

The principles of design are the most important part of any design process. Without these principles, it would be very difficult for the users to understand the type of message that the designer is trying communicate.

设计原则是任何设计过程中最重要的部分。 如果没有这些原理,用户将很难理解设计者尝试交流的消息类型。

Below are the lists of various design element and principles and how they impact good.




“A line is a shape that connects two or more points of a design”-gcflearnfree.org

“线是连接设计的两个或多个点的形状” -gcflearnfree.org

The line is the most basic of all the design elements. It could be straight (fat or thin), wavy, curvy etc. Lines are known to appear very frequently in design, they can be used to lay emphasis, divide or organize contents or ever guide the viewer’s eyes.

这条线是所有设计元素中最基本的。 它可以是直的(胖或细),波浪形,弯曲等。线条在设计中经常出现,可以用来强调,划分或组织内容,或引导观众的眼睛。



“Shapes are a vital part of communicating ideas visually.”-gcflearnfree.org


Shapes are any two-dimensional area with a recognizable boundary. They are the foundation of so many things in a design. Shapes fall into two categories which are geometric and organic. They can be used in design in organize contents, create simple illustrations or add interest to designs.

形状是具有可识别边界的任何二维区域 它们是设计中许多事物的基础。 形状分为几何和有机两大类。 它们可用于组织内容的设计中,创建简单的插图或增加设计兴趣。



“Form makes realism possible in 2-dimensional design.”-gcflearnfree.org


When a shape becomes 3D, it called Form. Forms can be 3-dimensional and exist in the real world or they can be implied using light, shadows and perspective to create the illusion of depth. Having a good understanding of lighting, shadows and texture can a designer bring an object to realism, but they must be used in moderation.

当形状变为3D时,它称为Form 。 形式可以是3维的,可以存在于现实世界中,也可以通过使用光线,阴影和透视图来暗示它们来创造深度的幻觉。 充分了解照明,阴影和纹理可以使设计师将对象带入现实,但是必须谨慎使用。



“Texture adds depth and tactility in design to other wise flat images”-gcflearnfree.org

“纹理为其他明智的平面图像增加了设计的深度和触感” -gcflearnfree.org

Texture is the physical quality of the surface, it can be 3-dimensional i.e when appear very realistic and touchable. Texture makes the object appear smooth, rough, soft or hard depending on the element to be used. Textures should be used moderately in design so as not to overwhelm the design.

纹理是表面的物理质量,可以是3维的,即看起来非常逼真的和可触摸的。 纹理使对象看起来光滑,粗糙,柔软或坚硬,具体取决于要使用的元素。 在设计中应适当使用纹理,以免使设计不堪重负。



“Balance helps the user to focus on the object that is of high importance in a design.”-gcflearnfree.org


Balance is the equal distribution of visual weight. Balance can be affected by many things including color, size, number and negative-space. The rule of 3rds is created using a 3 by 3 grid system to help the designer create a visual balance between the rest of the space.

平衡是视觉重量的平均分配。 平衡可能受许多因素影响,包括颜色,大小,数量和负空间。 使用3 x 3网格系统创建3rds规则,以帮助设计人员在其余空间之间建立视觉平衡。



“Typography is the style or appearance of text.”-gcflearnfree.org


Typography is the appearance of text or how text are used in a particular design. It is one of the principles of design that makes a design user friendly. When choosing a font in design, less is more. One or two fonts can be used repeatedly in different styles to create good design.

印刷术是文本的外观或在特定设计中如何使用文本。 这是使设计对用户友好的设计原则之一。 在设计中选择字体时,少即是多。 可以重复使用一种或两种字体以不同的样式来创建良好的设计。



“Hierarchy shows the users where to begin or where to look in order of emphasis.”-gcflearnfree.org


Hierarchy is used to guide the reader’s eyes to whatever is most important. Important items in a design are usually larger, bolder or of a different text but should be kept as simple as possible.

层次结构用于引导读者的眼睛最重要的部分。 设计中的重要项目通常较大,较粗或文本不同,但应保持尽可能简单。



“Users are naturally drawn to visually appealing images.”-gcflearnfree.org


High quality images should be used for all types of designs. High quality images are known to be sharp, clear and free of distortions. When choosing images for a design, the designer must avoid images that lack context or are literal in meaning, the images to be used must be related to the context of the design.

高质量的图像应用于所有类型的设计。 众所周知,高质量图像清晰,清晰并且没有失真。 在为设计选择图像时,设计人员必须避免缺少上下文或含义纯真的图像,要使用的图像必须与设计的上下文相关。



“Colors evoke certain mood or emotions in design.”-gcflearnfree.org


Colors bring a design to life. It can be used to create good contrast which makes a design stand out. In order to use colors correctly in design, the designer must understand hue (another word for color), saturation (which refers to intensity) and value (it explains how dark or light a particular color is). The color theory helps us to select the right colors for our design. There are formulas that helps to create the right colors for our design and they include monochromatic formulas, analogous formulas, Complementary colors, split complementary colors, triadic colors and tetradic colors. Colors used for designs should be readable, legible and easy on the eyes.

颜色使设计栩栩如生。 它可用于创建良好的对比度,从而使设计脱颖而出。 为了在设计中正确使用颜色,设计人员必须了解色相(颜色的另一种说法),饱和度(指强度)和值(它说明特定颜色的暗或亮程度)。 颜色理论可帮助我们为设计选择正确的颜色。 有一些公式可以帮助为我们的设计创建正确的颜色,其中包括单色公式,类似公式,互补色,拆分互补色,三色和四色。 用于设计的颜色应可读,易读且在眼睛上容易看清。



“Layout and composition are the foundation of design.”-gcflearnfree.org


Layout and composition gives your design structure and make it easier to navigate. There are 5 basic principles that helps to transform a design and helps to sharpen eyes for design, they are:

布局和构图使您的设计结构更容易导航。 有5条基本原则可帮助您进行设计转换,并有助于使设计见识,它们是:

  1. Proximity: It is all about using visual space to show relationship in your context. It teaches the designer to keep related images, paragraphs and titles visually grouped together

    邻近性 :这是关于使用视觉空间来显示您的上下文中的关系的全部内容。 它教会设计师将视觉上相关的图像,段落和标题分组在一起

  2. Whitespace: It is also referred to as negative space. It is simply the area of a design that do not include any design. It helps to define and separate different sections, it gives the content room to breathe.

    空格 :也称为负空格。 它只是设计领域,不包含任何设计。 它有助于定义和分隔不同的部分,为内容提供了喘息的空间。

  3. Alignment: Alignment allows proper positioning of objects in design.

    对齐 :对齐可在设计中正确定位对象。

  4. Contrast: It allows users to focus on a particular object of importance in design, it helps to catch the reader’s eyes or create emphasis. Some elements such as colors, sizes, shapes, fonts can be used to create contrast in design.

    对比度 :它使用户可以将注意力集中在设计中重要的特定对象上,有助于吸引读者的眼球或增强重点。 颜色,大小,形状,字体等某些元素可用于在设计中产生对比。

  5. Repetition: Certain elements in design such as shapes, fonts, colors should be reused so as to reinforce the design. Consistency in design can help to make the design easy to read and understand.

    重复 :应重新使用设计中的某些元素,例如形状,字体,颜色,以加强设计。 设计的一致性可以帮助使设计易于阅读和理解。

In conclusion, all the principles communicated above are what makes a design friendly and and usable, and understanding these principles is what makes a designer standout.


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-importance-of-design-principles-and-how-they-impact-good-designs-93b58b723918






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