facebook 面试_如何为您的Facebook产品设计面试做准备

facebook 面试

重点 (Top highlight)

Last month, I joined Facebook to work on Instagram DMs and as a way to pay it forward, I

上个月,我加入了Facebook,从事Instagram DM的工作,作为一种支付方式,我

offered to help anyone with their job search. My inbox was flooded very quickly and not surprisingly, the majority of messages inquired about how to actually land a product design job at Facebook. 提供帮助任何人寻找工作的机会。 我的收件箱很快就被淹没了,这并不奇怪,大多数消息都询问如何在Facebook上实际进行产品设计工作。

Rather than tackle that question one-on-one, I decided to break down the strategy I took to preparing for my interviews.


And given how industry-standard Facebook’s interview process is, I used the same strategy for numerous other companies and you certainly can as well.


Facebook’s product design interview is largely made up of 4 parts:


  • Portfolio Review


  • App Critique


  • Whiteboard Exercise


  • Background Interview


These interviews will be spread throughout the overall process, with some repeated twice with different interviewers.


投资组合审查 (Portfolio Review)

Also known as the “Past Work” interview within Facebook, you will be asked to go over 2–3 projects in detail.


Five people in a meeting looking at a presentation

准备幻灯片 (Prepare a slide deck)

The most obvious but needs to be said: do not simply walk through your online portfolio as it is not an effective medium for verbal storytelling.

最明显但需要说的是: 不要简单地浏览您的在线作品集,因为它不是口头叙事的有效媒介。

In fact, your online portfolio and slide deck service very different needs and therefore should have very different structures. So dedicate the time to translate your work into a proper presentation.

实际上,您的在线产品组合和滑盖服务的需求截然不同,因此其结构也应截然不同。 因此,请花时间将您的作品翻译成适当的演示文稿。

完善您的叙述 (Perfect your narrative)

Your interviewers are not obligated to stay interested for the entire 30–45 minutes of your presentation. Maintain their attention by creating an engaging narrative.

您的面试官没有义务对您演示文稿的整个30-45分钟保持兴趣。 通过创建引人入胜的故事来保持他们的注意力。

  • Put your final designs first. Pull your audience in with an attractive final product and make them eager to trace the steps back with you.

    将最终设计放在第一位。 用吸引人的最终产品吸引观众,使他们渴望与您一起追溯历史。

  • Put your final metrics first. If your project met its success metrics, couple it with the final product slide mentioned above. Even if it didn’t ship, the fact that you’re presenting this work should mean there was a meaningful outcome, such as improvements in usability metrics.

    将最终指标放在第一位。 如果您的项目达到了成功指标,则将其与上述最终产品幻灯片一起使用。 即使没有交付,您正在介绍这项工作的事实也应该意味着会有有意义的结果,例如可用性指标的改进。

  • Be selective about showing process. Not every detail is worth mentioning, particularly those that demonstrate the minimum requirement of a designer’s job (ie brainstorming sessions, stakeholder management, early sketches). Instead, fixate on the turning points and key decisions made.

    对显示过程有选择性。 并非每个细节都值得一提,特别是那些说明设计师工作最低要求的细节(例如,集思广益会议,利益相关者管理,早期草图)。 相反,要注意转折点和做出的关键决定。

编写脚本 (Write a script)

Minimize friction for yourself by finding the right words to describe complex and ambiguous concepts beforehand.


Compose the exact words within the presenter notes for every single slide and check the following:


  • Use colloquial words. You don’t talk like an SAT essay in real life so leave out your “aforementioned”s and “indubitably”s.

    用口语的话。 您在现实生活中不会像SAT论文那样说话,因此请忽略您的“上述”和“不可置疑”的内容。

  • Highlight the point of each slide. Make sure you’re originating from a single focus and constructing details around that focus. You may find that you need to break up some slides because you have too many points of focus or that you need to delete a slide because it has none.

    突出显示每张幻灯片的要点。 确保您来自单一焦点,并围绕该焦点构造细节。 您可能会发现由于焦点过多而需要分解一些幻灯片,或者因为没有幻灯片而需要删除它们。

  • Practice your script. Record it, time it, listen for ebbs and flows, and hone it. Then rehearse it with friends and ask them direct questions like “Where did I lose you the most?”.

    练习脚本。 记录下来,计时,聆听潮起潮落并进行磨练。 然后与朋友一起排练,并问他们直接的问题,例如“我在哪里最失去了您?”。

  • Finally, don’t actually read off the script. If you’ve carefully crafted and practiced your script, you don’t need to read off of it during the interview. In fact, you shouldn’t because you ultimately need to be engaged with your audience and be prepared to answer intermittent questions. But you will find that when you arrive at each slide, the words will flow through you easier as you’ve already chosen them ahead of time.

    最后,不要真正阅读脚本。 如果您精心制作和练习了脚本,则在面试过程中无需阅读该脚本。 实际上,您不应该这样做,因为您最终需要与听众互动,并准备回答间歇性问题。 但是您会发现,当您到达每张幻灯片时,这些单词将更容易流过您,因为您已经提前选择了它们。

应用批判 (App Critique)

Facebook notably requests its candidates to critique a mobile app, although this same exercise at other companies can easily extend to desktop apps, service designs, and more.


