

When I first saw this cardboard display below, I was inside of a gas station (there was a Tim Hortons inside) waiting in line to buy a tea. This cardboard display was conveniently placed near the Tims, so people would consider buying its products (it was a variety of healthy snacks endorsed by District Ventures Capital) to complement their coffee or tea.

当我第一次在下面看到这个纸板展示架时,我在加油站内(里面有蒂姆·霍顿斯),排队买茶。 这种纸板展示架可方便地放置在蒂姆斯附近,因此人们会考虑购买其产品(这是District Ventures Capital认可的各种健康小吃),以补充其咖啡或茶。

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The cardboard display by District Ventures Capital.
纸板展示架由District Ventures Capital提供。

It was a crafty move. What wasn’t so crafty was the typography for the cardboard display. It looked unfinished, like it was the last draft before it was finalized. And for a project of this size and nature, one wonders why it was overlooked. After all, everything counts when you’re trying to put your best foot forward.

这是一个狡猾的举动。 纸板显示器的版式并不那么狡猾。 它看起来还没有完成,就像是定稿之前的最后草案。 对于一个如此规模和性质的项目,有人想知道为什么它被忽略了。 毕竟,当您试图发挥自己的优势时,一切都至关重要。

Before we take a closer look at the typography, I want to make one thing clear. The goal wasn't to do a redesign but to showcase how typography, when applied with care, can make a difference. This way, you can be aware of such short-comings for your own products or personal projects. Thus producing more well-considered designs.

在我们仔细研究版式之前,我想澄清一件事。 目的不是进行重新设计,而是展示版式在谨慎应用后如何能有所作为 。 这样,您就可以意识到自己的产品或个人项目的这些缺点。 因此产生了更多考虑周全的设计。

是鸟还是飞机? (Is It a Bird or a Plane?)

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Is Canadian Brands a company? Or is it a title?
加拿大品牌是公司吗? 还是标题?

Before we begin, I need to address the confusion around the advertising copy for this display.


When someone looks at this, you can’t blame them for thinking that Canadian Brands is the name of a company or a brand. It’s neither. It’s a headline that is supposed to be Canadian Brands We Know You’ll Love.

当有人看到此内容时,您不能怪他们以为“ 加拿大品牌”是公司或品牌的名称。 两者都不是。 这个标题应该是我们知道您会喜欢的加拿大品牌

When I read this title out loud, however, I read it as follows: Canadian Brands. Pause. We Know You’ll Love.

但是,当我大声朗读该标题时,我的读法如下: 加拿大品牌 。 暂停。 我们知道你会爱上你

Do you see where the confusion lies? It gives the impression Canadian Brands is a separate company with the tagline We Know You’ll Love. How do you solve this issue, and what role would the typography now play? I can’t answer this without knowing the strategy and creative brief for this project. All I know is that it needs to be addressed.

您是否看到混乱所在? 它给人的印象是Canadian Brands是一家标语“ 我们知道你会爱上”的独立公司。 您如何解决这个问题,现在的版式将扮演什么角色? 我不知道这个项目的策略和创意简介就无法回答。 我所知道的是它需要解决。

在关键时刻 (In the Nick of Time)

The font used for this project is called Nickainley Script. Script fonts have four different categories: casual, blackletter, formal, and handwritten. As you might have guessed, Nickainley falls under the handwritten category.

该项目使用的字体称为Nickainley Script 。 脚本字体具有四个不同的类别:休闲字体,黑体字体,正式字体和手写字体。 正如您可能已经猜到的那样,Nickainley属于手写类别。

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Handwritten fonts are fun. They possess a look that’s carefree and casual. Typically, handwritten fonts come in one weight, especially if it’s free, which makes it somewhat limited.

手写字体很有趣。 他们拥有随意随意的外观。 通常情况下,手写字体具有一种权重,尤其是在免费的情况下,这会有所限制。

Generally speaking, a skilled designer will be able to work around some limitations. However, if the font ends up being a critical component of the project or branding, then I would recommend purchasing a professional font (with more weights) that can handle such requirements.

