

为什么选择导师+ Linkedin平台? (Why mentorship + Linkedin platform?)

As a recent graduate, I went on Linkedin to seek career advice and mentorship. This idea came so naturally that I was quite surprised by the absence of a complete feature 🤔. As a product designer, I am curious about the “why” and believe this will be a good topic for a design exercise. Therefore, I invited my friend as well as a product designer, Fangzheng Zhu, to start this 4-week exploration with me. 😉

作为应届毕业生,我去了Linkedin寻求职业建议和指导。 这个想法很自然,以至于我对缺少完整功能🤔感到惊讶。 作为产品设计师,我对“为什么”感到好奇,并认为这将是设计练习的好话题。 因此,我邀请我的朋友以及产品设计师朱方正与我一起开始为期4周的探索。 😉

这是一个很好的组合吗? (Is this a good combination?)

Examining the feature through the lenses of desirability, viability, and feasibility, we started with questions like: Are we solving the right pain point? Are we strengthen the foundation of the company and the competitive advantage of the business? Are we contributing to long-term growth?

通过对需求,生存能力和可行性的考察我们从以下问题开始: 我们解决了正确的痛点? 我们是否在巩固公司的基础和业务的竞争优势? 我们在为长期增长做出贡献吗?

We concluded that the mentorship feature is not only in line with the product’s core value proposition but also has significant potential in directing users to other services such as Linkedin Learning or Linkedin Premium.

我们得出的结论是,指导功能不仅符合产品的核心价值主张,而且在将用户引导至其他服务(如Linkedin Learning或Linkedin Premium)方面具有巨大的潜力。

Statistically, according to Linkedin’s research, more than 80% of members on LinkedIn have stated they either want to have a mentor or be one to others, but have a hard time knowing where to start. Besides, based on the strong connection analysis ability Linkedin already have, implicit and explicit user input through mentorship feature can be fed to machine learning with more nuances.

统计数据显示,根据Linkedin的研究LinkedIn上超过80%的成员表示,他们希望有一位导师或与其他人成为一对,但很难知道从哪里开始。 此外,基于Linkedin已有的强大的连接分析能力,通过指导功能进行的隐式和显式用户输入可以馈入更多细微差别的机器学习中。

但是,尽管看起来不错,但为什么我们看不到完整的功能,而只是显示“ 联系主题 ”的简单显示? (However, as good as it seems, why are we not seeing a complete feature but a simple display for “topics of contacting”?)

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Interface for entering topics of contacting

Research shows as early as 2017, Linkedin has launched/tested a mentorship feature that aimed to tap the entire user community to make matches between mentees and leaders with less commitment than traditional mentorship relationships; however, according to the post, while the registration rate remained high, the engagement was not ideal.

研究显示,LinkedIn早在2017年就启动/测试了一项导师功能,该功能旨在利用整个用户社区, 以比传统导师关系更少的投入来进行导师与领导者之间的匹配 ; 但是,据该职位称,虽然注册率仍然很高, 但订婚并不理想

One of the reasons mentorships fail is because the mentee isn’t always able to articulate what they need or asks too much of a mentor.


Hari Srinivasan, vice President of Product Management

产品管理副总裁Hari Srinivasan

Therefore, what comes after high-quality matchmaking? What else support are users looking for? If the feature aims at a low-commitment Q&A for specific situations, can it be replaced by chat-bot service where users can get instant responses at their convenience?

因此,高质量的配对之后会发生什么? 用户还在寻找什么支持? 如果该功能针对特定情况下的低承诺问答,是否可以用聊天机器人服务代替,以便用户可以在方便时获得即时响应?

To address those questions, we conducted a multi-methodology research effort with the help of “5W” to gain a holistic understanding.

为了解决这些问题,我们在“ 5W”的帮助下进行了多方法研究,以全面了解。

Why — Why people want to become a mentor/mentee? Who — Who will make a good match? What — What are people struggling with right now? What do people enjoy most? When — Does the cadence matter? How does duration play in? And Where — Where does the conversation take place; What products are they using?

为什么 -人们为什么要成为导师/受训者? -谁会做出很好的搭配? 什么 -人们现在正在苦苦挣扎? 人们最喜欢什么? 什么时候 -节奏很重要吗? 持续时间如何播放? 在哪里 -对话哪里进行; 他们正在使用什么产品?

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了解导师💡 (Understanding Mentorship💡)

Apart from high-quality matchmaking, in short, these are the additional user needs critical to maintaining a fulfilling mentorship experience.


Mentors would appreciate support in managing contacts, knowing that they are offering helpful advice/seeing their impact, and improve their coaching/critique skills, especially for younger professionals.


