tcp 接收端优雅的写法_如何更优雅地接收设计反馈

tcp 接收端优雅的写法

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It’s rare to meet a designer that doesn’t take pride in their work. After all, we are creatives and it’s what we love to do. Although design is teachable, there is a bit of natural skill and talent that comes into play, making it easy to take feedback personally.

很少见到对自己的工作不感到骄傲的设计师。 毕竟,我们是创新者,这是我们喜欢做的事情。 尽管设计是可以教授的,但还是会发挥一些天生的技巧和才能,从而使个人反馈变得容易。

Outside of design principles and heuristics, much of design can be considered subjective, making it easy for people of any background and skill level to weigh in on design decisions and make suggestions.


But there is one thing I always try to remember when it comes to design critiques, and really any part of being critiqued. It’s part of life, and it’s the only way to improve.

但是,当涉及到设计评论时,我总是会尝试记住一件事,而且实际上是被批评的任何部分。 这是生活的一部分,也是改善的唯一途径。

“Constantly seek criticism. A well thought out critique of what you’re doing is as valuable as gold.”

“不断寻求批评。 经过深思熟虑的批评对您的所作所为与黄金一样宝贵。”

— Elon Musk

—伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)

If no one had the courage to tell you where you went wrong, you would continue on in life assuming everything you did was correct, only to find that you are getting nowhere.


It’s the same in our design careers. Think about the last time someone critiqued your design and maybe gave you feedback that either you didn’t agree with or maybe it seemed a little bit harsh.

在我们的设计生涯中是一样的。 想想最后一次有人批评您的设计,并可能给您反馈您不同意或者看起来有点苛刻的反馈。

In the end, were you able to bring the design to a higher level of polish due to their feedback? What would have happened if they had said nothing? Feedback is a positive thing, and although not easy, we need to start thinking of it that way as designers.

最后,由于他们的反馈,您是否能够将设计提高到更高的水平? 如果他们什么也没说,会发生什么? 反馈是一件积极的事情,尽管不容易,但我们需要以设计师的方式开始思考它。

Welcoming design critiques can honestly be one of the hardest parts about being a designer and it’s something even I struggle with to this day.


But there are ways you can practice more confidently accepting design feedback, both internally (don’t be so hard on yourself) and externally towards your clients, colleagues, and stakeholders.


So here are some tips that have personally helped me to more gracefully receive design feedback.


经常及早寻求反馈 (Ask for feedback early and often)

Two heads are better than one. I don’t care who you are, how long you’ve been a designer or the big names you may have designed for, everyone needs a second set of eyes on their work.

三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。 我不在乎您是谁,您担任设计师已经有多长时间或可能为谁设计的知名人士, 每个人都需要重新审视自己的工作。

Get in the habit of asking colleagues and stakeholders for feedback before you get too far in the design. Once you get too far in the design process, it’s easy to get attached to your design and idea.

在设计之前,先养成要求同事和利益相关者反馈的习惯。 一旦您在设计过程中走得太远,就很容易迷上您的设计和想法。

The sooner you ask for feedback, the more likely you are to accept that feedback well and apply it to your design because asking early and often will decrease the number of changes you need to make all at once.


The more you ask for feedback, the easier it becomes to accept it and welcome it into your design process.


要求被推出您的舒适区 (Ask to be pushed out of your comfort zone)

You would think you’d have to be crazy to specifically ask to be pushed out of your comfort zone, but I’m telling you it’s extremely helpful in the long run.


Ask your manager to consistently push you to share your work. My first boss always threw me out of my comfort zone at the last minute, and at the time it was somewhat challenging, but I would be so proud of myself after each time I presented my work or overcame a situation that I was nervous about.

要求您的经理不断推动您分享您的工作。 我的第一任老板总是在最后一刻把我赶出自己的舒适区,这在当时颇具挑战性,但是每次我提出自己的工作或克服我担心的情况后,我都会为自己感到骄傲。

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”


— John Assaraf

—约翰·阿萨拉夫(John Assaraf)

Practice may not make perfect in this situation but it sure does make things a lot easier.


Getting into the habit of presenting your work, even when you aren’t necessarily ready to, is an important part of normalizing your acceptance to feedback.


将您的同事视为您的客户 (View your colleagues as your clients)

Start viewing your colleagues as your clients (not users). If you view your colleagues as clients, you are more likely to truly listen to what it is they have to say about your design and respond in a more professional way.

开始将您的同事视为您的客户(而非用户)。 如果您将同事视为客户,则您更有可能真正听取他们对您的设计所说的话,并以更专业的方式做出回应。

After all, when you work as a designer that’s part of a team, it is important that you consider all ideas, and then, as the expert, make an informed decision.


