


Catering user preference is undoubtedly a never-ending task. End of the day, it takes all sorts to make a world. For that reason, it is deemed important to design with the accent of communicating core business value, and resolving user needs with brand and functional consistency.

迎合用户喜好无疑是一项永无止境的任务。 一天结束时,需要各种努力才能创造一个世界。 因此,以交流核心业务价值为重并以品牌和功能一致性解决用户需求为重点的设计很重要。

用户界面历险记 (User Interface Adventure)

Screenshot of Revolut website homepage with its motto — ‘A Radically Better Account’.
Official Revolut Website. -Revolut官方网站

Revolut is a virtual banking app that supports payment, currency exchange and fiat money investment.


This redesign was inspired by their motto — Radically Better; aiming to recreate a futuristic yet trustful interface, pop it out from the banking app crowd.

这种重新设计的灵感来自他们的座右铭-Radically Better; 旨在重建一个未来派但值得信赖的界面,将其从银行应用程序人群中弹出。

Note to self: If you are struggling to look for a particular UI style for your redesign, consider how you want to deliver user experience and keep in mind that consistency is all the more important.


Despite the controversy over its visual contrast and practicality, I adopted Neumorphism — A trending design that gives clean and minimalistic look. By immersing Neumorphism elements in the app instead of replacing the entire interface design, this spices up the overall look with a relatively modernised and uniform sensation.

尽管在视觉对比度和实用性方面存在争议,但我还是采用了Neumorphism (一种新潮的设计,可以提供简洁简洁的外观)。 通过将Neumorphism元素浸入应用程序中,而不是替换整个界面设计,这将使整体外观具有相对现代化和统一的感觉。

User Interface (UI) Redesign Focus:


  • Reuse branding elements

  • Consolidate button action and usage

  • Unify theme colour

Colour palette of the redesign project. #Revolut_Blue & #Revolut_Card_Gradient.
#Revolut _Blue and #Revolut_Card_Gradient
#Revolut _Blue和#Revolut_Card_Gradient

革命的背后 (Behind The Revolut-ion)

1.简化就是更多 (1. Simplify is More)

Trim down duplicated functions. Gathering things at the right place could sparkle joy and satisfaction to your app experience. The redesign on Accounts Screen focuses on creating a fresh interface for users to navigate through their transaction records and investment accounts. Elements are sorted into money, accounts and transactions related actions.

修剪重复的功能。 在正确的地方聚集事物可能会激发您的应用程序体验的喜悦和满足感。 帐户屏幕上的重新设计侧重于为用户创建一个全新的界面,以浏览其交易记录和投资帐户。 元素被分类为与金钱,账户和交易相关的动作。

Animated prototype of home screen redesign with a carousel time line of transactions.

A.与金钱有关 (A. Money-Related)

Combined ‘add new money’ and ‘currency exchange’ into the same ‘Top up button’.


B.帐户相关 (B. Accounts-Related)

Placed a bold flag icon that emphasises the selected currency account; tap to show account details.

放置一个强调所选货币帐户的粗体标记图标; 点击以显示帐户详细信息。

C.交易相关 (C. Transactions-Related)

Transaction timeline carousel gives a quick glance on user’s transaction records.


Another highlighted change is the simplification down to 4 tab bar items. ‘Manage Card Tab’ has been integrated under ‘Dashboard Tab’ for users to locate Revolut card-related information all in one place.

另一个突出的更改是简化到4个选项卡栏项目。 “管理卡选项卡”已集成在“仪表板选项卡”下 ,用户可以在一处找到与Revolut卡相关的信息。

2.没有空白支票 (2. No Blank Cheque)

Control users’ expectations. In other words, give users what you promise. There are certain key elements that determine whether a Dashboard serves its purpose. Taking references from Josh Johnson 5 Steps to Effective Dashboard Design, the goal here is to tailor Dashboard Tab to be more dashboard-y; keep it handy, concise yet interactive.

控制用户的期望。 换句话说,给用户您的承诺。 有某些关键要素可确定仪表板是否达到其目的。 参考Josh Johnson的参考- 有效仪表板设计的5个步骤 ,此处的目标是定制“仪表板选项卡”以使其更加仪表板化。 保持方便,简洁,互动。

Reuse branding elements plays an important role in cultivating brand image and educating users on the relationship between specific graphics and actions.


