

In this article you’ll read about how to quickly and securely share versions with testers and developers using the Google Play Store.I’ll also cover improvements we made such as accessing historical releases or being able to upload debuggable builds with Internal App Sharing.

在本文中,您将了解如何使用Google Play商店与测试人员和开发人员快速安全地共享版本,还将介绍我们所做的改进,例如访问历史版本或能够通过Internal App Sharing上传可调试的版本。

但是首先,一些背景信息 (But first, some background information)

Distributing an APK to your testers is as simple as attaching it to an email or uploading it to a file storage server. Testers could then download and install the APK on their phones. And so could anyone else that got a hold of the file.

将APK分发给测试人员就像将其附加到电子邮件或将其上传到文件存储服务器一样简单。 然后,测试人员可以在手机上下载并安装APK。 其他拥有该文件的人也可以。

Then came Android App Bundles (AAB). It is the application publishing format for Android. It makes it easy to ship only the required resources to users through split apk without any additional work required from developers. AAB is a publishing format, which means Google Play will generate a set of APKs to be delivered on end-user devices. This can make it challenging to test the exact artifacts that are installed by end-users, especially if you take into account more advanced features such as dynamic delivery and in-app updates.

然后是Android应用程序捆绑包(AAB)。 这是Android的应用程序发布格式。 它使通过拆分apk仅将所需的资源运送给用户变得容易,而开发人员无需进行任何其他工作。 AAB是一种发布格式,这意味着Google Play会生成一组APK,这些APK将在最终用户设备上投放。 这可能会给测试最终用户安装的确切工件带来挑战,尤其是当您考虑到更多高级功能(例如动态交付和应用内更新)时。

When working with a larger team, multiple stakeholders or external testers you most likely are looking for a way to share installable artifacts with them directly. Asking them to install the developer tools and run commands may just not be feasible. And even if you can use bundletool to convert an Android App Bundle to APK and install it on a device, you won’t be able to test in-app updates or your onDemand delivery implementation with it.

与更大的团队,多个利益相关者或外部测试人员合作时,您很可能正在寻找一种直接与他们共享可安装工件的方法。 要求他们安装开发人员工具并运行命令可能并不可行。 即使您可以使用bundletool将Android App Bundle转换为APK并将其安装在设备上,也无法使用它测试应用内更新或onDemand交付实施。

Not to fret, the Play Store has you covered here.


A Paper plane, propeller plane and rocket flying next to one another from bottom left to top right.

使用有限的测试人员测试您的应用 (Testing your App with limited testers)

Google’s Play Store provides several ways for you to share an app with a limited set of people. Access can be limited either through an Opt-In URL, membership to a specific mailing list or on an individual level using email addresses associated with a Google Play user account.

Google的Play商店提供了几种与少数人共享应用的方式。 可以通过选择加入URL,特定邮件列表的成员资格或使用与Google Play用户帐户相关联的电子邮件地址在个人级别上限制访问。

测试轨道 (Testing tracks)

You can utilize multiple tracks which will not be accessible by the general public. This means you can decide exactly who is able to access your app at which stage of development. Here are the most important differences:

您可以利用普通大众无法访问的多个曲目。 这意味着您可以准确地确定谁可以在开发的哪个阶段访问您的应用程序。 以下是最重要的区别:

Internal Test Track


  • Limited to 100 testers per app

  • Ideal for wider teams that should test a release candidate.

  • Available immediately


Closed Track


  • Invite individual users or whole groups

  • Ideal for organizational wide testing before opening up to the public.

  • Review before publication


Open Track


  • Public users can opt in directly

  • Ideal to test with a large group of users before shipping to production.

  • Review before publication


Some general notes on these tracks


Only a single version can be propagated all the way through to production from any one of these tracks.


Artifacts published to the testing tracks are accessible to users who opt-in the testing programs in the Play Store.


On each track you can upload either an Android App Bundle or an APK.

在每个轨道上,您都可以上传Android App Bundle或APK。

深入了解内部应用程序共享 (A closer look at Internal App Sharing)

Next to the above tracks the Play Store offers a special developer tool, Internal App Sharing.

在上述曲目的旁边,Play商店提供了一个特殊的开发人员工具,即Internal App Sharing

The most important characteristic of Internal App Sharing is that uploading an APK or AAB here does not have any effect on releases published in the Play Console. This means that it will never be possible to propagate directly from Internal App Sharing to a testing track or production.

内部应用共享的最重要特征是,在此处上传APK或AAB对在Play控制台中发布的发行版没有任何影响。 这意味着永远不可能直接从内部应用程序共享传播到测试轨道或产品。

Also, apps uploaded to Internal App Sharing can be debuggable. That means you can attach a debugger to a build that you will be able to install from the Play Store.

