每个Android开发人员必须拥有的5个必备android studio插件

If you’re working from home, I hope that you’re trying your best to be productive. Being productive is not only about coding, but smart coding.

如果您在家工作,我希望您尽最大努力提高工作效率。 生产力不仅与编码有关,还与智能编码有关。

Android Studio is the power-packed official Android IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA and comes with an endless list of plugins which, if used right, can make your work more efficient and faster.

Android Studio是基于IntelliJ IDEA的功能强大的官方Android IDE,并附带了无数的插件列表,如果使用得当,可以使您的工作更高效,更快。

Here is a list of a few Android Studio plugins that, according to me, are the basic essential plugins that every developer must have to boost their productivity and save hundreds of hours.

据我说,这里列出了一些Android Studio插件,它们是每个开发人员必须提高生产力并节省数百小时的基本必需插件。

1.亚行理念 (1. ADB Idea)

As an Android developer, you must have been in a situation where you have to frequently delete the app data, revoke all permissions, or kill an app to test whether your app can handle process death or not.


Doing these tasks requires some steps; you have to find your app > go to the app settings > storage > clear data.

完成这些任务需要一些步骤。 您必须找到您的应用>转到应用设置>存储>清除数据。

All this is simplified by the ADB Idea plugin.

所有这些通过ADB Idea插件得以简化。

It provides single-click shortcut commands for all these operations (kill an app, uninstall, clear data, revoke permissions). ADB Idea makes life really simple and it is a must-have.

它为所有这些操作(杀死应用程序,卸载,清除数据,撤消权限)提供了单击快捷方式命令。 亚行的理念使生活变得非常简单,这是必须的。

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2.亚行WiFi (2. ADB WiFi)

We all are shifting towards wireless alternatives, aren’t we? These days, we have wireless speakers, wireless headphones, and even wireless charging. So, why you are still using a wire to debug your application?

我们都在向无线替代方案过渡,不是吗? 这些天,我们有无线扬声器,无线耳机,甚至还有无线充电功能。 那么,为什么还要使用电线来调试应用程序呢?

Here comes the ADB WiFi plugin. All you need to do is make sure your host machine and your phone are connected to the same network.

这是ADB WiFi插件。 您需要做的就是确保您的主机和电话连接到同一网络。

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Many times, I have been in a situation where I do not have a cable handy and need to debug something urgently, thanks to ADB WiFi.

很多时候,由于ADB WiFi,我一直都没有电缆方便,需要紧急调试某些东西。

3. .ignore (3. .ignore)

Most of the newbie developers, while developing their first application, after integrating a version control system (VCS), Git, push all the files to the repository. (In fact, some of the intermediates may still be doing it, too…)

在集成了版本控制系统(VCS)Git之后,大多数新手开发人员在开发其第一个应用程序时,会将所有文件推送到存储库中。 (实际上,某些中间产物可能仍在这样做……)

These project files also include some editor configuration files, which, if you push them, will lead to a conflict in merging every time you try to merge your code. E.g. vcs.xml, workspace.xml.

这些项目文件还包括一些编辑器配置文件,如果将其推入,则每次尝试合并代码时都会导致合并冲突。 例如vcs.xmlworkspace.xml

This is because these settings will be different on different IDEs and according to the developer’s preference. Hence, these files must be ignored.

这是因为根据开发人员的偏好,这些设置在不同的IDE上将有所不同。 因此,必须忽略这些文件。

.ignore is a plugin that helps you to easily manage the ignore files. Like .gitignore (Git), .npmignore (npm), .dockerignore (Docker), etc.

.ignore是一个插件,可以帮助您轻松管理忽略文件。 像.gitignore (Git) 、. npmignore (npm) 、. dockerignore (Docker)等。

It lets you create an ignore file and generates ignore rules according to the respective templates and, hence, takes all the overhead away from you. It also helps to highlight ignored files in the IDE and lets you easily add new files or edit the existing rule.

它使您可以创建一个忽略文件,并根据各自的模板生成忽略规则,因此可以节省所有开销。 它还有助于在IDE中突出显示被忽略的文件,并让您轻松添加新文件或编辑现有规则。

4. JSON到Kotlin类生成器 (4. JSON to Kotlin Class Generator)

Ever had to deal with long JSON responses from APIs and had a hard time manually making data models for them?