Animated prototype of a profile screen redesign. Scrolling card view of currency accounts and vaults with progress bar design

For a more personalised experience, decision has been made on consolidating Dashboard screen into two distinctive parts.


A. Top profile section with buttons connecting to sub-informative layers


B. Interactive elements remain in the the natural thumb zone.


Main incremental change is the implementation of progress ring; representing the vaults-saving progress. It’s not only an eye-catching trick but an enticing visual that motivates users as reflected in the user feedback.

主要的增量更改是进度环的执行; 代表节省金库的进度。 这不仅是引人注目的技巧,而且是吸引用户的诱人视觉效果,反映在用户反馈中。

3.热线金光闪闪 (3. Hotline Bling)

Customer support is particularly essential to banking-related/ money management applications. Improving customer support interface is amongst the most crucial and popular request as it would heavily affect company’s reliability and credibility.

客户支持对于与银行相关的/资金管理应用程序尤其重要。 改善客户支持界面是最关键和最受欢迎的请求之一,因为这将严重影响公司的可靠性和信誉。

A presentable and friendly FAQs screen reflect a next level of assistance. Instead of bombarding users with overwhelming FAQs sections, How to Create FAQ by Kesi Parker and Design an Effective FAQ page or section with Project faq-beta by PWA Fire by Maye Edwin have shown some critical insights on how to gather and rank information from the users’ perspective.

美观且友好的FAQs屏幕反映了下一级的帮助。 与其使用繁琐的常见问题解答部分轰炸用户,不如通过以下方法创建常见问题解答 凯西·帕克 Maye Edwin撰写 的PWA FireProject faq-beta和“ 设计有效的FAQ”页面或部分显示了一些关于如何从用户角度收集和排序信息的重要见解。

Comparison of old and redesign FAQ screens. (Animated)
Original FAQs Design (Left) VS. Redesign (Right)
原始常见问题解答设计(左)VS。 重新设计(右)

Here, you might notice a hybrid use of Android Floating Action Button in the bottom right of the screen. Main difference between Android and iOS guideline on navigation design is the spread of navigation destinations and the position of primary action button.


The application of interface elements hence appear to be a practice depending on the screen context and how you want to catch user’s attention.


In this regard, placing a big floating button in the bottom corner adds stimulus to users, which could highlight extended actions in a more effective manner without requiring loads of scrolling on the main information panel.


4.不要隐藏你的宝石 (4. Don’t Hide Your Gem)

Why would you put the cool design aside anyways? Show users the unique feature — Additional values. Avoid layering up, more navigations would potentially fuel up confusions, resulting in less engagement 🔥.

你为什么还要把酷的设计放在一边呢? 向用户显示独特功能-附加值。 避免分层,更多的导航可能会加剧混乱,从而降低参与度🔥。

Animated prototype of payment screen. Function: Detect nearby payee.

Use Payments Tab as an instance— The development of searching nearby payee eases payment transfer between users and boosts connections.


This feature differentiates the app from the rivals, which has more than other reasons to make it the lead instead of sitting inside layers.


On top of that, sometimes being unconventional isn’t a bad idea. It might seem abnormal to include a switch button of this size that actually looks like a switch. However, creative use of interface elements with some degree of customisation often brings surprising effects!

最重要的是,有时候非常规并不是一个坏主意。 包括实际上看起来像开关的这种大小的开关按钮似乎是不正常的。 但是,创造性地使用界面元素并进行一定程度的自定义通常会带来令人惊讶的效果!

Now you might ask, why mixing Android and iOS elements? This is uncommon and definitely not a good practice. Before justifying that, I have another question for you.

现在您可能会问,为什么要混合使用Android和iOS元素? 这是罕见的,绝对不是一个好习惯。 在证明这一点之前,我还有另一个问题要问您。

传统或混合动力汽车的性能更好吗? (Is Traditional or Hybrid Car Performing Better?)

Depends, but driver’s safety always comes first. Similar concept applies when you’re designing with iOS and Android devices, being human-centric is the key. Apple and Google have both developed their native dialect suggesting the best practice for their believers — Human Interface Guideline (iOS) and Material Design Language (Android). They did the best analytics based on their user behaviour research, one should not simply ignore them.

