感觉以及他们的工作日如何。

It’s a good rule of thumb to not ask for a job outright during these meetings, but rather to get a feel for what it would be like to work there. You don’t want to come off as desperate and only wanting to talk to this person to get a job out of it.

在这些会议中不要直接要求工作,而要对在那里工作有一种感觉,这是一个很好的经验法则。 您并不想孤注一掷,只想和这个人谈谈以找到一份工作。

Treat it as building a connection and getting to know the person. While they might not be able to get you a job right away, you’ll be someone they can keep in mind if an opportunity ever comes up.

将其视为建立联系并结识该人。 尽管他们可能无法立即为您找到工作,但如果机会来临,您将成为他们可以牢记的人。

信息采访中您可能会问的问题 (Questions You Can Ask During Informational Interviews)

  • How did you find out about the role you currently have?

  • What does your day usually look like? How much of your day do you spend doing actual design work?

    您的一天通常看起来如何? 您每天花费多少时间进行实际的设计工作?
  • What advice do you have for someone like me who is trying to find their first (or next) UX role?


3.阅读UX书籍和文章 (3. Read UX Books and Articles)

There are so many UX related books and articles out there today with a big library of articles right here on Medium.


In grad school, I was a part of the UX club and the president of the club would tell us to read at least 3 UX related Medium articles a day. It allowed us to learn something new and be up to date on any new design trends.

在读研究生时,我是UX俱乐部的成员,该俱乐部的主席会告诉我们每天至少阅读3篇与UX相关的Medium文章。 它使我们能够学习新知识,并及时了解任何新的设计趋势。

Funnily enough, there are articles on Medium about the best UX books to read. I recommend browsing all the lists of books you can find online, and read the ones that are the most interesting to you. Check out your local library to see if they have any copies of UX books so you can save some money.

有趣的是,在Medium上有关于最好的UX书籍的文章。 我建议浏览您可以在网上找到的所有书籍清单,并阅读最感兴趣的书籍。 查看您的本地图书馆,看看它们是否有UX书籍的任何副本,因此您可以节省一些钱。

There are also UX adjacent books, like Hooked by Nir Eyal, which talks about what makes a product addictive to users. Some UX books only focus on research or content strategy. Branching out in the UX books you read can help round out your design thinking skills.

也有与UX相邻的书籍,例如Nir Eyal的Hooked ,它谈论了什么使产品使用户上瘾。 一些用户体验书只关注研究或内容策略。 深入阅读您的UX书籍有助于提高设计思维能力。

一些我最喜欢的UX相关书籍 (Some of My Favorite UX Related Books)

4.参加挑战 (4. Participate in Challenges)

To improve my visual design skills, I watched a lot of YouTube videos about UX/UI design. I eventually found the Adobe Creative Cloud YouTube channel. They had a bunch of videos with different UX/UI designers who were designing apps or websites live.

为了提高视觉设计技巧,我观看了很多关于UX / UI设计的YouTube视频。 我最终找到了Adobe Creative Cloud YouTube频道 。 他们有很多视频,视频来自不同的UX / UI设计师,他们正在现场设计应用或网站。

I started to watch their videos and learned so much from people who were actually in the industry. They each showed their design process and shared tips along the way. If you ever catch them when they’re live, you can ask them your UX questions and get your answer right away.

我开始观看他们的视频,并从业内实际人士那里学到了很多东西。 他们每个人都展示了他们的设计过程并分享了技巧。 如果您在他们的生活中遇到他们,则可以向他们询问UX问题并立即获得答案。

Adobe also has Daily Creative Challenges for Adobe XD, which is their UX/UI design product. The challenges last about 2 weeks at a time before the next challenge starts. Each day has a design prompt, and a live video where a UX design mentor explains the prompt and shows how they would design it.

Adobe还面临着UX / UI设计产品Adobe XD的每日创作挑战 。 在下一次挑战开始之前,挑战持续约2周。 每天都有一个设计提示,以及一个现场视频,其中UX设计指导者解释了提示并显示了他们将如何设计它。

There’s also a Discord channel with over 50,000 members where you can post your work and get feedback from other designers and design mentors.


I started participating in these challenges and sharing my work. Not only did they help me get better at visual design, but I became a part of a community of other beginners like myself at the time.

我开始参与这些挑战并分享我的工作。 他们不仅帮助我提高了视觉设计水平,而且使我成为了像我一样的其他初学者社区的一部分。

Another daily design challenge is the DailyUI challenge where you get an email with a new prompt everyday for 100 days. The prompts range from 404 pages to music players. It’s a fun and easy way to get creative and practice new design styles.

另一个日常设计挑战是DailyUI挑战,您每天都会收到一封包含新提示的电子邮件,持续100天。 提示范围从404页到音乐播放器。 这是一种有趣且容易获得创意并实践新设计风格的方法。

I admit that I only completed the first 18 days before I stopped. I got busy and eventually fell out of it, but I still felt that my skills improved even in that short amount of time because I was working on it every day.

我承认我只是在停下来的前18天才完成。 我很忙,最终退出了游戏,但是我仍然感到即使在很短的时间内我的技能也得到了提高,因为我每天都在努力。

By spending some of your free time doing these steps, you’ll not only improve your design skills, but you’ll also gain some new connections as well. These connections can help you advance in your career, so it’s definitely worth it to put yourself out there.

通过花费一些空闲时间来执行这些步骤,不仅会提高您的设计技能,而且还将获得一些新的联系。 这些联系可以帮助您事业发展,因此,值得您投入。

I followed these steps and after a while, I felt a boost in my confidence when applying and interviewing for design roles. I also realized I wasn’t alone in my journey, and I also made some new UX friends along the way.

我遵循了这些步骤,一段时间后,当我申请和面试设计职位时,我的信心得到了增强。 我也意识到自己并不孤单,并且在此过程中也结识了一些新的UX朋友。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/improve-your-ux-design-skills-with-these-4-steps-464494d4442f


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