flutter 透明度动画_Flutter中的动画填充+不透明度动画✨

flutter 透明度动画

Flutter SDK provides us with many widgets which help us in animating elements on screen easily by implicitly managing the animations i.e. we need not worry about creating and managing intances of AnimationController during the lifecycle of the app. Two of those widgets which we’ll be seeing in this article are AnimatedPadding and AnimatedOpacity.

˚Flutter SDK为我们提供了许多小工具,帮助我们通过隐含管理动画动画很容易在屏幕上的元素,即我们不必担心创建和管理的intances AnimationController应用程序的生命周期中。 我们将在本文中看到的两个小部件是AnimatedPaddingAnimatedOpacity

In this article, I am going to firstly explain the basic usage of each widget and then eventually we’ll be combining both the widgets and come up with a cool animation like shown above.


动画填充 (Animated Padding)

Animated Padding, as the word suggests is a kind of padding widget which will animate the change in padding taking place at runtime.

Animated Padding,正如这个词所暗示的那样,是一种填充小部件,它将动画化在运行时发生的填充变化。

It is similar to the Padding widget except that it takes one extra required parameter which is Duration. The Duration attribute is used to specify the duration over which the animation should take place. The Duration could be seconds, milliseconds, minutes and also days if you are planning to create an animation which lasts days 😅.

它类似于Padding小部件,除了它需要一个额外的必需参数( DurationDuration属性用于指定动画发生的持续时间。 该Duration可以是secondsmillisecondsminutesdays ,如果你打算创造出持续数天😅的动画。

In this example we’ll be animating the padding around a Container with the help of AnimatedPadding when the Container is tapped itself.


The widget tree is pretty simple. We have a Container widget which is wrapped with GestureDetector to detect the onTap event. It is then wrapped with AnimatedPadding because we want to animate the padding around the Container widget and the whole thing is centered with the help of Center widget.

小部件树非常简单。 我们有一个用GestureDetector包装的Container小部件,以检测onTap事件。 然后使用AnimatedPadding进行包装,因为我们要对Container小部件周围的填充进行动画处理,而整个内容将在Center小部件的帮助下Center

To the AnimatedPadding widget, we are passing a variable named _padding whose value we are updating inside setState().


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Let’s pass a Curve to the curve attribute of AnimatedPadding. I personally like Curves.bounceOut.

让我们将Curve传递给AnimatedPaddingcurve属性。 我个人喜欢Curves.bounceOut

curve: Curves.bounceOut,
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动画不透明度 (Animated Opacity)

Animated Opacity, as the word suggests is a widget by means of which we can control the opacity of its child in an animated way, meaning the opacity will animate over a period of time depending upon the curve passed along with. The Duration field just like the previous widget is a required parameter here.

动画不透明度,顾名思义是一个小部件,通过它我们可以以动画方式控制其子级的不透明度,这意味着不透明度将在一段时间内进行动画处理,具体取决于传递的曲线。 就像上一个小部件一样,“ Duration字段是必填参数。

In this example, we will simply be toggling the opacity of a Text widget on the tap of RaisedButton.


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Note: The opacity passed should be a double between 0 and 1 but not less than zero or greater than 1.


Below I am toggling opacity between 1 and some non-zero double value less than 1 (I don’t remeber exactly, it is 0.3 I think).


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Toggling opacity between 1 and some number greater than 0 but less than 1

结合动画填充和动画不透明度 (Combining both Animated Padding and Animated Opacity)

Now that we’ve seen a basic example of both the widgets, let us now build a proper example combining both of them.


We’ll be displaying a list of widgets, each of which when tapped animates to show the user that it has been selected. As you might have guessed we will be playing around with the opacity and padding of the widget which is been tapped upon to animate and draw user’s attention towards it.

我们将显示一个小部件列表,点击它们时会显示每个小部件的动画,以向用户显示已被选择。 正如您可能已经猜到的那样,我们将使用小部件的不透明性和填充性,利用它们来制作动画并吸引用户对其的注意。

The widget inside the list is a simple Container with some height and color representing an item in the list. It can be any widget but in our case just to keep the article to the point, I am simply using a Container widget.

列表内的小部件是一个简单的Container具有一些高度和颜色,表示列表中的项目。 它可以是任何小部件,但在我们的情况下,只是为了使文章保持重点,我只是在使用Container小部件。

This is what the item in our list looks like. It is a Container which is wrapped with AnimatedOpacity to control the opacity of the Container and then wrapped with AnimatedPadding to control the spacing relative to the adjacent items in the list.

这就是我们列表中的内容。 它是一个用AnimatedOpacity包装的Container ,以控制Container的不透明度,然后用AnimatedPadding包装,以控制相对于列表中相邻项目的间距。

The variable isSelected is what we’ll be updating which will then cause the change in values for opacity and padding which will then render our animation.


First let’s just try this widget alone without putting it in the list along with other items to ensure that at least it is animating.


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As we’ll be having a list of items with each item having its own isSelected instance, lets create a model class for the same.


class ItemModel {
bool isSelected;
ItemModel({this.isSelected = false});

We need to create a List of our ItemModel so as to keep track of selection status of each item in the list. So create a new list like below:

我们需要创建ItemModelList ,以便跟踪列表中每个项目的选择状态。 因此,如下创建一个新列表:

List<ItemModel> _items = [];

Let’s write a function to populate some items in the list we just created.


And call this function in initState() so that we have our items ready before the list is to be rendered.


@overridevoid initState() {

And of course the code for rendering the UI will change too as we are now going to display a list of items where each widget is of the type ListItem which we created earlier.


We’ll be using ListView.builder to render our list of items.

我们将使用ListView. builder ListView. builder以显示我们的项目列表。

After tying up all the pieces, the final code should look like below:


Let’s run the code


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And that is it. We’ve created a simple yet elegant animation combining AnimatedPadding and AnimatedOpacity !

就是这样。 我们创建了一个简单而优雅的动画,结合了AnimatedPaddingAnimatedOpacity

Link to repository:


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感谢您阅读我的文章。 如果您喜欢阅读,请确保鼓掌。 跟随我以获取有关Flutter的更多文章。

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翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/animated-padding-animated-opacity-in-flutter-fd3b710d058e

flutter 透明度动画





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