取决于,但驾驶员的安全始终是第一位的。 在使用iOS和Android设备进行设计时,也适用类似的概念, 以人为本 是关键 。 苹果和谷歌都开发了他们的母语,为信徒们建议了最佳实践-人机界面指南(iOS)和材料设计语言(Android)。 他们根据用户行为研究做出了最好的分析,不应简单地忽略它们。

Not limited to designers, in general, we could divide people into two main clique. One that sticks strictly with native guideline, whereas the other feels no harm to be little unconventional. Both acts have their respective advantages and yet — There is no strict rule on following native guideline.

不限于设计师,通常,我们可以将人们分为两个主要派系。 一个严格遵循本地准则,而另一个则毫不逊色于常规。 两种行为都有其各自的优势,但是- 遵循本机指南没有严格的规定。

Building an app is like doing face makeup, and native guideline is our makeup foundation.


This metaphor might sound a little feminine but your makeup depends on how well the foundation has been applied prior to other embellishment. In other words, designing with native elements is the basis; following native guideline is a prerequisite. After that, you could put on your creativity and give the app some extra glitters.

这个比喻听起来有些女性化,但您的妆容取决于在进行其他修饰之前,粉底的应用情况。 换句话说,使用本地元素进行设计是基础。 遵循本机指南是先决条件。 之后,您可以发挥自己的创造力,并为该应用程序增添一些亮点。

One might say, being native is boring; looks no difference with the rest on App Store. Truth is, being native gives higher familiarity to users. Anyhow, users spend more time on other apps than when they are new to yours.

也许有人会说,当地人很无聊。 与App Store上的其他产品看起来没有什么区别。 事实是,本地化可以使用户更加熟悉。 无论如何,用户在其他应用程序上花费的时间要多于您不熟悉的时间。

What I’m saying is, design based on native guideline and explore alternatives to customise app experience. Not to forget the main focus of app design is to deliver great palm-size digital experience for users.

我的意思是,基于本机指南进行设计,并探索可定制应用程序体验的替代方法。 不要忘记,应用程序设计的主要重点是为用户提供出色的掌上数字体验。

人性化设计是全新的,永恒的黑色。 (Design Humanly is the New and Forever Black.)

Rethinking from users’ standpoint offers more perspectives, which somehow requires designer to be innovative and groundbreaking. Disclaimer — I’m not suggesting a casual mix of Android and iOS elements. Best practice is to design upon the given context, style, UI pattern and call for actions; make sure you understand the usage of respective interface elements.

从用户的角度重新思考提供了更多的观点,这在某种程度上要求设计师具有创新性和突破性。 免责声明-我并不是建议随意混合使用Android和iOS元素。 最佳实践是根据给定的上下文,样式,UI模式和行动呼吁进行设计; 确保您了解各个界面元素的用法。

The benefits of rethinking ourselves from the users’ perspective is to bring stimulation and awareness on what could possibly offer greater pleasure and relieve users’ pains. In many instances, we tend to subconsciously lock ourselves in the idea-killing box when we repeatedly design for the same device over time. Being little unconventional is then often being labelled as incorrect or unwise use of design, given that it is not native enough.

从用户的角度重新思考自己的好处是使人们对可能带来更大乐趣并减轻用户痛苦的事物产生了刺激和认识。 在许多情况下,随着时间的流逝,我们反复为同一个设备进行设计时,我们往往会下意识地将自己锁定在杀戮框中 鉴于它本身不是足够的,那么经常将一些非常规的标记为对设计的不正确或不明智的使用。

However, as long as you could justify the rationale behind the exercise of elements and support the design with interview insights and user testing performance analysis, why not give it a go?


“It is important to remind ourselves to think original when we start to lose ourselves.”


I have learnt one thing about app design. It is an ongoing process of resolving problems with regards to data analytics, reviews and feedbacks. Gives you all the benefits of doubt to stimulate ideation and explore beyond impossibilities. Design is about constantly evolving and embracing the change.

我已经了解了有关应用程序设计的一件事。 这是一个解决数据分析,审查和反馈方面问题的持续过程。 为您带来疑问的所有好处,以激发想法并探索不可能的事。 设计是关于不断发展和拥抱变化。

Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think!


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/design-humanly-is-the-forgotten-black-da967963f5fe






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