Mentees would appreciate support in expanding their connection circles, initiating a natural conversation, and maintaining the relationship.


To capture all our findings in detail and push them to the next steps, we translated the user needs into design challenges through journey mapping and focused on those that can be solved by the interface design. For each step, we put together the identified mood, the job-to-be-done, and our first-round ideas.

为了详细捕获我们的所有发现并将其推进到下一步,我们通过行程映射将用户需求转化为设计挑战,并着重于界面设计可以解决的挑战。 对于每一步,我们将确定的心情,待完成的工作以及我们的第一轮想法汇总在一起。

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Translate user needs/research findings into design challenges through journey mapping

Since most of the user journey is highly likely to happen on mobile, and overall mobile usage accounts for 57% of the traffic, we decided to start our exercise from mobile design.

由于大多数用户旅程很可能发生在移动设备上,并且整个移动设备使用量占流量的57% ,因此我们决定从移动设计开始我们的工作。

根据我们的研究,这是我们要通过设计实现的三个目标: (Based on our research, here are the three goals 🎯we want to achieve through our design:)

  1. Encouraging thoughtful reach out

  2. Facilitating authentic and equal rapport building.

  3. Channeling the energy to foster a sense of supportive community

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Current grid UI for connecting

The ground rule for achieving that will be a central focus on quality in connection over quantity.


👈In comparison to the current design, users are encouraged to connect based on minimal information such as profile pic, name, title, and mutual friends. This is what we want to avoid.

👈与当前设计相比,鼓励用户根据最少的信息(例如个人资料图片,姓名,标题和共同的朋友)进行连接。 这是我们要避免的。

Taking both business and user into consideration, we positioned our mentorship feature as high-quality but lightweight, temporary by default connecting opportunity that leads to a goal-oriented, and time-sensitive conversations. Of course, users are free to stay in touch if they make a strong connection from there. 👏

考虑到业务和用户的考虑,我们将指导功能定位为高质量但轻量级的,默认情况下是暂时的,暂时的连接机会,从而导致面向目标和时间敏感的对话 。 当然,如果用户在那里建立了牢固的联系,则可以自由保持联系。 👏

竞争对手分析🔍 (Competitor Analysis 🔍)

Before we dive in, we took a look at what we can learn from the others. We didn’t limit our research on mentorship products. Instead, we looked across products that bring two strangers together, such as Wisdo for community support, Tandem for language exchange, and Hinge, the dating app.

在我们深入之前,我们先看看可以从其他人那里学到什么。 我们对导师产品的研究没有受到限制。 相反,我们查看了将两个陌生人聚集在一起的产品,例如 Wisdo 提供社区支持, Tandem 提供语言交流以及 Hinge (约会应用程序)。

Here are our three main takeaways👇


  1. To help two strangers quickly get to know each other more efficiently, providing context or product insights can help users digest and interpret information. On top of that, adding transparency in explaining product insights will earn users’ trust, thus boosting their confidence in taking advice from the products.

    为了帮助两个陌生人更有效地彼此了解,提供上下文或产品见解可以帮助用户消化和解释信息。 最重要的是,增加解释产品见解的透明度将赢得用户的信任,从而增强他们从产品中获取建议的信心。
  2. Not just Yes/No, adding different levels of available actions into handling requests that align with users’ mental models would encourage users to stay active in managing contacts.

  3. Prompting users with questions and examples would reduce users’ mental cost in inputting information. At the same time, providing a quick preview would decrease users’ anxiety in maintaining the public profile.

    向用户提示问题和示例将减少用户输入信息的精神成本。 同时,提供快速预览将减少用户维护公开个人资料的焦虑。
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We mainly look into how other products bring two strangers together.

现在是解决问题✏️+💻的有趣部分! 在这里,我们很乐意通过这5个设计挑战分享我们的设计,研究发现和反思。 🤔 (Now came the fun part of problem-solving ✏️+💻 ! Here we’d love to share our design, research findings, and our reflection through these 5 Design Challenges. 🤔)

  1. What are the best ways for mentors/mentees to access the feature based on the current LinkedIn info arch?

  2. How can we accommodate different expectations and gather preference for a quality match?

  3. How can we encourage thoughtful and confident reach out?

  4. How can we help mentors handle requests, and derisk their time waste?

  5. How can we channel the good energy and keep the momentum going?

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Lo-fi wireframe to capture the main steps

01 | 根据当前的LinkedIn信息架构,指导者/受指导者访问功能的最佳方法是什么? (01 | What are the best ways for mentors/mentees to access the feature based on the current LinkedIn info arch?)