In my full-time job, there are a lot of internal and external stakeholders when it comes to design. Not only do we have our managers and clients, but we also have salespeople who have expectations as to what they are trying to pitch to those clients.

在我的全职工作中,在设计方面有很多内部和外部利益相关者。 我们不仅拥有我们的经理和客户,而且还有一些销售人员,他们对他们向这些客户宣传的产品抱有期望。

It’s important to listen to any and all feedback from all sides because everyone wears a different hat when it comes to developing the perfect solution for the client, customer, or user.


As a UX designer, you are the expert when it comes to the user, their needs, and UX best practices, but it doesn’t mean you know everything or that you’ve thought of every idea possible.


首先显示您的数据 (Present your data first)

When you are preparing to present your work, always present your work with data prior to sharing the designs if possible. Data is hard to argue with, so if you are feeling challenged to make a change that goes against the research you did, showing data upfront can help you to avoid these types of situations.

当您准备展示您的作品时,请尽可能在共享设计之前向您的作品展示数据。 数据很难争论,因此,如果您面临着做出与您所做的研究相悖的更改的挑战,那么提前显示数据可以帮助您避免此类情况。

This is one of the main points I wanted to get across in writing this, and if there is only one thing you take from this article please let it be this:


There is a huge difference between defending your design and being defensive. Always be sure it’s the former.

捍卫您的设计与防御之间存在巨大差异。 始终确保它是前者。

When I first transitioned to UX from being a graphic designer my eyes were opened to a whole new world. A world where design is less subjective because not only are there best practices in UX, but data-backed design decisions.

当我第一次从平面设计师过渡到UX时,我的眼睛打开了一个全新的世界。 在设计主观性较弱的世界中,不仅有UX中的最佳实践,而且有数据支持的设计决策。

Presenting an idea that follows after data is really hard to argue with. From there, if you continue to get negative feedback on your designs, you can always user test to validate that feedback as well. That’s the beauty of User Experience.

很难在数据之后提出一个想法。 从那里开始,如果您继续收到有关设计的负面反馈,则始终可以通过用户测试来验证该反馈。 那就是用户体验的美。

弄清反馈背后的原因 (Clarify the why behind the feedback)

Clarify the why around the feedback you get. It becomes so easy to take criticism of our work personally when someone simply says something like “It doesn’t flow well” or “The image doesn’t feel right.”

弄清您得到反馈的原因。 当有人简单地说“它流动不佳”或“图像感觉不正确”之类的东西时,亲自批评我们的工作变得如此容易。

It’s really important to try and uncover the why in this type of feedback because then you can really determine where you went wrong, how to fix it, and how to avoid that type of mistake in the future.


Doing this also ensures that your colleagues are actually giving you constructive feedback, rather than just being picky, or only saying something to feel like they contributed.


Sometimes it’s intuition, but usually if after some thought a person can’t explain why they gave you the feedback they did, it may not need to be one of the pieces of feedback you prioritize.


不要带任何私人物品 (Don’t take anything personally)

Do not take feedback personally, the only way you can possibly improve is to let people show you where you lack. This is the case in anything you do. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the honest truth.

不要亲自收集反馈,您唯一可以改进的方法就是让人们向您展示您的不足。 您所做的任何事情都是如此。 这是一剂难以下咽的药,但这是诚实的事实。

Your first idea is rarely ever your best idea, your first wireframe sketch may not be the best solution. It’s called a design process for a reason and no one expects you to be perfect.

您的第一个想法很少是您的最佳想法,您的第一个线框草图可能不是最佳解决方案。 它被称为设计过程是有原因的,没有人期望您是完美的。

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.”

“创造力让自己犯错。 设计人员知道要保留哪些。”

— Scott Adams


If you think of it this way, it becomes easier to accept feedback and criticism, because you have the attitude that you know it’s only going to help you advance in your career and give your users a better product.


There will never be a time in your career that you will stop being critiqued or corrected, so it’s really something that you need to be okay with and invite into your daily routine.


The more you suffer from feedback the less likely you are to use it to make your skills and designs better.


No one expects designers to know everything and always be right, a truly great designer is a working member of the team that leverages feedback, ideas, research, and best practices to create amazing experiences.


Mallory Kim is a Senior UX Designer, UX Mentor, and a Top Writer in Design on Medium. Mallory is on Facebook and Instagram and would love to connect or chat!

Mallory Kim是一位高级 UX设计师UX导师以及“中等”设计方面顶级作家 。 Mallory在FacebookInstagram上,并且希望联系或聊天!

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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Being designers from an underestimated group, BABD members know what it feels like to be “the only one” on their design teams. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 作为来自一个被低估的团队的设计师,BABD的成员知道成为设计团队中“唯一的一个”的感觉。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。


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