另外,上传到内部应用共享的应用可以调试 。 这意味着您可以将调试器附加到可以从Play商店安装的版本中。

And you don’t need to increment version codes to upload a new version, so you don’t have to reserve version code spaces for development or worry about running out of version codes. You can independently test versions without them overriding one another by sharing a unique link for each upload.

而且,您无需增加版本代码就可以上传新版本,因此您不必保留版本代码空间用于开发,也不必担心版本代码用完。 您可以通过共享每次上传的唯一链接来独立测试版本,而又不会彼此覆盖。

You can authorize uploaders from your dev team to only enable access to Internal App Sharing, without having to give them access to any other part of the Play Console.To authorize downloaders visit “Development tools > Internal app sharing” on the Play Developer Console. You can whitelist users by using an emails list of opt in for link-sharing which will allow anyone that has the link to download the test build to their device.

您可以授权开发团队的上传者仅启用对内部应用程序共享的访问权限,而不必授予他们对Play控制台任何其他部分的访问权限。要授权下载者,请访问Play开发人员控制台上的“开发工具>内部应用程序共享”。 您可以使用加入链接的电子邮件列表将用户列入白名单,这将使拥有链接的任何人都可以将测试版本下载到他们的设备上。

Note: We are aware of current limitations with multiple accounts on a device.To work around this you can either enable all accounts to have access to Internal App Sharing, or allow testers outside of email lists to download in the Play Console.


使用内部应用程序共享测试高级功能 (Testing advanced features with Internal App Sharing)

With Internal App Sharing you can test onDemand installation of Dynamic Feature Modules in the same environment as a real user in the wild. By uploading a debuggable version you can even attach a debugger in Android Studio to check if you’re hitting all the right code.

通过内部应用共享,您可以在与真实用户相同的环境中测试动态功能模块的按需安装。 通过上传可调试版本,您甚至可以在Android Studio中附加调试器,以检查是否输入了所有正确的代码。

Also in-app updates can be tested by uploading a version with an older version code to Internal App Sharing. To get started follow this flow:

通过将带有旧版本代码的版本上传到内部应用共享,也可以测试应用内更新 。 要开始,请遵循以下流程:

  1. Upload two versions with different versionCode attributes to Internal App Sharing.


  2. Install the one with the lower version through the Internal App Sharing URL.

  3. Open the link with the higher version, but do not install it.


  4. Open the installed version again.

  5. You now see that an update is available.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily access old versions of your app and share it with others right away? Spoilers…

如果您可以轻松访问应用程序的旧版本并立即与他人共享,那不是很好吗? 扰流板

历史发布简介 (Introducing Historical Releases)

Historical Releases enable quick and deterministic access to older versions of your application.


Users that have access to Internal App Sharing also can access any version uploaded to a production track. And all you need to know for that is the release’s version code and package name.

有权访问内部应用程序共享的用户还可以访问上载到生产轨道的任何版本。 您只需要了解发行版的版本代码软件包名称即可

Equipped with this information you can install historical versions of your app by following this URL scheme:

配备此信息后,您可以按照以下URL方案安装应用的历史版本:<package name>/<version code>

But you can also find the version code and links to manage authorized testers in the Bundle Explorer. In the “Internal app sharing” section you will find all the info needed to install a specific version. Once you have everything set up you can install historical AAB and APK releases using the URL.

但是,您还可以在Bundle Explorer中找到版本代码和链接来管理授权的测试人员。 在“内部应用共享”部分,您将找到安装特定版本所需的所有信息。 设置完所有内容后,您可以使用URL安装历史AAB和APK版本。

UI of historical releases in the Play Console
Historical Releases in the Play Console

进一步阅读和后续步骤 (Further reading & next steps)

Read up on the documentation for different publication tracks or sharing of internal versions.


Wojtek Kaliciński gives you the run down on local development and testing with on-demand modules.


Also read Marcel Pintó’s post on how to set up your CI to easily upload test versions.


Further, you can learn about other features enabled through Android App Bundles these two recorded sessions from Google I/O and Android Dev Summit 2019.

此外,您可以从Google I / O和Android Dev Summit 2019中通过这两个录制的会话了解通过Android App Bundle启用的其他功能。

现在,您都可以将新的捆绑包上传到测试曲目,使用Internal App Sharing或直接从Google Play商店访问历史版本。 (Now you’re all set to upload new bundles to testing tracks, use Internal App Sharing or access historical versions directly from the Google Play Store.)







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