According to our quick primary research with 12 users, the results validated our hypothesis that the mentorship feature will not be perceived as a core feature. Instead, it will weave up and support the core functions as it builds in a more nuanced way of making a professional connection.

根据我们对12位用户的快速初步研究, 结果证实了我们的假设,即导师功能不会被视为核心功能。 相反,它将以更加细微的方式建立专业的连接,从而编织并支持核心功能。

In the research, we gave them a scenario. We asked them to imagine that one day, they are told by their friend that Linkedin just launched a new feature for the mentor and mentee matchmaking. We ask them where and how they expect to see the entrance, and then we check with them how similar our low-fidelity entry-point look to the interface in their mind and how they feel about the user flow.

在研究中,我们给了他们一个方案。 我们要求他们想象一下,有一天他们的朋友告诉他们Linkedin刚刚为导师和受训者对接会推出了一项新功能。 我们询问他们希望在哪里看到入口以及如何看到入口,然后与他们一起检查低保真入口点在他们脑海中与界面的相似程度以及他们对用户流的感觉。

According to the research, out of 12 people, 8 of the interviewees assume the entry point would take several clicks instead of on the home page or the main navigation menu, 2 of the interviewees said they imagine there will be a separate app like Linkedin learning. One of them, a senior product strategist, offered his opinion as “The current product should focus less on building more connections. It should think more about content creation and community building. ”

根据研究,在12个人中,有8位受访者认为进入点将需要单击几下,而不是在主页或主导航菜单上,其中2位受访者表示他们会想象会有像Linkedin学习这样的独立应用程序。 其中一位是高级产品策略师,他的观点是:“当前的产品应减少对建立更多联系的关注。 它应该更多地考虑内容创建和社区建设。 ”

In the end, we kept 10 out of the 13 possible entry points across the mobile app that not only align with users’ mental models but also strengthen the current features.


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We explored 13 and kept 10 after lo-fi user testing.
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3 UI examples of entry points

02 | 我们如何适应不同的期望并收集对质量匹配的偏好? (02 | How can we accommodate different expectations and gather preference for a quality match?)

Observation ✍🏻: With a stronger motivation to connect and address specific concerns, mentees are more likely to give information in detail.

观察✍🏻: 由于有较强的联系和解决特定问题的动力,因此受训者更有可能提供详细信息。

The answers we collected from the mentees are 2 times longer than what we received from mentors when asking to explain why they want to join a mentorship program.


From the co-founder of self-organized mentorship program from IIT, Institute of Design


Therefore, we differentiated the setting flows. For mentors, they just need to set basic preferences to get started, while for the mentees, they are required and supported to articulate their goals. For both of them, we created 2 different structures to guild them through the process, provide prompts for them to input more qualitative answers.

因此,我们区分了设置流程。 对于指导者,他们只需要设置基本偏好即可上手,而对于指导者,则需要并得到他们的支持以阐明他们的目标。 对于他们两个,我们创建了两个不同的结构来引导他们完成流程,并提示他们输入更多的定性答案。

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Different setting flows for mentor and mentee
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03 | 我们如何鼓励有思想和自信的参与? (03 | How can we encourage thoughtful and confident reach out?)

Observation ✍🏻: Title intimidates young professionals. 80% of the mentees said they experienced anxiety while reaching out. The more commonality they find, the less anxious they are likely to feel. I strongly resonate with these findings but at the same time I feel in a lot of cases, the anxiety is just unnecessary. When it’s a good fit, the conversation flows naturally. “Homework” helps a lot.

观察✍🏻:标题会吓到年轻的专业人​​员。 80%的受训者说,他们在伸出手时会感到焦虑。 他们发现的共性越多,他们可能就越不感到焦虑。 我对这些发现深感共鸣,但与此同时,我觉得在很多情况下,焦虑是没有必要的。 合适时,对话自然进行。 “作业”有很大帮助。

Therefore, how might we show enough information to help mentees understand their potential mentors without compromising the efficiency in browsing? Also, confidence and expectation matter. How might we set the tone for building equal rapport?

因此,我们如何显示足够的信息来帮助受训者了解他们的潜在导师而又不影响浏览效率? 同样,信心和期望也很重要。 我们如何为建立平等的关系定下基调?

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This is what went behind the scene👇. We made several comparisons before we landed on our final design. We tested them with 6 junior designers, and solution 4 stands out as the most intuitive and efficient one.

这就是幕后故事。 在进行最终设计之前,我们进行了几次比较。 我们与6位初级设计师进行了测试,而解决方案4是最直观,最有效的解决方案。

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Lo-fi prototype for testing

04 | 我们如何帮助指导者处理请求并消除他们的时间浪费? (04 | How can we help mentors handle requests, and derisk their time waste?)