Two girls sharing and pointing at their phones

选择框架 (Choose a framework)

A successful app critique will need to be thorough and touch on nearly every facet of design. You will have a lot to cover and it can be difficult to remember which you’ve hit.

一个成功的应用程序评论将需要透彻并且涉及到设计的几乎每个方面。 您将需要涉及很多内容,可能很难记住自己被击中了哪个。

Nail down a framework that you feel comfortable with. You can choose one that you find or build your own, as long as it allows you to:

完善您熟悉的框架。 您可以选择自己找到的一个或构建自己的,只要它允许您:

  • Highlight both good and bad designs. And for the bad portions, always suggest solutions or improvements.

    突出设计的好坏 。 对于不良部分,请始终提出解决方案或改进措施。

  • Consider all design perspectives: product strategy, content strategy, visual, interaction, motion, branding.


  • Demonstrate both high- and lower-level thinking. From company objectives to typography choices.

    展示高层次和低层次的思维。 从公司目标到版式选择。

缩小一些应用程序的练习范围 (Narrow down a few apps to practice)

You will want to practice and warm up your critical thinking muscles before your interview. But of all the apps that exist, use your time wisely by focusing on those that are most likely to be selected by your interviewer.

在面试之前,您将需要练习并锻炼您的批判性思维肌肉。 但是在所有现有的应用程序中,请专注于最有可能由面试官选择的应用程序,以明智地利用您的时间。

  • To dogfood or not. Facebook and most larger companies will avoid asking you to critique apps that they made or own. Smaller companies, however, may intentionally choose their own product.

    要不要吃狗粮。 Facebook和大多数大型公司会避免要求您对自己制造或拥有的应用程序进行评论。 但是,较小的公司可能会故意选择自己的产品。

  • Target apps with a broad audience. This app should already be installed on both you and your interviewer’s phones. Apps like Wag and VSCO would be too specific of a niche to be selected.

    定位具有广泛受众的应用程序。 您和您的面试官的电话均应已安装此应用程序。 像Wag和VSCO这样的应用程序对于特定的利基市场来说太具体了,无法选择。

  • Avoid apps with paywalls. In the same vein as above, both you and your interviewer will need access to the interface. If a significant part of the app requires a transaction to be unlocked, like Hulu, it probably won’t be picked.

    避免使用带有付费墙的应用。 按照与上述相同的方式,您和您的访问员都需要访问该界面。 如果应用程序的重要部分要求像Hulu这样的交易需要解锁,则可能不会被选中。

  • Avoid apps with sensitive data. It’s unlikely anything with your private, sensitive data will be selected, such as Venmo or banking apps.

    避免使用敏感数据的应用。 选择您的私人敏感数据的可能性不大,例如Venmo或银行应用程序。

  • Choose apps with high complexity. Your critique is expected to last 45 minutes and in order to fill that space, your app should involve complex user flows. The default iOS Note app, for instance, is an unlikely choice.

    选择具有高度复杂性的应用程序。 预计您的评论将持续45分钟,为了填补这一空白,您的应用应包含复杂的用户流。 例如,默认的iOS Note应用程序是不太可能的选择。

白板练习 (Whiteboard Exercise)

Also known as the “Problem-Solving” interview at Facebook, you will be given an open-ended prompt and deliver a wireframe solution.


Two women standing at white board in conference room

画出你的框架 (Draw your framework)

An unexpectedly difficult part of this interview is time management. In the same vein as your app critique, choose a framework beforehand and time-box each major section as these discussions can meander.

这次面试的一个意想不到的困难部分是时间管理。 按照与您的应用程序评论相同的方式,请事先选择一个框架,并在每个主要部分中按时标出这些讨论可能会引起的结果。

Practice spending the first minute dividing up parts of the board. Allocate larger amounts of space for longer sections so that you will implicitly follow your agenda.

练习在第一分钟里花时间分割董事会的各个部分 。 为较长的部分分配更多的空间,这样您就可以隐式地遵循自己的议程。

Division of space on a whiteboard
Source) 来源 )

训练您的协作技能 (Train your collaboration skills)

You are expected to work with your interviewer as a peer and you should leverage them to make decisions collectively and quickly. However, avoid asking lazy questions such as “What do you think we should build?”.

您应该与面试官作为同龄人一起工作,您应该利用他们来集体快速地做出决定。 但是,请避免提出诸如“您认为我们应该构建什么?”之类的懒惰问题。

As you run through exercise problems, hone your collaboration skills. Even if you’re practicing alone, pace yourself and pose mindful questions throughout.

解决运动问题时 ,请磨练您的协作技巧。 即使您是一个人练习,也要调整自己的步调,并在整个过程中提出正念的问题。

  • Clarify the prompt: “By urban communities, is it scoped to only those within the US?”

    明确提示: “在城市社区中,它仅适用于美国境内的人群吗?”

