

重点 (Top highlight)

This article is the 2nd in a two part series — to the previous chapter in which I demonstrate how to establish an 8pt grid.

本文是该系列文章的第二部分 ,这是上一章 的第二部分 ,在上一章中,我演示了如何建立8pt网格

设计系统有什么用? (What are Design Systems for?)

If you and your team aren’t using a Design System (DS), please open the latest project in your favorite design software, and count the myriad of shades of your primary color and grays, the number of fonts you’ve used and the different sizes your primary button appears in.


Go on, I can wait.


Most probably, you can shave off about %30 of the redundant styles and consolidate your design to be more consistent, lean and reusable.


When we create reusable styles and components, we essentially create a consistent visual language that we can rely upon when the product we’re working on inevitably scales.


A design system is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build any number of applications.


— From the Design Systems Handbook, Design Better


You can read all about the value of Design Systems, in Invision’s excellent eBook — Design Systems Handbook. The first two chapters will help you understand better the need of a DS and who should be involved in the process (hint: not only designers).

您可以在Invision的出色电子书-Design Systems Handbook中阅读有关Design Systems价值的所有信息。 前两章将帮助您更好地了解DS的需求以及流程中应该涉及的人(提示:不仅是设计人员)。

设计我们的设计系统 (Designing our Design System)

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In the previous article, we’ve established our basic unit — 8pt. We’ll use that unit in our smallest components as well as in our largest and more complex components. We also defined Typography, Iconography and Layout; so apart from Layout, I won’t be delving too deep on these two issues here. Here’s what we’ll be going going over:

上一篇文章中 ,我们建立了基本单元8pt。 我们将在最小的组件以及最大和更复杂的组件中使用该单元。 我们还定义了版式,图标和布局。 因此,除了Layout之外,在这里我不会深入研究这两个问题。 这是我们要进行的工作:

  • Color

  • Typography

  • Iconography

  • Shadow

  • Border Radius

  • Components

  • Grid & Layout


颜色 (Color)

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Colors are going to be our first building block. When designing digital products, we’re going to need the following colors as a minimum:

颜色将成为我们的第一个基石。 设计数字产品时,我们至少需要以下颜色:

  1. Primary: Usually the brand color.

    原色 :通常是品牌颜色。

  2. Secondary (Optional): Should complement the primary and not compete for attention, it’s purpose is to signal elements with a secondary importance.

    次要的 (可选的):应该补充主要的而不是争夺注意力,其目的是表示具有次要重要性的元素。

  3. Grays: Approximately 4–5 shades.

    灰色 :大约4–5个阴影。

  4. Support: Success (Green), Warning (Yellow), Error (Red), and Information (Blue).

    支持 :成功(绿色),警告(黄色),错误(红色)和信息(蓝色)。

创建调色板 (Creating the palette)

To create more shades of any color, simply use a a technique of manipulating Saturation (S) and Brightness (B):


Darker tones: add saturation and reduce blackness.

较暗的色调 :增加饱和度并减少黑度。

Lighter tones: reduce saturation and add blackness.

较浅的色调 :降低饱和度并增加黑色度。

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The secondary’s color additional shades.

Duolingo is a great example of using several shades of the same color:


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Duolingo is a very colorful app — touring it will teach us more lessons in color.

When creating the Grays palette, it’s crucial to assign a use for each one — otherwise you find yourself wondering what shade to use in which case. The Grays are:

创建Grays调色板时,至关重要的是为每个调色板分配用途-否则您会发现自己想知道在这种情况下应使用哪种阴影。 灰色是:

  1. Lightest: used to distinct white elements on top of a gray background.

    最轻 :用于区分灰色背景上的白色元素。

  2. Light: should allow dark text over it to be accessibly read.

    浅色 :应允许其上的深色文本易于阅读。

  3. Base: neutral gray.

    基数 :中性灰色。

  4. Dark: used to allow white text over to be accessibly read.

    深色 :用于允许白色文本易于阅读。

  5. Darkest: used to signify secondary areas, like sidebars. Should allow white text over to be accessibly read.

    最暗 :用于表示次要区域,例如侧边栏。 应该允许白色文本易于访问。

Choosing the grays can be totally technical, or we can add some tint from our primary color to the mix.