Our survey shows 89% of the mentors care about the number of mentees they take on at the same time. Therefore, we want to support mentors in managing their contacts by building in a default 3-month duration for each new connection. They can opt-out, pause if goal achieved ahead, or extend if there is more to discuss, etc. It is intended to build in a natural off-ramp for both sides, a timing reference to reflect on goals and progress.

我们的调查显示,89%的导师关心他们同时接受的导师人数。 因此,我们希望通过为每个新连接建立默认的3个月持续时间来支持指导者管理其联系人。 他们可以选择退出,如果提前实现目标则暂停,或者如果还有更多讨论需要延长,等等。其目的是为双方建立一个自然的过渡,作为反映目标和进度的时机参考。

The contact list is comprised of three big buckets: pending, active, and past with different call-to-action options.


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05 | 我们如何才能转移好能量并保持势头? (05 | How can we channel the good energy and keep the momentum going?)

Last but not least, we believe this is one of the most meaningful questions to answer for the long-term community cultivation. According to our research with young designers (3–5 years’ of working experience), the top motivation is to give back! We heard a lot of great stories about the generous help they recieved at the beginning of their career and how much they are willing to offer their time now.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们认为这是长期社区建设最有意义的问题之一。 根据我们对年轻设计师的研究(3-5年的工作经验),最大的动机就是回馈 ! 我们听到了很多很棒的故事,这些故事讲述了他们在职业生涯初期获得的慷慨帮助,以及他们现在愿意付出多少时间。

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Therefore we asked ourselves questions like: How can we acknowledge mentors’ contributions? How can we help mentees to reflect and express gratitude in a meaningful way? The task flow we identified here starts with a thank you letter that can be easily turned into a public post. The post will serve as an entry point for others to participate.

因此,我们问自己一些问题,例如:我们如何承认导师的贡献? 我们如何帮助受训者以有意义的方式反映和表达感激之情? 我们在此处确定的任务流程以致谢信开头,该信很容易变成公开帖子。 该帖子将作为其他人参与的切入点。

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最后非常感谢🙏 (A lot of thanks at the end 🙏)

Thank you for reading! Like any other design project, there is always more to improve! Therefore, I’d greatly appreciate any suggestions, comments, and questions 🩺.

感谢您的阅读! 像任何其他设计项目一样,总有更多需要改进的地方! 因此,对于任何建议,评论和问题,我将不胜感激。

Also, a big thanks to designers from the Linkedin team for such a good learning experience and my partner for pulling through this design exercise with me! Here is one piece of his takeaways that I strongly resonate with:

同时,还要感谢Linkedin团队的设计师们提供的如此出色的学习经验,以及我的合作伙伴与我一起完成了这项设计工作! 这是我强烈共鸣的一小部分:

When I tried to challenge the existing system, I found so much random surprise along the way! It is a great opportunity for me to learn design with a product perspective by throwing myself into this excellent product and contemplate every design decision behind it.

当我尝试挑战现有系统时,一路上发现了很多随机惊喜! 对于我来说,这是一个很好的机会,可以从产品的角度学习设计,将自己投入到这款出色的产品中,并考虑其背后的每个设计决策。

On top of that, I didn’t realize the tremendous mentoring I received while working on this mentorship feature until this moment in retrospect. Alumni from IIT, ID formed a tight online community to support each other right after the lockdown. One of the biggest takeaways, the best mentor already sits aside me. Do not underestimate peer mentoring! Here a special thanks to Yenan Lin & Jinjia Huang for their thoughtful critiques along the way 😊.

最重要的是,直到回顾这一刻,我才意识到在从事这项指导功能时获得的巨大指导。 在锁定之后,来自IIT,ID的校友组成了一个紧密的在线社区,相互支持。 最大的收获之一,最好的导师已经坐在我旁边。 不要小看同行的指导! 在这里,特别要感谢林延南黄进佳的批评along。

Also, a big shout to Amazing Design People List that allows me to connect to more than amazing design practitioners who are so generous to offer their time and career advice.

另外,对“ 惊人的设计人员名单”大喊大叫,这使我不仅可以与惊人的设计从业人员联系,他们还慷慨地提供他们的时间和职业建议。

To wrap up, I’d love to share a quote I heard from 2020 AIGA Portfolio Festival that I believe points out the essence of keeping the good energy going and forming a supportive community.

总结一下,我很想分享我在2020 AIGA投资组合节上听到的一句话,我相信指出了保持良好能量并形成支持社区的本质。

The best way to find a mentor is to become a mentor.


Michael Bierut


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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。







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