  • Validate assumptions: “Can I assume we have enough engineering bandwidth to build any of our ideas?”

    验证假设: “我可以假设我们有足够的工程带宽来构建我们的任何想法吗?”

  • Gauge preference between a few options: “Between these two target audiences, which would you prefer we focus on?”

    可以在几个选项之间进行选择: “在这两个目标受众之间,您希望我们重点关注哪个?”

  • Stay in sync: “Before I move on, is there anything you’re not sure about?”

    保持同步: “在我继续之前,您不确定什么吗?”

背景采访 (Background Interview)

Lastly, we have the ubiquitous behavioral interview, where a design manager will gauge your soft skills.


Smiling woman sitting in meeting

对共同主题的自我反思 (Self-reflect on common topics)

Although you shouldn’t be preparing cookie-cutter answers, run through some of the most common questions and raise your self-awareness on topics you may not have internalized yet.


  • Past work: What could you have done better? Where would you take it next? When was a time your design failed or pivoted?

    过去的工作:您能做得更好吗? 接下来你要去哪里? 您的设计什么时候失败或受到关注的?

  • Collaboration skills: How do you handle conflict? How did you pull in user researchers or content strategists? How did you ensure your work was properly implemented by engineers?

    协作技巧:您如何处理冲突? 您是如何吸引用户研究人员或内容策略师的? 您如何确保工程师正确执行您的工作?

  • Process: How do you know when a design is good enough? How do you prioritize between big bets and incremental adjustments? How would you approach a very tight deadline?

    流程:您如何知道设计何时足够好? 您如何在大笔赌注和增量调整之间确定优先级? 您将如何处理非常紧迫的期限?

  • Career values: What are your short- and long-term goals? What are your areas for improvement? What type of manager do you thrive under? Why are you leaving your current company?

    职业价值观:您的短期和长期目标是什么? 您有哪些需要改进的地方? 您在哪种类型的管理人员中壮成长? 你为什么要离开现在的公司?

准备自己的问题 (Prepare your own questions)

As the most conversational part of the overall interview process, this is a great chance to pose your own questions to a manager. List some things you would genuinely like to learn about so that you can make the most of this time.

作为整个面试过程中最常进行对话的部分,这是向经理提出您自己的问题的绝好机会。 列出一些您真正想学习的东西,以便您可以充分利用这次机会。

  • Role expectations: How will you measure success for this role? Will this position be expected to lead user research or code? What are the first projects this role will take on?

    角色期望:您将如何衡量该角色的成功? 该职位是否有望领导用户研究或编写代码? 这个角色将要从事的第一个项目是什么?

  • Growth: What do the IC and management tracks look like? How and when are performance reviews done? How open is the company to internal transfers?

    成长: IC和管理层的情况如何? 如何以及何时进行绩效评估? 公司对内部转移有多开放?

  • Leadership: How would you describe your management style? How do projects and objectives form at the company? How does design have a seat at the table?

    领导:您如何形容您的管理风格? 公司的项目和目标如何形成? 设计如何在桌子上坐下?

  • Culture fit: How is the work-life balance? How do work culture and processes differ between different teams and offices?

    文化适应:工作与生活的平衡如何? 不同团队和办公室之间的工作文化和流程有何不同?

最终建议 (Final advice)

Set yourself up for success and do whatever it takes to feel confident about your interviews.


  • Work with your recruiter. Feel free to ask for more information on your upcoming interview and set realistic dates to accommodate the time you need to practice.

    与您的招聘人员合作。 随时要求您提供有关您即将面试的更多信息,并设定实际日期以适应您需要练习的时间。

  • Interview the company. Although you’re being interviewed, there also has to be a fit for you. As you progress through, assess and be transparent about whether the company aligns with your career trajectory.

    面试公司。 尽管您正在接受采访,但也必须适合您。 随着您的前进,评估并透明地了解公司是否符合您的职业发展轨迹。

  • Chat with insiders. Leverage your professional network and reach out to anyone who has or is currently working there. Ask the questions you might not ask your interviewer and get the full picture.

    与内部人员聊天。 利用您的专业网络并与拥有或目前在此工作的任何人联系。 提出一些您可能不会问面试官的问题,并获得全面了解。

Regardless of the company you’re interviewing with, the effort that you’ll put into preparing and practicing will be valuable across the board. Your work will be transferrable and you will only become more comfortable with an initially uncomfortable situation.

无论您要面试的公司是哪家,您在准备和实践方面付出的努力都是有价值的。 您的工作将是可转移的,并且您只会在最初不舒服的情况下变得更加舒适。

Best of luck on your upcoming journey. You’re going to do great.

祝您下次旅途顺利。 你会做的很棒。

Disclaimer: It goes without saying that I don’t represent Facebook or their recruitment process. Everything I say is a compilation of my own experiences and opinions.

免责声明:不用说我不代表Facebook或他们的招聘过程。 我所说的都是我自己的经验和观点的总结。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-prepare-for-your-facebook-product-design-interview-f80ab9e8f6fb

facebook 面试





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