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Adding tint to your grays gives them much needed character.

Until Sketch adds this feature natively, use the Stark plugin to check if your text styles adhere to the accessibility rules:


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Using Stark to check test readability of text over a layer’s fill color.

定义样式 (Defining the styles)

Sketch allows us to name our styles and organize them into groups, saying goodbye to confusing randomly scattered color swatches.


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Don’t forget to get creative, within accessibility and usability constraints of course. It’s easy to get totally technical here, but adding your twist will give the color palette more character.

当然,在可访问性和可用性约束内,不要忘了发挥创造力。 在这里很容易获得完全技术性的信息,但是增加扭曲感将使调色板更具特色。

版式 (Typography)

选择字体 (Choose your fonts)

I’m going to assume your brand or client already have fonts they use. If the task of choosing the fonts has been given to you, give it the proper attention it deserves and read some articles on this topic.

我将假设您的品牌或客户已经拥有他们使用的字体。 如果已经完成了选择字体的任务,请给予应有的注意,并阅读有关此主题的一些文章。

模块化缩放 (Modular Scaling)

I’ve covered modular scaling in the previous article, however it’s worth it to go over it here as well.


Modular scaling is basically a method that helps you create a consistent typography system fast. It removes the guesswork from choosing the next font size and line height. All that remains for you to do is choose a base font size (I usually opt for 16px or 18px), and a modular scale to go by:

模块化缩放基本上是一种可帮助您快速创建一致的排版系统的方法。 它消除了选择下一个字体大小和行高的猜测。 剩下要做的就是选择基本字体大小(我通常选择16px或18px),以及模块化的缩放比例:

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These styles were generated off of the Body Regular style: 16 font size | 24 line height.
这些样式是根据Body Regular样式生成的:16字体大小| 24线高。

There’s one school of thought nor one solution for all the typographic needs out there. You’ll have to analyze and understand your project’s typographic needs either beforehand or as you go along.

对于所有的印刷需求,这里只有一种思想流派,也没有一种解决方案。 您必须事先或在进行过程中分析并了解项目的印刷需求。

A few pointers on typographic systems:


1–2 font families: Use 2 font families at the most, one for headings and another for body and small text. There’s rarely a need for a 3rd font family.

1-2个字体系列 :最多使用2个字体系列,一个用于标题,另一个用于正文和小文本。 很少需要第三字体家族。

2–3 font weights: Its easy to lose track and focus with robust font families like Helvetica or Inter, however more than 3 font weights are too much for the anyone to discern meaning from. If you feel like it, maybe go for the black font weight for your topmost heading.

2–3字体粗细 :它容易失去诸如Helvetica或Inter之类的强大字体系列的跟踪和聚焦,但是任何人都无法识别其含义,而超过3种字体粗细就太过分了。 如果您愿意,可以将黑色字体粗细用作最顶部的标题。

4–12 typographic styles: Digital products tend to need less styles, usually 2–3 headings, body (2–3 weights), and a caption style, while blogs and robust websites tend to need several more headings and smaller font styles.

4–12印刷样式 :数字产品通常需要较少的样式,通常为2–3标题,正文(2–3权重)和标题样式,而博客和健壮的网站往往需要更多的标题和较小的字体样式。

3 font colors: Prepare your typographic system beforehand for any occasion and create styles for Dark, Gray and Light at least.

3种字体颜色 :事先准备好任何情况下的印刷系统,并至少创建深色,灰色和浅色的样式。

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If your project is more branding than product related, I would urge you to be more creative than that. The main difference here is in the constraints. The content in a branding centered project, is controlled and curated and thus allows more creative freedom; while the content in a digital product, is user generated and needs to fit within tight constraints — which are up to you, the designer, to decide upon.

如果您的项目比产品相关的品牌更多,我敦促您更具创造力。 这里的主要区别在于约束。 以品牌为中心的项目中的内容受到控制和策划,因此具有更大的创作自由; 而数字产品中的内容是用户生成的,需要适应严格的限制-设计师(您)可以自行决定。

定义文字样式 (Define text styles)

Sketch allows us to define text styles in an organized fashion, which helps us in turn to create a clear and concise typographic inventory.


I define my styles like this:


{Style name} / {Alignment} / {Color}

This way the result is a series of nested groups, all neatly organized and quickly exchangeable.