一般来说,熟练的设计师将能够克服一些限制。 但是,如果字体最终成为项目或品牌的重要组成部分,那么我建议您购买可以满足此类要求的专业字体(权重更大)。

没关系。 我是个医生。 (It’s Ok. I’m a Doctor.)

For what it is, the typography for this project isn’t bad, but it’s not great. I wanted to take the existing design and implement a series of small changes to it. The goal was to show how all of these slight adjustments can make a significant difference to your project.

就其本质而言,该项目的版式还不错,但不是很好。 我想采用现有设计并对其进行一系列小的更改。 目的是展示所有这些细微调整如何对您的项目产生重大影响。

All of my adjustments are numbered to make it easy to follow along. Plus, I get to satisfy my OCD. Now let’s start our examination!

我所有的调整都已编号,以方便后续操作。 另外,我可以满足我的强迫症。 现在开始我们的检查!

1.抽奖的运气。 (1. Luck of the draw.)

Based on what you’re trying to spell, the results of using this font will vary when you start mixing uppercase letters with lowercase letters. The below example showcases this mixed result.

根据您要拼写的内容,当您开始混合使用大写字母和小写字母时,使用此字体的结果会有所不同。 以下示例展示了这种混合结果。

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Zig. Pro. Nik.
曲折 亲 尼克

So what do you do if you end up having a bad draw? You’ll have to (a) change the font or (b) make custom changes to suit your needs. Based on the scale of your project, finding a font that suits a variety of needs is worth researching. However, if it’s a small project, you’re probably best to go with option (b) if you can customize it.

那么,如果您最终抽签失败该怎么办? 您必须(a)更改字体或(b)进行自定义更改以满足您的需求。 根据项目的规模,寻找适合各种需求的字体值得研究。 但是,如果它是一个小项目,则可以自定义它,最好使用选项(b)。

2.有些区域需要呼吸室。 (2. Some areas are in need of breathing room.)

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As Nickainley only comes in one weight, the designer for this project decided to make it bold so it could be a headline. They did this by adding a thick stroke to it. Understandable. By adding a thick stroke, however, it created problems within the type.

由于Nickainley的重量仅一磅,因此该项目的设计师决定对其加粗,使其成为标题。 他们为此添加了一个粗笔画。 可以理解的 但是,通过增加粗笔划,它会在类型内产生问题。

I don’t have any problem with improvisation. I’ve been there. However, there’s always a ripple effect, of sorts, when you improvise like this. And these flaws need to be fixed if they are noticeable.

我即兴创作没有任何问题。 我去过那儿。 但是,当您这样即兴创作时,总会产生某种连锁React。 如果发现这些缺陷,则需要对其进行修复。

So what should a designer do in this case? As I mentioned earlier, the designer has no choice but to (a) change the font or (b) make custom changes to suit their needs.

那么设计师在这种情况下应该怎么做? 正如我前面提到的,设计人员别无选择,只能(a)更改字体或(b)进行自定义更改以满足他们的需要。

Unless you’re Ant-Man, the small amount of whitespace left inside of the r and s is unacceptable, because it distorts the overall architecture of the font considerably. This is why I decided to eliminate the loops so it could have some more breathing room. Thus, making everything perfect in the world.

除非您是Ant-Man,否则rs内保留的少量空白是不可接受的,因为它会严重扭曲字体的整体体系结构。 这就是为什么我决定消除循环,以便可以有更多呼吸空间的原因。 因此,使世界上的一切都变得完美。

3.大写字母不连贯。 (3. The uppercase letters were choppy.)

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The next thing I noticed was how choppy the uppercase letters were. Because of the added stroke, the letter B needed to be fixed. The swashes were too close for comfort. When scaled down, they clumped together and put heavy emphasis on this letter.

