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翻译 kotlin库_Kotlin的存储库中不再有livedata

kotlin库 什么是LiveData? (What Is LiveData?)We can describe LiveData as an observable data holder class, meaning it can hold a set of data that can be observed from other Android UI components such as ac...

2020-09-13 17:57:42 302

翻译 异步加载分部视图_异步视图持有者创建的回收者视图功能

异步加载分部视图Recycler solves a lot of the developer’s problems and it becomes smarter and better every release. Mostly, it is enough to use it the right way, but sometimes flags juggling and views hierarch...

2020-09-13 17:46:51 206

翻译 使您的应用适应最新的隐私最佳做法

Android 11 final release is here! This release builds upon the privacy improvements in previous releases, and provides even better control and transparency for users as well as guardrails to help apps...

2020-09-13 17:36:10 418

翻译 dart 枚举 方法_装饰枚举序列化dart枚举的另一种方法

dart 枚举 方法Luke Urban has written a really good article on ways of serialising enums in Dart, and I urge you to read that before coming back here: Luke Urban在Dart中写了一篇关于枚举枚举序列化方式的非常好的文章,我敦促您在回到这里之前先阅读以...

2020-09-13 17:25:48 2295

翻译 将一个edittext变成一个搜索edittext

Have you ever tried to customize the appearance or behaviour of aSearchView? Probably yes. Some customizations are pretty easy to do, but others are not that much straight forward. If you want to have...

2020-09-13 17:16:44 148

翻译 使用scrcpy自动镜像android设备

As an Android developer, I find myself mirroring my physical device onto my monitor quite often. Not only does it allow me to keep my hands on my mouse and keyboard without switching back-and-forth to...

2020-09-11 18:07:44 568

翻译 建筑设计师和程序员_扑扑中的建筑材料设计应用程序

建筑设计师和程序员 谁应该读这个 (Who Should Read This)This post is intended for those new to Flutter mobile app development and can create new projects and have a basic understanding of concepts such as Flutter’s S...

2020-09-11 17:57:39 183

翻译 sql语句 重新开始编码_开始编码时希望知道的4件事

sql语句 重新开始编码I’ve been coding on a professional level for 15 years and have dabbled in code and technology my entire life. In this article, I’m going to share the things I wish I’d known when I started...

2020-09-11 17:48:23 113

翻译 Android授权代码流程中的oauth2

OAuth is an open standard for secure authentication, commonly used to grant websites or applications access to information on other platforms without giving them the passwords. OAuth是安全身份验证的开放标准,通常用于授...

2020-09-11 17:38:59 944

翻译 鲁道夫·阿恩海姆(Rudolf arnheim)和视觉思维

Surely many of you, even today, have come across UX or design deliverables full of text, instructions and descriptive phrases, which try to solve through the use of written language what could not be ...

2020-09-11 05:04:58 2886

翻译 ux设计_如何草绘UX文章

ux设计How would you illustrate the concept of ‘culture design’? What about ‘designing for trust’, or ‘disability design’? 您将如何说明“文化设计”的概念? 那么“为信任而设计”或“残疾设计”呢? Over an 18-month period from 2018, I illus...

2020-09-11 04:54:18 207

翻译 算法设计的四个步骤_通过以下4个步骤提高您的用户体验设计技能

算法设计的四个步骤There’s a lot you can do to improve your skills as a designer, but most of the time, it comes with a high cost and a big time commitment. 您可以做很多事情来提高自己作为设计师的技能,但是在大多数情况下,这需要高昂的成本和大量的时间投入。 Th...

2020-09-11 04:45:00 2700

翻译 原则上如何嵌入彩票文件

Continuing what we started in part 1 of this post series, this time I will explain how you can embed ready animations to create AWESOME proof of concept prototypes in Principle for mac. My prototyping...

2020-09-11 04:35:07 130

翻译 vs2017字体最佳选择_如何为我的下一个项目选择最佳字体

vs2017字体最佳选择 重点 (Top highlight)“If I have the right font, half my design battle is already won!” “如果我使用正确的字体,那么我的设计大战已经赢了一半!” In my first UX Design job, my AVP( Satish if you’re reading this, this on...

2020-09-11 04:25:59 1448

翻译 设计师管理情绪 反复改_如何使用情绪板进行品牌标识设计

设计师管理情绪 反复改This article has been contributed by Gabe Nelson. 本文由Gabe Nelson撰写。 If you’re like most graphic designers, you hate hearing the phrase, “Just work your magic.” 如果您像大多数平面设计师一样,可能会讨厌听到“只要努力发...

2020-09-08 17:34:08 568

翻译 乐高数字设计师下载_成为数字产品设计师之前应考虑的8件事

乐高数字设计师下载Most of your designs will never make it into the hands of your users. 您的大多数设计永远都不会将它交到用户手中。 Who would have thought the world of art and design could be so complicated, especially in the digi...

2020-09-08 17:23:42 306

翻译 开源数据探索工具_探索不寻常的原型制作工具

开源数据探索工具The goal of the testing was to understand which medium of communication people would prefer as a follow-up to physical mail: email or a chatbot on the website. A part of the journey would be d...

2020-09-05 19:31:48 168



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