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Only recently did Sketch allowed us to redefine multiple styles at once. This major improvement made managing our typographic system so much easier — all we need is a visual repository :

直到最近,Sketch才允许我们一次重新定义多种样式。 这项重大改进使我们的印刷系统的管理变得非常容易-我们需要的是一个可视存储库:

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It’s now easier than ever to change multiple text styles.

影像学 (Iconography)

As mentioned above, icons designed on an 8pt based grid will scale perfectly:


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Exporting a 16×16 pixels icon for iOS will result in perfectly rendered icons in 16, 32 and 48 pixels.


If you intend on using icons in a different size, I would recommend designing your icon on 16×16 pixels grid, and another version on a 20×20 pixels grid. This way you’re covered for any size: 16, 20, 24 (16×1.5), 32, 40 and so forth.

如果打算使用其他尺寸的图标,建议您在16×16像素的网格上设计图标,并在20×20像素的网格上设计另一个版本。 这样,您就可以覆盖任何大小:16、20、24(16×1.5),32、40等。

Undertow (Shadows)

Shadows are used to signify elevation — how much an element is off surface.


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Assign elevation percentage to your shadows so your design will make visceral sense.

A few pointers on shadows:


Use one light source: Imagine there is a single light source illuminating your interface, casting shadows from a single angle, resulting in one x value for all of your shadows horizontal position.


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More than one shadow: Multiple shadow styles can result in a more realistic and unique shadow.


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You can apply shadows to Groups: Avoid shadows overlaying one another, and apply you shadow to the group, instead of layers within. However, you can’t apply more than one shadow to a group.

您可以将阴影应用于组:避免阴影相互重叠,并将阴影应用于组,而不是内部的层。 但是,您不能对一个组应用多个阴影。

边界半径 (Border Radius)

Most likely you employ border radius in your design, alternating between different radii for different elements. However, I haven’t found the use in having more than 3 border radii settings (maybe 4, but that’s a stretch):

最有可能在设计中采用边界半径,在不同元素的不同半径之间交替。 但是,我还没有发现在超过3个边界半径设置(也许是4个,但这很麻烦)中的用途:

  1. 2px border radius for UI components such as checkboxes, tags and the like

  2. 4px border radius for buttons and the like

  3. 8px border radius for cards, modals and the like

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You can still use 8pt to define border radii: br-1 = (0.25*8), br-2 = (0.5*8), br-3 = (1*8), br-4 = (1.5*8)
您仍然可以使用8pt定义边界半径:br-1 =(0.25 * 8),br-2 =(0.5 * 8),br-3 =(1 * 8),br-4 =(1.5 * 8)

组件 (Components)

Components are all the reusable items you have lying around: buttons, inputs, labels, cards, video players and so forth. Our goal here is to have a readily available component for most occasions, but without ending up with an endless list of components.

组件是您可以使用的所有可重复使用的项目:按钮,输入,标签,卡片,视频播放器等。 我们的目标是在大多数情况下提供一个随时可用的组件,但最终不会产生无穷无尽的组件列表。

I’ll take the basic button as an opportunity to explain the whole spiel.


设计模块化按钮 (Designing a modular button)

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Primary Button anatomy in total accordance with the 8pt Grid.

The primary button is probably the most reused component in any DS. It’s function is to indicate the user that the function it suggests is the main function in this screen. It will usually be the safest action the user can take, and the one that we, the designers, want him to perform.

主按钮可能是所有DS中最常用的组件。 它的功能是向用户指示其建议的功能是此屏幕中的主要功能。 通常这将是用户可以采取的最安全的操作,而我们(设计师)希望他执行此操作。

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The primary button can arrive in set sizes:


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The different button sizes should also adhere to the 8pt Grid.

Should have a minimal size, while adapting to it’s content:


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Although a bit awkward, Sketch retains a symbol’s min. width upon content reduction.
尽管有些尴尬,Sketch保留了符号的最小值。 减少内容时的宽度。

And have several states:


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Prepare the states as different symbols or layer styles, so you can quickly alternate between them.

Voila! Our first building block is now efficient, reusable, flexible and up to standards!

瞧! 现在,我们的第一个构建块是高效,可重复使用,灵活且符合标准!