我注意到的第二件事是大写字母有多断断续续。 由于增加了笔划,因此需要固定字母B。 冲刷距离太近,无法舒适使用。 当按比例缩小时,他们聚在一起,重点放在这封信上。

I decided to rebuild them based on the original design, but with my personal twist. I established a new hierarchy based on the letter a. The height of the uppercase letters is 1 and 2/3 times the x-height; the width of the uppercase letters is 3 times the α-width. Additionally, I simplified the swashes so that they are more refined, legible, and aligned in strategic areas.

我决定根据原始设计来重建它们,但是有我自己的想法。 我根据字母a建立了新的层次结构。 大写字母的高度是x高度的 1和2/3倍; 大写字母的宽度是α宽度的3倍。 此外,我简化了斜率,使它们在战略领域更加精致,清晰易懂且一致。

4.有些尾巴相连,而另一些则没有。 (4. Some tails connected while others didn’t.)

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Now that I customized the type, I also had to make another decision. How do I handle the tails of the capital letters? In this example, the C and a were connected while B and r weren't.

现在,我自定义了类型,我还必须做出另一个决定。 如何处理大写字母的尾巴? 在此示例中, Ca连接在一起,而Br没有连接。

I felt uncomfortable with this inconsistency, so I kept both of them separate while maintaining equal spacing in between. I also aligned certain parts of their tails with the lowercase letters.

我对这种不一致感到不舒服,因此我将两者分开,同时保持了相等的间距。 我还将尾巴的某些部分与小写字母对齐。

5.此字体缺少适当的字距调整。 (5. This font lacks proper kerning.)

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In the original design, the spacing between a, d, and i were all different. This issue can be addressed with kerning. That said, adjusting the spacing can be challenging for script fonts because it can break the link between letters.

在原始设计中, adi之间的间距都不同。 可以通过字距调整解决此问题。 就是说,调整间距对于脚本字体可能是具有挑战性的,因为它可能会断开字母之间的链接。

I wanted to keep the kerning consistent, so I rebuilt the lowercase letters using similar lines.


6.字母a和n的连接点未对齐。 (6. The junctions of letters a and n were not aligned.)

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Lastly, the junctions for a and n were not aligned. Although it may seem trivial, I decided to align everything so that the typography appears even stronger. Details are fun, right?

最后, an的结未对齐。 尽管看似微不足道,但我还是决定将所有内容对齐,以使字体看起来更坚固。 细节很有趣,对不对?

那个绒布肯定看起来漂亮! (That Flannel Sure Looks Pretty!)

Most of the changes I made were small. Yet they collectively made the design cleaner and more balanced.

我所做的大多数更改都是很小的。 然而,他们共同使设计更加整洁和平衡。

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Here’s what the updated design looks like when photoshopped on the cardboard display.


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The updated cardboard display.

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

I hope I was able to show that the subtleties in typography are important. I strongly believe that all design projects require people with a certain amount of expertise and craftsmanship to oversee.

我希望我能够证明排版中的细微之处很重要。 我坚信,所有设计项目都需要具有一定专业知识和Craft.io的人来监督。

However, what do you do when it’s a one-man/woman show? At best, you can consult your design mentors within your department or community who can offer some sound suggestions as well as support. Otherwise, typography books and articles from professional designers will be your best friend.

但是,如果是单人/女性表演,您会怎么做? 充其量,您可以咨询部门或社区内的设计导师,他们可以提供一些合理的建议和支持。 否则,专业设计师的印刷书籍和文章将是您最好的朋友。

Best of luck with your typography journey!


Sharic Bui is a multidisciplinary designer whose focus is on branding and typography. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram and Dribbble.

Sharic Bui是一名多学科设计师,专注于品牌和排版。 您可以在 Twitter Instagram Dribbble 上找到她

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-subtleties-of-typography-c960bf2021f1






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