

重点 (Top highlight)

介绍 (Intro)

I was recently tasked to redesign the results of the following filters:


  1. Filtered results for users (creatives)

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2. Filtered results for projects


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These certainly looked like cards to me (as opposed to list items), but before declaring that this was the best path forward I decided to do a little research.

对于我来说,这些当然看起来像是卡片 (而不是列表项),但是在宣布这是前进的最佳途径之前,我决定进行一些研究。

研究 (Research)

Turns out the most documentation will say that lists, not cards, are the best way to show searched/filtered results.

事实证明, 大多数文档会说列表(而不是卡片)是显示搜索/过滤结果的最佳方法。

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View Profile and 查看个人资料”和“ Follow). Source: Strava 关注” )。 资料来源:Strava

But the more digging I did the more I saw how cards and lists were becoming one of the same, and can both be used when displaying results on a page.

但是我做得越深入,我越能看到卡片列表如何成为同一个卡片 ,并且在页面上显示结果时都可以使用。

进化 (The evolution)

Cards became mainstream when Pinterest started leveraging them in a collage-like format.


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Pinterest’s current card design showing results of cards. It’s ununiformed layout embraces browsing more than reviewing searched/filtered results.
Pinterest当前的卡片设计显示了卡片的结果。 它的布局不统一,浏览起来比查看搜索/过滤的结果还要多。

As its skeuomorphic name indicates, these containers initially had the dimensions and depth of playing cards. In fact, in 2016 the Nielson Norman Group defined cards as:

顾名思义,这些容器最初具有纸牌的尺寸和深度。 实际上,尼尔森·诺曼集团(Nielson Norman Group)在2016年将卡片定义为:

A UI design pattern that groups related information in a flexible-size container visually resembling a playing card.


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Nielson Norman Group’s example of a card, circa 2016.
Nielson Norman Group的信用卡示例,大约在2016年。

Yet, the cards quickly transformed into new, non-card shapes.


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this interesting article. Source: goal.com. 这个有趣的文章的例子。 资料来源:goal.com。

While others lost their shadow:


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Recommended connections in the form of “cards”. Source: LinkedIn.
推荐的连接形式为“卡”。 资料来源:LinkedIn。

And then came border-less cards


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No border around the card’s image and it’s text. Source: Spotify.
卡的图像和文本周围没有边框。 资料来源:Spotify。

As time went on people did not need the card analogy to understand what cards were and how to interact with them


So at this point, what are the differences of cards and lists? Well, as alluded to previously, cards have been known for “browsing” since they have usually contained photos, while lists are text-heavy and are great for “searching”. Let’s take Medium as an example:

那么,此时, 卡片列表有什么区别? 那么,作为前面提到的, 已经知道了“浏览”,因为他们通常包含照片,而列表是文字为主的和是伟大的“搜索”。 让我们以Medium为例:

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A list item at the top and a card at the bottom.

In the mobile app, users can scroll through Your Daily Read and are first presented with list items. As they continue to scroll (and you can argue are now in a browsing mentality) they are presented with cards. If a user does a manual search they are presented with only list items.

在移动应用程序中,用户可以滚动浏览“每日阅读” ,并首先显示列表项。 当他们继续滚动时(您可以说现在处于浏览状态),他们会看到卡片 。 如果用户进行手动搜索,则仅显示列表项。

*These cards are actually a list of archived items, but I am focusing more on the user’s mentality if they are this far down the page


The only difference between Medium’s list items and cards is really just the size of the picture.


当前状态 (Current state)

So it appears that the current definition of a card is something like this:

这样看来, 卡片的当前定义是这样的:

A UI design pattern that groups related information in a significantly-sized container, fostering a browser’s mentality and allowing only a few results to be seen at a time.


From a visual perspective, a card is a large list. From a use case perspective, a card excels when user’s are in a curious or amendable state.

从视觉上看,一张卡片是一个很大的清单 。 从用例的角度来看,当用户处于好奇或可修改状态时, 卡片会表现出色。

卡还是清单? (Card or List?)

The question is not, “should I leverage a card design or list design?”. You should ask:

问题不是,“我应该利用卡片设计还是列表设计?”。 您应该问:

  • how much visual weight do I want each component to have?

  • what mindset are my users in at this point of their experience?


Depending on these answers you may have something that looks very much like a prototypical card/list, or you may have some happy medium.

根据这些答案,您可能会拥有非常像原型 / 列表的东西 ,或者可能拥有一些快乐的媒介。

回到重新设计 (Back to the Redesign)

I learned that my users were not explicitly searching, they were just filtering by their area and more browsing for interesting projects / creatives.


More importantly, the results of user research said people did not mind scrolling through content, and liked to see larger photos without having to drill down. This led me to the following designs:

更重要的是,用户研究的结果表明,人们不介意滚动浏览内容,并且喜欢看更大的照片而不必进行深入研究。 这导致我进行以下设计:

推理设计 (Designs with reasoning)

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Filtered results for Creatives (users).

Like Instagram, photos dominate the user’s decision to click on a result, thus the size of the images. White space separates where to click for the drill down view vs DMing the user. Years user evolution and learning have gotten us to the point where this design not only works, but does it with a simplistic style.

像Instagram一样,照片在用户决定点击结果的决定中占主导地位,从而决定了图像的大小。 空格分隔了向下钻取视图和DM用户的单击位置。 多年的用户发展和学习使我们达到了这种设计不仅有效而且简单的风格。

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Filtered results for Projects.

Similar to the design above, user can click (tap) on any part of the result for the drill down view while swiping on the photo or user attributes will trigger the appropriate carousels. This had led to more engagement as every part of the result is intractable, compared to the original designs that had users guessing what was clickable and what was not.

与上面的设计类似,用户可以在浏览照片的任何部分上单击(点击),同时在照片上滑动,否则用户属性将触发适当的轮播。 与原始设计相比,这导致了更多的参与,因为结果的每个部分都是难以捉摸的,而原始设计使用户只能猜测可点击的内容和不可点击的内容。

设计比较 (Design comparison)

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Creative results. Old vs New.
创意结果。 旧与新。
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Project results. Old vs New.
项目成果。 旧与新。

验证方式 (Validation)

Since I work for a small company, validating the designs (more than just a few user tests) comes down to seeing if any other apps are doing the same thing. Turns out more than a few look very similar 😏

由于我在一家小公司工作,因此对设计进行验证(不仅仅是几个用户测试)归结为查看是否有其他应用程序在做同样的事情。 事实证明,很多看起来非常相似😏

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YouTube and AirBnb’s Home and Explore sections, respectively.

That’s it! Would be happy to hear from people on what they think about these designs 😎

而已! 很高兴听到人们对这些设计的看法😎

*The app I redesigned is called Connective, the super-awesome app where creatives can connect. Download the app here.

*我重新设计的应用程序称为Connective ,这是一款超棒的应用程序,可以在其中连接广告素材。 在此处下载该应用程序。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/where-are-we-now-with-cards-vs-lists-7bd293ae1da0


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