Well, JSON to Kotlin Class generator is a simple plugin that generates a Kotlin class from any legal JSON string/JSONSchema or any URLs that return a JSON string/JSONSchema as response.

好的, JSON到Kotlin类生成器是一个简单的插件,可以从任何合法的JSON字符串/ JSONSchema或任何返回JSON字符串/ JSONSchema作为响应的URL生成Kotlin类。

It is very useful as it saves time from dealing with large and complex JSON.


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There are many websites as well that do the same thing, but having a plugin handy is great.


5. CodeGlance (5. CodeGlance)

If you have come from a web or iOS background, or if you have used the Sublime editor, you must be familiar with this plugin.

如果您来自网络或iOS背景,或者使用Sublime编辑器 ,则必须熟悉此插件。

CodeGlance previews the file’s code, like an eagle view, and lets you quickly navigate to the desired section. It is pretty cool and often saves the pain of finding/navigating your code.

CodeGlance预览文件的代码,例如eagle视图,并让您快速导航到所需的部分。 它非常酷,通常可以省去查找/浏览代码的麻烦。

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奖金 (Bonus)

OK! So, here is a surprise, I am including a bonus plugin for you all.

好! 所以,这是一个惊喜,我为您提供了一个额外的插件。

I did not include it in the main points above as you may alternatively use Android Studio’s Asset Generator, but I find this tool very useful and always found myself cheating on Android Studio’s Asset Generator with it. Hence, I thought it is worth mentioning.

我没有在上面的要点中包含它,因为您可以选择使用Android Studio的资产生成器,但是我发现此工具非常有用,并且总是发现自己在使用Android Studio的资产生成器作弊。 因此,我认为值得一提。

6.材质图标生成器 (6. Material Icon Generator)

The designing part, making beautiful UIs, is fun. It is a very important aspect of an Android application as it is the first thing a user notices. And, good UI and UX will lead to happy user experience and will leave a good impression of an app.

制作漂亮的UI的设计部分很有趣。 这是Android应用程序的一个非常重要的方面,因为它是用户注意到的第一件事。 而且,良好的UI和UX将带来愉快的用户体验,并给应用程序留下良好的印象。

While working with the UI, you may often find the need to use some icons. And for Google’s Material icons, you may either visit Google’s Material website or use the Android Studio default Asset Generator.

使用UI时,您可能经常会发现需要使用一些图标。 对于Google的Material图标 ,您可以访问Google的Material网站或使用Android Studio默认的Asset Generator。

But you will still face a set back as, on the Material website, you do not have the option to customize your asset. That’s where the Material Icon Generator comes into play.

但是您仍然会遇到挫折,因为在Material网站上,您无法选择自定义资产。 那就是Material Icon Generator发挥作用的地方。

Just select your icon, choose between vector or PNG, select a size or use default, select a color or use the default. And you are ready to go.

只需选择图标,在矢量或PNG之间选择,选择大小或使用默认值,选择颜色或使用默认值即可。 然后您就可以出发了。

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Back in the days, this plugin was most useful as Android Studio’s Asset Generator wasn’t that cool.
过去,该插件最有用,因为Android Studio的Asset Generator并不那么酷。

结束语 (Closing Notes)

I have not mentioned plugins that customize themes; been there, done that, back to the original “Darcula” theme.

我没有提到自定义主题的插件。 去过那里,然后回到原始的“ Darcula”主题。

Anyway, I hope you like it and will try to incorporate these plugins in your day-to-day work. See which ones work for you the best and decide accordingly.

无论如何,我希望您喜欢它,并将尝试将这些插件纳入您的日常工作中。 看看哪个最适合您,然后做出相应决定。

Just don’t overwhelm your Android Studio with a ton of plugins as it may impact the performance negatively.

只是不要用大量插件淹没您的Android Studio,因为这可能会对性能产生负面影响。

So, whilst at home and being able to save time with these plugins, what are you going to do?


I am going to watch Money Heist season four now.




翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/5-essential-android-studio-plugins-every-android-developer-must-have-6669dd09f0a1

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