And since we’re talking about building blocks..


模块化积木 (Modular Building Blocks)

The most efficient method out there for organizing your DS that I’m familiar with is the Atomic Design method. The method was introduced to us all by Brad Frost — I urge you to read all about it here:

目前,最有效的组织DS的方法是Atomic Design方法。 布拉德·弗罗斯特(Brad Frost)向所有人介绍了该方法-我敦促您在此处阅读有关此方法的所有信息:

In a nutshell, all of our components are organized to one of the following: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates and Pages.


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Organisms are made out of several Molecules. Molecules are made out of several Atoms.
生物是由几种分子组成的。 分子由几个原子组成。

I myself haven’t found much use of Templates and Pages. If we’ll compare the Atomic design to Lego, then Atoms, Molecules and Organisms are the basic bricks, groups of different bricks and compositions of groups respectively.

我本人并没有发现模板和页面的大量使用。 如果我们将原子设计与乐高进行比较,则原子,分子和生物分别是基本的砖块,不同砖块的组和组的组成。

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Source. 来源

While Templates and Pages are more like the Millennium Falcon Lego set — fun and all but not very practical, and a nightmare to build.

尽管“模板和页面”更像是“ 千年猎鹰”乐高套装 ,但乐趣却不尽如人意,而且是梦night。

If that sounds to you like Symbols and Nested Symbols, you’ve hit the nail on it’s head. The button we’ve just built is an Atom, if we’ll add this button to at the end of a card or in the websites navbar, it’s now a part of a Molecule:

如果您觉得这像符号和嵌套符号,那您就大功告成。 我们刚刚构建的按钮是Atom,如果我们将其添加到卡片的末尾或网站导航栏中,则它现在是分子的一部分:

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This card molecule is composed out of Atoms — Symbols and text styles.

If we’ll keep this up, adhering to the 8pt Grid rules when designing each of our components, sooner than later we’ll have a whole DS based on the 8pt Grid.

如果我们坚持下去,在设计每个组件时都遵循8pt Grid规则,那么我们很快就会有一个基于8pt Grid的完整DS。

In the previous article, I went over layout (columns, rows and spacing), so if anything in the next sections won’t be quite clear, you’re more than welcome to pause here and read all about it.

上一篇文章中 ,我介绍了布局(列,行和间距),因此,如果下一节中的内容不清楚,欢迎您在这里停下来阅读所有内容。

网格布局 (Grid & Layout)

The jury is still out on whether designers should code. As a designer that codes, I can say that there is a shallow layer of coding that designers should be familiar with, one of which is the Box Model.

设计师是否应该编码尚无定论。 作为编码设计师,我可以说设计师应该熟悉一个浅层次的编码,其中之一就是Box Model。

盒子模型 (The Box model)

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The ‘BOX’ text is the element; Margins, padding and etc. are properties of that element.
“ BOX”文本是元素; 边距,填充等是该元素的属性。

The box model is a box that envelopes every element on the screen — everything essentially lives in a rectangle. The box model consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the content itself.

盒子模型是一个包围屏幕上每个元素的盒子-基本上所有内容都生活在一个矩形中。 盒子模型包括:边距,边框,填充和内容本身。

Increasing the padding will increase the box size, while increasing margins will increase the space around the box, pushing other elements away (element — any entity in the webpage, in this case the text ‘Box’).


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With the Developer Tools open, you can examine and play with an element’s box model properties.

Notice that padding and margins don’t have to be the same for all sides; in fact, they can be different for each side. Also, the box’s height is affected by the element’s line height, while it’s width is affected by the font size.

注意,边距和边距不必都相同; 实际上,它们的每一方都可以不同。 此外,框的高度受元素的线高影响,而框的宽度受字体大小影响。

This distinction is crucial for us designers to understand. An element’s size and position, it’s presence in the layout, is determined by several factors:

这种区别对我们的设计师来说至关重要。 元素的大小和位置( 在布局中是否存在 )取决于几个因素:

Margins: the space an element keeps away from other elements.Padding: the space an element clears around the content.Content: the content inside the box

边距 :元素与其他元素保持间隔的空间。 填充 :元素清除内容周围的空间。 内容 :盒子内的内容

Frustratingly enough, there are two very confusing modes for rendering elements on the screen concerning the box model:


/* The default and confusing settings */.red-box {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
padding: 40px;
border: solid red 2px;
/*default box sizing (bad for designers)*/
box-sizing: content-box;
}/* The easy to understand settings */.blue-box {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
padding: 40px;
border: solid blue 2px; /*the box sizing (making sense for designers)*/
box-sizing: border-box;

The two methods differ in calculating the elements size; the first method (default), takes the assigned height and width (200px), and adds on top of that padding (40px*4 sides), and border (2px*4 sides), resulting in a 288*288px box. Any change to padding and border width will alter the box’s final size.

两种方法在计算元素大小方面有所不同; 第一种方法(默认方法),采用指定的高度和宽度(200像素),并在该填充(40像素* 4面)和边框(2像素* 4面)的顶部添加,得到一个288 * 288像素的框。 填充和边框宽度的任何更改都会改变盒子的最终尺寸。

The second mode includes padding and border in the final assigned size, resulting in a 200*200px box no matter what the padding and border values are— much neater and easier to understand.

第二种模式包括最终分配大小的填充和边框,无论填充和边框值是什么,都将产生200 * 200px的框-更加整洁和易于理解。

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A simple property, makes calculating the element’s size much easier for everyone. The red box has the default settings at first, resulting in an unexpected box size. It’s box sizing property is then assigned the border-box value, resulting in a neat 200*200px size box.
一个简单的属性使每个人都更容易计算元素的大小。 首先,红色框具有默认设置,从而导致框大小意外。 然后为它的box sizing属性分配border-box值,得到一个整齐的200 * 200px大小的box。

Of course, the element’s size and position can be affected by many other factors (such as width, height and explicit/implicit positioning and the like), but these are the basics for each element on the screen.


间距 (Spacing)

When deciding on the position of an element, we’re essentially deciding upon its’ spacing from another element. Repeat this decision hundreds of times without a system, and you have about a hundred different spacing definitions.

在确定一个元素的位置时,我们实质上是在确定它与另一个元素的间距 。 在没有系统的情况下重复执行此决定数百次,您将获得大约一百种不同的间距定义。

Taking in mind the fact that we have spacing within an element and outside an element, it may be to our advantage to have 2 spacing scales: Element spacing and Layout spacing.


This is in fact a variation on IBM’s Carbon DS, so kudos IBM design team!

实际上,这是IBM Carbon DS的一个变体,因此请IBM设计团队赞誉!

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☝️The button we designed before is an example of this scale in action.

The layout scale is used to space elements from one another; within an encompassing element or between sections:

布局比例用于将元素彼此隔开。 在包含元素之内或在各节之间:

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This is how it looks in action in an encompassing element:


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Layout spacing within an encompassing element (Molecule)

And this is how it looks in action in a webpage:


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Layout spacing between elements and sections

水平布局 (Horizontal Layout)

I covered this specific topic in detail in the previous article, check it out.

我在上一篇文章中详细介绍了这个特定主题, 请查看

For horizontal layout, I use either a 12 column grid with a 24px gutter and 72px column, or a fluid 12 column grid with a 24px/32px gutter and varying column width (obviously).

对于水平布局,我使用带有24px装订线和72px列的12列网格,或者使用带有24px / 32px装订线和可变列宽的可变12列网格(显然)。

Each product or website require a certain grid, simply use the 8pt unit in a way that makes sense.


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(12 × 72) + (12 × 24) = 1152
(12×72)+(12×24)= 1152

最后的话 (Last words)

Design systems should live on and evolve, not freeze in time. Try and treat them as a living document, rather than words set in stone.

设计系统应该持续存在并不断发展,而不是停滞不前。 尝试将它们视为有生命的文件,而不是刻在石头上的文字。

Keep in mind that the basic the component/style you’re about to change, the more complicated the consequences will be. Altering the button or body text style will affect the DS much more than altering the card layout. So experiment with the basic building blocks before venturing much further.

请记住,您将要更改的基本组件/样式,后果将更加复杂。 更改按钮或主体文本样式对DS的影响远比更改卡片的布局大。 因此,在进一步尝试之前,请尝试基本的构建块。

Good luck and have fun!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/design-system-based-on-the-8pt-grid-2473ca5f0ae1






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